425 research outputs found

    Casimir stresses in active nematic films

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    We calculate the Casimir stresses in a thin layer of active fluid with nematic order. By using a stochastic hydrodynamic approach for an active fluid layer of finite thickness L, we generalize the Casimir stress for nematic liquid crystals in thermal equilibrium to active systems. We show that the active Casimir stress differs significantly from its equilibrium counterpart. For contractile activity, the active Casimir stress, although attractive like its equilibrium counterpart, diverges logarithmically as L approaches a threshold of the spontaneous flow instability from below. In contrast, for small extensile activity, it is repulsive, has no divergence at any L and has a scaling with L different from its equilibrium counterpart

    Droplet Ripening in Concentration Gradients

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    Living cells use phase separation and concentration gradients to organize chemical compartments in space. Here, we present a theoretical study of droplet dynamics in gradient systems. We derive the corresponding growth law of droplets and find that droplets exhibit a drift velocity and position dependent growth. As a consequence, the dissolution boundary moves through the system, thereby segregating droplets to one end. We show that for steep enough gradients, the ripening leads to a transient arrest of droplet growth that is induced by an narrowing of the droplet size distribution.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Extreme-value statistics of stochastic transport processes

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    We derive exact expressions for the finite-time statistics of extrema (maximum and minimum) of the spatial displacement and the fluctuating entropy flow of biased random walks. Our approach captures key features of extreme events in molecular motor motion along linear filaments. For one-dimensional biased random walks, we derive exact results which tighten bounds for entropy production extrema obtained with martingale theory and reveal a symmetry between the distribution of the maxima and minima of entropy production. Furthermore, we show that the relaxation spectrum of the full generating function, and hence of any moment, of the finite-time extrema distributions can be written in terms of the Marcenko-Pastur distribution of random-matrix theory. Using this result, we obtain efficient estimates for the extreme-value statistics of stochastic transport processes from the eigenvalue distributions of suitable Wishart and Laguerre random matrices. We confirm our results with numerical simulations of stochastic models of molecular motors

    Determining physical properties of the cell cortex

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    Actin and myosin assemble into a thin layer of a highly dynamic network underneath the membrane of eukaryotic cells. This network generates the forces that drive cell and tissue-scale morphogenetic processes. The effective material properties of this active network determine large-scale deformations and other morphogenetic events. For example,the characteristic time of stress relaxation (the Maxwell time)in the actomyosin sets the time scale of large-scale deformation of the cortex. Similarly, the characteristic length of stress propagation (the hydrodynamic length) sets the length scale of slow deformations, and a large hydrodynamic length is a prerequisite for long-ranged cortical flows. Here we introduce a method to determine physical parameters of the actomyosin cortical layer (in vivo). For this we investigate the relaxation dynamics of the cortex in response to laser ablation in the one-cell-stage {\it C. elegans} embryo and in the gastrulating zebrafish embryo. These responses can be interpreted using a coarse grained physical description of the cortex in terms of a two dimensional thin film of an active viscoelastic gel. To determine the Maxwell time, the hydrodynamic length and the ratio of active stress and per-area friction, we evaluated the response to laser ablation in two different ways: by quantifying flow and density fields as a function of space and time, and by determining the time evolution of the shape of the ablated region. Importantly, both methods provide best fit physical parameters that are in close agreement with each other and that are similar to previous estimates in the two systems. We provide an accurate and robust means for measuring physical parameters of the actomyosin cortical layer.It can be useful for investigations of actomyosin mechanics at the cellular-scale, but also for providing insights in the active mechanics processes that govern tissue-scale morphogenesis.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Lipid membranes with an edge

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    Consider a lipid membrane with a free exposed edge. The energy describing this membrane is quadratic in the extrinsic curvature of its geometry; that describing the edge is proportional to its length. In this note we determine the boundary conditions satisfied by the equilibria of the membrane on this edge, exploiting variational principles. The derivation is free of any assumptions on the symmetry of the membrane geometry. With respect to earlier work for axially symmetric configurations, we discover the existence of an additional boundary condition which is identically satisfied in that limit. By considering the balance of the forces operating at the edge, we provide a physical interpretation for the boundary conditions. We end with a discussion of the effect of the addition of a Gaussian rigidity term for the membrane.Comment: 8 page

