31 research outputs found

    Molekularnom analizom ribljih larvi utvrđena potencijalna prisutnost rijetke vrste: Buenia massutii Kovačić, Ordines i Schliewen, 2017. u Jadranskom moru

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    By introduction of DNA barcodes in Adriatic larval fish identification possible presence of new Gobiidae - Buenia massutii Kovačić, Ordines, and Schliewen, 2017, was noticed. Till now, occurrence of this species was restricted only to the Western Mediterranean and to the neighbouring part of the Atlantic Ocean.Larva nedavno opisane vrste Buenia massutii Kovačić, Ordines i Schliewen, 2017, s poznatom geografskom distribucijom ograničenom na zapadno Sredozemlje i susjedni dio Atlanskog oceana, je pronađena u Jadranskom moru. Naime, tijekom ihtioplanktonskog uzorkovanja je izolirana larva navedene vrste, čija je taksonomija utvrđena molekularnom analizom (DNA barcoding)

    Molecular and Cellular Response to Experimental Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda, Anisakidae) Third-Stage Larval Infection in Rats

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    Background: Anisakiasis is a zoonotic disease caused by accidental ingestion of live Anisakis spp. third-stage larvae present in raw or undercooked seafood. Symptoms of this emerging infectious disease include mild-to-severe abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea. Some patients experience significant allergic reactions.Aims: In order to better understand the onset of anisakiasis, we aimed to: (i) histopathologically describe severe inflammatory/hemorrhagic infection site lesions in Sprague-Dawley rats experimentally infected with Anisakis pegreffii larvae; and (ii) qualitatively and quantitatively characterize the transcriptomes of affected tissues using RNA-Seq.Methodology: The experiment was performed on 35 male rats, sacrificed at 5 time points (6, 10, 18, 24, and 32 h post-infection). Gastric intubation was performed with 10 A. pegreffii larvae (N = 5 infected rats per time point) or 1.5 ml of saline (external control N = 2 rats). 16 pools, seven for muscle tissues and nine for stomach tissues, were created to obtain robust samples for estimation of gene expression changes depicting common signatures of affected versus unaffected tissues. Illumina NextSeq 500 was used for paired-end sequencing, while edgeR was used for count data and differential expression analyses.Results: In total, there were 1372 (855 up and 517 down) differentially expressed (DE) genes in the Anisakis-infected rat stomach tissues, and 1633 (1230 up and 403 down) DE genes in the muscle tissues. Elicited strong local proinflammatory reaction seems to favor the activation of the interleukin 17 signaling pathway and the development of the T helper 17-type response. The number of DE ribosomal genes in the Anisakis-infected stomach tissue suggests that A. pegreffii larvae might induce ribosomal stress in the early infection stage. However, the downstream pathways and post-infection responses require further study. Histopathology revealed severe inflammatory/hemorrhagic lesions caused by Anisakis infection in the rat stomach and muscle tissues in the first 32 h. The lesion sites showed infiltration by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (predominantly neutrophils and occasional eosinophils), and to a lesser extent, macrophages.Conclusion: Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying host responses to Anisakis infection is important to elucidate many aspects of the onset of anisakiasis, a disease of growing public health concern

    Assessing the risk of an emerging zoonosis of worldwide concern : anisakiasis

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    The authors sincerely thank the Biobanking platform at the PARASITE project (EU FP7 PARASITE project (GA no. 312068)) for providing host-parasite data. We thank Rosa Fernández and Cristina Martínez from CETMAR for their help during creation and divulgation of the questionnaires. We also thank Arturo del Rey Moreno (“Antequera” hospital) for his helpful comments. We are also grateful to “Subdirección General de Economía Pesquera” of “Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente” (MAGRAMA) of the Spanish government for providing anchovy trade statistics for 2013. M. Bao is supported by a PhD grant from the University of Aberdeen and also by financial support of the contract from the EU Project PARASITE (grant number 312068).Peer reviewedPublisher PD


