605 research outputs found

    The obtention of simian virus 40 recombinants carrying d(CG.GC)n, d(CA.GT)n and d(CT.GA)n sequences. Stability of the inserted simple repeating sequences

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    4 pages, 3 figures.-- PMID: 2820728 [PubMed].-- Available online Mar 3, 2005.A general strategy for the introduction of simple repeating DNA sequences into the simian virus 40 (SV40) has been developed. SV40 recombinants carrying d(CG · GC)5, d(CA · GT)30 or d(CT · GA)22 insertions at either the TaqI site (position 4739) or the HpaII site (position 346) were obtained and the stability of the inserted DNA sequences studied. The palindromic potentially Z-DNA-forming d(CG · GC)n sequence was found to be highly unstable when compared to either d(CA · GT)n or d(CT · GA)n.This work was supported by grants from the Comision Asesora de lnvestigacion Cientifica y Tecnica, the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientzficas (CSIC) and the Comissio Interdepertamental de Recerca i Innovacio Tecnologica. J. M. C. was a recipient of a doctoral fellowship from the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia. M. J. E. was supported by a fellowship from the Medical Research Council of Canada. A. R. C. was a postdoctoral fellow from the C. S. I. C.Peer reviewe

    Taxation of unhealthy consumption of food and drinks: An updated literature review

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    By means of a literature review this paper aims at shedding more light on the potentialities of unhealthy food/drink taxation in changing eating patterns and life styles and hence combating the obesity epidemic. One remarkable point that emerges when assessing the set of selected papers is the existence of a wide diversity of objectives, methodologies, settings and datasets, policies implemented and results achieved by all these studies, which undoubtedly adds complexity to any attempt to draw a general conclusion on fast food taxation. Most of the examined studies predict a rather modest fiscal impact on unhealthy food and drinks consumption and/or nutrition intake and consequently a poor result on weight loss and obesity, by the interplay of several factors among them the effects of cross-price elasticities

    Thermodynamic properties of CO2 + SO2 + CH4 mixtures over wide ranges of temperature and pressure. Evaluation of CO2/SO2 co-capture in presence of CH4 for CCS

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    In this work, density, vapor-liquid equilibrium and speed of sound measurements of the mixtures [CO2+ 4.72 mol% SO2+ 1.85 mol% CH4] and [CO2+ 0.09 mol% SO2+ 1.54 mol% CH4] were performed over the temperature range 263-373 K and at pressures of up to 30 MPa for density and up to 190 MPa for speed of sound. For the speed of sound measurements, the mixtures were doped with congruent to 0.8 mol% CH3OH. We compared our results to the values calculated using an extended version of the equation of state for combustion gases (EOSCG) that includes binary models for the CO2+ SO2 and CO2+ CH4 subsystems, and a perturbed-chain statistical associating fluid theory (PC-SAFT) equation of state, validating both equations in this way. From our experimental results, we evaluated the impact of the simultaneous presence of SO2 and CH4 as impurities in anthropogenic CO2 on selected parameters for carbon capture and storage technology. With the understanding that chemical effects have not been considered, we concluded that the presence of 4.72 mol% SO2 compensates for the negative effect of 1.85 mol% CH4 on most of the studied parameters, resulting in a favorable fluid for carbon, capture and storage, contrary to the mixture with 0.09 mol% SO2 and 1.54 mol% CH4

    Modeling Evolutionary Dynamics of Lurking in Social Networks

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    Lurking is a complex user-behavioral phenomenon that occurs in all large-scale online communities and social networks. It generally refers to the behavior characterizing users that benefit from the information produced by others in the community without actively contributing back to the production of social content. The amount and evolution of lurkers may strongly affect an online social environment, therefore understanding the lurking dynamics and identifying strategies to curb this trend are relevant problems. In this regard, we introduce the Lurker Game, i.e., a model for analyzing the transitions from a lurking to a non-lurking (i.e., active) user role, and vice versa, in terms of evolutionary game theory. We evaluate the proposed Lurker Game by arranging agents on complex networks and analyzing the system evolution, seeking relations between the network topology and the final equilibrium of the game. Results suggest that the Lurker Game is suitable to model the lurking dynamics, showing how the adoption of rewarding mechanisms combined with the modeling of hypothetical heterogeneity of users' interests may lead users in an online community towards a cooperative behavior.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. Accepted at CompleNet 201

    Analysis of vineyard differential management zones and relation to vine development, grape maturity and quality

