165 research outputs found

    Oil Height Determination From Capacitance Tomography Measurements Using Neural Network.

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    This paper presents a "direct" method to gas-oil interface level determination using an artificial neural network approach based on Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) measurements. "Direct" here means that the gas-oil interface levels are obtained directly from the ECT measurements without recourse to image reconstruction. The preliminary work models a separation tank that is filled with gas and oil

    Isolation of Induced Morphological Mutants in Capsicum annuum L.

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    Seeds of Capsicum annuum L. varieties Co – 1 and Ujwala were treated with two chemical mutagens viz., Ehtyl methane sulphonate and Sodium azide. Twelve different types of morphological mutants were isolated in M2 and M3 generations. Capsaicin content of some selected mutants was also estimated. Frequency of morphological mutants obtained was very high in variety Co -1 when compared to Ujwala

    miR-150-PTPMT1-cardiolipin signaling in pulmonary arterial hypertension.

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    Circulating levels of endothelial miR-150 are reduced in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and act as an independent predictor of patient survival, but links between endothelial miR-150 and vascular dysfunction are not well understood. We studied the effects of endothelial miR-150 supplementation and inhibition in PAH mice and cells from patients with idiopathic PAH. The role of selected mediators of miR-150 identified by RNA sequencing was evaluated in vitro and in vivo. Endothelium-targeted miR-150 delivery prevented the disease in Sugen/hypoxia mice, while endothelial knockdown of miR-150 had adverse effects. miR-150 target genes revealed significant associations with PAH pathways, including proliferation, inflammation, and phospholipid signaling, with PTEN-like mitochondrial phosphatase (PTPMT1) most markedly altered. PTPMT1 reduced inflammation and apoptosis and improved mitochondrial function in human pulmonary endothelial cells and blood-derived endothelial colony-forming cells from idiopathic PAH. Beneficial effects of miR-150 in vitro and in vivo were linked with PTPMT1-dependent biosynthesis of mitochondrial phospholipid cardiolipin and reduced expression of pro-apoptotic, pro-inflammatory, and pro-fibrotic genes, including c-MYB, NOTCH3, transforming growth factor β (TGF-β), and Col1a1. In conclusion, we are the first to show that miR-150 supplementation attenuates pulmonary endothelial damage induced by vascular stresses and may be considered as a potential therapeutic strategy in PAH

    Nanoscale Study of Calcium Handling Remodeling in Right Ventricular Cardiomyocytes Following Pulmonary Hypertension

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    Pulmonary hypertension is a complex disorder characterized by pulmonary vascular remodeling and right ventricular hypertrophy, leading to right heart failure. The mechanisms underlying this process are not well understood. We hypothesize that the structural remodeling occurring in the cardiomyocytes of the right ventricle affects the cytosolic Ca2+ handling leading to arrhythmias. After 12 days of monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension in rats, epicardial mapping showed electrical remodeling in both ventricles. In myocytes isolated from the hypertensive rats, a combination of high-speed camera and confocal line-scan documented a prolongation of Ca2+ transients along with a higher local Ca2+-release activity. These Ca2+ transients were less synchronous than in controls, likely due to disorganized transverse-axial tubular system. In fact, following pulmonary hypertension, hypertrophied right ventricular myocytes showed significantly reduced number of transverse tubules and increased number of axial tubules; however, Stimulation Emission Depletion microscopy demonstrated that the colocalization of L-type Ca2+ channels and RyR2 (ryanodine receptor 2) remained unchanged. Finally, Stimulation Emission Depletion microscopy and super-resolution scanning patch-clamp analysis uncovered a decrease in the density of active L-type Ca2+ channels in right ventricular myocytes with an elevated open probability of the T-tubule anchored channels. This may represent a general mechanism of how nanoscale structural changes at the early stage of pulmonary hypertension impact on the development of the end stage failing phenotype in the right ventricle