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    Park prirode „Lastovsko otočje“ je 2010. godine shodno Pravilniku o unutarnjem redu usvojio posebni ribolovni režim. U ovom radu bit će prezentirano stanje godinu dana nakon uspostave ovakvog režima u usporedbi s nultim stanjem 2010. godine. Ribolov je obavljan trostrukim mrežama stajačicama, a analizirano je ukupno obilje, biomasa i raznolikost riba te struktura zajednica. Iako još uvijek nisu zamijećena statistički značajna poboljšanja prosječnog bogatstva riba, ukupnog obilja i biomase, ipak se nazire pozitivna promjena. Naime, u dvije trenutno zaštićene zone zamijećeno je za 14% veće bogatstvo vrsta, 9% više obilje i 19% viša ukupna biomasa, dok se u izlovljavanim zonama vidi pad od 7% bogatstva vrsta, 12% niže obilje i za 24% niža biomasa. Kako promjena nije značajna i može biti rezultat slučajnosti (odražavajući prirodnu, prostornu i vremensku varijabilnost) nužno je analizirati ulov u 2012. godini radi točnijeg određivanja trenda. Ulov po jedinici ribolovnog napora (kg/33m mreže) je 1,6 ± 0,1 kg / mreži što spada u dobre lovine. Ipak, biološke karakteristike ciljanih vrsta još uvijek ne upućuju na oporavak. Zaključno, objašnjenje za zatečeno stanje 18 mjeseci nakon uspostave posebnog režima treba tražiti u činjenici da još nije prošlo dovoljno vremena da bi se vidjele značajne promjene i da se u zaštićenim zonama ipak odvijaju određene ribolovne aktivnosti. Svakako, potrebno je uključiti dodatni napor, u smislu ljudskog i financijskog potencijala, u narednom razdoblju ukoliko se želi postići vidljiva učinkovitost zaštite unutar ovog zaštićenog područja. Dodatno, potrebno je uspostaviti valoriziranje i brandiranje ribe ulovljene u ovom području kako bi daljnje akcije zaštite bile vidljivije i razumljivije široj zajednici, a isplativije lokalnom stanovništvu. Promoviranje zdravog proizvoda iz zaštićenog područja na hrvatskim i evropskim ribarnicama je svakako jedan od načina postizanja tog cilja.The Lastovo Archipelago Nature Park (NP) adopted a special fishing protocol in conformity with its Code of Conduct. The present study analyses the littoral fisheries resources of the NP and compares them to baseline data from 2010 to evaluate possible changes produced by the proclaimed fisheries management. Littoral fisheries resources were sampled by experimental trammel net. Analyses were performed on total fish abundance and biomass, diversity indices and multivariate abundance and biomass structure of caught assemblages. Although no significant difference in the catches was found regarding average species richness, total abundance and biomass, there appears to be a weak indication of change. Namely, an inclining trend was observed at protected zones (14% higher species richness, 9% higher total abundance and 19% higher total biomass), while fishing zones showed a declining trend (7% lower species richness, 12% lower total abundance and 24% lower total biomass). Since the variation in average species richness, total abundance and biomass is not significant and could therefore be coincidental (reflecting natural spatial and temporal variability), it is necessary to analyse the 2012 catch data in order to establish whether the observed trends continued and whether they could be attributed to differing levels of protection. Average catch per unit effort - CPUE (unit effort being a 33 m long trammel net) is x ± SE = 1,6 ± 0,1 kg / net, which is rated as a \u27very good\u27 catch. In this respect the situation is quite favourable in the study area compared to many other sites in the Adriatic. However, biometry characteristics of commercially highly valuable and thus most targeted species show that average landing sizes are more than half the size of those attainable. Overall, plausible explanation for the observed limited effects of protection for the recovery of fisheries resources to date is that not enough time has passed to allow for significant changes. Another contributing factor reducing the recovery potential is that protected zones are not completely closed to all forms of fishing. Certainly, it is necessary to include additional effort, in terms of human and/or financial resources, in the future management actions if we want to achieve visible conservation effectiveness within this protected area. Further, it is necessary to establish the valuation and branding of fish caught in this protected area in order to make further action more visible and comprehensible to the wider community, as well as cost-effective for local inhabitants. Promoting a healthy product from a protected area on the Croatian and European fish markets is certainly one way of achieving this goal


