368 research outputs found

    Particle-wall collision statistics in the open circular billiard

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    In the open circular billiard particles are placed initially with a uniform distribution in their positions inside a planar circular vesicle. They all have velocities of the same magnitude, whose initial directions are also uniformly distributed. No particle-particle interactions are included, only specular elastic collisions of the particles with the wall of the vesicle. The particles may escape through an aperture with an angle 2δ2\delta. The collisions of the particles with the wall are characterized by the angular position and the angle of incidence. We study the evolution of the system considering the probability distributions of these variables at successive times nn the particle reaches the border of the vesicle. These distributions are calculated analytically and measured in numerical simulations. For finite apertures δ<π/2\delta<\pi/2, a particular set of initial conditions exists for which the particles are in periodic orbits and never escape the vesicle. This set is of zero measure, but the selection of angular momenta close to these orbits is observed after some collisions, and thus the distributions of probability have a structure formed by peaks. We calculate the marginal distributions up to n=4n=4, but for δ>π/2\delta>\pi/2 a solution is found for arbitrary nn. The escape probability as a function of n1n^{-1} decays with an exponent 4 for δ>π/2\delta>\pi/2 and evidences for a power law decay are found for lower apertures as well.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures. Typos corrected and two new figures added, figure captions changed and additional discussions added. Version accepted for publication in Physica

    Validity of a Local Positioning System during Outdoor and Indoor Conditions for Team Sports

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    This study aimed to compare the validity of a local positioning system (LPS) during outdoor and indoor conditions for team sports. The impact of different filtering techniques was also investigated. Five male team sport athletes (age: 27 ± 2 years; maximum oxygen uptake: 48.4 ± 5.1 mL/min/kg) performed 10 trials on a team sport-specific circuit on an artificial turf and in a sports hall. During the circuit, athletes wore two devices of a recent 20-Hz LPS. From the reported raw and differently filtered velocity data, distances covered during different walking, jogging, and sprinting sections within the circuit were computed for which the circuit was equipped with double-light timing gates as criterion measures. The validity was determined by comparing the known and measured distances via the relative typical error of estimate (TEE). The LPS validity for measuring distances covered was good to moderate during both environments (TEE: 0.9–7.1%), whereby the outdoor validity (TEE: 0.9–6.4%) was superior than indoor validity (TEE: 1.2–7.1%). During both environments, validity outcomes of an unknown manufacturer filter were superior (TEE: 0.9–6.2%) compared to those of a standard Butterworth filter (TEE: 0.9–6.4%) and to unprocessed raw data (TEE: 1.0–7.1%). Our findings show that the evaluated LPS can be considered as a good to moderately valid tracking technology to assess running-based movement patterns in team sports during outdoor and indoor conditions. However, outdoor was superior to indoor validity, and also impacted by the applied filtering technique. Our outcomes should be considered for practical purposes like match and training analyses in team sport environments

    Sympathetic nervous system activity and anti-lipolytic response to iv-glucose load in subcutaneous adipose tissue of obese and obese type 2 diabetic subjects

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    The study aim was to investigate the effect of endogenous insulin release on lipolysis in subcutaneous adipose tissue after adrenergic stimulation in obese subjects diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (T2D). In 14 obese female T2D subjects, or 14 obese non-T2D controls, glycerol concentration was measured in response to the α1,2,ß-agonist norepinephrine, the α1-agonist norfenefrine and the ß2-agonist terbutaline (each 10-4 M), using the microdialysis technique. After 60 minutes of stimulation, an intravenous glucose load (0.5 g/kg lean body mass) was given. Local blood flow was monitored by means of the ethanol technique. Norepinephrine and norfenefrine induced a four and three fold rise in glycerol dialysate concentration (p\u3c0.001, each), with a similar pattern in adipose tissue. Following agonist stimulation and glucose infusion, endogenous insulin release inhibited lipolysis in the presence of norepinephrine, which was more rapid and pronounced in healthy obese controls than in T2D subjects (p = 0.024 obese vs T2D subjects). Insulin-induced inhibition of lipolysis in the presence of norfenefrine was similar in all study participants. In the presence of terbutaline the lipolysis rate increased two fold until the effect of endogenous insulin (p\u3c0.001). A similar insulin-induced decrease in lipolysis was observed for each of the norfenefrine groups and the terbutaline groups, respectively. Adipose tissue blood flow remained unchanged after the iv-glucose load. Both norepinephrine and norfenefrine diminished blood flow slightly, but insulin reversed this response (p\u3c0.001 over the entire time). Terbutaline alone and terbutaline plus increased endogenous insulin augmented local blood flow (p\u3c0.001 over the entire time). In conclusion, a difference in insulin-induced inhibition of lipolysis was observed in obese T2D subjects compared to obese healthy controls following modulation of sympathetic nervous system activity and is assumed to be due to ß1-adrenoceptor mediated stimulation by norepinephrine

