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    Frustration and Multicriticality in the Antiferromagnetic Spin-1 Chain

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    We study the spin S=1S=1 Heisenberg chain, with nearest neighbor, next nearest neighbor (α\alpha) and biquadratic (β\beta) interactions using a combination of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG), an analytic variational matrix product state wavefunction, and non-Abelian bosonization. We study the effect of frustration (α>0\alpha>0) on the Haldane phase with −1≤β<1-1\leq \beta < 1 which reveals a rich phase diagram. For −1<β<β∗-1<\beta<\beta^\ast, we establish the existence of a spontaneously dimerized phase for large α>αc\alpha>\alpha_c, separated from the Haldane phase by the critical line αc(β)\alpha_c(\beta) of second-order phase transitions connected to the Takhtajan--Babudjian integrable point αc(β=−1)=0\alpha_c(\beta=-1)=0. In the opposite regime, β>β∗\beta>\beta^\ast, the transition from the Haldane phase becomes first-order into the next nearest neighbor (NNN) AKLT phase. Based on field theoretical arguments and DMRG calculations, we conjecture that these two regimes are separated by a multicritical point (β∗,α∗\beta^\ast, \alpha^\ast) of a different universality class, described by the SU(2)4SU(2)_4 Wess--Zumino--Witten critical theory. From the DMRG calculations we estimate this multicritical point to lie in the range −0.2<β∗<−0.15-0.2<\beta^\ast<-0.15 and 0.47<α∗<0.530.47<\alpha^\ast < 0.53. We find that the dimerized and NNN-AKLT phases are separated by a line of first-order phase transitions that terminates at the multicritical point. Inside the Haldane phase, we show the existence of two incommensurate crossovers: the Lifshitz transition and the disorder transition of the first kind, marking incommensurate correlations in momentum and real space, respectively. We show these crossover lines stretch across the entire (β,α)(\beta,\alpha) phase diagram, merging into a single incommensurate-to-commensurate transition line for negative β≲β∗\beta\lesssim \beta^\ast outside the Haldane phase.Comment: 25 pages, 24 figures, updated with published versio
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