384 research outputs found

    General Formalism for Evaluating the Impact of Phase Noise on Bloch Vector Rotations

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    Quantum manipulation protocols for quantum sensors and quantum computation often require many single qubit rotations. However, the impact of phase noise in the field that performs the qubit rotations is often neglected or treated only for special cases. We present a general framework for calculating the impact of phase noise on the state of a qubit, as described by its equivalent Bloch vector. The analysis applies to any Bloch vector orientation, and any rotation axis azimuthal angle for both a single pulse, and pulse sequences. Experimental examples are presented for several special cases. We apply the analysis to commonly used composite π\pi-pulse sequences: CORPSE, SCROFULOUS, and BB1, used to suppress static amplitude and detuning errors, and also to spin echo sequences. We expect the formalism presented will help guide the development and evaluation of future quantum manipulation protocols.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    Liquidity risk premia : an empirical analysis of european corporate bond yields

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    In this study we highlight the importance of liquidity risk, especially in periods of market stress, and advocate in favour of an explicit consideration of a liquidity premium when using mark-to-model methodologies to value financial assets. For European corporate bonds, we show that the liquidity premium, calculated as the difference between the yield spread of corporate bonds and the spread of credit default swaps, grew significantly during the recent market turmoil not only in absolute terms but also in relative terms. Although liquidity premiums were far from stable during the time frame of analysis-from 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2009 - on average roughly 40% of corporate yield spreads can be interpreted in terms of liquidity premia. We propose direct matching between the CDS and the underlying reference assets when computing liquidity premia. This differs from what seems to be the industry standard, which is simply to use indices when trying to infer market implied liquidity premia. Although computationally more demanding, the method we use is sounder from a theoretical point of view and produces richer results and analysis. With this method we are able present an analysis of liquidity risk premia per sector of activity

    De novo sequencing, assembly and analysis of the genome of the laboratory strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae CEN.PK113-7D, a model for modern industrial biotechnology

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae CEN.PK 113-7D is widely used for metabolic engineering and systems biology research in industry and academia. We sequenced, assembled, annotated and analyzed its genome. Single-nucleotide variations (SNV), insertions/deletions (indels) and differences in genome organization compared to the reference strain S. cerevisiae S288C were analyzed. In addition to a few large deletions and duplications, nearly 3000 indels were identified in the CEN.PK113-7D genome relative to S288C. These differences were overrepresented in genes whose functions are related to transcriptional regulation and chromatin remodelling. Some of these variations were caused by unstable tandem repeats, suggesting an innate evolvability of the corresponding genes. Besides a previously characterized mutation in adenylate cyclase, the CEN.PK113-7D genome sequence revealed a significant enrichment of non-synonymous mutations in genes encoding for components of the cAMP signalling pathway. Some phenotypic characteristics of the CEN.PK113-7D strains were explained by the presence of additional specific metabolic genes relative to S288C. In particular, the presence of the BIO1 and BIO6 genes correlated with a biotin prototrophy of CEN.PK113-7D. Furthermore, the copy number, chromosomal location and sequences of the MAL loci were resolved. The assembled sequence reveals that CEN.PK113-7D has a mosaic genome that combines characteristics of laboratory strains and wild-industrial strains

    A Context-Specific Role for Retinoblastoma Protein-Dependent Negative Growth Control in Suppressing Mammary Tumorigenesis

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    The ability to respond to anti-growth signals is critical to maintain tissue homeostasis and loss of this negative growth control safeguard is considered a hallmark of cancer. Negative growth regulation generally occurs during the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle, yet the redundancy and complexity among components of this regulatory network has made it difficult to discern how negative growth cues protect cells from aberrant proliferation.The retinoblastoma protein (pRB) acts as the final barrier to prevent cells from entering into the cell cycle. By introducing subtle changes in the endogenous mouse Rb1 gene (Rb1(ΔL)), we have previously shown that interactions at the LXCXE binding cleft are necessary for the proper response to anti-growth signals such as DNA damage and TGF-β, with minimal effects on overall development. This disrupts the balance of pro- and anti-growth signals in mammary epithelium of Rb1(ΔL/ΔL) mice. Here we show that Rb1(ΔL/ΔL) mice are more prone to mammary tumors in the Wap-p53(R172H) transgenic background indicating that negative growth regulation is important for tumor suppression in these mice. In contrast, the same defect in anti-growth control has no impact on Neu-induced mammary tumorigenesis.Our work demonstrates that negative growth control by pRB acts as a crucial barrier against oncogenic transformation. Strikingly, our data also reveals that this tumor suppressive effect is context-dependent

    Why Amphibians Are More Sensitive than Mammals to Xenobiotics

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    Dramatic declines in amphibian populations have been described all over the world since the 1980s. The evidence that the sensitivity to environmental threats is greater in amphibians than in mammals has been generally linked to the observation that amphibians are characterized by a rather permeable skin. Nevertheless, a numerical comparison of data of percutaneous (through the skin) passage between amphibians and mammals is lacking. Therefore, in this investigation we have measured the percutaneous passage of two test molecules (mannitol and antipyrine) and three heavily used herbicides (atrazine, paraquat and glyphosate) in the skin of the frog Rana esculenta (amphibians) and of the pig ear (mammals), by using the same experimental protocol and a simple apparatus which minimizes the edge effect, occurring when the tissue is clamped in the usually used experimental device

    Paternity analysis of pollen-mediated gene flow for Fraxinus excelsior L. in a chronically fragmented landscape

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    Paternity analysis based on microsatellite marker genotyping was used to infer contemporary genetic connectivity by pollen of three population remnants of the wind-pollinated, wind-dispersed tree Fraxinus excelsior, in a deforested Scottish landscape. By deterministically accounting for genotyping error and comparing a range of assignment methods, individual-based paternity assignments were used to derive population-level estimates of gene flow. Pollen immigration into a 300ha landscape represents between 43% and 68% of effective pollination, mostly depending on assignment method. Individual male reproductive success is unequal, with 31 of 48 trees fertilising one seed or more, but only three trees fertilising more than ten seeds. Spatial analysis suggests a fat-tailed pollen dispersal curve with 85% of detected pollination occurring within 100m, and 15% spreading between 300m and 1900m from the source. Identification of immigrating pollen sourced from two neighbouring remnants indicates further effective dispersal at 2900m. Pollen exchange among remnants is driven by population size rather than geographic distance, with larger remnants acting predominantly as pollen donors, and smaller remnants as pollen recipients. Enhanced wind dispersal of pollen in a barren landscape ensures that the seed produced within the catchment includes genetic material from a wide geographic area. However, gene flow estimates based on analysis of non-dispersed seeds were shown to underestimate realised gene immigration into the remnants by a factor of two suggesting that predictive landscape conservation requires integrated estimates of post-recruitment gene flow occurring via both pollen and seed