4,064 research outputs found

    Formation of atom wires on vicinal silicon

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    The formation of atomic wires via pseudomorphic step-edge decoration on vicinal silicon surfaces has been analyzed for Ga on the Si(112) surface using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Density Functional Theory calculations. Based on a chemical potential analysis involving more than thirty candidate structures and considering various fabrication procedures, it is concluded that pseudomorphic growth on stepped Si(112), both under equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions, must favor formation of Ga zig-zag chains rather than linear atom chains. The surface is non-metallic and presents quasi-one dimensional character in the lowest conduction band.Comment: submitte

    Fuzzy Networked Control Systems Design Considering Scheduling Restrictions

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    Nowadays network control systems present a common approximation when connectivity is the issue to be solved based on time delays coupling from external factors. However, this approach tends to be complex in terms of time delays. Therefore, it is necessary to study the behavior of the delays as well as the integration into differential equations of these bounded delays. The related time delays needs to be known a priory but from a dynamic real-time behavior. To do so, the use of priority dynamic Priority exchange scheduling is performed. The objective of this paper is to show a way to tackle multiple time delays that are bounded and the dynamic response from real-time scheduling approximation. The related control law is designed considering fuzzy logic approximation for nonlinear time delays coupling, where the main advantage is the integration of this behavior through extended state space representation keeping certain linear and bounded behavior and leading to a stable situation during events presentation by guaranteeing stability through Lyapunov


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    This study was carried out in the cacao agroforestry system (SAF-cacao) in Cárdenas, Tabasco, México, to quantify the use of timber and non-timber forest resources (RFM and RFNM) in the SAF-cacao. Twenty sampling sites were established, of 0.5 ha, each one with the same number of SAF-cacao, recording in each one the age and total surface, as well as the tree and non-timber species present. For the RFM, the diameter at chest height (DAP1.3m) and total height (Ht) were measured. With these variables, the basal area (AB) and the volume with bark (Vcc, m3 ha-1) were calculated. The AB and Vcc were used to calculate the carbon stored in aerial biomass (CBA, t ha-1). The economic value of the CBA was compared with the economic value of the cacao production. To understand cacao production (Theoborma cacao L.) and the use of RFNM, the owners of each plantation were interviewed; 3,239 trees were recorded, which belong to56 species and 27 families, with the following standing out because of their frequency: Erythrina americana (Fabaceae), Cedrela odorata (Meliaceae) y Colubrina arborescens (Rhamnaceae). As RFNM, 6,308 plants from 53 species grouped in 29 families were found, and they were classified into six categories of use: ornamental 44%, fruit trees 28%, vegetables 25%, medicinal 3%, fodder 0.01% and spices 0.01%. Of the people, 70 % do not use RFNM, 20 % consume them and 10 % sell them. The average cacao yield was 962.5 kg ha-1 with a net income of 5475.00ha1.TheCBAinSAFcacaowas120.35tha1,withacalculatedincomefromsalesof 5475.00 ha-1. The CBA in SAF-cacao was 120.35 t ha-1,with a calculated income from sales of 10,831.00 ha-1.El presente estudio se realizó en el sistema agroforestal cacao (SAF-cacao) en Cárdenas, Tabasco, México para cuantificar el uso de recursos forestales maderables y no maderables (RFM y RFNM) del SAF-cacao. Se establecieron 20 sitios de muestreo de 0.5 ha, cada uno en igual número de SAF-cacao, registrando en cada uno la edad y superficie total, así como las especies arbóreas presentes y las no maderables. Para los RFM se midió el diámetro a la altura de pecho (DAP1.3m) y altura total (Ht). Con estas variables, se calculó el área basal (AB) y volumen con corteza (Vcc, m3 ha-1). El AB y el Vcc se utilizaron para calcular el carbono almacenado en biomasa aérea (CBA, t ha-1). El valor económico del CBA se comparó contra el valor económico de la producción de cacao. Para conocer la producción de cacao (Theoborma cacao L.) y el uso de RFNM se entrevistó a los dueños de cada plantación. Se registraron 3,239 árboles, pertenecientesa 56 especies y 27 familias sobresaliendo por su frecuencia Erythrina americana (Fabaceae), Cedrela odorata (Meliaceae) y Colubrina arborescens (Rhamnaceae). Como RFNM se registraron 6,308 plantas de 53 especies agrupadas en 29 familias, y se clasificaron en seis categorías de uso: ornamentales 44%, frutales 28%, hortícolas 25%, medicinales 3%, forrajes 0.01% y especias 0.01%. El 70% de las personasno le da ningún uso a los RFNM, el 20% los consume y 10% los vende. El rendimiento promedio de cacao fue de 962.5 kg ha-1 con ingreso neto de 5475.00ha1.ElCBAenelSAFcacaofuede120.35tha1,coningresocalculadoporventaen 5475.00 ha-1. El CBA en el SAF-cacao fue de 120.35 t ha-1, con ingreso calculado por venta en 10,831.00 ha-1

