31 research outputs found

    Lavandin, kadulja i komorač u kontinentalnom području

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    Lavandin, kadulja i komorač sredozemni su florni elementi pa o količini i sastavu eteričnog ulja u njihovim biljnim dijelovima u literaturi postoje podaci utemeljeni na istraživanjima provedenim uglavnom u mediteranskom području uzgoja. Budući da se ekološki uvjeti u kontinentalnome području znatno razlikuju, valjalo je istražiti njihov utjecaj na spomenuta svojstva i komponente prinosa, uz evaluaciju opravdanosti njihova uvođenja u novo uzgojno područje. Uz kratki morfološki opis, za navedene su biljne vrste prikazani ekološki zahtjevi, biološke karakteristike, tehnologija uzgoja te troškovi i dohodak u proizvodnji droge u kontinentalnom području uzgoja

    Lavandin, kadulja i komorač u kontinentalnom području

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    Lavandin, kadulja i komorač sredozemni su florni elementi pa o količini i sastavu eteričnog ulja u njihovim biljnim dijelovima u literaturi postoje podaci utemeljeni na istraživanjima provedenim uglavnom u mediteranskom području uzgoja. Budući da se ekološki uvjeti u kontinentalnome području znatno razlikuju, valjalo je istražiti njihov utjecaj na spomenuta svojstva i komponente prinosa, uz evaluaciju opravdanosti njihova uvođenja u novo uzgojno područje. Uz kratki morfološki opis, za navedene su biljne vrste prikazani ekološki zahtjevi, biološke karakteristike, tehnologija uzgoja te troškovi i dohodak u proizvodnji droge u kontinentalnom području uzgoja

    Sweet Potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam] Yield Influenced by Seedlings and Mulching

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    Sweet potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam] needs a yearly minimum of three month with air temperatures above 15º C for its growth and development. For the purpose of achieving the highest possible sweet potato yield during a relatively short vegetation period in continental part of Croatia, a trial with differently produced seedlings and polyethylene (PE) mulch was set up. A trial was set up to study the production of seedlings from dormant sweet potato root sprouts by standard methods, and the most recent method of seedling production in containers, along with testing black PE-fi lm mulched soil, and uncovered soil. The method of seedlings production had significant effect on the yield. Higher mass of marketable roots was achieved by growing seedling with a substrate lump about the root, as compared to the seedlings produced by traditional procedure. Compared to the uncovered soil, a significantly higher yield of marketable roots was obtained with black PE-film mulch

    The effect of mechanical stress on transplants of three ornamental Asteraceae species

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    Transplants of Tagetes patula L., T. erecta L. and Calendula officinalis L. were subjected to brushing treatment until appearance of visible inflorescence buds. At the end of treatment, plant height was statistically significantly decreased only in C. officinalis, whereas, at the beginning of flowering, the height of plants was statistically equal to untreated groups in all examined species. In T. patula, the treatment also did not influence other measured morphological parameters. However, in T. erecta, treated plants had higher numbers of lateral branches and leaves, and, in C. officinalis, the treatment resulted in more upright stems. Besides, treated plants in both T. erecta and C. officinalis had a higher number of inflorescence buds. The results indicate that brushing is not effective method for reducing plant height in the examined cultivars of T. patula and T. erecta, yet may be a valuable tool to improve some commercially important characteristics in T. erecta and C. officinalis transplants. However, some plants were damaged by brushing treatment, especially in C. officinalis. Further research is therefore needed to find the effectiveness of methods of applying mechanical stress in which physical contact with plants is reduced or avoided


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    Istraživanjem se željelo utvrditi utjecaj četkanja, mehaničkog stresa koji umanjuje izduživanje presadnica u gustom sklopu, na presadnice začinskog bilja: bosiljak, kopar i mažuran. Presadnice su tretirane jedanput dnevno, kroz dva mjeseca, povlačenjem jutene vreće po površini usjeva, 10 do 25 puta naizmjence. Četkanje je smanjilo visinu najveće biljke svih ispitivanih vrsta za čak 23 %. Kod bosiljka i mažurana četkanje je utjecalo na kvalitetu i bujnost presadnica, dok se usjev kopra oštećivao četkanjem. Tretman bosiljka i mažurana smanjio je mase najviših biljka, dužinu lista, a kod mažurana i širinu lista. Četkanje nije utjecalo na duljinu korijena mažurana, a kod bosiljka korijen je bio 11% kraći. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja tretman četkanja se preporučuje za uzgoj presadnica bosiljka i mažurana.The aim of this experiment was to determine how brushing as a mechanically induced stress influences transplants of some aromatic plants: basil, dill and majoran. Transplants were treated once a day, during two months with hemp sacks brushing over the plants surface for 10 to 25 times in a row. Brushing reduced height in all three species for 23%. With basil and majoran it also enhanced quality and exuberance, while dill was damaged. Brushing basil and majoran also reduced the highest plant weight, leaf length, with majoran also reduced leaf width, and did not influence dill and majoran root length, but shortened the length of basil root for 11%. On the basis of this experiment, the brushing treatment could be recommended for basil and majoran transplants productio

    Less Known Vegetable Sort: Pakchoy (Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis Rupr.)

