64 research outputs found


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    Classical Newton’s model has been used to analyze the energy transfer mechanisms in the “striker-ball” system during impact. The velocity restitution coefficient and velocity transfer index were determined from the laboratory experiments and in natural sports playing conditions (volleyball, football, tennis). It was found that a living system controls the energy transfer in the impact phase depending on the motion task of the stroke


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    INTRODUCTION: Due to the increasing involvement of children in sports at earlier ages, it is a necessary to scientifically study children’s motion activity and to assist in its coordinated aimed development. The failure of children to perceive and formulate aims and motion tasks contributes to the complexity of the problem [1,2]. It is proposed that the application of the suggested method of “playing-mode reflection” will speed up the mental and motion self-development of children. METHOD: A set of computer-driven sports training equipment is created, allowing us to investigate the physical, mental and intellectual abilities of trainees in the playing mode and differentially assign parameters of the above mentioned characteristics to the system, appropriate to children’s ages, conditions and development levels. Bio-technical training systems possess measurement, computational and control functions and include: IBM-compatible multimedia computer; five specially designed loading devices (training set) with sensors and I/O data exchange units; unique computer software programs for testing and teaching children during play; methods of bio-reflective control of children’s behavior, allowing us to plan, individualize and differentiate the training load in magnitude and duration depending on the trainee’s situation. Sets of bio-technical training equipment were installed in 50 pre-school institutions in Russia. Systematic tests of the motion activities of children were continuously performed on 210 children from 4 to 7 years of age using the following parameters: frequencies of arm and leg motions during pedaling; speed of rotation motion in joints; reaction time to signals by arms and the whole body; degree of stability and posture correction frequency during balance retention on a movable support. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: An Educational program for children’s selfdevelopment using bio-technical training systems has been successfully created. The system contributes to correct carriage, actions and motion activities on the part of children. It has been demonstrated that children’s development according to the suggested program with the help of bio-technical systems provides more effective results In comparison with the case where no bio-technical systems are used. REFERENCES: [1]. L.I. Lubysheva. (1996). Theory and Practice of Physical culture, 1. [2]. D.D. Donskoy, S.V. Dmitriev.(1997). Integration Problems of Natural and Humanitarian Sciences. (pp.58-63).Nishny Novgorod, Russia

    The Interrelationship between Coping Strategies and Socio-Psychological Competency of University Students’ Personality

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    In contemporary society characterized by socio-economic and political instability, the problem of studying the factors and mechanisms that contribute to the constructive resolution of life difficulties and counteracting their negative consequences is very important. This paper contains the results of an empirical study of the characteristics and relationships of students’ coping behavior with different levels of their socio-psychological competency. The research methods comprised the following: theoretical analysis, empirical research (testing), qualitative analysis of the obtained data, mathematical and statistical data processing (SPSS Statistics, Excel). The characteristics of indicators of socio-psychological competency were determined with the use of the technique for assessing socio-communicative competency, as well as a questionnaire that reveals the possibility of using socio-psychological skills by a person in difficult life situations. To study coping behavior, the following were used: “The ways of coping questionnaire” and “The youth coping scale”. The validity and reliability of the research results was ensured by the initial methodological positions, the use of tested tools, representativeness of the research sample, as well as mathematical processing of data with the help of software package for statistical analysis. The conclusions have been drawn that the basis of constructive mechanisms to overcome difficult life situations is a high level of formation of professional skills and abilities, introversion, motivation to achieve success, high intellectual development, moral standards, a high level of development of communication skills. It is these mechanisms that make it possible to resolve problem situations and tasks at work in a productive way. Their absence or a low level of development contributes to the dominance of situational methods of overcoming difficult life situations that impede professional formation and personal development

    The complete genome sequence of Clostridium indolis DSM 755T

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    Clostridium indolis DSM 755(T) is a bacterium commonly found in soils and the feces of birds and mammals. Despite its prevalence, little is known about the ecology or physiology of this species. However, close relatives, C. saccharolyticum and C. hathewayi, have demonstrated interesting metabolic potentials related to plant degradation and human health. The genome of C. indolis DSM 755(T) reveals an abundance of genes in functional groups associated with the transport and utilization of carbohydrates, as well as citrate, lactate, and aromatics. Ecologically relevant gene clusters related to nitrogen fixation and a unique type of bacterial microcompartment, the CoAT BMC, are also detected. Our genome analysis suggests hypotheses to be tested in future culture based work to better understand the physiology of this poorly described species

    Draft Genome Sequences of 10 Strains of the Genus Exiguobacterium

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    High-quality draft genome sequences were determined for 10 Exiguobacterium strains in order to provide insight into their evolutionary strategies for speciation and environmental adaptation. The selected genomes include psychrotrophic and thermophilic species from a range of habitats, which will allow for a comparison of metabolic pathways and stress response genes

    Up-regulation of expression and lack of 5' CpG island hypermethylation of p16 INK4a in HPV-positive cervical carcinomas

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    BACKGROUND: High risk type human papilloma viruses (HR-HPV) induce carcinomas of the uterine cervix by expressing viral oncogenes E6 and E7. Oncogene E7 of HR-HPV disrupts the pRb/E2F interaction, which negatively regulates the S phase entry. Expression of tumor suppressor p16(ink4a )drastically increases in majority of HR-HPV associated carcinomas due to removal of pRb repression. The p16(ink4a )overexpression is an indicator of an aberrant expression of viral oncogenes and may serve as a marker for early diagnostic of cervical cancer. On the other hand, in 25–57% of cervical carcinomas hypermethylation of the p16 INK4a promoter has been demonstrated using a methylation-specific PCR, MSP. To evaluate a potential usage of the p16 INK4a 5' CpG island hypermethylation as an indicator of tumor cell along with p16(ink4a )overexpression, we analyzed the methylation status of p16 INK4a in cervical carcinomas METHODS: Methylation status of p16 INK4a was analyzed by MSP and by bisulfite-modified DNA sequencing. The expression of p16(ink4a )was analyzed by RT-PCR and by immunohistochemical technique. RESULTS: The extensive methylation within p16 INK4a 5' CpG island was not detected either in 13 primary cervical carcinomas or in 5 cancer cell lines by bisulfite-modified DNA sequencing (including those that were positive by MSP in our hands). The number and distribution of rare partially methylated CpG sites did not differ considerably in tumors and adjacent normal tissues. The levels of the p16 INK4a mRNA were increased in carcinomas compared to the normal tissues independently of the number of partially methylated CpGs within 5'CpG island. The transcriptional activation of p16 INK4a was accompanied by p16(ink4a )cytoplasmic immunoreactivity in the majority of tumor cells and presence of a varied number of the p16 positive nuclei in different tumors. CONCLUSION: Hypermethylaion of the p16INK4a 5' CpG island is not a frequent event in HR-HPV-positive cervical carcinomas and cannot be an effective marker of cancer cells with up-regulated expression of p16(ink4a). Our data confirm other previous studies claiming specific p16INK4a up-regulation in the majority of cervical carcinomas at both the protein and mRNA levels. Cytoplasmic accumulation of p16(ink4a )is a feature of cervical carcinomas
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