61 research outputs found

    A Humanized Bone Niche Model Reveals Bone Tissue Preservation Upon Targeting Mitochondrial Complex I in Pseudo-Orthotopic Osteosarcoma

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    A cogent issue in cancer research is how to account for the effects of tumor microenvironment (TME) on the response to therapy, warranting the need to adopt adequate in vitro and in vivo models. This is particularly relevant in the development of strategies targeting cancer metabolism, as they will inevitably have systemic effects. For example, inhibition of mitochondrial complex I (CI), despite showing promising results as an anticancer approach, triggers TME-mediated survival mechanisms in subcutaneous osteosarcoma xenografts, a response that may vary according to whether the tumors are induced via subcutaneous injection or by intrabone orthotopic transplantation. Thus, with the aim to characterize the TME of CI-deficient tumors in a model that more faithfully represents osteosarcoma development, we set up a humanized bone niche ectopic graft. A prominent involvement of TME was revealed in CI-deficient tumors, characterized by the abundance of cancer associated fibroblasts, tumor associated macrophages and preservation of osteocytes and osteoblasts in the mineralized bone matrix. The pseudo-orthotopic approach allowed investigation of osteosarcoma progression in a bone-like microenvironment setting, without being invasive as the intrabone cell transplantation. Additionally, establishing osteosarcomas in a humanized bone niche model identified a peculiar association between targeting CI and bone tissue preservation

    Respiratory Complex I dysfunction in cancer: from a maze of cellular adaptive responses to potential therapeutic strategies

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    Mitochondria act as key organelles in cellular bioenergetics and biosynthetic processes producing signals that regulate different molecular networks for proliferation and cell death. This ability is also preserved in pathologic contexts such as tumorigenesis, during which bioenergetic changes and metabolic reprogramming confer flexibility favoring cancer cells survival in a hostile microenvironment. Although different studies epitomize mitochondrial dysfunction as a pro-tumorigenic hit, genetic ablation or pharmacological inhibition of respiratory Complex I causing a severe impairment are associated with a low proliferative phenotype. In this scenario, it must be considered that despite the initial delay in growth, cancer cells may become able to resume proliferation exploiting molecular mechanisms to overcome growth arrest. Here we highlight the current knowledge on molecular responses activated by Complex I-defective cancer cells to bypass physiological control systems and to re-adapt their fitness during microenvironment changes. Such adaptive mechanisms could reveal possible novel molecular players in synthetic lethality with Complex I impairment, thus providing new synergistic strategies for mitochondria-based anti-cancer therapy

    3D imaging lipidometry in single cell by in-flow holographic tomography

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    The most recent discoveries in the biochemical field are highlighting the increasingly important role of lipid droplets (LDs) in several regulatory mechanisms in living cells. LDs are dynamic organelles and therefore their complete characteriza- tion in terms of number, size, spatial positioning and relative distribution in the cell volume can shed light on the roles played by LDs. Until now, fluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy are assessed as the gold standard methods for identifying LDs due to their high sensitivity and specificity. However, such methods generally only provide 2D assays and partial measurements. Furthermore, both can be destructive and with low productivity, thus limit- ing analysis of large cell numbers in a sample. Here we demonstrate for the first time the capability of 3D visualization and the full LD characterization in high-throughput with a tomographic phase-contrast flow-cytometer, by using ovarian cancer cells and monocyte cell lines as models. A strategy for retrieving significant parameters on spatial correlations and LD 3D positioning inside each cell volume is reported. The information gathered by this new method could allow more in depth understanding and lead to new discoveries on how LDs are correlated to cellular functions

    A platform independent RNA-Seq protocol for the detection of transcriptome complexity

