85 research outputs found


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    This paper presents the preliminary results of the research of the Internet usage in the Bulgarian export firms. There are analyzed such problems as introduction of Internet, motivation to use it, its application and economic effects of its usage. The main goal of the current development is to present the results of a research concerning the entering and potential of the Internet technology as an instrument for overcoming barriers, connected with international activity of the Bulgarian companies. The conclusions rely on the preliminary results of the survey, conducted in the period May-September 2003. The survey covers the summarized data from 81 export orientated companies, which activities are realized in different spheres of the national economy. Respondents are companies registered in Bulgaria, which realize export activity and have an e-mail and/or firm Internet page. The selection of the researched companies is not casual and while forming the extract was searched a balance between small, medium-sized and large enterprises.Internet, export enterprises, firm strategy

    The Role of Wholesalers in International Distribution: Transaction Cost Effects

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    The paper focuses on the role of wholesaling in the establishment of international distribution channels with respect to the transaction costs associated with the sale of goods on the international market. The first part of the paper is devoted to the peculiarities and conditions of the domestic market and the participation in it of domestic wholesalers. The main idea is that of the necessity of wholesaling in terms of transaction cost reduction. A model is presented revealing a distribution channel with and without an intermediary as a link between the producers and the retailers. The paper argues that wholesalers have a vital role in bringing down the costs of transacting as well as in the proper and efficient functioning of the very distribution channel. The second part of the paper discusses the international market in its complexity and size compared to local markets. This is done in the context of the transaction costs faced by large international corporations. The focus is again on these costs which turn out to be the reason for firms to internalize their market operations expanding thus their size.In memory of Associate Professor Ivan Iliev

    Exploitation of databases in polar research - Data evaluation and outputs

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    The increasing number of observations and floristic sample analyses provided by the Centre for Polar Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic (CPE), led to development of the sample database (SampleDTB). At present, the Sample DTB contains records on total of 318 samples from 135 sites. Total of 254 taxa at level of genera or species were observed. For database functionality tests, two datasets were selected. The first one consisted of samples collected by ALGO groups in frame of Polar Ecology course organized by the CPE in 2011-2014 (ALGO dataset). The second one consisted of samples collected in Bulgaria in 2013 (BG dataset). The ALGO dataset contains records on total of 188 samples from 94 sites. Total of 216 taxa (genera or species) were observed. The majority of habitats sampled were streams and the most frequently sampled communities were layer-forming communities like periphyton, epilithon and biofilms. The most dominant classes observed in ALGO dataset were diatoms and cyanobacteria. The unconstrained canonical analysisrevealed that the environment type significantly affected the taxonomical composition observed. In the BG dataset, 16 samples from 4 sites were recorded. Total of 40 taxa (genera or species) were observed. Majority of habitats sampled included streams and shallow pools and the communities sampled were restricted to periphyton, epiphyton and epilithon. Similarly to ALGO dataset, the most dominant classes in BG dataset were Cyanophyceae and diatoms. Due to low number of samples, no multivariate analysis was performed in the BG dataset. These exports and further analyses proved functionality of the SampleDTB database

    On the efficient preconditioning of the Stokes equations in tight geometries

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    If the Stokes equations are properly discretized, it is well-known that the Schur complement matrix is spectrally equivalent to the identity matrix. Moreover, in the case of simple geometries, it is often observed that most of its eigenvalues are equal to one. These facts form the basis for the famous Uzawa and Krylov-Uzawa algorithms. However, in the case of complex geometries, the Schur complement matrix can become arbitrarily ill-conditioned having a significant portion of non-unit eigenvalues, which makes the established Uzawa preconditioner inefficient. In this article, we study the Schur complement formulation for the staggered finite-difference discretization of the Stokes problem in 3D CT images and synthetic 2D geometries. We numerically investigate the performance of the CG iterative method with the Uzawa and SIMPLE preconditioners and draw several conclusions. First, we show that in the case of low porosity, CG with the SIMPLE preconditioner converges faster to the discrete pressure and provides a more accurate calculation of sample permeability. Second, we show that an increase in the surface-to-volume ratio leads to an increase in the condition number of the Schur complement matrix, while the dependence is inverse for the Schur complement matrix preconditioned with the SIMPLE. As an explanation, we conjecture that the no-slip boundary conditions are the reason for non-unit eigenvalues of the Schur complement

    On the structure of the Schur complement matrix for the Stokes equation

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    In this paper, we investigate the structure of the Schur complement matrix for the fully-staggered finite-difference discretization of the stationary Stokes equation. Specifically, we demonstrate that the structure of the Schur complement matrix depends qualitatively on a particular characteristic, namely the number of non-unit eigenvalues, and the two limiting cases are of special interest

    In vitro evaluation of combination effects of doxorubicin with methylxanthine fractions isolated from Bancha and Pu-erh teas against breast cancer cells

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    Background: In the present study we investigated the combination effects of anthracycline antibiotic, doxorubicin, with methylxanthine fractions isolated from Bancha and Pu-erh tea leaves, against MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell lines.Methods: Neutral red uptake assay was used for assessment of cytotoxicity effects and fractional effect analysis and combination index for evaluation of the combination effects.Results: Doxorubicin was used in varying concentrations by a double dilution method, whereas the methylxanthine fractions were in fixed concentrations – 100, 200, 400 or 600 μg/ml. Results have shown that methylxanthine fraction isolated from Bancha has synergic effects with doxorubicin, while methylxanthines from Pu-erh displayed antagonistic effects.Conclusions: Тhe obtained results lead us to suspect, that even minor differences in the composition of natural products can lead to significant differences in the biological activity of the product

