509 research outputs found

    Constructing Radio Signal Strength Maps with Multiple Robots

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    Communication is essential for coordination in most cooperative control and sensing paradigms. In this paper, we investigate the construction of a map of radio signal strength that can be used to plan multirobot tasks and also serve as useful perceptual information. We show how nominal models of an urban environment, such as those obtained by aerial surveillance, can be used to generate strategies for exploration and present preliminary experimental results with our multi-robot testbed

    Search for 2νββ decay of ^(136)Xe to the 0^+^1 excited state of ^(136)Ba with the EXO-200 liquid xenon detector

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    EXO-200 is a single phase liquid xenon detector designed to search for neutrinoless ββ decay of ^(136)Xe to the ground state of ^(136)Ba. We report here on a search for the two-neutrino ββ decay of 136Xe to the first 0+ excited state, 0^+_1, of ^(136)Ba based on a 100 kg yr exposure of ^(136)Xe. Using a specialized analysis employing a machine learning algorithm, we obtain a 90% CL half-life sensitivity of 1.7 × 10^(24) yr. We find no statistically significant evidence for the 2νββ decay to the excited state resulting in a lower limit of T^(2ν)_(1/2)(0^+ → 0^+_1) > 6.9 ×10^(23) yr at 90% CL. This observed limit is consistent with the estimated half-life of 2.5 × 10^(25) yr

    Dual isotope evidence for sedimentary integration of plant wax biomarkers across an Andes-Amazon elevation transect

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2018. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here under a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license granted to WHOI. It is made available for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 242 (2018): 64-81, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2018.09.007.Tropical montane regions tend to have high rates of precipitation, biological production, erosion, and sediment export, which together move material off the landscape and toward sedimentary deposits downstream. Plant wax biomarkers can be used to investigate sourcing of organic matter and are often used as proxies to reconstruct past climate and environment in sedimentary deposits. To understand how plant waxes are sourced within a wet, tropical montane catchment, we measure the stable C and H isotope composition (δ13C and δD) of n-alkanes and n-alkanoic acids in soils along an elevation transect and from sediments within the Madre de Dios River network along the eastern flank of the Peruvian Andes, draining an area of 75,400 km2 and 6 km of elevation. Soils yield systematic trends in plant wax δ13C (+1.75 and +1.31‰ km−1, for the C29n-alkanes and C30n-alkanoic acids respectively in the mineral horizon) and δD values (−10 and −12‰ km−1, respectively) across a 3.5 km elevation transect, which approximates trends previously reported from canopy leaves, though we find offsets between δ13C values in plants and soils. River suspended sediments generally follow soil isotopic gradients defined by catchment elevations (δ13C: +1.03 and +0.99‰ km−1 and δD: −10 to −7‰ km−1, for the C29n-alkanes and C30n-alkanoic acids respectively) in the wet season, with a lowering in the dry season that is less well-constrained. In a few river suspended sediments, petrogenic contributions and depth-sorting influence the n-alkane δ13C signal. Our dual isotope, dual compound class and seasonal sampling approach reveals no Andean-dominance in plant wax export, and instead that the sourcing of plant waxes in this very wet, forested catchment approximates that expected for spatial integration of the upstream catchment, thus with a lowland dominance on areal basis, guiding paleoenvironmental reconstructions in tropical montane regions. The dual isotope approach provides a cross-check on the altitudinal signals and can resolve ambiguity such as might be associated with vegetation change or aridity in paleoclimate records. Further, the altitude effect encoded within plant waxes presents a novel dual-isotope biomarker approach to paleoaltimetry.This material is based upon work supported by the US National Science Foundation under Grant No. EAR-1227192 to A.J.W and S.J.F for the river work

    A simple proof of the Markoff conjecture for prime powers

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    We give a simple and independent proof of the result of Jack Button and Paul Schmutz that the Markoff conjecture on the uniqueness of the Markoff triples (a,b,c), where a, b, and c are in increasing order, holds whenever cc is a prime power.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Quantized Response and Topology of Insulators with Inversion Symmetry