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    The aim of this paper is to explain the Cooperative principle and the four conversational maxims proposed by Grice (1975), to show different categories of non-observance of the maxims given by Grice and discussed by Thomas (1997), accompanied with examples. Moreover, to show how these maxims are not observed in the sitcom Modern Family. The main focus of the paper is the analysis of those non-observances of maxims in season four of the sitcom. The plot of each episode used was described, and the context of every scene was given, followed by a transcript. The analysis of the non-observances of the maxims is the author’s own interpretation of them, as it is difficult to be completely sure what category the non-observance is. The results of the analysis show that the most non-observed maxim is the maxim of Quality, and the most popular category of non-observance is a flout. It also briefly mentions differentiating between the categories of non-observances of the conversational maxims because it is sometimes difficult to decide between the categories.Cilj ovog rada je objasniti načelo suradnje i četiri razgovorne maksime koje je predložio Grice (1975), pokazati različite kategorije nepoštivanja maksima koje je dao Grice i o kojima je raspravljala Thomas (1997), popraćene primjerima. Štoviše, pokazati kako se ove maksime ne poštuju u sitcomu Moderna obitelj. Glavni fokus rada je analiza tih nepoštivanja maksima u četvrtoj sezoni sitcoma. Opisane su r adnje svih epizoda koje su se koristile, dat je kontekst svake scene, nakon čega je slijedi transkript. An aliza nepoštivanja maksima je vlastita interpretacija autora ovog rada, jer je teško točno odrediti koja je kategorija nepoštivanja. Rezultati analize pokazuju da se najviše ne pošt uje maksima kvalitete, a najčešća kategorija nepoštivanje je ruganje. Također ukratko spominj e razlikovanja kategorija nepoštivanja razgovornih maksima jer je ponekad teško odlučiti između kategorija


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    The aim of this paper is to explain the Cooperative principle and the four conversational maxims proposed by Grice (1975), to show different categories of non-observance of the maxims given by Grice and discussed by Thomas (1997), accompanied with examples. Moreover, to show how these maxims are not observed in the sitcom Modern Family. The main focus of the paper is the analysis of those non-observances of maxims in season four of the sitcom. The plot of each episode used was described, and the context of every scene was given, followed by a transcript. The analysis of the non-observances of the maxims is the author’s own interpretation of them, as it is difficult to be completely sure what category the non-observance is. The results of the analysis show that the most non-observed maxim is the maxim of Quality, and the most popular category of non-observance is a flout. It also briefly mentions differentiating between the categories of non-observances of the conversational maxims because it is sometimes difficult to decide between the categories.Cilj ovog rada je objasniti načelo suradnje i četiri razgovorne maksime koje je predložio Grice (1975), pokazati različite kategorije nepoštivanja maksima koje je dao Grice i o kojima je raspravljala Thomas (1997), popraćene primjerima. Štoviše, pokazati kako se ove maksime ne poštuju u sitcomu Moderna obitelj. Glavni fokus rada je analiza tih nepoštivanja maksima u četvrtoj sezoni sitcoma. Opisane su r adnje svih epizoda koje su se koristile, dat je kontekst svake scene, nakon čega je slijedi transkript. An aliza nepoštivanja maksima je vlastita interpretacija autora ovog rada, jer je teško točno odrediti koja je kategorija nepoštivanja. Rezultati analize pokazuju da se najviše ne pošt uje maksima kvalitete, a najčešća kategorija nepoštivanje je ruganje. Također ukratko spominj e razlikovanja kategorija nepoštivanja razgovornih maksima jer je ponekad teško odlučiti između kategorija


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    The aim of this paper is to explain the Cooperative principle and the four conversational maxims proposed by Grice (1975), to show different categories of non-observance of the maxims given by Grice and discussed by Thomas (1997), accompanied with examples. Moreover, to show how these maxims are not observed in the sitcom Modern Family. The main focus of the paper is the analysis of those non-observances of maxims in season four of the sitcom. The plot of each episode used was described, and the context of every scene was given, followed by a transcript. The analysis of the non-observances of the maxims is the author’s own interpretation of them, as it is difficult to be completely sure what category the non-observance is. The results of the analysis show that the most non-observed maxim is the maxim of Quality, and the most popular category of non-observance is a flout. It also briefly mentions differentiating between the categories of non-observances of the conversational maxims because it is sometimes difficult to decide between the categories.Cilj ovog rada je objasniti načelo suradnje i četiri razgovorne maksime koje je predložio Grice (1975), pokazati različite kategorije nepoštivanja maksima koje je dao Grice i o kojima je raspravljala Thomas (1997), popraćene primjerima. Štoviše, pokazati kako se ove maksime ne poštuju u sitcomu Moderna obitelj. Glavni fokus rada je analiza tih nepoštivanja maksima u četvrtoj sezoni sitcoma. Opisane su r adnje svih epizoda koje su se koristile, dat je kontekst svake scene, nakon čega je slijedi transkript. An aliza nepoštivanja maksima je vlastita interpretacija autora ovog rada, jer je teško točno odrediti koja je kategorija nepoštivanja. Rezultati analize pokazuju da se najviše ne pošt uje maksima kvalitete, a najčešća kategorija nepoštivanje je ruganje. Također ukratko spominj e razlikovanja kategorija nepoštivanja razgovornih maksima jer je ponekad teško odlučiti između kategorija

