3 research outputs found

    The measuring and diagnosis system with library of analytical diagnosis methods

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    Na tle tendencji rozwojowych w dziedzinie testowania pakiet贸w elektronicznych przedstawiono system pomiarowo-diagnostyczny kolejnej generacji, opracowany w Politechnice Gda艅skiej w ramach projektu badawczego KBN. Charakterystyczn膮 cech膮 systemu, stanowi膮c膮nowo艣膰 w odniesieniu do wsp贸艂czesnych system贸w tego typu, jest wyposa偶enie w bibliotek臋 analityczn膮 metod diagnostycznych, umo偶liwiaj膮cych lokalizacj臋 uszkodzonych element贸w niedostepnych zaciskowo. Now膮 cech膮 jest te偶 przystosowanie systemu do diagnostyki uk艂ad贸w cyfrowych za pomoc膮 magistrali diagnostycznej IEEE 1149,1. Om贸wiono architektur臋 systemu, ciekawsze rozwi膮zania uk艂adowe oraz nowe metody analityczne.A measuring system of new generation for testing and diagnosis of electronic PCBs is presented. The system has been designed in Technical University of Gdansk as research project of KBN. Main feature of the system is library of analytical diagnostic methods making possible testing and fault location of the circuits with limited accessibility to internal nodes. The paper describes system architecture and some solution of measuring modules. Then, two diagnostic methods: the complementary signals method and the circuit-analytical approach method, based on verification concept, are discussed. For nonlinear circuits, association of piecewise linearization of circuit component characteristics and linear verification is used. The system has also ability to test digital circuits using IEEE 1149,1 diagnostic bus

    Stimulus with Limited Band Optimization for Analogue Circuit Testing

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    The paper presents an analogue circuit testing method that engages the analysis of the time response to a nonperiodic stimulus specialized for the verification of selected specifications. The decision about the current circuit diagnostic state depends on an amplitude spectrum decomposition of the time response measured during the test. A shape of the test excitation spectrum is optimized with the use of a differential evolution algorithm and it allows for achieving maximum fault coverage and the optimal conditions for fault isolation. Genotypes of the evolutionary system encode the amplitude spectrum of candidates for testing stimuli by means of rectangle frequency windows with amplitudes determined evolutionarily