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    The objective of research was to analyse the potential of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) maps from satellite images, yield maps and grapevine fertility and load variables to delineate zones with different wine grape properties for selective harvesting. Two vineyard blocks located in NE Spain (Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah) were analysed. The NDVI was computed from a Quickbird-2 multi-spectral image at veraison (July 2005). Yield data was acquired by means of a yield monitor during September 2005. Other variables, such as the number of buds, number of shoots, number of wine grape clusters and weight of 100 berries were sampled in a 10 rows × 5 vines pattern and used as input variables, in combination with the NDVI, to define the clusters as alternative to yield maps. Two days prior to the harvesting, grape samples were taken. The analysed variables were probable alcoholic degree, pH of the juice, total acidity, total phenolics, colour, anthocyanins and tannins. The input variables, alone or in combination, were clustered (2 and 3 Clusters) by using the ISODATA algorithm, and an analysis of variance and a multiple rang test were performed. The results show that the zones derived from the NDVI maps are more effective to differentiate grape maturity and quality variables than the zones derived from the yield maps. The inclusion of other grapevine fertility and load variables did not improve the results.El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar el potencial de mapas del índice de vegetación de la diferencia normalizada (NDVI) a partir de imágenes de satélite, mapas de cosecha y variables de fertilidad y carga de las cepas para delinear zonas de manejo con diferentes propiedades de madurez y calidad de la uva. Se estudiaron dos parcelas localizadas en el NE de España (Cabernet Sauvignon y Syrah). El NDVI fue derivado de una imagen multiespectral Quickbird-2 adquirida en el envero (julio 2005). Los datos de cosecha fueron obtenidos por medio de un monitor de rendimiento en septiembre de 2005. Otras variables, tales como el número de yemas, número de sarmientos, número de racimos y peso de 100 bayas fueron muestreados en un marco de 10 filas × 5 cepas. Estas variables fueron usadas, en combinación con el NDVI, para definir los aglomerados (clusters) como alternativa a los derivados de los mapas de cosecha. Dos días antes de la vendimia se muestreó la uva. Las propiedades analizadas fueron el grado alcohólico probable, el pH del mosto, la acidez total, los polifenoles totales, el color, los antocianos y los taninos. Las variables de entrada, solas o en combinación, fueron aglomeradas (2 y 3 aglomerados) por medio del algoritmo ISODATA, llevando a cabo después un análisis de varianza y de rangos múltiples. Los resultados muestran que las zonas derivadas de los mapas de NDVI son más efectivos para diferenciar uvas con diferentes propiedades de madurez y calidad que no las zonas derivadas de los mapas de cosecha. La inclusión de otras variables de fertilidad y carga de las cepas no mejoró los resultados

    Soluble and insoluble dietary fibre intake and risk factors for metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease in middle-aged adults: The AWHS cohort

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    Introduction: The Westernization of the Mediterranean lifestyle has led to a modification of certain dietary habits such as a decrease in the consumption of dietary fibre-rich foods. The impact of these changes on cardiovascular diseases (CVD) has been studied over the last few years and the effect of the different sources of fibre on cardiovascular risk parameters and coronary heart disease (CHD) continues to create controversy. Objective: To evaluate the association between the source of dietary fibre and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and other cardiovascular risk factors in a Spanish working population. Subjects and methods: The study was carried out in a sample of 1592 Spanish workers free of CVD (40-55 years old) within the Aragon Workers' Health Study (AWHS) cohort. Sociodemographic, anthropometric, clinical and biochemical data were collected. Fibre intake was assessed by means of a validated 136-items semiquantitative food-frequency questionnaire. MetS was defined by using the modified National Cholesterol Education Programme-Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATP III) definition. Results: After adjusting for possible confounding factors, we found an inverse association between insoluble fibre intake and systolic and diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglycerides, apolipoprotein B100 and ratio TG/HDL. Soluble fibre was inversely associated with triglycerides and apolipoprotein B100. Furthermore, prevalence of MetS was found to be lower (OR 0.62, 95% CI: 0.40-0.96) in those participants in the highest quartile of insoluble fibre intake. Conclusion: A higher intake of insoluble fibre could play an important role in the control and management of hypertension, lipid profile and MetS. Introducción: La occidentalización del estilo de vida mediterráneo ha dado lugar a una modificación de ciertos hábitos dietéticos, tales como una disminución en el consumo de alimentos ricos en fibra dietética. El impacto de estos cambios sobre las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) se ha estudiado en los últimos años y el efecto de las diferentes fuentes de fibra en los parámetros de riesgo cardiovascular y en la enfermedad coronaria sigue creando controversia. Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación entre la fuente de fibra dietética y la prevalencia de síndrome metabólico (SM) y otros factores de riesgo cardiovascular en una población laboral española. Sujetos y métodos: El estudio se llevó a cabo en una muestra de 1592 trabajadores españoles libres de ECV (40-55 años) pertenecientes a la cohorte del Estudio de la Salud de los Trabajadores de Aragón (AWHS). Se recogieron datos sociodemográficos, antropométricos, clínicos y bioquímicos. La ingesta de fibra se evaluó por medio de un cuestionario semicuantitativo de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos de 136-items previamente validado. Para la definición de SM se siguieron los criterios del Programa Nacional de Educación del Colesterol en el marco del III Panel de Tratamiento de Adultos (NCEPATP III). Resultados: Se encontró una asociación inversa entre el consumo de fibra insoluble y la presión arterial sistólica y diastólica, colesterol total, triglicéridos, apolipoproteína B100 y la relación TG/HDL, tras ajustar por posibles factores de confusión. Así mismo, la fibra soluble se asoció inversamente con triglicéridos y apolipoproteína B100. Además, se encontró una menor prevalencia de SM (OR 0.62, IC del 95%: 0.40 a 0.96) en aquellos participantes en el cuartil más alto de consumo de fibra insoluble. Conclusión: Una mayor ingesta de fibra insoluble puede desempeñar un papel importante en el control y manejo de la hipertensión, el perfil lipídico y el SM