154 research outputs found


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of bioactive compounds in the methanolic leaf extract of Syzygium jambos.Methods: Collected leaves were shade dried and made into fine powder, extracted with methanol, and the methanolic extract was prepared and analyzed for the presence of bioactive compounds by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The mass spectrum of the chromatography was matched with NIST and WILEY Libraries.Results: The GC-MS analysis revealed the presence of 45 active compounds in the extract. From the GC-MS investigation, 1-Deoxy-d-mannitol3-methyl-2-methylsulfanyl-5-nitro-6-pyridin-4-ylpyrimidin-4-one, 3-Pentadecylphenol, 2-biphenylene carboxylic acid, Quinoline-3-carboxylic acid, and Stigmast-5-en-3-ol are important phytoconstituents which have antipyretic and antiparasitic activities.Conclusion: The present investigation revealed preliminary information on phytocompounds presented in S. jambos leaf extract which is very useful for the human community.Keywords: Syzygium jambos, Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis, 1-Deoxy-d-mannitol, Phytoconstituents, Methanolic leaf extrac

    Studies on Soil fertility, Cow urine and Panchagavya levels on Growth and Yield of Maize

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    The present study revealed that higher grain and stover yield, plant height and number of leaves in maize with panchagavya, cow urine but it was comparable to recommended fertilizer treatments at higher level (200% and 300%). It can be concluded that presence of rich plant growth substances, both major and micro nutrients, beneficial microbial population in organic liquid manures help to bring rapid changes in phenotypic characteristics of plants and also improves the growth and ultimately improve the productivity of the crops. Liquid organic manure like panchagavya could be prepared locally by farming community and obtain increased yield levels. Such practices would pave way to reduce use of external inputs and increase sustainability among organic farmers in the developing countries

    Taking ethical photos of children for medical and research purposes in low-resource settings: an exploratory qualitative study.

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    Photographs are commonly taken of children in medical and research contexts. With the increased availability of photographs through the internet, it is increasingly important to consider their potential for negative consequences and the nature of any consent obtained. In this research we explore the issues around photography in low-resource settings, in particular concentrating on the challenges in gaining informed consent


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    Objective: The objective of present study was to develop hydrogel formulations loaded with Calotropis gigantea leaves extract. Methods: The prepared hydrogel formulations were compliance with their color, odor, homogeneity, pH, and spreadability. Results: As all the formulations were complies with the all parameters and it can be suggest as a Good antibacterial gel. It is evident that, ethanolic extract of Calotropis gigantea showed a maximum inhibitory zone against bacteria associated with foot ulcer. Conclusions: The In vitro studies showed a quantity dependent increase in antibacterial activity against foot ulcer causing bacteria, a contraction which is higher than that produced by the control groups. These contractions were statistically significant (p<0.05), during the study with leave extract against foot ulcer causing bacteria in diabetes

    Mothers' food choices and consumption of ultra-processed foods in the Brazilian Amazon: A grounded theory study

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    In recent decades, an increase in consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPF), a type of product frequently associated with diet-related obesity, chronic diseases, decrease of eating traditions and loss of culinary diversity, has been observed in middle-income countries. However, there is lack of information on factors related to choosing UPF. In this study, we aimed to understand the factors promoting UPF choices and consumption among mothers living in an urban context in the Brazilian Amazon, and to present a conceptual model grounded on their experiences that illustrates the dynamics between the observed factors. For this qualitative study, we used a constructive grounded theory approach, with a theoretical sampling of 40 women, to choose mothers with high and low consumption of ultra-processed foods. Data production and the first steps of analysis were performed concomitantly, followed by four steps of coding focused on creating conceptual categories and explaining the interactions between them. Our findings highlighted the importance of context in promoting UPF choice and consumption, particularly the “food environment”, physical and virtual, and the “sociocultural environment”. These contextual aspects interacted with the two main personal aspects influencing participants' UPF consumption, one concerning practices, “cooking behaviors”, and the other concerning preferences, “food tastes”. Factors such as economic and time constraints were also important and competed to shape eating practices through interactions with participants’ health valorization. Findings are discussed in relation to food choice theories, social roles and the food environment. Implications for public health initiatives include the importance of considering environmental changes, sociocultural and economic influences, the reliance on UPF, and the role of women in the home, when promoting healthy diets

    Survival rights for children: What are the national and global barriers?

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    Most children die in low and middle-income countries as a result of structural injustice, and while it may not be possible to prove causality between economic policies and breaches of rights, it is possible to audit policy and practices through the lens of human rights. Child health advocates need to highlight the fact that technical interventions, in the absence of action on structural injustice, cannot address the fundamental causes of poor health. It could even be said that we collude in the fallacy that injustices can be solved with technical solutions. The determinants of health, water, food, shelter, primary education and health care are minimum core human rights, are the rights required for survival and today should be available to every child (and their families) in all countries. However, there are national and global limitations on the ability of countries to determine policy and generate the revenue required for core human rights. The authors conducted a review of the literature on the main leakages from government revenues in low and middle-income countries to identify obstacles to children enjoying their right to survival. Based on the review the authors suggest a framework for an upstream audit that can be carried out, country by country, to identify barriers in terms of policies and the generation, allocation and utilisation of revenues. This audit involves systematically screening the policies and practices of the main actors: national governments, high-income country partners, multinational enterprises, and international organisations, for possible influence on the realisation of human rights. Human rights advocates and child health associations could lead or commission an upstream audit on behalf of children in their countries in order to identify the fundamental causes and real remedies