    Energy and matter supply for active droplets

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    Chemically active droplets provide simple models for cell-like systems that can grow and divide. Such active droplet systems are driven away from thermodynamic equilibrium and turn over chemically, which corresponds to a simple metabolism. We consider two scenarios of non-equilibrium driving. First, droplets are driven via the system boundaries by external reservoirs that supply nutrient and remove waste (boundary-driven). Second, droplets are driven by a chemical energy provided by a fuel in the bulk (bulk-driven). For both scenarios, we discuss the conservation of energy and matter as well as the balance of entropy. We use conserved and non-conserved fields to analyze the non-equilibrium steady states of active droplets. Using an effective droplet model, we explore droplet stability and instabilities leading to droplet division. Our work reveals that droplet division occurs quite generally in active droplet systems. Our results suggest that life-like processes such as metabolism and division can emerge in simple non-equilibrium systems that combine the physics of phase separation and chemical reactions

    Heat fluctuations in chemically active systems

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    Chemically active systems such as living cells are maintained out of thermal equilibrium due to chemical events which generate heat and lead to active fluctuations. A key question is to understand on which time and length scales active fluctuations dominate thermal fluctuations. Here, we formulate a stochastic field theory with Poisson white noise to describe the heat fluctuations which are generated by stochastic chemical events and lead to active temperature fluctuations. We find that on large length- and timescales, active fluctuations always dominate thermal fluctuations. However, at intermediate length- and timescales, multiple crossovers exist which highlight the different characteristics of active and thermal fluctuations. Our work provides a framework to characterize fluctuations in active systems and reveals that local equilibrium holds at certain length- and timescales

    Salt-dependent rheology and surface tension of protein condensates using optical traps

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    An increasing number of proteins with intrinsically disordered domains have been shown to phase separate in buffer to form liquid-like phases. These protein condensates serve as simple models for the investigation of the more complex membrane-less organelles in cells. To understand the function of such proteins in cells, the material properties of the condensates they form are important. However, these material properties are not well understood. Here, we develop a novel method based on optical traps to study the frequency-dependent rheology and the surface tension of PGL-3 condensates as a function of salt concentration. We find that PGL-3 droplets are predominantly viscous but also exhibit elastic properties. As the salt concentration is reduced, their elastic modulus, viscosity and surface tension increase. Our findings show that salt concentration has a strong influence on the rheology and dynamics of protein condensates suggesting an important role of electrostatic interactions for their material properties.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 supplemen

    Theory of nematic and polar active fluid surfaces

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    We derive a fully covariant theory of the hydrodynamics of nematic and polar active surfaces, subjected to internal and external forces and torques. We study the symmetries of polar and nematic surfaces and find that in addition to five different types of in-plane isotropic surfaces, polar and nematic surfaces can be classified into five polar, two pseudopolar, five nematic and two pseudonematic types of surfaces. We give examples of physical realisations of the different types of surfaces we have identified. We obtain expressions for the equilibrium tensions, moments, and external forces and torques acting on a passive polar or nematic surface. We calculate the entropy production rate using the framework of thermodynamics close to equilibrium and find constitutive equations for polar and nematic active surfaces with different symmetries. We study the instabilities of a confined flat planar-chiral polar active layer and of a confined deformable polar active surface with broken up-down symmetry

    Chemically Active Wetting

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    Wetting of liquid droplets on passive surfaces is ubiquitous in our daily lives, and the governing physical laws are well-understood. When surfaces become active, however, the governing laws of wetting remain elusive. Here we propose chemically active wetting as a new class of active systems where the surface is active due to a binding process that is maintained away from equilibrium. We derive the corresponding non-equilibrium thermodynamic theory and show that active binding fundamentally changes the wetting behavior, leading to steady, non-equilibrium states with droplet shapes reminiscent of a pancake or a mushroom. The origin of such anomalous shapes can be explained by mapping to electrostatics, where pairs of binding sinks and sources correspond to electrostatic dipoles along the triple line. This is an example of a more general analogy, where localized chemical activity gives rise to a multipole field of the chemical potential. The underlying physics is relevant for cells, where droplet-forming proteins can bind to membranes accompanied by the turnover of biological fuels