    Extending Quantum Links: Modules for Fiber- and Memory-Based Quantum Repeaters

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    We analyze elementary building blocks for quantum repeaters based on fiber channels and memory stations. Implementations are considered for three different physical platforms, for which suitable components are available: quantum dots, trapped atoms and ions, and color centers in diamond. We evaluate and compare the performances of basic quantum repeater links for these platforms both for present-day, state-of-the-art experimental parameters as well as for parameters that could in principle be reached in the future. The ultimate goal is to experimentally explore regimes at intermediate distances, up to a few 100 km, in which the repeater-assisted secret key transmission rates exceed the maximal rate achievable via direct transmission. We consider two different protocols, one of which is better adapted to the higher source clock rate and lower memory coherence time of the quantum dot platform, while the other circumvents the need of writing photonic quantum states into the memories in a heralded, non-destructive fashion. The elementary building blocks and protocols can be connected in a modular form to construct a quantum repeater system that is potentially scalable to large distances.Comment: 48 pages in Word style, "White Paper" of Q.Link.X Consortiu

    Injury Pattern and Current Early Clinical Care of Pediatric Polytrauma Comparing Different Age Groups in a Level I Trauma Center

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    Introduction: Pediatric polytrauma is a complex condition with unique characteristics and requirements for early clinical care. This study aimed to analyze the injury patterns, early clinical care, and outcomes of pediatric polytrauma patients in a Level I trauma center. The focus was on evaluation between different age groups and the recognition of injuries as potential factors influencing outcomes. Methods: A prospective cohort study model of pediatric polytrauma patients (ISS ≥ 16) was conducted over a 13-year period, stratified by age groups (Group A: 0–5 years; Group B: 6–10 years; Group C: 11–15 years; and Group D: 16–18 years). A comparison of the groups was conducted to examine variations in early clinical care, trauma mechanisms, distribution of affected body regions (as per AIS and ISS criteria), and trauma-related mortality. Additionally, factors contributing to mortality were evaluated. Results: The median age of patients was 16 years, with a male predominance (64.7%). The Injury Severity Score (ISS) varied across age groups, with no significant difference. The 30-day mortality rate was 19.0%, with no significant age-related differences. Trauma mechanisms varied across age groups, with motor vehicle accidents being the most common mechanism in all age groups except 0–5 years, where falls were prevalent. Analysis of injury patterns by AIS body regions indicated that head trauma was a significant predictor of mortality (Hazard Ratio 2.894, p < 0.001), while chest, abdominal, and extremity trauma showed no significant association with mortality. Multiple regression analysis identified the ISS and preclinical GCS as valid predictors of mortality (p < 0.001 and p = 0.006, respectively). Conclusions: While age-related differences in injury severity and clinical interventions were limited, head trauma emerged as a critical predictor of mortality. Early recognition and management of head injuries are crucial in improving outcomes. Additionally, the ISS and preclinical GCS were identified as valid predictors of mortality, emphasizing the importance of early assessment and resuscitation. A tailored approach to pediatric polytrauma care, considering both age and injury patterns, might contribute to survival benefits in this vulnerable populatio

    Doppler cooling of a Coulomb crystal

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    We study theoretically Doppler laser-cooling of a cluster of 2-level atoms confined in a linear ion trap. Using several consecutive steps of averaging we derive, from the full quantum mechanical master equation, an equation for the total mechanical energy of the one dimensional crystal, defined on a coarse-grained energy scale whose grid size is smaller than the linewidth of the electronic transition. This equation describes the cooling dynamics for an arbitrary number of ions and in the quantum regime. We discuss the validity of the ergodic assumption (i.e. that the phase space distribution is only a function of energy). From our equation we derive the semiclassical limit (i.e. when the mechanical motion can be treated classically) and the Lamb-Dicke limit (i.e. when the size of the mechanical wave function is much smaller than the laser wavelength). We find a Fokker-Planck equation for the total mechanical energy of the system, whose solution is in agreement with previous analytical calculations which were based on different assumptions and valid only in their specific regimes. Finally, in the classical limit we derive an analytic expression for the average coupling, by light scattering, between motional states at different energies.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Diaphragmatic Injuries among Severely Injured Patients (ISS ≥ 16)—An Indicator of Injury Pattern and Severity of Abdominal Trauma

