48 research outputs found

    Relación del liderazgo transformacional con el desempeño laboral en la Municipalidad Distrital de Independencia - 2018

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    La presente investigación titulada: Relación del liderazgo transformacional con el desempeño laboral en la Municipalidad Distrital de Independencia – 2018, esta investigación fue de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo correlacional y de diseño no experimental, transaccional. Para alcanzar el objetivo se determinó una muestra probabilística compuesta por 53 trabajadores y 9 jefes de área de la municipalidad en estudio, para la recopilación de los datos se empleó como técnica, la encuesta y como instrumentos se usó dos cuestionarios estructurados con preguntas sobre los indicadores de las variables investigadas, los datos recopilados fueron presentados en tablas y gráficos, para su mejor análisis y visualización; mediante el paquete estadístico SPSS, se llegó a la conclusión de que existe correlación positiva y significativa entre liderazgo transformacional y desempeño laboral mediante un coeficiente de correlación de Chi Cuadrado de Pearson de 63,997, y con una significación asintótica de 0.000 cuyo resultado es inferior a nivel de significancia bilateral de 0,05; por lo que un adecuado liderazgo transformacional repercute positivamente en el desempeño laboral

    Climate-Smart agriculture rapid appraisal (CSA-RA) report for Guyana

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    Systematic pathological component scores for skin-containing vascularized composite allografts

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    Clinical management of skin-containing vascularized composite allografts (VCA) requires accurate assessment of the graft status, typically based on skin biopsies. The Banff 2007 Working Classification proposed 4 grades of acute rejection, but did not score individual features or include vascular rejection. Here we report a systematic scoring system developed from MHC-mismatched porcine skin-containing VCA. Biopsies from 20 VCA, 9 autologous skin flaps and 9 normal skin were analyzed to optimize the methodology and set thresholds. The components quantified were: perivascular cells/dermal vessel (pc), perivascular dermal infiltrate area (pa), luminal leukocytes/capillary or venule (c), epidermal infiltrate (ei), epidermal apoptosis or necrosis (e), endarteritis (v), and chronic allograft vasculopathy (cav). To evaluate prognostic value, we scored a separate group of 28 serial biopsies from 8 recipients (4 that were ultimately accepted and 4 that rejected. Parameters on the initial biopsies predicting later graft rejection included pc (p < 0.02), pa (p < 0.03), ei (p < 0.0005), e (p < 0.003) and c (p < 0.005). Reproducibility between 2 pathologists blinded to clinical data was acceptable, with weighted kappa scores for pc (0.673), pa (0.399), ei (0.464), e (0.663), v (0.766), and c (0.642). This component scoring system can be adapted clinically, since human and porcine skin are highly similar. Vascular lesions in VCA are also highlighted in this system and could impact graft outcome. The component score approach complements Banff 2007 grades and will enable the establishment of clinically significant thresholds

    Exceeding the Limits of Static Cold Storage in Limb Transplantation Using Subnormothermic Machine Perfusion

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    Background For 50 years, static cold storage (SCS) has been the gold standard for solid organ preservation in transplantation. Although logistically convenient, this preservation method presents important constraints in terms of duration and cold ischemia-induced lesions. We aimed to develop a machine perfusion (MP) protocol for recovery of vascularized composite allografts (VCA) after static cold preservation and determine its effects in a rat limb transplantation model. Methods Partial hindlimbs were procured from Lewis rats and subjected to SCS in Histidine-Tryptophan-Ketoglutarate solution for 0, 12, 18, 24, and 48 hours. They were then either transplanted (Txp), subjected to subnormothermic machine perfusion (SNMP) for 3 hours with a modified Steen solution, or to SNMP + Txp. Perfusion parameters were assessed for blood gas and electrolytes measurement, and flow rate and arterial pressures were monitored continuously. Histology was assessed at the end of perfusion. For select SCS durations, graft survival and clinical outcomes after transplantation were compared between groups at 21 days. Results Transplantation of limbs preserved for 0, 12, 18, and 24-hour SCS resulted in similar survival rates at postoperative day 21. Grafts cold-stored for 48 hours presented delayed graft failure (p = 0.0032). SNMP of limbs after 12-hour SCS recovered the vascular resistance, potassium, and lactate levels to values similar to limbs that were not subjected to SCS. However, 18-hour SCS grafts developed significant edema during SNMP recovery. Transplantation of grafts that had undergone a mixed preservation method (12-hour SCS + SNMP + Txp) resulted in better clinical outcomes based on skin clinical scores at day 21 post-transplantation when compared to the SCS + Txp group (p = 0.01613). Conclusion To date, VCA MP is still limited to animal models and no protocols are yet developed for graft recovery. Our study suggests that ex vivo SNMP could help increase the preservation duration and limit cold ischemia-induced injury in VCA transplantation.</p