    Unusual presentation of basilar artery stroke secondary to patent foramen ovale: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>We report a case of a patient presenting with neuropsychiatric manifestations secondary to paradoxical embolism</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>Unexplained rapid onset of confusion with amnesia and minimal neurological deficits can be a manifestation of various systemic causes of which stroke, either ischemic or hemorrhagic, is one. Thorough and systematic evaluation of these patients can be highly rewarding in terms of optimizing patient outcome. We report the case of a 45-year-old woman whose initial presentation was with acute onset of confusion, memory loss with personality change and headaches. A differential diagnosis of systemic illness and cerebral pathology was entertained. She was empirically treated for neurological infection. Brain imaging revealed bilateral thalamic and cerebellar infarction. Further evaluation with an aim to define the etiology, revealed the diagnosis of Patent Foramen Ovale with paradoxical embolism. The differential diagnosis of unexplained rapid onset of confusion, amnesia with minimal motor neurological deficits and relevant appropriate investigations are discussed in this case report.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This case highlights the importance of recognising the atypical manifestations of posterior fossa stroke. In young patients presenting with non-focal neuropsychiatric manifestations, paradoxical embolism, secondary to patent foramen ovale is a possible cause.</p

    Internet of Things for Sustainability: Perspectives in Privacy, Cybersecurity, and Future Trends

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    In the sustainability IoT, the cybersecurity risks to things, sensors, and monitoring systems are distinct from the conventional networking systems in many aspects. The interaction of sustainability IoT with the physical world phenomena (e.g., weather, climate, water, and oceans) is mostly not found in the modern information technology systems. Accordingly, actuation, the ability of these devices to make changes in real world based on sensing and monitoring, requires special consideration in terms of privacy and security. Moreover, the energy efficiency, safety, power, performance requirements of these device distinguish them from conventional computers systems. In this chapter, the cybersecurity approaches towards sustainability IoT are discussed in detail. The sustainability IoT risk categorization, risk mitigation goals, and implementation aspects are analyzed. The openness paradox and data dichotomy between privacy and sharing is analyzed. Accordingly, the IoT technology and security standard developments activities are highlighted. The perspectives on opportunities and challenges in IoT for sustainability are given. Finally, the chapter concludes with a discussion of sustainability IoT cybersecurity case studies

    Internet of Things in Water Management and Treatment

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    The goal of the water security IoT chapter is to present a comprehensive and integrated IoT based approach to environmental quality and monitoring by generating new knowledge and innovative approaches that focus on sustainable resource management. Mainly, this chapter focuses on IoT applications in wastewater and stormwater, and the human and environmental consequences of water contaminants and their treatment. The IoT applications using sensors for sewer and stormwater monitoring across networked landscapes, water quality assessment, treatment, and sustainable management are introduced. The studies of rate limitations in biophysical and geochemical processes that support the ecosystem services related to water quality are presented. The applications of IoT solutions based on these discoveries are also discussed

    Patient satisfaction with quality of primary health care in Benghazi, Libya

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    Introduction: The Libyan National Health System (LNHS) is debated for the paradox of its performance versus impact. It has poor performance, but the national health statistics are good and competitive. There are concerted efforts to manage health care services and to regain the lost trust. A primary health care (PHC) system that focuses on preventive and promotive care is the core focus of LNHS efforts. Objectives: To assess patient satisfaction with quality of PHC assessed in terms of (a) customer profile, (b) patient satisfaction, and (c) health care-seeking behavior. Methodology: A sample of nine health centers and seven polyclinics from various locations in Benghazi, Libya were selected for gathering information by structured face-to-face interviews. A total of 310 beneficiaries were interviewed by using an Arabic translation of the Charleston Psychiatric Outpatient Satisfaction Scale. Results: The beneficiaries appear to be quite satisfied with the quality of services. Geographical zone, marital status of beneficiary, and type of facility are satisfaction-related factors. There are preferences for facilities located within the City Centre over those located elsewhere. There is also an interaction effect of the geographical zone and the type of facility in creating differences in satisfaction. Conclusions: A customer-friendly facility concept that emphasizes reception, physician interaction, and cordiality shall add value. Polyclinics require more attention as does the Al Slawy area. A few utility services might also be considered