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    Background: Recent studies have demonstrated an unexpected complexity of transcription in eukaryotes. The majority of the genome is transcribed and only a little fraction of these transcripts is annotated as protein coding genes and their splice variants. Indeed, most transcripts are the result of antisense, overlapping and non-coding RNA expression. In this frame, one of the key aims of high throughput transcriptome sequencing is the detection of all RNA species present in the cell and the first crucial step for RNA-seq users is represented by the choice of the strategy for cDNA library construction. The protocols developed so far provide the utilization of the entire library for a single sequencing run with a specific platform. Results: We set up a unique protocol to generate and amplify a strand-specific cDNA library representative of all RNA species that may be implemented with all major platforms currently available on the market (Roche 454, Illumina, ABI/SOLiD). Our method is reproducible, fast, easy-to-perform and even allows to start from low input total RNA. Furthermore, we provide a suitable bioinformatics tool for the analysis of the sequences produced following this protocol. Conclusion: We tested the efficiency of our strategy, showing that our method is platform-independent, thus allowing the simultaneous analysis of the same sample with different NGS technologies, and providing an accurate quantitative and qualitative portrait of complex whole transcriptomes

    A Humanized Bone Niche Model Reveals Bone Tissue Preservation Upon Targeting Mitochondrial Complex I in Pseudo-Orthotopic Osteosarcoma

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    A cogent issue in cancer research is how to account for the effects of tumor microenvironment (TME) on the response to therapy, warranting the need to adopt adequate in vitro and in vivo models. This is particularly relevant in the development of strategies targeting cancer metabolism, as they will inevitably have systemic effects. For example, inhibition of mitochondrial complex I (CI), despite showing promising results as an anticancer approach, triggers TME-mediated survival mechanisms in subcutaneous osteosarcoma xenografts, a response that may vary according to whether the tumors are induced via subcutaneous injection or by intrabone orthotopic transplantation. Thus, with the aim to characterize the TME of CI-deficient tumors in a model that more faithfully represents osteosarcoma development, we set up a humanized bone niche ectopic graft. A prominent involvement of TME was revealed in CI-deficient tumors, characterized by the abundance of cancer associated fibroblasts, tumor associated macrophages and preservation of osteocytes and osteoblasts in the mineralized bone matrix. The pseudo-orthotopic approach allowed investigation of osteosarcoma progression in a bone-like microenvironment setting, without being invasive as the intrabone cell transplantation. Additionally, establishing osteosarcomas in a humanized bone niche model identified a peculiar association between targeting CI and bone tissue preservation

    Distribution of hepatitis C virus genotypes in Croatia: a 10 year retrospective study of four geographic regions

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    The aim of this 10-year retrospective study was to investigate the distribution of HCV genotypes in patients with chronic hepatitis C monitored in the largest center for molecular diagnostics of HCV infection in Croatia. The study enrolled 1163 anti-HCV positive adults with detectable HCV RNA in the plasma. The patients were classified in four regions: Zagreb and surrounding continental area, Split, Slavonija and Rijeka. HCV genotyping was performed by using VERSANT HCV Genotyping Assay (LIPA) (Bayer Diagnostics, Puteaux Cedex, France). Statistical analysis was performed by using Statistica for Windows V.5.1. The majority of HCV infections in the study population were caused by genotypes 1 (58.8% of infected patients) and 3 (35.6%). Percentages of patients infected with subtypes 1b and 1a were 37.4% and 13.1%, respectively. Genotypes 2 and 4 were present in a very low percentage of patients (2.2% and 3.4%, respectively) while genotypes 5 and 6 were not detected. Analysis of regional differences in the distribution of HCV genotypes revealed similar percentages of subtype 3a and 1b infections in the Split region while the majority of infections in other regions were caused by subtype 1b. Infections with genotypes 2 and 4 were present in less than 5% of patients in all geographic regions. Analysis of an association between risk factors for infection and distribution of genotypes and subtypes in a subset of patients from the Split region confirmed the association between IVDU and subtype 3a. We conclude that the prevalence of HCV genotypes and subtypes follows the pattern of other Southern and Eastern European Countries with the predominance of subtypes 1b, 3a and 1a