    Multiomic profiling of transplant glomerulopathy reveals a novel T-cell dominant subclass

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    Kidney transplant (KTx) biopsies showing transplant glomerulopathy (TG) (glomerular basement membrane double contours (cg) &gt; 0) and microvascular inflammation (MVI) in the absence of C4d staining and donor-specific antibodies (DSAs) do not fulfill the criteria for chronic active antibody–mediated rejection (CA-AMR) diagnosis and do not fit into any other Banff category. To investigate this, we initiated a multicenter intercontinental study encompassing 36 cases, comparing the immunomic and transcriptomic profiles of 14 KTx biopsies classified as cg+MVI DSA-/C4d- with 22 classified as CA-AMR DSA+/C4d+ through novel transcriptomic analysis using the NanoString Banff-Human Organ Transplant (B-HOT) panel and subsequent orthogonal subset analysis using two innovative 5-marker multiplex immunofluorescent panels. Nineteen genes were differentially expressed between the two study groups. Samples diagnosed with CA-AMR DSA+/C4d+ showed a higher glomerular abundance of natural killer cells and higher transcriptomic cell type scores for macrophages in an environment characterized by increased expression of complement-related genes (i.e., C5AR1) and higher activity of angiogenesis, interstitial fibrosis tubular atrophy, CA-AMR, and DSA-related pathways when compared to samples diagnosed with cg+MVI DSA-/C4d-. Samples diagnosed with cg+MVI DSA-/C4d- displayed a higher glomerular abundance and activity of T cells (CD3+, CD3+CD8+, and CD3+CD8-). Thus, we show that using novel multiomic techniques, KTx biopsies with cg+MVI DSA-/C4d- have a prominent T-cell presence and activity, putting forward the possibility that these represent a more T-cell dominant phenotype.</p

    Multiomic profiling of transplant glomerulopathy reveals a novel T-cell dominant subclass

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    Kidney transplant (KTx) biopsies showing transplant glomerulopathy (TG) (glomerular basement membrane double contours (cg) &gt; 0) and microvascular inflammation (MVI) in the absence of C4d staining and donor-specific antibodies (DSAs) do not fulfill the criteria for chronic active antibody–mediated rejection (CA-AMR) diagnosis and do not fit into any other Banff category. To investigate this, we initiated a multicenter intercontinental study encompassing 36 cases, comparing the immunomic and transcriptomic profiles of 14 KTx biopsies classified as cg+MVI DSA-/C4d- with 22 classified as CA-AMR DSA+/C4d+ through novel transcriptomic analysis using the NanoString Banff-Human Organ Transplant (B-HOT) panel and subsequent orthogonal subset analysis using two innovative 5-marker multiplex immunofluorescent panels. Nineteen genes were differentially expressed between the two study groups. Samples diagnosed with CA-AMR DSA+/C4d+ showed a higher glomerular abundance of natural killer cells and higher transcriptomic cell type scores for macrophages in an environment characterized by increased expression of complement-related genes (i.e., C5AR1) and higher activity of angiogenesis, interstitial fibrosis tubular atrophy, CA-AMR, and DSA-related pathways when compared to samples diagnosed with cg+MVI DSA-/C4d-. Samples diagnosed with cg+MVI DSA-/C4d- displayed a higher glomerular abundance and activity of T cells (CD3+, CD3+CD8+, and CD3+CD8-). Thus, we show that using novel multiomic techniques, KTx biopsies with cg+MVI DSA-/C4d- have a prominent T-cell presence and activity, putting forward the possibility that these represent a more T-cell dominant phenotype.</p

    Pan-caspase inhibition during normothermic machine perfusion of discarded livers mitigates ex situ innate immune responses

