212 research outputs found

    Interrelationships between human capital and social capital in small and medium sized firms: The effect of age and sector of activity

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    This study explores the interconnection between human factors and social factors and analyses the relations influenced by the specific activity and age of firms. A statistical approach is implemented which applies factor analysis techniques, based on a sample of small and medium sized firms from four sectors of activity which are between four and fifteen years old, and are split into three time periods. It is found that there are interconnected groups of human capital and social capital factors, although a sizeable proportion of the literature conceptually separates these factors and deals with them individually. It is also ascertained that this relationship is influenced by the field of activity and the age of the firms.Entrepreneurship, Factor analysis, Human capital, Management, Social capital

    Mesoporous acid catalysts for renewable raw-material conversion into chemicals and fuel

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    Mesoporous catalysts, such as silica (PMOs, MCM-41, SBA-15) and activated carbons, have been used in heterogeneous catalysis, due to a combination of high surface areas and controlled pore sizes. These mesoporous materials have been used as catalyst in a wide range of chemical reactions. Due to environmental pressure and a decrease in fossil fuel sources, alternative fuel sources, such as biomass or renewable feedstock sources, have become increasingly popular. Traditionally, the biomass conversion is carried out over homogeneous catalysts. However, homogeneous catalysts have some disadvantages, such as difficulty in separations and the production of toxic waste. Solid catalysts can replace the homogeneous ones in order to make the processes simpler and more environmentally benign. Heterogeneous catalysts have been used in different reactions biomass conversion. In this work, the use of mesoporous acid catalysts (silica and activated carbons) for the biomass conversion into chemicals and fuel will be reviewed

    Valores, actitudes y comportamientos sociopolĂ­ticos de los estudiantes portugueses de economĂ­a

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    Previous research on the Portuguese case confirmed free-riding, free-marketer and right-wing political inclinations among economics students. Further scrutiny was endeavored here, perceiving also a considerably increased interest for politics, notwithstanding the lack of concern for public problems. Various aspects of free-riding proclivity were distinguished and discussed, relating them with youngsters’ risk-loving and sensation-seeking tendencies, but also with a number of other facets specific to economics students, including: prevalence of achievement values, contextual influences on morals, peer pressure, perceived group status and social expectations regarding the economic profession.Pesquisas anteriores sobre o caso portuguĂȘs confirmaram inclinaçÔes polĂ­ticas de direita e prĂł-mercado entre os estudantes de economia, a par duma maior tendĂȘncia para o free-riding. Investigação subsequente, ora exposta, permitiu perceber tambĂ©m uma atração acrescida pela polĂ­tica, nĂŁo obstante a falta de interesse pelos problemas pĂșblicos. Diversos aspetos da inclinação free-rider foram distinguidos, relacionando-os com propensĂŁo juvenil para o risco e a busca de sensaçÔes, mas tambĂ©m com traços especĂ­ficos dos estudantes de economia, incluindo: prevalĂȘncia de valores de realização, influĂȘncias contextuais na moralidade, pressĂŁo dos pares, perceção de status e expetativas associadas Ă  profissĂŁo de economista.Des Ă©tudes antĂ©rieures ont confirmĂ© la prĂ©valence de tendances politiques de droite et pro-marchĂ© parmi les Ă©tudiants d’économie au Portugal, parallĂšlement Ă  une inclination accrue pour le free-riding. Des recherches subsĂ©quentes, ici exposĂ©s, ont dĂ©tectĂ© aussi une intense attraction par la politique, malgrĂ© l’indiffĂ©rence vers la vie publique. Plusieurs aspects de la pente vers le free-riding ont Ă©tĂ© distinguĂ©s, en les rapportant Ă  la propension des jeunes pour le risque et la recherche de sensations, mais Ă©galement Ă  des traits spĂ©cifiques des Ă©tudiants d’économie, nommĂ©ment: valeurs d’accomplissement, influences contextuelles sur la moralitĂ©, pression des pairs, perception de statut et attentes relatives Ă  la profession d’économiste.Pesquisas anteriores en el caso portuguĂ©s confirmaron inclinaciones polĂ­ticas de derecha y pro-mercado entre los estudiantes de economĂ­a, en paralelo con una mayor tendencia al free-riding. InvestigaciĂłn subsiguiente, aquĂ­ expuesta, permitiĂł percibir tambiĂ©n una mayor atracciĂłn por la polĂ­tica, pero sin interĂ©s por asuntos pĂșblicos. Diversos aspectos de la inclinaciĂłn free-rider fueron distinguidos, relacionĂĄndolos con la propensiĂłn juvenil hacia el riesgo y la bĂșsqueda de sensaciones, pero tambiĂ©n con aspectos especĂ­ficos de los estudiantes de economĂ­a: prevalencia de valores de realizaciĂłn, influencias contextuales en la moralidad, presiĂłn de los pares, percepciĂłn de status y expectativas relativas a la profesiĂłn de economista