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    U cilju introdukcije malo poznate vrste povrća kineske raštike (Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis Rupr.) u trogodišnjem razdoblju postavljen je dvofaktorijelni pokus s dva načina uzgoja: izravnom sjetvom i iz presadnica te kultivarima (cv.) Japro, Hypro F1 i Bejo F1. Ustanovljeno je da kod iste dužine vegetacije i podjednakog sklopa biljaka uzgoj izravnom sjetvom daje biljke veće prosječne mase, a time i veći prinos od uzgoja iz presadnica. Kultivar Hypro F1 daje opravdano veći prinos te veću prosječnu masu i opseg biljke od cv. Bejo F1, a podjednako kao i cv. Japro. Ovim je istraživanjem ustanovljeno da je u uvjetima sjeverozapadne Hrvatske moguć uzgoj kineske raštike u kasnom ljetnom roku te se može preporučiti uzgoj kultivara Hypro F1 izravnom sjetvom.Aiming to introduce a less known vegetable sort pakchoy (Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis Rupr.), a two factors experiment through the two cultivation methods (direct sowing and the seedlings), and through cultivars (cv.) Japro, Hypro F1 and Bejo F1 was investigated within a three year period. It was found out that at the identical vegetation length and with the approximate plant density, the direct sowing growth, brings forth the plants of a greater average plant mass, and subsequently higher yields in comparison with the results obtained from seedlings method. The cv. Hypro F1 produces rightly a higher yields, greater average plant mass and plant circumference, than the cv. Bejo F1, and approximately same as cv. Japro. This investigation established that the growth of pakchoy in later summer term is practicable under the weather conditions prevailing in northwest Croatia, and the cultivation of cv. Hypro F1 through direct sowing can be recommended


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    Tijekom 2005. godine na lokaciji u Šašinovečkom Lugu postavljen je pokus u usjevu špinata (Spinacea oleracea L.) sa svrhom provjere učinka dvokratne primjene smanjenih količina kombinacije herbicida na korove. Istražen je učinak sljedećih kombinacija herbicida: lenacil 640 g a.t./ha pre-em + (dezmedifam+fenmedifam+etofumesat 63+49+77 g a.t./ha) post-em; s-dimetenamid 576 g a.t./ha pre-em; (dezmedifam+fenmedifam 40+40 g a.t./ha)+ (dezmedifam+fenmedifam 56+56 g a.t./ha) post-em; (dezmedifam +fenmedifam+etofumesat 30+30+30 g a.t./ha)+ (dezmedifam+fenmedifam +etofumesat 42+42+42 g a.t./ha) post-em; kloridazon 390 g a.t./ha + (dezmedifam+fenmedifam 40+40 g a.t./ha) rani post-em + kloridazon 390 g a.t./ha + (dezmedifam+fenmedifam+etofumesat 35+45+55 g a.t./ha) drugi post-em. Svakom post-em tretmanu u škropivo je dodavano mineralno ulje ili dimetilpolisilaksan kao pomoćno sredstvo. Ispitivane kombinacije herbicida smanjile su svježu masu korova za 44,4 - 81,5%. Broj jedinki dominantnih korova koštana (Echinochloa crus-galli L.) i limundžika (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) nije se znatnije smanjio. Značajnije fitotoksično djelovanje iskazivao je jedino herbicid S-dimetenamid.Field studies were conducted at the experimental station Šašinovečki Lug near Zagreb in 2005. to evaluate weed control and spinach response to preemergence and postemergence treatments with different herbicides applied alone or in tank mixtures. Lenacil et 640 g a.i./ha pre-em + (desmedipham+phenmedipham+ethofumesate 63+49+77 g a.i./ha) post-em; S-dimethenamid 576 g a.i./ha pre-em; (desmedipham+phenmedipham at 40 + 40 g a.i./ha) + (desmedipham+phenmedipham 56 + 56 g a.i./ha) post em; (desmedipham+phenmedipham + ethofumesate 30+30+30 g a.i./ha) + (desmedipham+phenmedipham+ethofumesate at 42+42+42 g a.i./ha) post-em and chloridazon 390 g a.i./ha + (desmedipham +phenmedipham 40+40 g a.i./ha) early post-em + chloridazon at 390 g a.i./ha + (desmedipham +phenmedipham+ethofumesate at 35+45+55 g a.i./ha) post-emergence were applied. Mineral oil or surfactant were added in all tank mixtures. Herbicide treatments reduced number of Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Echinochloa crus-galli plants by 44,4 to 81,5 %. Application of dimethenamide resulted in slight injury to spinach


