112 research outputs found

    Risk and Subtypes of Stroke Following New-Onset Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation in Coronary Bypass Surgery:A Population-Based Cohort Study

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    BACKGROUND: New‐onset postoperative atrial fibrillation (POAF) develops in approximately one‐third of patients undergoing cardiac surgery and is associated with a higher incidence of ischemic stroke and increased mortality. However, it remains unknown to what extent ischemic stroke events in patients with POAF are cardioembolic and whether anticoagulant therapy is indicated. We investigated the long‐term risk and pathogenesis of postoperative stroke in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting experiencing POAF. METHODS AND RESULTS: This was a register‐based cohort study. Data from the WDHR (Western Denmark Heart Registry) were linked with the DNPR (Danish National Patient Register), the Danish National Prescription Register, and the Cause of Death Register. All stroke diagnoses were verified, and ischemic stroke cases were subclassified according to pathogenesis. Furthermore, investigations of all‐cause mortality and the use of anticoagulation medicine for the individual patient were performed. A total of 7813 patients without a preoperative history of atrial fibrillation underwent isolated coronary artery bypass grafting between January 1, 2010, and December 31, 2018, in Western Denmark. POAF was registered in 2049 (26.2%) patients, and a postoperative ischemic stroke was registered in 195 (2.5%) of the patients. After adjustment, there was no difference in the risk of ischemic stroke (hazard ratio [HR], 1.08 [95% CI, 0.74–1.56]) or all‐cause mortality (HR, 1.09 [95% CI, 0.98–1.23]) between patients who developed POAF and non‐POAF patients. Although not statistically significant, patients with POAF had a higher incidence rate (IR; per 1000 patient‐years) of cardioembolic stroke (IR, 1 [95% CI, 0.6–1.6] versus IR, 0.5 [95% CI, 0.3–0.8]), whereas non‐POAF patients had a higher incidence rate of large‐artery occlusion stroke (IR, 1.1 [95% CI, 0.8–1.5] versus IR, 0.7 [95% CI, 0.4–1.4]). Early initiation of anticoagulation medicine was not associated with a lower risk of ischemic stroke. However, patients with POAF were more likely to die of cardiovascular causes than non‐POAF patients (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: We found no difference in the adjusted risk of postoperative stroke or all‐cause mortality in POAF versus non‐POAF patients. Patients with POAF after coronary artery bypass grafting presented with a higher, although not significant, proportion of ischemic strokes of the cardioembolic type

    Negligible influence of livestock contaminants and sampling system on ammonia measurements with cavity ring-down spectroscopy

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    Emission of ammonia (NH3) is a ubiquitous problem due to the adverse effects of NH3 on the environment and human health. The agricultural sector accounts for nearly all NH3 emissions in Europe. Hence, technologies for the abatement of NH3 emissions from this sector have been in strong demand in recent years. In order to document emissions and evaluate abatement technologies, there is a strong need for reliable NH3 measurement methods. Photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) is often used to measure NH3 concentrations, but recent research shows interference from compounds typically present in livestock production and during agricultural activities. In this work, the performance of cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) from Picarro, as an alternative to PAS, has been tested with respect to method validation under laboratory and field conditions. Potential interferences of 10 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on CRDS NH3 measurement were tested with simultaneous VOC analysis performed by proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS). Both laboratory and field calibrations show excellent linearity over a large dynamic range of NH3 concentrations. The analyzer shows a small humidity effect of up to a few&thinsp;ppb in the extreme case of a nearly water-saturated air stream. Apart from the negligible humidity dependency, no interferences of the tested VOCs were observed. Overall, the CRDS system performs satisfactory and is well suited for measurements of NH3 emissions from livestock production.</p

    ‘This restless enemy of all fertility’: exploring paradigms of coastal dune management in Western Europe over the last 700 years

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    Drifting sand has inundated settlements and damaged agricultural land along the coasts of Western Europe for the last 700 years. The need to control sand migration has been an important driver of the management of coastal sand dunes and here we analyse original archival materials to provide new insights into historically changing coastal dune management practices. Records of coastal sand movement in Denmark, The Netherlands, Britain, Ireland and France were reviewed and three distinct management approaches were identified. The ways in which these approaches have played out in space and time were examined with particular reference to records from landed estates in Britain and Ireland. We demonstrate how historical evidence can be used to inform contemporary debates on dune management strategy and practice. We propose a new place-based approach to the future management of coastal dunes that can incorporate both expert and locally produced ‘knowledges’ and that is underpinned by an understanding of how both natural forces and human interventions have shaped these dune landscapes over time