    Human capital, social capital and organizational performance

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    Purpose – The aim of this paper is to evaluate the human capital and social capital of managers and the influence of these attributes on the performance of small and medium-sized Portuguese companies. Design/methodology/approach – The structural modeling approach was applied to a sample of 199 small and medium-sized companies aged between 3 and 15 years, from five different sectors of activity. Findings – It was found that human capital affects social capital, and that experience and cognitive ability influence personal relations and complicity. Organizational performance is strongly influenced by human capital through the cognitive ability of the manager. Practical implications – Based on these findings managers can gain a better knowledge about how to improve the performance of their firms, for example through adjustments in communication methods or strategic decision capacities. Originality/value – This work is innovative in the sense that it confirms the influence of human capital on social capital, and shows that it is cognitive ability that affects organizational performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    HCV Infection in Patients with Hereditary Bleeding Disorders

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    Introduction: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in patients with hereditary bleeding disorders (HBDs), as a consequence of treatment with transfusion of human bloodderived components between the late 1970s and 1980s, represents a major health concern. Objectives: Assessment and evaluation of the burden of HCV infection, its complications, and treatment in a population of patients with HBDs. Methods: Analysis of a series of 161 patients with HBDs treated in the Immunohemotherapy Service of the Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central (Lisboa, Portugal), consultation and systematic review of the patients clinical processes, elaboration of a database comprising the information gathered; and statistical study of its variables: age, gender, degree of severity of the bleeding disorder, treatment modality, and major and minor complications of HCV infection. Results: Sixty-five (40%) of the 161 patients have HCV infection. Among the patients with hemophilia A, 36% are severe and 62% of those have HCV infection; 9% moderate with 57%; 25% mild with 20%. In the hemophilia B group, 8% are severe with 23% infected and 6% moderate or mild with 10%. Concerning the patients with von Willebrand disease, 12% have type 2 with 16% infected and 4% have type 3 with 86%. Conclusions: HCV infection represents a very significant complication of the treatment employed in the past in the studied population. Considering that most of these patients were infected in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and the natural evolution of HCV infection in patients without bleeding disorders, it is expected that the prevalence of major complications will rise significantly in the coming years. Prophylactic measures should be implemented to enhance the follow-up protocols and prevent further development of liver damage in these patients

    Valorisation of glycerol into biofuel additives over heterogeneous catalysts

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    Transesterification of glycerol with methyl acetate was carried out over resins, poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and chitosan (CH) with sulfonic acid groups at 70Âș C. The products of glycerol transesterification are monoacetin, diacetin and triacetin. It was observed that the catalytic activity increases with the amount of sulfonic acid groups on materials. The CH material showed the highest catalytic activity of all catalysts. In order to study the catalytic stability of CH-SO3H, three consecutive batch runs with the same catalyst were carried out. The CH-SO3H catalyst can be recycled and reused with negligible loss in the activity, after third use

    Water, waste, energy and food nexus in Brazil: Identifying a resource interlinkage research agenda through a systematic review

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    The resource nexus consists of a framework to address interlinkages between natural resources and systems that provide water, energy, food and waste management. It transcends traditional assessments conducted in “silos”, raising trade-offs and synergies that are rarely acknowledged. The nexus framework is intrinsically context-specific, as each respective region has particularities in terms of critical interlinkages. Brazil is the world's eighth largest economy [1] and is heavily reliant on natural resources. This paper considers Brazil to be a textbook case for nexus research that identifies critical interlinkages that are neglected by literature, which is typically based on single-resource analysis. It proposes a research agenda to advance resource nexus assessments and improve resource governance in Brazil. We propose a novel method for nexus research, systematically reviewing geographical context-specific papers in relevant single nexus dimensions and establishing resource interlinkages that characterise research gaps and policy priorities. We found that 36% of practices reviewed involve more than one resource at a time, characterising interlinkages not analysed by the literature. Lastly, selected quantitative indicators were used to identify critical interlinkages by analysing the representativeness of practices in the national context, and the relevance of synergies or trade-offs for Brazil. Critical interlinkages in Brazil were found to be irrigation for energy crop expansion (water, food and energy); transport biofuels and fuelwood (water, energy, food); deforestation for new pasture (water, energy, food); and hydropower generation (water and energy). These are, therefore, priorities for future nexus research and for efforts to address synergies and trade-offs in resource governance

    A taxonomy of critical factors towards Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management 4.0 in developing countries– A systematic review and fuzzy group decision-making

