259 research outputs found

    An evaluation of the use of chromic oxide, polyethylene glycol and Cr-EDTA as markers for digestive studies along the small intestine of ruminants.

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    In cows, fitted with a T-shaped cannula in the duodenum and with a re-entrant cannula in the ileum, ileal recoveries were determined of Cr2O3, from impregnated paper and polyethylene glycol (PEG), introduced into the duodenum. The length of the collection periods of digesta was important. The mean transit time of both markers along the small intestine did not differ. In sheep, fitted with an infusion tube into the abomasum and with an ileal re-entrant cannula, PEG was recovered quantitatively over 10-h collection periods. In sheep, fitted with an infusion tube into the abomasum and with 4 T-shaped cannulae along the small intestine, flow rates of digesta in jejenum and ileum estimated with PEG and Cr-EDTA were similar. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission

    Towards Sustainable Ruminant Livestock Production in The Tropics Opportunities and Limitations of Rice Straw Bawd Systems

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    ABSTRAK Ruminants serve a multiple of purposes in South-East Asian farming systems. in addition to the production of meat and milk, livestock provide essential farm inputs, such as manure and draught. In part, ruminant livestock production is based 0E1 low-quality residues from primary crop pro.duction, rrkSti materials can be converted into human consumable food, provided suitable supplements are available, From a fanning system\u27s perspective, the nutritive value derived from rice straw is discussed. Veliuttary intake and digestibility of rice straw. Le. nutritive value., varies between eultivats, independent of grain yield In sheep, the nutrients derived from straw can be doubled Wrough selection by offering excess straw, Moreover, individual annuals show variation in voluntary intake_ digestibility and pCriarrnance. Livestock performance relies he-aviiy 011 supplements. Particularly with basal feeds not sufficient for maintenance needs, e.g. untreated straw, the conversion of supplement into gain increases with level of supplementation. At system\u27s level this means that the output is optimize-d by restricling the number of - animals. In the dry season with limited ainotom of suppli,3ment available, it is a useful strategy to impose road quality restriction. During tits subsoquont wot $.eason the animals compensate through increased .feed intake and a more efficient conversi MI of outrieitts. It is concluded that in mixed crop-livestock production systems largely geared towards.% the production of food crops, there are ample opportunities to attain moderate li:vels of nimmaiit lives bock production. However, from a system\u27s point of VECW, it is perhaps not the prii/lary question hoes\u27 /CC straw could be frilly utilized for production, but how and to what extent the inifization of rice straw is optimized taking into EWCEJEME the totiil packagc of availabk: feed resourixs. Kos...Words : Sustainable Vanning Systems, Livestock Production, Rice Straws. Supplu nen

    Abomasal emptying in sheep as related to the amount of protein entering the abomasum

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    1. In sheep, provided with re-entrant cannulas in the caudal duodenum and with an infusion tube into the abomasal fundus, emptying of the liquid phase of the abomasal contents was studied with [57Co]EDTA. Radioactivity was measured continuously with Geiger-Müller counters placed along the re-entrant cannulas. 2. It appeared that first-order kinetics could be applied to the elimination of [57Co]EDTA from the abomasum. Mean retention time of this label in the abomasum was 40–50 min. 3. Infusion of a suspension of soya-bean protein in saline (9 g sodium chloride/l) caused an initially decreased rate of abomasal emptying, but after 48 h an adaptation had occurred to the original rate of emptying producing an increased volume of abomasal contents and increased flow-rate of digesta into the duodenum

    Nutritive value of straw, with special reference to wet-season rice straw as related to variety and location of growth in East-Java, Indonesia.

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    Variation in nutritive quality between morphological components is less for rice straw than for wheat straw. Wheat straw stems have a lower quality than stems of rice straw, while leaves and leaf sheaths of wheat are of better quality than of rice. Variation in voluntary organic matter intake, and in vivo and in sacco organic matter digestibility was studied with straw of 10 rice varieties grown in two locations (highland and lowland) in two years in Indonesia. Variation in nutritive quality was observed between varieties. Variation in DOMI was higher than in vivo OMD. In sacco degradation parameters were poor predictors of in vivo OMD and DOMI. Grain yield of the rice varieties studied was positively correlated with DOMI
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