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5 research outputs found
Unrecognized Burden of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Aaron M. Milstone
Claire Beers
+4 more
Ivor Berkowitz
Karen C. Carroll
Trish M. Perl
Xiaoyan Song
Publication venue
'University of Chicago Press'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Parents Demand and Teenager Refuses Epidural Anesthesia
Alyssa Burgart
Danton Char
+4 more
Ivor Berkowitz
John D. Lantos
Robert D. Truog
Thomas J. Mancuso
Publication venue
'American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Resistive index variability in anterior cerebral artery measurements during daily transcranial duplex sonography: A predictor of cerebrovascular complications in infants undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation?
Alqahtani Eman
Bembea Melania
+8 more
Berkowitz Ivor
Huisman Thierry
Liu Shen
McGree James
Oshmyansky Alexander
Stern Steven
Tekes Aylin
Zamora Carlos
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Queensland University of Technology ePrints Archive
The physiology of cerebral blood flow during cardiopulmonary resuscitation
AA Mohamed
AB Sanders
+54 more
AD Guerci
BC White
BC White
C Carlsson
CF Babbs
CF Babbs
CG Brown
CG Brown
CL Schleien
CL Schleien
FE Weale
GW Maier
HR Halperin
HR Halperin
ID Berkowitz
Ivor D. Berkowitz
JA Werner
JK Deshpande
JM Cohen
JM Criley
JM Dean
JM Dean
JM Luce
JP Rosborough
JR Michael
JT Niemann
JT Niemann
JW Pearson
JW Walker
LA Newberg
Mark C. Rogers
MC Rogers
ML Weisfeldt
MP Feneley
MT Rudikoff
MT Rudikoff
N Chandra
N Chandra
N Chandra
NM Branston
NM Branston
PA Steen
PA Steen
PA Steen
RC Koehler
RC Koehler
RW Yakaitis
S Kazda
SA Geller
T Arai
TM Sundt
WB Kouwenhoven
WD Voorhees
WD Voorhees
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
A Decision Heuristic for Party Identification: New British and German Data and a New Understanding for a Classic Concept
Alan Gerber
Alan S Zuckerman
+107 more
Alan S Zuckerman
Alan S Zuckerman
Alan S Zuckerman
Alan S. Zuckerman
Angus Campbell
Angus Campbell
Angus Campbell
Anthony Downs
Anthony Heath
Anthony Heath
Benjamin Page
Bernard Berelson
Bo S�rlvick
Bryan D Jones
Carol A Cassel
Carol A Cassel
Carsten Zelle
Carsten Zelle
Charles H Franklin
Christian Leithner
Christopher Achen
Christopher J Anderson
D Kiewiet
Daphna M Oyserman
David Butler
David Butler
Dennis Chong
Donald Green
Donald Green
Donald R Kinder
Eric M Uslaner
Eric Schickler
Eric Schickler
Gary Klein
Gary Klein
George Belknap
George E Markus
Geraint Parry
Gerd Gigerenzer
H Schmitt
Hans Rattinger
Hans-Dieter Klingemann
Helmut Norpoth
Helumt Norpoth
Herbert A Simon
Ivor Crewe
Ivor Crewe
James Stimson
Jennifer L Hill
John E Jackson
John J Coleman
John Zaller
John Zaller
J�rgen W Falter
J�rgen W Falter
Karl Schmitt
Laurence Kotler-Berkowitz
Lawrence Leduc
Malcolm Brynin
Max Kaase
Max Kaase
Morris P Fiorina
Norman H Nie
Paul Abramson
Paul Lazarsfeld
Peter M Gluchowski
Philip E Converse
Philip E Converse
Philip E Converse
Philip E Converse
Philip E Converse
R Alvarez
R Alvarez
R J Johnston
Rainer Winkelmann
Raymond A Barnett
Richard A Brody
Richard Rose
Richard Rose
Richard Sinnott
Robert E Lane
Robert E Lane
Robert Huckfeldt
Robert K Merton
Ronald Inglehart
Ronald Johnston
Russell J Dalton
Samuel H Barnes
Samuel H Barnes
Sanders David
Shaun Bowler
Sidney Verba
Simon Herbert
Simon Herbert
Simon Herbert
Ulrich Kohler
V O Key
V O Key
V O Key
Van Deth
W Shively
W Shively
Warren E Miller
Warren E Miller
Publication venue
'Elsevier BV'
Publication date
Field of study
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