15 research outputs found
Perfil de adolescentes brasileiros e colombianos aspirantes a ingressar em um programa de tratamento da obesidade: um olhar para América Latina
Objetivo: analisar os parâmetros antropométricos, composição corporal, hábitos alimentares, aptidão física relacionada a saúde, bioquímicos e hemodinâmicos, de adolescentes brasileiros e colombianos que pretendem ingressar em um programa multiprofissional de tratamento da obesidade (PMTO). Metodologia: Participaram do estudo 300 adolescentes, brasileiros (n=150) e colombianos (n=150), aspirantes em ingressar um PMTO, com idade média de 16,2 anos, foram avaliadas variáveis antropométricas, da composição corporal, da aptidão física relacionada a saúde, bioquímicas, hemodinâmicas, hábitos alimentares e maturação sexual. Resultados: Dos diferentes graus de excesso de peso, os brasileiros apresentaram valores percentuais elevados de obesidade grave, diferentemente dos colombianos, os quais em sua maioria são apenas sobrepesados, mostrando um risco elevado dos brasileiros sobre os colombianos em alterações da circunferência de cintura (obesidade abdominal 32,9%), percentual de gordura (risco à saúde 74%), baixa aptidão cardiorrespiratória (risco à saúde 91,1%), e HOMA-RI (alterado 39,3%). Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os sexos, nos adolescentes colombianos para as variáveis de MM (0,007) e estatura (<0,001), GAb (<0,001), %G (<0,001), MM (< 0,001). VO2max (0,002), LDLc (0,009) e para os adolescentes brasileiros, para MC (<0,001), estatura (<0,001), IMC (0,002), CC (< 0,001), GAb (0,001), MM (<0,001), %G (0,001). VO2máx (<0,001), FRA (0,001), FLEX (0,001) PAS (<0,001), GLI (<0,001), HOMA-IR (0,037) e HDLc (< 0,001). Conclusão: Tanto adolescentes brasileiros como colombianos apresentaram alterações de risco a saúde, sendo estas mais prevalentes nos brasileiros e maiores quando o grau de obesidade foi mais elevado
Modelo brasilero de tratamiento de la obesidad reduce factores de riesgo cardiometabolico de adolescentes colombianos: programa multiprofesional de tratamiento de la obesidad (PMTO-NEMO)
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la efectividad de un programa de tratamiento de la obesidad multiprofesional aplicado a adolescentes obesos en la ciudad de Maringá-PR-Brasil (PMTO-NEMO-UEM) sobre los riesgos cardiometabólicos de una población equivalente de colombianos en exceso de Peso. Metodología: Evaluamos 120 adolescentes, brasileños (n = 60) y colombianos (n = 60), entre 15 y 18 años, variables antropométricas, composición corporal, estado físico relacionado con la salud, factores hemodinámicos, factores bioquímicos, criterios evaluados. estado socioeconómico y maduración sexual antes y después de 16 semanas de intervención. Resultados: Entre los brasileños, se observaron mejoras significativas entre los momentos previos y posteriores a la intervención para las variables masa corporal, altura, IMC, WC, SBP, DBP, GA,% G, FRA, FLEX, VO2max, GLI, CT, HDL. LDL, INS y HOMA-RI. Entre los colombianos, se observaron mejoras significativas para las variables altura, IMC, CC, GA, MM,% G, FRA, FLEX, VO2max, HDL y HOMA-RI al comparar la variación porcentual. Entre los momentos previos y posteriores a la intervención de colombianos y brasileños, se puede ver que los colombianos lograron resultados superiores para MM y HDL, mientras que los brasileños para MC, IMC, LDL y VO2máx. No se observaron diferencias significativas para la variación porcentual de las otras variables entre las dos nacionalidades. Conclusión: Los resultados encontrados en Colombia fueron similares a los encontrados en Brasil, consolidando PMTO-NEMO-UEM como un modelo eficaz para el tratamiento de la obesidad en adolescentes de otros países
Tratamento multiprofissional da obesidade sobre o risco cardiometabólico e a aptidão física relacionada à saúde de mulheres com obesidade severa
Objetivos: Analisar os efeitos de um programa multiprofissional de tratamento da obesidade (PMTO) sobre o risco cardiometabólico e a aptidão física relacionada à saúde (AFRS) de mulheres com obesidade severa. Materiais e Métodos: Participaram deste ensaio clínico pragmático 12 mulheres de um PMTO com 24 semanas incluindo prática de exercícios físicos, orientações de educação física, nutrição e psicologia. Resultados: Houve melhora significante em todos os parâmetros antropométricos, de composição corporal, da AFRS e nos níveis de triglicerídeos (p 0,05). Conclusão: A amostra apresentava um perfil inicial de risco cardiometabólico e de AFRS bastante comprometidos. Os resultados evidenciam que um PMTO, pautado na terapêutica usual para obesidade (exercício físico, orientação nutricional e suporte psicológico), foi eficaz em melhorar a AFRS, e, consequentemente, minimizar o risco cardiometabólico em mulheres com obesidade severa