    Prevalence of infectious nematode larvae Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda, Anisakidae) in paratenic host (Sardina pilchardus) and molecular characterization of model accidental host response (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Ciljevi istraživanja provedenog na modelu slučajnog domaćina inficiranog ličinkama oblića Anisakis pegreffii bili su: histopatološki opisati teške upalne/hemoragijske lezije na mjestu infekcije i istražiti transkriptome zahvaćenih tkiva s pomoću RNA sekvenciranja. Snažna lokalna upalna reakcija temelji se na aktivaciji signalnog puta interleukina 17 i razvoju odgovora limfocita Th17, a područja lezija infiltrirana su polimorfonuklearnim leukocitima i makrofagima. Razumijevanje staničnih i molekularnih mehanizama odgovora domaćina na infekciju oblićem Anisakis važno je za shvaćanje mnogih osobitosti nastanka anisakijaze, sve važnije bolesti javno-zdravstvenog interesa. Cilj istraživanja na srdelama (Sardina pilchardus) iz različitih jadranskih i zapadno-sredozemnih regija bio je procijeniti prevalenciju i intenzitet infekcije ličinkom oblića A. pegreffii kroz trogodišnje razdoblje uzorkovanja. Ukupna prevalencija iznosila je 12,2% (raspon 0 – 44,9% za različite postaje uzorkovanja) i prosječni intenzitet 1,8, dok je ukupna prevalencija ličinki u fileima bila 1,5%. Ovim istraživanjem potvrđeno je da se prisutnost infektivne ličinke oblića A. pegreffii u srdelama na području Jadranskog i zapadnog Sredozemnog mora značajno mijenja ovisno o geografskom području i veličini domaćina. Rezultati upućuju na potrebu uključivanja ovih varijabli u buduće mjere upravljanja rizikom kako bi se smanjio potencijalni utjecaj na zdravlje ljudske populacije.Aims of the research performed on model accidental host infected with Anisakis pegreffii larvae were to: histopathologically describe severe inflammatory/hemorrhagic lesions at the infection site and explore the transcriptomes of affected tissues using RNA-Seq. Elicited strong local proinflammatory reaction seems to favor the activation of the interleukin 17 signaling pathway and the development of the T helper 17-type response. The lesion sites showed infiltration by polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages. Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying host responses to Anisakis infection is important to elucidate many aspects of the onset of anisakiasis, a disease of growing public-health concern. The study of European pilchards from different Adriatic and Mediterranean regions aimed to assess prevalence and intensity of A. pegreffii infection during a three-year period. The overall prevalence in pilchards was 12.2% (range 0–44.9% for different sampling points) and mean intensity 1.8, while an overall larval prevalence in fillets was 1.5%. This study demonstrates that the presence of A. pegreffii in European pilchards from the Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea is highly influenced by geographic and host size variation. Results suggest the need to implement these variables in future planning of risk management measures, to mitigate potential effects on the public health

