50 research outputs found

    Modes of crustal accretion and their implications for hydrothermal circulation

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    Hydrothermal convection at mid-ocean ridges links the ocean's long-term chemical evolution to solid earth processes, forms hydrothermal ore deposits, and sustains the unique chemosynthetic vent fauna. Yet the depth extent of hydrothermal cooling and the inseparably connected question of how the lower crust accretes remain poorly constrained. Here based on coupled models of crustal accretion and hydrothermal circulation, we provide new insights into which modes of lower crust formation and hydrothermal cooling are thermally viable and most consistent with observations at fast-spreading ridges. We integrate numerical models with observations of melt lens depth, thermal structure, and melt fraction. Models matching all these observations always require a deep crustal-scale hydrothermal flow component and less than 50% of the lower crust crystallizing in situ

    Global rates of mantle serpentinization and H2 production at oceanic transform faults in 3-D geodynamic models

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    Previous studies have estimated that mantle serpentinization reactions generate H2 at a rate of 1010–1012 mol/yr along the global mid-ocean ridge (MOR) system. Here we present results of 3-D geodynamic simulations that predict rates of additional mantle serpentinization and H2 production at oceanic transform faults (OTF). We find that the extent and rate of mantle serpentinization increases with OTF length and is maximum at intermediate slip rates of 5 to 10 cm/yr. The additional global OTF-related production of H2 is found to be between 6.1 and 10.7 × 1011 mol/yr, which is comparable to the predicted background MOR rate of 4.1–15.0 × 1011 mol H2/yr. This points to oceanic transform faults as potential sites of intense fluid-rock interaction, where chemosynthetic life could be sustained by serpentinization reactions

    Anhydrite‐Assisted Hydrothermal Metal Transport to the Ocean Floor—Insights From Thermo‐Hydro‐Chemical Modeling

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    High‐temperature hydrothermal venting has been discovered on all modern mid‐ocean ridges at all spreading rates. Although significant strides have been made in understanding the underlying processes that shape such systems, several first‐order discrepancies between model predictions and observations remain. One key paradox is that numerical experiments consistently show entrainment of cold ambient seawater in shallow high permeability ocean crust causing a temperature drop that is difficult to reconcile with high vent temperatures. We investigate this conundrum using a thermo‐hydro‐chemical model that couples hydrothermal fluid flow with anhydrite‐ and pyrite‐forming reactions in the shallow subseafloor. The models show that precipitation of anhydrite in warming seawater and in cooling hydrothermal fluids during mixing results in the formation of a chimney‐like subseafloor structure around the upwelling, high‐temperature plume. The establishment of such anhydrite‐sealed zones reduces mixing between the hydrothermal fluid and seawater and results in an increase in vent temperature. Pyrite subsequently precipitates close to the seafloor within the anhydrite chimney. Although anhydrite thus formed may be dissolved when colder seawater circulates through the crust away from the spreading axis, the inside pyrite walls would be preserved as veins in present‐day metal deposits, thereby preserving the history of hydrothermal circulation through shallow oceanic crust

    Sea level fall during glaciation stabilized atmospheric CO2 by enhanced volcanic degassing

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    Paleo-climate records and geodynamic modelling indicate the existence of complex interactions between glacial sea level changes, volcanic degassing and atmospheric CO2, which may have modulated the climate system’s descent into the last ice age. Between ∼85 and 70 kyr ago, during an interval of decreasing axial tilt, the orbital component in global temperature records gradually declined, while atmospheric CO2, instead of continuing its long-term correlation with Antarctic temperature, remained relatively stable. Here, based on novel global geodynamic models and the joint interpretation of paleo-proxy data as well as biogeochemical simulations, we show that a sea level fall in this interval caused enhanced pressure-release melting in the uppermost mantle, which may have induced a surge in magma and CO2 fluxes from mid-ocean ridges and oceanic hotspot volcanoes. Our results reveal a hitherto unrecognized negative feedback between glaciation and atmospheric CO2 predominantly controlled by marine volcanism on multi-millennial timescales of ∼5,000–15,000 years