The influence of the body weight increase on the VO<sub>2max</sub> and anaerobic capacity decrease of firemen in 5 years
The present study aimed to verify the influence of the aging process, as well as of the weight gain on the VO2max and the anaerobic capacity of firemen of Maringá, in the current age group of 31 to 40 years. That population is of special interest for verifying the chronic effect of physical activities regular, because the same ones maintain a routine that includes aerobic and anaerobic exercises, 3 times a week with duration of 60 minutes and present superior conditioning levels when compared with the majority of the population of the same age group. Cooper’s 12-minute test and Matsudo’s 40-second test were used to measure aerobic and anaerobic capacities. The body weight and height were also collected. These tests were applied to a sample of 40 men in 1995 and reapplied to 37 of the 40 men in 2000. The results 12-minute and of 40-second tests showed that the physical activity helps to maintain the level of physical aptitude. When the sample was divided in two groups: G1 (increase > 5kg n=12) and G2 (increase < 5kg n=25), and compared between themselves (results of 1995 x 2000) a significant reduction was verified (p < 0,05) in the VO2max and in the anaerobic capacity of group G1, while G2 presented no significant difference in this period. These results indicate that the increase in corporal mass in aging people is an important factor in the decline of the appraised functions and the regular physical activity helps to maintain, within a certain limit, the physiologic functions with the passing of time
O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a influência do treinamento físico sobre o processo de envelhecimento e o nível de aptidão física de bombeiros durante um período de sete anos. Participaram do estudo homens da faixa etária atual de 33 a 42 anos e o período de acompanhamento foi entre os anos de 1995 e 2002. Na avaliação da capacidade aeróbica foi utilizado o teste de correr/andar de 12 minutos de Cooper e para a mensuração da potência anaeróbica o teste de corrida de 40 segundos de Matsudo. A mensuração do peso e altura foi realizada para a determinação do índice de massa corporal (IMC). Estes testes foram aplicados em 1995, em uma amostra de 40 homens escolhidos de forma aleatória e, reaplicados em 38 dos 40 homens em 2002. Os resultados do teste de 12 minutos (consumo máximo de oxigênio) mostraram que o treinamento físico ajuda a manter o nível de aptidão física de acordo com a idade. No teste de 40 segundos, os resultados mostraram uma perda percentual relativamente baixa da potência anaeróbica em relação ao padrão esperado. O IMC praticamente manteve-se no limite do peso normal. De acordo com os resultados da pesquisa, chega-se à conclusão de que o treinamento físico aeróbio (corrida e natação) e anaeróbio (treinamento de força e futebol), realizado de 3 a 4 vezes por semana durante 7 anos, ajuda a manter o nível de aptidão física (VO2máx e potência anaeróbia) em homens na faixa etária de 26 a 35 anos (idade inicial). Além disso, também se verificou a manutenção do índice de massa corporal dentro do limite normal
REVISTA PAULISTA DE PEDIATRIA Physical, clinical, and psychosocial parameters of adolescents with different degrees of excess weight
Abstract Objective: To compare body composition, hemodynamic parameters, health-related physical fitness, and health-related quality of life of adolescents with anthropometric diagnosis of overweight, obesity, and severe obesity. Methods: 220 adolescents with excess body weight were enrolled. They were beginners in a intervention program that included patients based on age, availability, presence of excess body weight, place of residence, and agreement to participate in the study. This study collected anthropometric and hemodynamic variables, health-related physical fitness, and health-related quality of life of the adolescents. To compare the three groups according to nutritional status, parametric and non-parametric tests were applied. Significance level was set at p<0.05. Results: There was no significant difference in resting heart rate, health-related physical fitness, relative