74 research outputs found

    Representing molecule-surface interactions with symmetry-adapted neural networks

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    The accurate description of molecule-surface interactions requires a detailed knowledge of the underlying potential-energy surface (PES). Recently, neural networks (NNs) have been shown to be an efficient technique to accurately interpolate the PES information provided for a set of molecular configurations, e.g. by first-principles calculations. Here, we further develop this approach by building the NN on a new type of symmetry functions, which allows to take the symmetry of the surface exactly into account. The accuracy and efficiency of such symmetry-adapted NNs is illustrated by the application to a six-dimensional PES describing the interaction of oxygen molecules with the Al(111) surface.Comment: 13 pages including 8 figures; related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/th.htm

    Tutorial: How to Train a Neural Network Potential

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    The introduction of modern Machine Learning Potentials (MLP) has led to a paradigm change in the development of potential energy surfaces for atomistic simulations. By providing efficient access to energies and forces, they allow to perform large-scale simulations of extended systems, which are not directly accessible by demanding first-principles methods. In these simulations, MLPs can reach the accuracy of electronic structure calculations provided that they have been properly trained and validated using a suitable set of reference data. Due to their highly flexible functional form the construction of MLPs has to be done with great care. In this tutorial, we describe the necessary key steps for training reliable MLPs, from data generation via training to final validation. The procedure, which is illustrated for the example of a high-dimensional neural network potential, is general and applicable to many types of MLPs

    Fingerprints for spin-selection rules in the interaction dynamics of O2 at Al(111)

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    We performed mixed quantum-classical molecular dynamics simulations based on first-principles potential-energy surfaces to demonstrate that the scattering of a beam of singlet O2 molecules at Al(111) will enable an unambiguous assessment of the role of spin-selection rules for the adsorption dynamics. At thermal energies we predict a sticking probability that is substantially less than unity, with the repelled molecules exhibiting characteristic kinetic, vibrational and rotational signatures arising from the non-adiabatic spin transition.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figures; related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/th.htm

    Signatures of nonadiabatic O2 dissociation at Al(111): First-principles fewest-switches study

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    Recently, spin selection rules have been invoked to explain the discrepancy between measured and calculated adsorption probabilities of molecular oxygen reacting with Al(111). In this work, we inspect the impact of nonadiabatic spin transitions on the dynamics of this system from first principles. For this purpose the motion on two distinct potential-energy surfaces associated to different spin configurations and possible transitions between them are inspected by means of the Fewest Switches algorithm. Within this framework we especially focus on the influence of such spin transitions on observables accessible to molecular beam experiments. On this basis we suggest experimental setups that can validate the occurrence of such transitions and discuss their feasibility.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure
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