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    Celer korjenaš je u nas nedovoljno zastupljeno povrće iako mu je primjena višestruka u svježoj potrošnji i za preradu, a koristi se zadebljali korijen i lišće. Istraživanja kapaciteta rodnosti kultivara i načina sadnje dala su elemente tehnologije za uvođenje ove kulture u proizvodnju u Vranskom bazenu. U dvogodišnjem dvofaktorijalnom pokusu na lokaciji Jankolovica P.D. "Vrana" ispitivana su 3 kultivara: Nemona, Volltreffer i udomaćeni stari kultivar Praški orijaš. Presadnice proizvedene u zaštićenom prostoru u prešanim blokovima (5x5x5 cm) posađene su uz dva razmaka redova: 60 x 20 i 50 x 20 cm i tri razmaka u trakama: 60 + 30 x 20, 60 + 30 + 30 x 20 i 60 + 30 + 30 + 30 x 20 cm, što je iznosilo 8.3, 10.0, 11.1, 12.5, i 13.3 biljaka/m2. Pokus je postavljen po slučajnom bloknom rasporedu u 5 ponavljanja, a rezultati obrađeni analizom varijance. Prinos tržnog korijena (promjera većeg od 6 cm) u dvogodišnjem prosjeku bio je najveći u kultivara Volltreffer 35.67, zatim Nemona 31.57, a najmanji u Praškog orijaša 25.62 t/ha. Prinos lišća, naprotiv, bio je najveći u Praškog orijaša 23.90 zatim Volltreffera 15.45 i Nemona 9.17 t/ha. Pri sadnji u redove povećanjem broja biljaka od 8.3 na 10 biljaka/m2 odnosno smanjenjem razmaka redova od 60 na 50 cm, što ne predstavlja problem u kasnijoj obradi, u sva tri kultivara prinos se tržnog korijena povećao u dvogodišnjem prosjeku 28 %. Daljnjim povećanjem broja biljaka sadnjom u dvoredne, troredne i četveroredne trake povećanje prinosa nije bilo tako veliko, niti ujednačeno po kultivarima i godinama. Prinos lišća u sva tri kultivara celera povećanjem broja biljaka više se povećava od prinosa tržnog korijena, a u dvogodišnjem prosjeku svih kultivara povećanje je bilo najviše 63 % pri sadnji u četveroredne trake. Rezultati pokusa pokazuju da kultivar Volltreffer za uzgoj u Vranskom bazenu ima prednost s obzirom na prinos tržnog korijena i zadovoljavajući prinos lišća uz sadnju od 10 biljaka/m2.Celeriac, its globe shaped root and leaves. Is widely used as a fresh vegetable and for processing In order to introduce this crop into the Vrana area the growing methods and cultivars were investigated for two years. Young plants of the cultivars Nemona, Volltreffer and Praški orijaš were produced in a glasshouse in blocks of 5x5x5 cm. They werw planted in bands of two rows spacing of 60 x20 and 50x20 cm a 20 cm besides three band plantings 60+30, 60+30+30 and 60+30+30+30 cm and 20 cm between plants with 5 replication. That means 8.3, 10.0, 11.1, 12.5, and 13.3, plants/m2. Two years average yield of marketable root (more than 6 cm diameter) was 35.67 with cultivar Volltreffer, 31.57 Nemona and 25.62 t/ha with Praški orijaš. On the contrary, leaves yield was greatest with Praški orijaš 23.90, besides Volltreffer 15.45 and Nemona 9.17 t/ha. Increasing plant number from 8.3 to 10 per m2 with planting in 50 cm versus 60 cm rows, root yield was greater for 28 % in average for two years and 3 cultivars. Further increase of plant number/m2 in band planting was not justified in respect of root yield. With all three celeriac cultivars leaves yield is increasing with increasing plant number and in planting in 4 row band was the greatest. As a results of this experiment for Vrana area might be recomanded the cultivar Volltreffer with 10 plants/m2