122 research outputs found

    CB1 Receptors Regulate Alcohol-Seeking Behavior and Alcohol Self-administration of Female Alcohol-Preferring (P) Rats

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    Rationale The endogenous cannabinoid (CB) system mediates a number of behaviors associated with drug-seeking and drug self-administration. In this study the effects of CB1 receptor manipulations on operant ethanol (EtOH) responding during EtOH-seeking, EtOH- relapse as well as on-going EtOH self-administration were determined. Methods Alcohol-preferring (P) rats were trained in 2-lever operant chambers to self-administer 15% EtOH (v/v) and water on a concurrent fixed-ratio 5 – fixed-ratio 1 (FR5-FR1) schedule of reinforcement in daily 1-hr sessions. After 10 weeks, rats underwent 7 extinction sessions, followed by 2 weeks in their home cages without access to EtOH or operant chambers. Rats were then returned to the operant chambers for testing of EtOH-seeking behavior (no EtOH present) for 4 sessions. After a week in their home cages following the EtOH-seeking test, rats were returned to the operant chambers with access to EtOH and water (relapse). Rats were then maintained in the operant chambers for daily 1-hr sessions with access to 15% EtOH and water for several weeks. Results The CB1 receptor antagonist (SR141716A), at doses of 1 and 2 mg/kg, i.p. reduced EtOH-seeking and transiently reduced EtOH self-administration during relapse and maintenance. Conversely, treatment with the CB1 receptor agonist CP, 55-940, at doses of 1 and 10 μg/kg i.p., increased EtOH-seeking and EtOH self-administration during relapse. Conclusions The results of this study demonstrate that activation of CB1 receptors are involved in regulating EtOH-seeking as well as the reinforcing effects of EtOH under relapse and on-going self-administration conditions

    Nicotine Modulates Alcohol-Seeking and Relapse by Alcohol-Preferring (P) Rats in a Time Dependent Manner

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    Background— Alcohol is frequently co-abused with smoking. In humans, nicotine use can increase alcohol craving and consumption. The objectives of the current study were to assess the acute effects of nicotine on alcohol seeking and relapse at two different time points. Method— Adult female alcohol-preferring (P) rats were trained in 2-lever operant chambers to self-administer 15% EtOH (v/v) and water on a concurrent fixed-ratio 5 – fixed-ratio 1 (FR5-FR1) schedule of reinforcement in daily 1-hr sessions. Following 10 weeks of daily 1-hr sessions, rats underwent 7 extinction sessions, followed by 2 weeks in their home cages. Rats were then returned to the operant chambers without EtOH or water being present for 4 sessions (Pavlovian Spontaneous Recovery [PSR]). Rats were then given a week in their home cage before being returned to the operant chambers with access to EtOH and water (relapse). Nicotine (0, 0.1, 0.3, or 1.0 mg/kg) was injected s.c. immediately or 4-hr prior to PSR or relapse testing. Results— Injections of nicotine immediately prior to testing reduced (5–10 responses PSR; 50– 60 responses relapse), whereas injections of nicotine 4-hr prior to testing increased (up to 150 responses for PSR; up to 400 responses for relapse with 1.0 mg/kg dose) responses on the EtOH lever during PSR and relapse tests. Discussion— The results of this study demonstrate that acute effects of nicotine on EtOH- seeking and relapse behaviors may be time-dependent, with the immediate effects being a result of nicotine possibly acting as a substitute for EtOH whereas, with a delay of 4-hr, priming effects of nicotine alterations in nicotinic receptors, and/or the effects of nicotine’s metabolites (i.e., cotinine, nornicotine) may enhance the expression of EtOH-seeking and relapse behaviors

    Selective breeding for high alcohol consumption and response to nicotine: locomotor activity, dopaminergic in the mesolimbic system, and innate genetic differences in male and female alcohol-preferring, non-preferring, and replicate lines of high-alcohol drinking and low-alcohol drinking rats

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    Rationale There is evidence for a common genetic link between alcohol and nicotine dependence. Rodents selectively bred for high alcohol consumption/responsivity are also more likely to self-administer nicotine than controls. Objectives The experiments examined the response to systemic nicotine, the effects of nicotine within the drug reward pathway, and innate expression of nicotine-related genes in a brain region regulating drug reward/self-administration in multiple lines of rats selectively bred for high and low alcohol consumption. Methods The experiments examined the effects of systemic administration of nicotine on locomotor activity, the effects of nicotine administered directly into the (posterior ventral tegmental area; pVTA) on dopamine (DA) release in the nucleus accumbens shell (AcbSh), and innate mRNA levels of acetylcholine receptor genes in the pVTA were determined in 6 selectively bred high/low alcohol consuming and Wistar rat lines. Results The high alcohol-consuming rat lines had greater nicotine-induced locomotor activity compared to low alcohol-consuming rat lines. Microinjections of nicotine into the pVTA resulted in DA release in the AcbSh with the dose response curves for high alcohol-consuming rats shifted leftward and upward. Genetic analysis of the pVTA indicated P rats expressed higher levels of α2 and β4. Conclusion Selective breeding for high alcohol preference resulted in a genetically divergent behavioral and neurobiological sensitivity to nicotine. The observed behavioral and neurochemical differences between the rat lines would predict an increased likelihood of nicotine reinforcement. The data support the hypothesis of a common genetic basis for drug addiction and identifies potential receptor targets

    Situational judgement tests for selection

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    When situational judgement tests (SJTs) began to regain popularity among the scientific community in the 1990s, there was an implicit notion that they captured contextdependent knowledge. In fact, the term ‘situational judgement’ carries the connotation of test‐takers’ responses being more effective when they consider the specifics of the situation. In recent years another perspective has emerged, which views SJTs as capturing relatively context‐independent knowledge (or general domain knowledge; Motowidlo, Crook, Kell & Naemi, 2009; Motowidlo, Hooper & Jackson, 2006a). Although SJTs and their items will often fall somewhere between these two perspectives, we posit in this chapter that it might be useful to distinguish between them. So far, there has been no review of the SJT literature in terms of these two approaches. This is understandable, as over the years the two perspectives have emerged alongside each other. Therefore, the aim of this chapter is to review SJT research according to these two approaches

    Generalized boundary triples, I. Some classes of isometric and unitary boundary pairs and realization problems for subclasses of Nevanlinna functions

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    © 2020 The Authors. Mathematische Nachrichten published by Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Метафизическое значение категорий предмета и непредмета в логике, поясняемое примерами решения антиномии Рассела в теории типов и аксиоматической системе NBG

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    Метафизическое значение категорий предмета и непредмета в логике, поясняемое примерами решения антиномии Рассела в теории типов и аксиоматической системе NB


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    The article discusses the issues associated with the current exposure of the population of 14 regions of Russia due to the Chernobyl accident, identified tasks facing Rospotrebnadzor today. The article describes criteria and requirements for ensuring of the mechanism of the transition of settlements from the conditions of a radiation accident to the public normal conditions.В статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с текущим облучением населения 14 регионов России вследствие аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС. Определены задачи, стоящие перед Роспотребнадзором в настоящее время. Описаны критерии и требования по обеспечению процедуры перехода населенных пунктов от условий радиационной аварии к условиям нормальной жизнедеятельности населения