    The European Forest Plant Species List (EuForPlant): Concept and applications

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    Question When evaluating forests in terms of their biodiversity, distinctiveness and naturalness, the affinity of the constituent species to forests is a crucial parameter. Here we ask to what extent are vascular plant species associated with forests, and does species' affinity to forests vary between European regions? Location Temperate and boreal forest biome of Northwestern and Central Europe. Methods We compiled EuForPlant, a new extensive list of forest vascular plant species in 24 regions spread across 13 European countries using vegetation databases and expert knowledge. Species were region-specifically classified into four categories reflecting the degree of their affinity to forest habitats: 1.1, species of forest interiors; 1.2, species of forest edges and forest openings; 2.1, species that can be found in forest as well as open vegetation; and 2.2, species that can be found partly in forest, but mainly in open vegetation. An additional "O" category was distinguished, covering species typical for non-forest vegetation. Results EuForPlant comprises 1,726 species, including 1,437 herb-layer species, 159 shrubs, 107 trees, 19 lianas and 4 epiphytic parasites. Across regions, generalist forest species (with 450 and 777 species classified as 2.1 and 2.2, respectively) significantly outnumbered specialist forest species (with 250 and 137 species classified as 1.1 and 1.2, respectively). Even though the degree of shifting between the categories of forest affinity among regions was relatively low (on average, 17.5%), about one-third of the forest species (especially 1.2 and 2.2) swapped categories in at least one of the study regions. Conclusions The proposed list can be used widely in vegetation science and global change ecology related to forest biodiversity and community dynamics. Shifting of forest affinity among regions emphasizes the importance of a continental-scale forest plant species list with regional specificity

    Heated indoor swimming pools, infants, and the pathogenesis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a neurogenic hypothesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In a case-control study a statistically significant association was recorded between the introduction of infants to heated indoor swimming pools and the development of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). In this paper, a neurogenic hypothesis is formulated to explain how toxins produced by chlorine in such pools may act deleteriously on the infant's immature central nervous system, comprising brain and spinal cord, to produce the deformity of AIS.</p> <p>Presentation of the hypothesis</p> <p>Through vulnerability of the developing central nervous system to circulating toxins, and because of delayed epigenetic effects, the trunk deformity of AIS does not become evident until adolescence. In mature healthy swimmers using such pools, the circulating neurotoxins detected are chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, and bromoform. Cyanogen chloride and dichloroacetonitrile have also been detected.</p> <p>Testing the hypothesis</p> <p>In infants, the putative portals of entry to the blood could be dermal, oral, or respiratory; and entry of such circulating small molecules to the brain are via the blood-brain barrier, blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier, and circumventricular organs. Barrier mechanisms of the developing brain differ from those of adult brain and have been linked to brain development. During the first 6 months of life cerebrospinal fluid contains higher concentrations of specific proteins relative to plasma, attributed to mechanisms continued from fetal brain development rather than immaturity.</p> <p>Implications of the hypothesis</p> <p>The hypothesis can be tested. If confirmed, there is potential to prevent some children from developing AIS.</p

    Microbial Community and Chemical Characteristics of Swine Manure during Maturation

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    Swine diet formulations have the potential to lower animal emissions, including odor and ammonia (NH3). The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of manure storage duration on manure chemical and microbial properties in swine feeding trials. Three groups of 12 pigs were fed a standard corn–soybean meal diet over a 13-wk period. Urine and feces were collected at each feeding and transferred to 12 manure storage tanks. Manure chemical characteristics and headspace gas concentrations were monitored for NH3, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), volatile fatty acids, phenols, and indoles. Microbial analysis of the stored manure included plate counts, community structure (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis), and metabolic function (Biolog). All odorants in manure and headspace gas concentrations were significantly (p \u3c 0.01) correlated for length of storage using quadratic equations, peaking after Week 5 for all headspace gases and most manure chemical characteristics. Microbial community structure and metabolic utilization patterns showed continued change throughout the 13-wk trial. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis species diversity patterns declined significantly (p \u3c 0.01) with time as substrate utilization declined for sugars and certain amino acids, but functionality increased in the utilization of short chain fatty acids as levels of these compounds increased in manure. Studies to assess the effect of swine diet formulations on manure emissions for odor need to be conducted for a minimum of 5 wk. Efforts to determine the impact of diets on greenhouse gas emissions will require longer periods of study (\u3e13 wk)

    Methane Clumped Isotopes: Progress and Potential for a New Isotopic Tracer

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    The isotopic composition of methane is of longstanding geochemical interest, with important implications for understanding petroleum systems, atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, the global carbon cycle, and life in extreme environments. Recent analytical developments focusing on multiply substituted isotopologues (‘clumped isotopes’) are opening a valuable new window into methane geochemistry. When methane forms in internal isotopic equilibrium, clumped isotopes can provide a direct record of formation temperature, making this property particularly valuable for identifying different methane origins. However, it has also become clear that in certain settings methane clumped isotope measurements record kinetic rather than equilibrium isotope effects. Here we present a substantially expanded dataset of methane clumped isotope analyses, and provide a synthesis of the current interpretive framework for this parameter. In general, clumped isotope measurements indicate plausible formation temperatures for abiotic, thermogenic, and microbial methane in many geological environments, which is encouraging for the further development of this measurement as a geothermometer, and as a tracer for the source of natural gas reservoirs and emissions. We also highlight, however, instances where clumped isotope derived temperatures are higher than expected, and discuss possible factors that could distort equilibrium formation temperature signals. In microbial methane from freshwater ecosystems, in particular, clumped isotope values appear to be controlled by kinetic effects, and may ultimately be useful to study methanogen metabolism