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    Access to liver transplantation is limited by a significant organ shortage. The recent introduction of machine perfusion technology allows surgeons to monitor and assess ex situ liver function prior to transplantation. However, many donated organs are of inadequate quality for transplant, though opportunities exist to rehabilitate organ function with adjunct therapeutics during normothermic machine perfusion. In this preclinical study, we targeted the apoptosis pathway as a potential method of improving hepatocellular function. Treatment of discarded human livers during normothermic perfusion with an irreversible pan-caspase inhibitor, emricasan, resulted in significant mitigation of innate immune and pro-inflammatory responses at both the transcriptional and protein level. This was evidenced by significantly decreased circulating levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines, interleukin-6, interleukin-8, and interferon-gamma, compared to control livers. Compared to emricasan-treated livers, untreated livers demonstrated transcriptional changes notable for enrichment in pathways involved in innate immunity, leukocyte migration, and cytokine-mediated signaling. Targeting of unregulated apoptosis may represent a viable therapeutic intervention for immunomodulation during machine perfusion

    Machine Perfusion Enables 24-h Preservation of Vascularized Composite Allografts in a Swine Model of Allotransplantation

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    The current gold standard for preserving vascularized composite allografts (VCA) is 4°C static cold storage (SCS), albeit muscle vulnerability to ischemia can be described as early as after 2 h of SCS. Alternatively, machine perfusion (MP) is growing in the world of organ preservation. Herein, we investigated the outcomes of oxygenated acellular subnormothermic machine perfusion (SNMP) for 24-h VCA preservation before allotransplantation in a swine model. Six partial hindlimbs were procured on adult pigs and preserved ex vivo for 24 h with either SNMP (n = 3) or SCS (n = 3) before heterotopic allotransplantation. Recipient animals received immunosuppression and were followed up for 14 days. Clinical monitoring was carried out twice daily, and graft biopsies and blood samples were regularly collected. Two blinded pathologists assessed skin and muscle samples. Overall survival was higher in the SNMP group. Early euthanasia of 2 animals in the SCS group was linked to significant graft degeneration. Analyses of the grafts showed massive muscle degeneration in the SCS group and a normal aspect in the SNMP group 2 weeks after allotransplantation. Therefore, this 24-h SNMP protocol using a modified Steen solution generated better clinical and histological outcomes in allotransplantation when compared to time-matched SCS

    The Banff 2022 Kidney Meeting Work Plan:Data-driven refinement of the Banff Classification for renal allografts

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    The XVIth Banff Meeting for Allograft Pathology was held in Banff, Alberta, Canada, from September 19 to 23, 2022, as a joint meeting with the Canadian Society of Transplantation. In addition to a key focus on the impact of microvascular inflammation and biopsy-based transcript analysis on the Banff Classification, further sessions were devoted to other aspects of kidney transplant pathology, in particular T cell–mediated rejection, activity and chronicity indices, digital pathology, xenotransplantation, clinical trials, and surrogate endpoints. Although the output of these sessions has not led to any changes in the classification, the key role of Banff Working Groups in phrasing unanswered questions, and coordinating and disseminating results of investigations addressing these unanswered questions was emphasized. This paper summarizes the key Banff Meeting 2022 sessions not covered in the Banff Kidney Meeting 2022 Report paper and also provides an update on other Banff Working Group activities relevant to kidney allografts.</p

    The Banff 2022 Kidney Meeting Work Plan:Data-driven refinement of the Banff Classification for renal allografts

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    The XVIth Banff Meeting for Allograft Pathology was held in Banff, Alberta, Canada, from September 19 to 23, 2022, as a joint meeting with the Canadian Society of Transplantation. In addition to a key focus on the impact of microvascular inflammation and biopsy-based transcript analysis on the Banff Classification, further sessions were devoted to other aspects of kidney transplant pathology, in particular T cell–mediated rejection, activity and chronicity indices, digital pathology, xenotransplantation, clinical trials, and surrogate endpoints. Although the output of these sessions has not led to any changes in the classification, the key role of Banff Working Groups in phrasing unanswered questions, and coordinating and disseminating results of investigations addressing these unanswered questions was emphasized. This paper summarizes the key Banff Meeting 2022 sessions not covered in the Banff Kidney Meeting 2022 Report paper and also provides an update on other Banff Working Group activities relevant to kidney allografts.</p