3,534 research outputs found

    Computational approaches to emotional decision making

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    Findings on the role that emotion plays in human behavior have transformed Artificial Intelligence computations. Modern research explores how to simulate more intelligent and flexible systems. Several studies focus on the role that emotion has in order to establish values for alternative decision and decision outcomes. For instance, Busemeyer et al. (2007) argued that emotional state affects the subjectivity value of alternative choice. However, emotional concepts in these theories are generally not defined formally and it is difficult to describe in systematic detail how processes work. In this sense, structures and processes cannot be explicitly implemented. Some attempts have been incorporated into larger computational systems that try to model how emotion affects human mental processes and behavior (Becker-Asano & Wachsmuth, 2008; Marinier, Laird & Lewis, 2009; Marsella & Gratch, 2009; Parkinson, 2009; Sander, Grandjean & Scherer, 2005). As we will see, some tutoring systems have explored this potential to inform user models. Likewise, dialogue systems, mixed-initiative planning systems, or systems that learn from observation could also benefit from such an approach (Dickinson, Brew & Meurers, 2013; Jurafsky & Martin, 2009). That is, considering emotion as interaction can be relevant in order to explain the dynamic role it plays in action and cognition (see Boehner et al., 2007).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Emotionally interactive agents

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    Models in language processing have researched how words are interpreted by humans. Many models presume the ability to correctly interpret the beliefs, motives and intentions underlying words. The interest relies also on how emotion motivates certain words or actions, inferences, and communicates information about mental state. As we will see below, some tutoring systems have explored this potential to inform user models. Likewise, dialogue systems, mixed-initiative planning systems, or systems that learn from observation could also benefit from such an approach. As these experimental data show, activating accessible constructs or attitudes through one set of stimuli can facilitate cognitive processing of other stimuli under certain circumstances, and can interfere with it under other circumstances. Some of the results support and converge on those centered on the constructs of current concern and emotional arousal. Future research has to take seriously into account this question: how to develop models where emotion interacts with cognitive processing. One example could be the work of Pitterman et al. (2010) where it is combined speech-based emotion recognition with adaptive human-computer modeling. With the robust recognition of emotions from speech signals as their goal, the authors analyze the effectiveness of using a plain emotion recognizer, a speech-emotion recognizer combining speech and emotion recognition, and multiple speech-emotion recognizers at the same time. The semi-stochastic dialogue model employed relates user emotion management to the corresponding dialogue interaction history and allows the device to adapt itself to the context, including altering the stylistic realization of its speech.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    BENEFIT SHARING DALAM PRAKTIK JOINT VENTURE (Analisis Kritis Perspektif Syariah)

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    Kajian ilmiah tentang bagi hasil dalam konteks profit sharing, loss and profit sharing, dan revenue sharing atas kerjasama bisnis sudah cukup memadahi. Hal yang jarang diketahui publik ialah benefit sharing. Hal yang sering dilupakan dalam pembagian keuntungan bersama dalam usaha joint venture ialah bahwa aset bersama juga terdapat potensi keuntungan berupa manfaat. Biasanya, manfaat tidak diperhitungkan sebagai hasil karena ia tidak nampak, apalagi wujud aset perusahaan tetap ada. Pemanfaatan berizin atas aset usaha bersama dalam joint venture seringkali disalahkaprahkan untuk kepentingan pribadi melalui berbagai cara pemanfaatan, misalnya dikelola dalam bentuk sewa, bisnis online, jual beli jaringan, pemanfaatan lahan perusahaan, dan sebagainya. Mestinya, setiap hasil keuntungan atas manfaat yang dikelola sedemikian ini dikembalikan ke perusahaan bersama yang akan dibagi untuk bersama pula. Praktiknya, hal ini seringkali diabaikan begitu saja karena dianggap sebagai suatu hal yang biasa. Oleh karena itu, benefit sharing bisa dijadikan alat kontrol pengelolaan manfaat semisal ini. Kajian ini ditulis dengan pendekatan fenomena benefit sharing perusahaan joint venture dengan analisis perspektif syaria

    Social security, education retirement and growth

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    This paper analyzes, firstly, the expected effects of social security reforms that have been implemented in Spain after 2004 (and, secondly, the expected effects of reductions in the minimum pension) on retirement decision and human capital accumulation (and hence on growth and on income inequality). Individuals in our model economy differ in their innate ability and growth is a by-product of the most skilled individuals’ productivity. According to our model, i) increases in the minimum and normal retirement ages are expected to have a strong effect, not only on individuals’ retirement decisions, but also on their education investment; ii) augmented incentives to late retirement are not expected to have any effect; iii) reductions in the minimum pension are not expected to have a significant effect unless it is completely eliminated.Social Security; Pay-as-you-go; Voluntary Retirement; Human Capital; Minimum Pen