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    We study three dimensional insulators with inversion symmetry, in which other point group symmetries, such as time reversal, are generically absent. Their band topology is found to be classified by the parities of occupied states at time reversal invariant momenta (TRIM parities), and by three Chern numbers. The TRIM parities of any insulator must satisfy a constraint: their product must be +1. The TRIM parities also constrain the Chern numbers modulo two. When the Chern numbers vanish, a magneto-electric response parameterized by "theta" is defined and is quantized to theta= 0, 2pi. Its value is entirely determined by the TRIM parities. These results may be useful in the search for magnetic topological insulators with large theta. A classification of inversion symmetric insulators is also given for general dimensions. An alternate geometrical derivation of our results is obtained by using the entanglement spectrum of the ground state wave-function.Comment: 12 pages main text; 12 pages appendices; 11 figures. Added new refs. in 2nd versio

    T Lymphocytes from a Subset of Patients with Pemphigus Vulgaris Respond to Both Desmoglein-3 and Desmoglein-1

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    Pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus are cutaneous autoimmune diseases characterized by intraepithelial blisters and autoantibodies to desmosomal glycoproteins. The antigens recognized by pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus autoantibodies are desmoglein- 3 (Dsg3) and desmoglein-1 (Dsg1), respectively. Dsg3 and Dsg1 are members of the desmoglein subfamily of the cadherin supergene family of cell adhesion molecules. It has been well documented that a subset of pemphigus vulgaris sera have IgG reactivity to both Dsg1 and Dsg3, suggesting that Dsg1 may also participate in the autoimmune response of these patients. The cellular mechanisms of T cell autoimmunity in these patients, however, are completely unknown. In this study, we tested the proliferative responses of T lymphocytes from eight pemphigus vulgaris patients after incubation with Dsg3 and Dsg1 fusion proteins. The sera of four of these PV patients showed reactivity with both Dsg1 and Dsg3, whereas the remaining four reacted only with Dsg3. We found that T cells obtained from those patients that exhibited the combined Dsg1/Dsg3 autoantibody reactivity showed a proliferative response after exposure to either Dsg1 or Dsg3 fusion proteins. The cellular responses to both of these recombinant proteins were highly specific and restricted to the CD4-positive T cell population. T cells from pemphigus vulgaris patients with no anti-Dsg1 serum reactivity showed a proliferative response to Dsg3, but not to Dsg1. The Dsg1 fusion protein used in this study has minimal sequence homology with Dsg3. Thus, this study provides the first evidence that T cells from a subset of pemphigus vulgaris patients respond to both Dsg1 and Dsg3

    Investigation of radioactivity-induced backgrounds in EXO-200

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    The search for neutrinoless double-beta decay (0{\nu}{\beta}{\beta}) requires extremely low background and a good understanding of their sources and their influence on the rate in the region of parameter space relevant to the 0{\nu}{\beta}{\beta} signal. We report on studies of various {\beta}- and {\gamma}-backgrounds in the liquid- xenon-based EXO-200 0{\nu}{\beta}{\beta} experiment. With this work we try to better understand the location and strength of specific background sources and compare the conclusions to radioassay results taken before and during detector construction. Finally, we discuss the implications of these studies for EXO-200 as well as for the next-generation, tonne-scale nEXO detector.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Morphological and Molecular Defects in Human Three-Dimensional Retinal Organoid Model of X-Linked Juvenile Retinoschisis

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    X-linked juvenile retinoschisis (XLRS), linked to mutations in the RS1 gene, is a degenerative retinopathy with a retinal splitting phenotype. We generated human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) from patients to study XLRS in a 3D retinal organoid in vitro differentiation system. This model recapitulates key features of XLRS including retinal splitting, defective retinoschisin production, outer-segment defects, abnormal paxillin turnover, and impaired ER-Golgi transportation. RS1 mutation also affects the development of photoreceptor sensory cilia and results in altered expression of other retinopathy-associated genes. CRISPR/Cas9 correction of the disease-associated C625T mutation normalizes the splitting phenotype, outer-segment defects, paxillin dynamics, ciliary marker expression, and transcriptome profiles. Likewise, mutating RS1 in control hiPSCs produces the disease-associated phenotypes. Finally, we show that the C625T mutation can be repaired precisely and efficiently using a base-editing approach. Taken together, our data establish 3D organoids as a valid disease model