    Lista patrón de los tiburones, rayas y quimeras (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) de México

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    Llista patró dels taurons, rajades i quimeres (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) de Mèxic Es presenta una relació de les espècies de taurons, rajades  i quimeres (condrictis) que han estat registrades a les aigües territorials de Mèxic, basada en revisions de bases de dades, literatura, examen físic dels espècimens de col·leccions científiques i registres d’exemplars recol·lectats en treballs de camp durant els darrers quatre anys i que no han estat publicats. La relació conté informació de 214 espècies de condrictis que, com a mínim, han estat registrades a les aigües marines i salobroses de Mèxic, pertanyents a 84 gèneres, 40 famílies i 14 ordres. S’hi inclouen vuit espècies de quimeres, 95 de batoïdeus i 111 de taurons. La condrictiofauna mexicana és una de les més riques del món, amb el 17,3% o més de les espècies conegudes. A més a més, s’ hi inclouen 16 espècies que és probable que siguin presents a Mèxic atesos els seus patrons de distribució.Checklist of sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii, Holocephali) from Mexico We present an annotated checklist of the species of sharks, rays and chimaeras (chondrichthyan fishes) occurring in Mexican waters, based on a thorough review of the literature and electronic database searches, examination of museum collection specimens, and unpublished records obtained during fieldwork conducted in the last four years. The checklist contains information of at least 214 species of chondrichthyan fishes that occur in Mexican marine and brackish waters, assigned to 84 genera, 40 families and 14 orders. It includes eight species of chimaeras, 95 batoids and 111 sharks. Condrichthyan fauna in Mexico is one of the richest in the world, with almost 17.3% of the known species. An additional  16 species are included  as their occurrence in Mexican marine waters is probable according to distributional patterns.Se presenta un listado anotado de las especies de tiburones, rayas y quimeras (Condrictios) que han sido registrados en las aguas territoriales de México, basado en revisiones de bases de datos, literatura, examinación física de los especímenes de colecciones científicas y de registros de ejemplares recolectados en campo durante los últimos cuatro años y que no han sido publicados. El listado contiene información de al menos 214 especies de condrictios que se han registrado en las aguas marinas y salobres de México, pertenecientes a 84 géneros, 40 familias y 14 órdenes. Se incluyen ocho especies de quimeras, 95 de batoideos y 111 de tiburones. La condrictiofauna mexicana es una de las más ricas a nivel mundial, con al menos 17.3% de las especies conocidas. Adicionalmente, 16 especies, se incluyen como especies probables que ocurran en México debido a sus patrones de distribución.Palabras clave: Condrictios, Elasmobranquios, Batoideos, Quimeras, México

    Ga-induced atom wire formation and passivation of stepped Si(112)

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    We present an in-depth analysis of the atomic and electronic structure of the quasi one-dimensional (1D) surface reconstruction of Ga on Si(112) based on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy (STM and STS), Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. A new structural model of the Si(112)6 x 1-Ga surface is inferred. It consists of Ga zig-zag chains that are intersected by quasi-periodic vacancy lines or misfit dislocations. The experimentally observed meandering of the vacancy lines is caused by the co-existence of competing 6 x 1 and 5 x 1 unit cells and by the orientational disorder of symmetry breaking Si-Ga dimers inside the vacancy lines. The Ga atoms are fully coordinated, and the surface is chemically passivated. STS data reveal a semiconducting surface and show excellent agreement with calculated Local Density of States (LDOS) and STS curves. The energy gain obtained by fully passivating the surface calls the idea of step-edge decoration as a viable growth method toward 1D metallic structures into question.Comment: Submitted, 13 pages, accepted in Phys. Rev. B, notational change in Fig.

    Caracterización química y cuantificación del rendimiento de extracción de pigmento en siete accesiones mexicanas de Bixa orellana