body fat, absolute and relative lean mass, and health-related quality of life between overweight, obese, and severely obese adolescents (p>0.05). Body weight, body mass index, waist and hip circumference, and systolic blood pressure increased as degree of excess weightincreased (p<0.05). Dyastolic blood pressure of the severe obesity group was higher than the other groups (p<0.05). There was an association between the degree of excess weight and the prevalence of altered blood pressure (overweight: 12.1%; obesity: 28.1%; severe obesity: 45.5%; p<0.001). The results were similar when genders were analyzed separately. Conclusion: Results suggest that overweight adolescents presented similar results compared to obese and severely obese adolescents in most of the parameters analyzed
Physical, clinical, and psychosocial parameters of adolescents with different degrees of excess weight
OBJECTIVE: To compare body composition, hemodynamic parameters, health-related physical fitness, and health-related quality of life of adolescents with anthropometric diagnosis of overweight, obesity, and severe obesity.METHODS: 220 adolescents with excess body weight were enrolled. They were beginners in a intervention program that included patients based on age, availability, presence of excess body weight, place of residence, and agreement to participate in the study. This study collected anthropometric and hemodynamic variables, health-related physical fitness, and health-related quality of life of the adolescents. To compare the three groups according to nutritional status, parametric and non-parametric tests were applied. Significance level was set at p<0.05.RESULTS: There was no significant difference in resting heart rate, health-related physical fitness, relative body fat, absolute and relative lean mass, and health-related quality of life between overweight, obese, and severely obese adolescents (p>0.05). Body weight, body mass index, waist and hip circumference, and systolic blood pressure increased as degree of excess weightincreased (p<0.05). Dyastolic blood pressure of the severe obesity group was higher than the other groups (p<0.05). There was an association between the degree of excess weight and the prevalence of altered blood pressure (overweight: 12.1%; obesity: 28.1%; severe obesity: 45.5%; p<0.001). The results were similar when genders were analyzed separately.CONCLUSION: Results suggest that overweight adolescents presented similar results compared to obese and severely obese adolescents in most of the parameters analyzed
Results from Brazil’s 2022 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents
This research aims to summarize the process and results of the 2022 Report Card on Physical Activity for Brazilian children and adolescents. A group of experts led by 10 PhD researchers gathered the best possible evidence on physical activity indicators. The Report Card Brazil 2022 included the top 10 indicators of physical activity and sleep, obesity, and poor mental health variables, which made up four dimensions: (I) Daily Behaviors; (II) Settings and Sources of Influence; (III) Government Strategies and Investments; and (IV) Health Outcomes. Comprehensive searches, including peer-reviewed and gray literature searches, were performed for each indicator. Data were considered from systematic reviews, local and national surveys, websites, and official information from the Brazilian Federal Government. Grades from the indicators ranged from F (Active Play) to B (School). In addition, the results found for each indicator were Overall Physical Activity (D), Organized Sport Participation (C−), Active Transportation (C), Sedentary Behaviors (D), Sleep (C), Family and Peers (C−), Community and Environment (C), Government (D+), Physical Fitness (D+), Obesity (11.7%), and Poor Mental Health (37.8%). Successfully strategies for increasing physical activity among Brazilian children and adolescents should look at the different indicators presented in this report
Report Card Brazil: Health indicators for children and adolescents (3rd edition)
This project is an update of the Report Card Brazil 2018, which dealt with health indicators for children and adolescents in Brazil. The 2018 project can be consulted in literature: Silva DAS, Christofaro DGD, Ferrari GLM, Silva KS, Nardo N Jr, Silva RJS, Fernandes RA, Barbosa Filho VC. Results from Brazil's 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. J Phys Act Health. 2018; 15 (S2): S323-S325. doi: 10.1123 / jpah.2018-0421