    Prevalence of infectious nematode larvae Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda, Anisakidae) in paratenic host (Sardina pilchardus) and molecular characterization of model accidental host response (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Ciljevi istraživanja provedenog na modelu slučajnog domaćina inficiranog ličinkama oblića Anisakis pegreffii bili su: histopatološki opisati teške upalne/hemoragijske lezije na mjestu infekcije i istražiti transkriptome zahvaćenih tkiva s pomoću RNA sekvenciranja. Snažna lokalna upalna reakcija temelji se na aktivaciji signalnog puta interleukina 17 i razvoju odgovora limfocita Th17, a područja lezija infiltrirana su polimorfonuklearnim leukocitima i makrofagima. Razumijevanje staničnih i molekularnih mehanizama odgovora domaćina na infekciju oblićem Anisakis važno je za shvaćanje mnogih osobitosti nastanka anisakijaze, sve važnije bolesti javno-zdravstvenog interesa. Cilj istraživanja na srdelama (Sardina pilchardus) iz različitih jadranskih i zapadno-sredozemnih regija bio je procijeniti prevalenciju i intenzitet infekcije ličinkom oblića A. pegreffii kroz trogodišnje razdoblje uzorkovanja. Ukupna prevalencija iznosila je 12,2% (raspon 0 – 44,9% za različite postaje uzorkovanja) i prosječni intenzitet 1,8, dok je ukupna prevalencija ličinki u fileima bila 1,5%. Ovim istraživanjem potvrđeno je da se prisutnost infektivne ličinke oblića A. pegreffii u srdelama na području Jadranskog i zapadnog Sredozemnog mora značajno mijenja ovisno o geografskom području i veličini domaćina. Rezultati upućuju na potrebu uključivanja ovih varijabli u buduće mjere upravljanja rizikom kako bi se smanjio potencijalni utjecaj na zdravlje ljudske populacije.Aims of the research performed on model accidental host infected with Anisakis pegreffii larvae were to: histopathologically describe severe inflammatory/hemorrhagic lesions at the infection site and explore the transcriptomes of affected tissues using RNA-Seq. Elicited strong local proinflammatory reaction seems to favor the activation of the interleukin 17 signaling pathway and the development of the T helper 17-type response. The lesion sites showed infiltration by polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages. Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying host responses to Anisakis infection is important to elucidate many aspects of the onset of anisakiasis, a disease of growing public-health concern. The study of European pilchards from different Adriatic and Mediterranean regions aimed to assess prevalence and intensity of A. pegreffii infection during a three-year period. The overall prevalence in pilchards was 12.2% (range 0–44.9% for different sampling points) and mean intensity 1.8, while an overall larval prevalence in fillets was 1.5%. This study demonstrates that the presence of A. pegreffii in European pilchards from the Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea is highly influenced by geographic and host size variation. Results suggest the need to implement these variables in future planning of risk management measures, to mitigate potential effects on the public health

    Prevalence of infectious nematode larvae Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda, Anisakidae) in paratenic host (Sardina pilchardus) and molecular characterization of model accidental host response (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Ciljevi istraživanja provedenog na modelu slučajnog domaćina inficiranog ličinkama oblića Anisakis pegreffii bili su: histopatološki opisati teške upalne/hemoragijske lezije na mjestu infekcije i istražiti transkriptome zahvaćenih tkiva s pomoću RNA sekvenciranja. Snažna lokalna upalna reakcija temelji se na aktivaciji signalnog puta interleukina 17 i razvoju odgovora limfocita Th17, a područja lezija infiltrirana su polimorfonuklearnim leukocitima i makrofagima. Razumijevanje staničnih i molekularnih mehanizama odgovora domaćina na infekciju oblićem Anisakis važno je za shvaćanje mnogih osobitosti nastanka anisakijaze, sve važnije bolesti javno-zdravstvenog interesa. Cilj istraživanja na srdelama (Sardina pilchardus) iz različitih jadranskih i zapadno-sredozemnih regija bio je procijeniti prevalenciju i intenzitet infekcije ličinkom oblića A. pegreffii kroz trogodišnje razdoblje uzorkovanja. Ukupna prevalencija iznosila je 12,2% (raspon 0 – 44,9% za različite postaje uzorkovanja) i prosječni intenzitet 1,8, dok je ukupna prevalencija ličinki u fileima bila 1,5%. Ovim istraživanjem potvrđeno je da se prisutnost infektivne ličinke oblića A. pegreffii u srdelama na području Jadranskog i zapadnog Sredozemnog mora značajno mijenja ovisno o geografskom području i veličini domaćina. Rezultati upućuju na potrebu uključivanja ovih varijabli u buduće mjere upravljanja rizikom kako bi se smanjio potencijalni utjecaj na zdravlje ljudske populacije.Aims of the research performed on model accidental host infected with Anisakis pegreffii larvae were to: histopathologically describe severe inflammatory/hemorrhagic lesions at the infection site and explore the transcriptomes of affected tissues using RNA-Seq. Elicited strong local proinflammatory reaction seems to favor the activation of the interleukin 17 signaling pathway and the development of the T helper 17-type response. The lesion sites showed infiltration by polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages. Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying host responses to Anisakis infection is important to elucidate many aspects of the onset of anisakiasis, a disease of growing public-health concern. The study of European pilchards from different Adriatic and Mediterranean regions aimed to assess prevalence and intensity of A. pegreffii infection during a three-year period. The overall prevalence in pilchards was 12.2% (range 0–44.9% for different sampling points) and mean intensity 1.8, while an overall larval prevalence in fillets was 1.5%. This study demonstrates that the presence of A. pegreffii in European pilchards from the Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea is highly influenced by geographic and host size variation. Results suggest the need to implement these variables in future planning of risk management measures, to mitigate potential effects on the public health