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    Background and Objectives: Abdominal trauma among severely injured patients with an injury severity score (ISS) of 16 and above can lead to potentially life-threatening injuries that might need immediate surgical intervention. Traumatic injuries to the diaphragm (TID) are a challenging condition often accompanied by other injuries in the thoracoabdominal region. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the occurrence and clinical course of TID among severely injured patients treated at our center between 2008 and 2019 and compared them to other groups of severely injured patients without TID. Results: Thirty-five patients with TID and a median ISS of 41 were treated in the period mentioned above. They were predominantly middle-aged men and mostly victims of blunt trauma as a consequence of motor vehicle accidents. A total of 70.6% had left-sided TID, and in 69.6%, the size of defect was larger than 10 cm. The diagnosis was made with computed tomography (CT) in 68.6% of the cases, while in 25.8%, it was made intraoperatively or delayed by a false-negative initial CT scan, and in 5.7%, an intraoperative diagnosis was made without preoperative CT imaging. Surgical repair was mostly conducted via laparotomy, performing a direct closure with continuous suture. A comparison to 191 patients that required laparotomy for abdominal injuries other than TID revealed significantly higher rates of concomitant injuries to several abdominal organs among patients suffering from TID. Compared to all other severely injured patients treated in the same period (n = 1377), patients suffering from TID had a significantly higher median ISS and a longer mean duration of hospital stay. Conclusions: Our findings show that TID can be seen as an indicator of particularly severe thoracoabdominal trauma that requires increased attention from the treatment team so as not to miss relevant concomitant injuries that require immediate intervention

    Caspian: Os Results from a Randomised Phase 3 Study of First-Line Durvalumab ± Tremelimumab + Chemotherapy in ES-SCLC

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    Immune checkpoint blockade targeting the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway in combination with platinum-based chemotherapy (CT) has demonstrated improved clinical outcomes in patients (pts) with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC). Durvalumab ± Tremelimumab in combination with etoposide and platinum-based CT (EP) as first-line treatment for pts with ES-SCLC. Results will be presented at WCLC 2019 including OS, key secondary endpoints, safety and tolerability

    On a Penrose-Fife Model with Zero Interfacial Energy Leading to a Phase-field System of Relaxed Stefan Type

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    In this paper we study an initial-boundary value Stefan-type problem with phase relaxation where the heat flux is proportional to the gradient of the inverse absolute temperature. This problem arises naturally as limiting case of the Penrose-Fife model for diffusive phase transitions with non-conserved order parameter if the coefficient of the interfacial energy is taken as zero. It is shown that the relaxed Stefan problem admits a weak solution which is obtained as limit of solutions to the Penrose-Fife phase-field equations. For a special boundary condition involving the heat exchange with the surrounding medium, also uniqueness of the solution is proved

    4000 years of human dietary evolution in central Germany, from the first farmers to the first elites

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    Investigation of human diet during the Neolithic has often been limited to a few archaeological cultures or single sites. In order to provide insight into the development of human food consumption and husbandry strategies, our study explores bone collagen carbon and nitrogen isotope data from 466 human and 105 faunal individuals from 26 sites in central Germany. It is the most extensive data set to date from an enclosed geographic microregion, covering 4,000 years of agricultural history from the Early Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age. The animal data show that a variety of pastures and dietary resources were explored, but that these changed remarkably little over time. In the human δ15N however we found a significant increase with time across the different archaeological cultures. This trend could be observed in all time periods and archaeological cultures (Bell Beaker phenomenon excluded), even on continuously populated sites. Since there was no such trend in faunal isotope values, we were able largely to exclude manuring as the cause of this effect. Based on the rich interdisciplinary data from this region and archaeological period we can argue that meat consumption increased with the increasing duration of farming subsistence. In δ13C, we could not observe any clear increasing or decreasing trends during the archaeological time periods, either for humans or for animals, which would have suggested significant changes in the environment and landscape use. We discovered sex-related dietary differences, with males of all archaeological periods having higher δ15N values than females, and an age-related increasing consumption of animal protein. An initial decrease of δ15N-values at the age of 1-2 years reveals partial weaning, while complete weaning took place at the age of 3-4 years