2 research outputs found
With food to health : proceedings of the 9th International scientific and professional conference
Proceedings contains 7 original scientific papers, 8 professional papers and 1 review paper which were presented at "9th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value
Comparison of Quality Parameters of Milk on Traditional and Modern Farms in Požeško- slavonska Country
Cilj rada je napraviti analizu otkupa mlijeka od proizvođača mlijeka u Požeško-slavonskoj županiji. Na osnovu analize pokušati će se donijeti zaključci o prednostima i nedostacima tradicionalne i moderne proizvodnje, kao i preporuke proizvođačima kako se organizirati i opstati u gotovo nemogućim uvjetima u kojima se trenutno nalazeThe aim is to make an analysis of buying milk from dairy farmers in Pozesko-slavonska County. Based on the analysis will try to make conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of traditional and modern production, as well as recommendations manufacturers how to organize and survive in almost impossible conditions in which they currently are