    Emotional inferences by pragmatics

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    It has for long been taken for granted that, along the course of reading a text, world knowledge is often required in order to establish coherent links between sentences (McKoon & Ratcliff 1992, Iza & Ezquerro 2000). The content grasped from a text turns out to be strongly dependent upon the reader’s additional knowledge that allows a coherent interpretation of the text as a whole. The world knowledge directing the inference may be of distinctive nature. Gygax et al. (2007) showed that mental models related to human action may be of a perceptual nature and may include behavioral as well as emotional elements. Gygax (2010), however, showed the unspecific nature of emotional inferences and the prevalence of behavioral elements in readers' mental models of emotions. Inferences are made in both directions; emotional inferences based on behavior and vice versa. Harris & de Rosnay (2002) and Pons et al. (2003) proved that different linguistic skills –in particular lexicon, syntax and semantics are closely related to emotion understanding. Iza & Konstenius (2010) showed that additional knowledge about social norms affects the participants’ prediction about would be inferred as the behavioral or emotional outcome of a given social situation. Syntactic and lexical abilities are the best predictors of emotion understanding, but making inferences is the only significant predictor of the most complex components (reflective dimension) of emotion comprehension in normal children. Recently, Farina et al. (2011) showed in a study that the relation between pragmatics and emotional inferences may not be so straight forward. Children with High Functioning Autism (HFA) and Asperger Syndrome (AS) present similar diagnostic profiles, characterized by satisfactory cognitive development, good phonological, syntactic and semantic competences, but poor pragmatic skills and socio-emotional competencies. After training in pragmatics a descriptive analyses showed the whole group to display a deficit in emotion comprehension, but high levels of pragmatic competences. This indicates a further need to study the relationship between emotion and inference in normal subjects too. We also suggest that while behavioral elements may indeed be of perceptual nature and the inference between emotion and behavior less culturally dependent especially when concerned with basic emotions -the inference concerned with social norms may be more complex and require elaborative inference. We suggest that in further studies a distinction between basic emotions and non basic emotions, social settings and non-social settings should be made. The cognitive models concerned with social action may be of more complex nature, but with recognizable features on lexical and syntactic levels.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Growth in an oil abundant economy: The case of Venezuela

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    This paper has been presented at DEGIT-X held in México 2005.-- Revised: 2008-08.non-renewable resources, growth accounting, TFP, oil rents

    Social robots, are they emotional?

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    There have been several approaches to modelling human cognition. Implementing these structures and processes finishes in reduced performance along some dimensions. We need a convergence among cognitive architectures from two points of view: (i) computational aspect, necessity to perform complex tasks in demanding contexts; (ii) implementational aspect, reflecting the exponentially increasing knowledge figure about the nature of brain processes

    Review: Arthur W. Frank, Letting stories breathe: a socio-narratology

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    ABSTRAKRona, Iza. 2017.Kualitas Tes Matematika Semester GanjilKelas VIII SMP Negeri 7 Banda Aceh Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017. Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pembimbing:(1)Drs. Salasi R, M.Pd .(2) Drs. Musafir Kumar, M.Si.Kata Kunci: Validitas, Reliabilitas, Daya beda, Tingkat kesukaran, PengecohTes yang baik harus memenuhi beberapa syarat kualitas tes yaitu validitas, reliabilitas, tingkat kesukaran, daya beda, dan fungsi pengecoh. Apabila suatu perangkat tes tidak di analisismaka perangkat tes tersebut tidak dapat digunakan untuk mengukur hasil belajar peserta didik. Analisis butir soal suatu tes sangat diperlukan untuk melihat kualitas suatu perangkat tes agar dapat digunakan untuk mengukur hasil belajar. Kenyataannya masih banyak guru yang belummelakukan analisis butir soal yang digunakan untuk melihat hasil belajar peserta didik. Hal ini mendukung peneliti untuk melakukan suatu penelitian yang bertujuan mengetahui kualitas tes matematika semester ganjil di kelas VIII SMP Negeri 7 Banda Aceh tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Peneliti menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Subjekpenelitian ini meliputi butir soal pada tes dan lembar jawaban peserta didik yang mengikuti ujian semester ganjil kelas VIII-C tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Data diperoleh dari dokumentasi sekolah. Hasil analisis data butir soal tes matematika kelas VIII SMP Negeri 7 Banda Aceh Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017menunjukkan bahwa (1) Validitas butir soal setengah bagian yangtergolong rendah dan sangat rendah yaitu27 dari 40 butir soal, (2) Reliabilitas soal tergolong rendahyaitu 0,0741, (3) Tingkat kesukaran butir soal sebagian besartergolong sedangyaitu 25 dari 40 butir soal,tergolong sukar 14dari 40 butir soal, dan hanya 1 dari 40butir soal yang tergolong mudah. (4) Daya beda butir soal tergolong jelek yaitu 21 dari 40butir soal, dan tergolong cukup 13 dari 40butir soal, (5) Tingkat efektifitas fungsi pengecoh (distraktor) butir soal hampir semua tidak berfungsi secara efektifhanya butir soal nomor 2 yang memenuhi kriteria. Berdaasarkan aspek-aspek tersebut dapat disimpulkan secara keseluruhan soal tes bentuk pilihan ganda yang digunakan guru bidang studi matematika pada ujian semester ganjil kelas VIII SMP Negeri 7 Banda Aceh Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017 belum cukup berkualitas untuk digunakan sebagai alat ukur keberhasilan belajar peserta didik