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    Supply chain disruptions, intensified by black swan events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, have increased the interest in resilient supply chains, which can be achieved by adopting sustainable Industry 4.0 (I4.0) practices. However, the critical success factors (CSFs) for sustainable I4.0 in operations and supply chain management (S-OSCM4.0) are unclear, and there is a lack of a holistic and empirically validated taxonomy of CSFs from multiple stakeholders' perspectives to guide organizations in this transition. Moreover, developing countries face specific challenges that require prioritizing the proper set of CSFs for sustainable digitalization. Therefore, this paper aims to develop a CSFs-based taxonomy for S-OSCM4.0 to help organizations stay current in I4.0 adoption and integrate sustainability in OSCM. We first conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) of 131 papers using bibliometric and content analyses and synthesized the theoretical findings into an alpha taxonomy of CSFs following an inductive approach. Then, we employed a Delphi survey technique combining fuzzy logic to solicit experts' perceptions from a developing country to analyze and validate the taxonomy and determine the most pertinent CSFs, resulting in a beta taxonomy of CSFs for S-OSCM4.0. The developed taxonomy represents a pioneering managerial artefact that can guide sustainable development through an inclusive digital transformation with less environmental impact, contributing to decision-making in S-OSCM4.0, especially for operations in developing countries

    Relevùncia da Infecção VHC em Coagulopatias Congénitas

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    Introdução: A infecção pelo vĂ­rus da hepatite C (VHC) em doentes com coagulopatias congĂ©nitas (CC), como consequĂȘncia da terapĂȘutica empregue entre os anos 70 e 80 com transfusĂŁo de derivados de plasma humano, constitui um problema de saĂșde substancial e relevante. Objectivos: AnĂĄlise e avaliação da relevĂąncia representada pela infecção VHC e suas complicaçÔes no tratamento duma população de doentes com CC. MĂ©todos: AnĂĄlise retrospectiva duma sĂ©rie de 161 doentes com CC tratados no Serviço de Imunohemoterapia do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central (Lisboa, Portugal). RevisĂŁo sistemĂĄtica de processos clĂ­nicos. Elaboração duma base de dados compreendendo a informação reunida e estudo estatĂ­stico das suas variĂĄveis: idade, gĂ©nero, tipo e gravidade da coagulopatia e modalidade de tratamento. Relativamente Ă  infecção por VHC: genotipo, tipo e duração do tratamento, frequĂȘncia de resposta mantida ao tratamento e recidiva, co-infecçÔes e complicaçÔes major e minor. Resultados: Dos 161 doentes 65 (40%) estĂŁo infectados pelo VHC. Dos doentes com hemofilia A: 36% sĂŁo grave e 62% dos quais estĂŁo infectados pelo VHC; 9% moderada com 57%; 25% ligeira com 20%. No grupo da hemofilia B: 8% sĂŁo grave com 23% infectados e 6% moderada ou ligeira com 10%. Relativamente ao grupo com doença de von Willebrand: 12% sĂŁo tipo 2 com 16% infectados e 4% tipo 3 com 86%. Uma coorte de 26 doentes foi submetida a terapĂȘutica para a infecção pelo VHC, com o primeiro doente a receber tratamento em 1993. Destes, 5 eram seropositivos para o VIH. O tratamento variou de monoterapia com interferĂŁo a terapĂȘutica combinada de interferĂŁo ou interferĂŁo-peguilado com ribavirina. ConclusĂ”es: A infecção pelo VHC representa uma complicação significativa do tratamento empregue no passado na população em estudo. Considerando que a maioria destes doentes foi infectada nos finais dos anos 70 e inĂ­cio dos anos 80 assim como a evolução natural da infecção pelo VHC em doentes sem CC, prevĂȘ-se que a prevalĂȘncia de complicaçÔes major deverĂĄ aumentar significativamente nos prĂłximos anos. É de suma importĂąncia a implementação de medidas profilĂĄcticas na revisĂŁo e adaptação dos protocolos de seguimento de forma a prevenir a progressĂŁo da patologia hepĂĄtica nestes doentes

    Estimating a Path through a Map of Decision Making

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    Studies of the evolution of collective behavior consider the payoffs of individual versus social learning. We have previously proposed that the relative magnitude of social versus individual learning could be compared against the transparency of payoff, also known as the “transparency” of the decision, through a heuristic, two-dimensional map. Moving from west to east, the estimated strength of social influence increases. As the decision maker proceeds from south to north, transparency of choice increases, and it becomes easier to identify the best choice itself and/or the best social role model from whom to learn (depending on position on east–west axis). Here we show how to parameterize the functions that underlie the map, how to estimate these functions, and thus how to describe estimated paths through the map. We develop estimation methods on artificial data sets and discuss real-world applications such as modeling changes in health decisions