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    Achiote (Bixa orellana) is a plant used for obtaining a natural dye rich on carotenoids (mainly bixin and norbixin); it is also the plant species with the highest content of tocotrienols in nature. In the present work, the pigment extraction yield of seven Mexican accessions of Bixa orellana was quantified. Also color parameters and content of tocotrienols, tocopherols, norbixin, bixin, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity were evaluated in the corresponding annatto extracts. The highest percentage of pigment extraction yield was obtained with KOH (4.84%). Accessions 43 (L*= 4.01 ± 0.79, C*= 7.33 ± 1.07, h= 25.76 ± 6.35) and 50 (L*= 3.17 ± 0.64, C*= 6.81 ± 0.53, h= 26.41 ± 4.41) had the lowest color values, meaning these accessions had a darker and redder color. Four accessions showed the highest content of bixin: accession 48 (3.1%), 45 (2.6%) 43 (2.4%) and 47 (2.2%). Accession 50 had showed the highest content of total phenolic compounds and of tocotrienols (T3), mainly the isoform δ-T3 (5.03 ± 0.64 mg g−1 Seed Dry Weight), as well as the highest antioxidant capacity.El achiote (Bixa orellana) es una planta utilizada para obtener un colorante natural rico en carotenoides (principalmente bixina y norbixina); además, es la especie vegetal con el mayor contenido de tocotrienoles. En este trabajo, se determinó el rendimiento de extracción de pigmento de siete accesiones mexicanas de Bixa orellana. También se evaluaron los parámetros de color y el contenido de tocotrienoles, tocoferoles, norbixina, bixina, compuestos fenólicos totales y la capacidad antioxidante en extractos de annato. El mayor porcentaje de rendimiento de extracción de pigmento fue obtenido con KOH (4.847905%). Las accesiones 43 (L*= 4.01 ± 0.79, C*= 7.33 ± 1.07, h= 25.76 ± 6.35) y 50 (L*= 3.17 ± 0.64, C*= 6.81 ± 0.53, h= 26.41 ± 4.41) presentaron los valores más bajos de los párametros de color, lo que significa que estas accesiones tuvieron un color más oscuro y más rojo. Cuatro accesiones mostraron el mayor contenido de bixina: accesión 48 (3.1%), 45 (2.6%) 43 (2.4%) and 47 (2.2%). La accession 50 mostró el mayor contenido de compuestos fenólicos totales y de tocotrienoles (T3), principalmente la isoforma δ-T3 (5.03 ± 0.64 mg g-1 Peso Seco), así como también la mayor capacidad antioxidante.Fil: Raddatz Mota, D.. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; MéxicoFil: Pérez Flores, L. J.. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; MéxicoFil: Carrari, Fernando Oscar. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Insani, Ester Marina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Asis, Ramón. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Mendoza Espinoza, J. A.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Díaz de León Sánchez, F.. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; MéxicoFil: Rivera Cabrera, F.. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; Méxic

    Barrier formation at metal/organic interfaces: dipole formation and the Charge Neutrality Level

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    The barrier formation for metal/organic semiconductor interfaces is analyzed within the Induced Density of Interface States (IDIS) model. Using weak chemisorption theory, we calculate the induced density of states in the organic energy gap and show that it is high enough to control the barrier formation. We calculate the Charge Neutrality Levels of several organic molecules (PTCDA, PTCBI and CBP) and the interface Fermi level for their contact with a Au(111) surface. We find an excellent agreement with the experimental evidence and conclude that the barrier formation is due to the charge transfer between the metal and the states induced in the organic energy gap.Comment: 7 pages, Proceedings of ICFSI-9, Madrid, Spain (September 2003), special issue of Applied Surface Science (in press

    Agroecological Traditional Peasant Knowledge in Mexico

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    The aim of the paper is to present an application of a theoretical and methodological model for the systematization of peasant knowledge about a traditional agriculture practice of family orchards. It is a proposal that involves social participation, community organization and environmental education at three rural localities in the State of Mexico. The methodology applied includes participatory workshops, for obtaining ecological knowledge from farmers related to family orchards and agroecosystems management. The collected information was analyzed to identify aspects related to origin, application, transformation and transmission of traditional knowledge. The last step for knowledge systematization consisted of an important reflection that includes confrontation of the empirical experience with current theoretical approaches. The importance of this research, related to knowledge associated with family orchards, is due to their function of providing products for family subsistence. Because they allow “in situ” germplasm conservation, they favor family integration, foster community relationships, and bring environmental goods and services. Their management is based on vernacular and rational experience of using available natural resources, and represents an alternative for sustainable local development. However, these systems are subject to a disappearance process caused by urban growth, social migration, loss of traditional knowledge about orchard management, and lack of maintenance activities, among other problems that lead to abandonment. The study is based on the theoretical framework of agroecology, environmental education and knowledge systematization

    Chemical physics insight of PPy-based modified ion exchange membranes: a fundamental approach

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    Four commercially available, cost-effective ion exchange membranes (two cationic and two anionic exchange membranes, CEMs and AEMs, respectively) were modified to mitigate crossover phenomena of the redox active species typically observed in Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Batteries (AORFB) systems. The modification strategy was carried out using a pyrrole(Py)-based polymer which successfully reduced the permeation of two redox active organic molecules, a viologen derivative (named BP7 throughout this study) and TEMPOL, by an order of magnitude. Additionally, modified membranes showed not significant changes in ion conductivity, with negligible effect on the electrical conductivity of the membranes at a given conditions. The morphology, physicochemical, mechanical, and electrochemical properties of the membranes were determined to evaluate the impact of these modifications. AEMs modified in this manner were found to have optimal properties, showing an increase in ion exchange capacity while maintaining excellent mechanical stability and unaltered permselectivity. Additionally, the diffusion boundary layer of these AEMs was slightly extended, which suggests a greater double layer stability for ion exchange processes than in the case of CEMs. Our work shows that these modified membranes could be an appealing approach for AORFB applicationsThis work has been funded by the European Union under the HIGREEW project, Affordable High-performance Green Redox Flow batteries (Grant agreement no. 875613). H2020: LC-BAT-4-2019875613