2,905 research outputs found

    (j,0)+(0,j) Covariant spinors and causal propagators based on Weinberg formalism

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    A pragmatic approach to constructing a covariant phenomenology of the interactions of composite, high-spin hadrons is proposed. Because there are no known wave equations without significant problems, we propose to construct the phenomenology without explicit reference to a wave equation. This is done by constructing the individual pieces of a perturbation theory and then utilizing the perturbation theory as the definition of the phenomenology. The covariant spinors for a particle of spin jj are constructed directly from Lorentz invariance and the basic precepts of quantum mechanics following the logic put forth originally by Wigner and developed by Weinberg. Explicit expressions for the spinors are derived for j=1, 3/2 and 2. Field operators are constructed from the spinors and the free-particle propagator is derived from the vacuum expectation value of the time-order product of the field operators. A few simple examples of model interactions are given. This provides all the necessary ingredients to treat at a phenomenological level and in a covariant manner particles of arbitrary spin.Comment: tex file, 52 page

    Front Form Spinors in Weinberg-Soper Formalism and Melosh Transformations for any Spin

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    Using the Weinberg-Soper formalism we construct the front form (j,0)(0,j)(j,0)\oplus(0,j) spinors. Explicit expressions for the generalised Melosh transformations up to spin two are obtained. The formalism, without explicitly invoking any wave equations, reproduces spin one half front-form results of Melosh, Lepage and Brodsky, and Dziembowski.Comment: 16 Pages, RevTex. We continue to receive reprint requests for this paper. So we now archive it her

    Upper cut-off rigidity for corotation anisotropy during solar activity cycles 20 and 21

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    At the Eleventh International Conference on Cosmic Rays in 1969, the results of a study of the solar diurnal variations of solar rays observed during the ascending phase of solar activity cycle twenty was discussed. The diurnal variation, observed underground during 1965-68 period, and results from an extraterrestrial anisotropy having a continuously increasing upper cut-off rigidity R sub c were reported. However, the coupling functions applicable to underground telescopes were controversial then. This situation has improved now. Those results wsere re-examined and extended to cover the period 1965-78. The coupling functions given by Murakami et al. for underground muons and those given by Lockwood and Weber for neutron monitors were used showed that a great deal of care should be exercised in the value of R sub c was calculated. Although numerical values of R sub c are a little different, the trend for 1965-68 period remains unchanged. Highest value of R sub c occur in 1970 and the lowest value occurs in 1976

    Solar wind velocity and daily variation of cosmic rays

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    Recently parameters applicable to the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) have become much better defined. Superior quality of data bases that are now available, particularly for post-1971 period, make it possible to believe the long-term trends in the data. These data are correlated with the secular changes observed in the diurnal variation parameters obtained from neutron monitor data at Deep River and underground muon telescope data at Embudo (30 MEW) and Socorro (82 MWE). The annual mean amplitudes appear to have large values during the epochs of high speed solar wind streams. Results are discussed

    On the spin of gravitational bosons

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    We unearth spacetime structure of massive vector bosons, gravitinos, and gravitons. While the curvatures associated with these particles carry a definite spin, the underlying potentials cannot be, and should not be, interpreted as single spin objects. For instance, we predict that a spin measurement in the rest frame of a massive gravitino will yield the result 3/2 with probability one half, and 1/2 with probability one half. The simplest scenario leaves the Riemannian curvature unaltered; thus avoiding conflicts with classical tests of the theory of general relativity. However, the quantum structure acquires additional contributions to the propagators, and it gives rise to additional phases.Comment: Honorable mention, 2002 Gravity Research Foundation Essay

    Diurnal anisotropy during solar activity cycle twenty and diffusion-convection model

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    Underground muon telescope data obtained at Embudo and Neutron monitor data obtained at Deep River are divided into two sets; one covers the ascending phase of the cycle (1965-70) and the other covers the descending phase (1971-76). The amplitude of diurnal anisotropy calculated from the data does not agree with the value predicted by the simplified version of the Diffusion-Convection Model (DCM); the discrepancy is worse for neutron data

    On Quantum Nature of Black-Hole Spacetime: A Possible New Source of Intense Radiation

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    Atoms and the planets acquire their stability from the quantum mechanical incompatibility of the position and momentum measurements. This incompatibility is expressed by the fundamental commutator [x, p_x]=i hbar, or equivalently, via the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle Delta x Delta p_x sim hbar. A further stability-related phenomenon where the quantum realm plays a dramatic role is the collapse of certain stars into white dwarfs and neutron stars. Here, an intervention of the Pauli exclusion principle, via the fermionic degenerate pressure, stops the gravitational collapse. However, by the neutron-star stage the standard quantum realm runs dry. One is left with the problematic collapse of a black hole. This essay is devoted to a concrete argument on why the black-hole spacetime itself should exhibit a quantum nature. The proposed quantum aspect of spacetime is shown to prevent the general-relativistic dictated problematic collapse. The quantum nature of black-hole spacetime is deciphered from a recent result on the universal equal-area spacing [=lambda_P^2 4 ln(3)] for black holes. In one interpretation of the emergent picture, an astrophysical black hole can fluctuate to sqrt{pi/ln(3)} approx 1.7 times its classical size, and thus allow radiation and matter to escape to the outside observers. These fluctuations I conjecture provide a new source, perhaps beyond Hawking radiation, of intense radiation from astrophysical black holes and may be the primary source of observed radiation from those galactic cores what carry black hole(s). The presented interpretation may be used as a criterion to choose black holes from black hole candidates.Comment: This essay received an "honorable mention" in the 1999 Essay Competition of the Gravity Research Foundation - Ed. Int. J. Mod. Phys. D (1999, in press). For Joseph Knech

    Some Remarks on the Neutrino Oscillation Phase in a Gravitational Field

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    The weak gravitational field expansion method to account for the gravitationally induced neutrino oscillation effect is critically examined. It is shown that the splitting of the neutrino phase into a ``kinematic'' and a ``gravitational'' phase is not always possible because the relativistic factor modifies the particle interference phase splitting condition in a gravitational field.Comment: 4 pages, no figure