    Numerical modelling of the operation of a two-phase thermosyphon

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    In the recent years, the interest towards the application of two-phase thermosyphons as an element of heat recovery systems has significantly increased. The application of thermosyphons is steadily gaining popularity in a wide range of industries and energy solutions. In the present study, a 2-D numerical modelling of a two-phase gas/liquid flow and the simultaneously ongoing processes of evaporation and condensation in a thermosyphon is presented. The technique volume of fluid was used for the modelling of the interaction between the liquid and gas phases. The operation of a finned tubes thermosyphon was studied at several typical operating modes. A parametric study over a non-ribbed and finned tubes thermosyphon was carried out. The commercial software ANSYS FLUENT 14.0 was used for the numerical analysis. It was proven that the numerical modelling procedure adequately recreates the ongoing flow, heat and mass transfer processes in the thermosyphon. The numerical result from the phase interaction in the thermosyphon was visualized. Otherwise, such visualization is difficult to achieve when only using empirical models or laboratory experiments. In conclusion, it is shown that numerical modelling is a useful tool for studying and better understanding of the phase changes and heat and mass transfer in a thermosyphon operation

    Някои особени лексеми в старобългарския превод на Иполитовото тълкувание на Книга на пророк Даниил

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    Some specific lexemes in the Old Bulgarian translation of Hippolytus of Rome’s Commentaries on the Book of Prophet DanielThe object of the current research is Talkovanie na Kniga na propok Daniil – the Slavonic version of the Commentaries on the Book of Prophet Daniel (Commentarii in Danielem, CPG 1873) by Hippolytus of Rome (c. 170–235), the earliest and most profound commentaries on this Old Testament book. They were written round 204 and their translation into Old Bulgarian can be counted among the earliest works of Bulgarian literature. The time of the Commentaries’ translation is under discussion, its dating ranging from the last decades of the ninth to the middle of the tenth century. Some linguistic facts of the Commentaries have sporadically been compared with the partial translation of the Book of the Prophet Daniel, included in the Prophetologion. Also, some comparisons have been made between the Slavonic translation of the Commentaries and the so-called Talkovni proroci – a translation of Old Testament books of prophets with commentaries. The analysis is based on a 1519 manuscript of the Commentaries (No. 486 from the Volokolamsk Collection, Russian State Library, Moscow), which follows the tradition of the earlier copies and most profoundly keeps the content of the Commentaries. In addition to morphological particularities, in the text there are many lexical idiosyncrasies, which can facilitate the dating and localization of the translation. Among these lexical markers can be singled out which show more interesting data. Many lexemes can be found which are particular to the early written codices and testify to the antiquity of the translation. For instance, some specific lexemes match with words, used in the Codex Suprasliensis and the First Miscellany of Tsar Simeon (Izbornik of 1073), which shows that the Commentaries are one of the earliest translated works of the Old Bulgarian literature. Wybrane charakterystyczne leksemy w starobułgarskim przekładzie Komentarzy do Księgi Proroka Daniela Hipolita RzymskiegoPrzedmiotem artykułu jest słowiańska wersja Komentarzy do Księgi Proroka Daniela (Commentarii in Danielem, CPG 1873) autorstwa Hipolita Rzymskiego (ok. 170–235), najwcześniejszych i najbardziej wnikliwych komentarzy do tej starotestamentowej księgi. Zostały one napisane około 204 roku, a ich przekład na język starobułgarski sytuuje się wśród najstarszych dzieł literatury bułgarskiej. Wciąż dyskutowany jest czas jego powstania: od ostatnich dekad wieku IX do połowy X. Niektóre fakty językowe związane z Komentarzami były sporadycznie porównywane z częściowym przekładem Księgi Proroka Daniela, zawartym w paremejniku. Porównywano także słowiański przekład Komentarzy z tak zwaną Księgą Proroków Starego Testamentu wraz z komentarzami. Artykuł koncentruje się na rękopisie z 1519 roku (Nr 486 w Zbiorze z Biblioteki Wołokołamska, Rosyjska Biblioteka Państwowa, Moskwa), który śledzi tradycję wcześniejszych kopii i najdokładniej zachowuje zawartość Komentarzy. Oprócz ich morfologicznej specyfiki w tekście znajduje się wiele cech leksykalnych, które pomagają określić datę i miejsce powstania przekładu. Wśród nich znajdują się markery leksykalne, które zasługują na uwagę, gdyż prowadzą do ciekawych odkryć. Wiele leksemów zawartych w tekście odnosi się do wczesnych kodeksów i świadczy o starożytności przekładu. Niektóre charakterystyczne leksemy łączą się ze słowami użytymi w Codex Suprasliensis i Pierwszym Zborniku Cara Symeona (Izbornik, 1073 rok), co dowodzi, że Komentarze są jedną z najwcześniejszych przetłumaczonych prac w obrębie literatury starobułgarskiej

    Някои особени лексеми в старобългарския превод на Иполитовото тълкувание на Книга на пророк Даниил

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    Some specific lexemes in the Old Bulgarian translation of Hippolytus of Rome’s Commentaries on the Book of Prophet Daniel The object of the current research is Talkovanie na Kniga na propok Daniil – the Slavonic version of the Commentaries on the Book of Prophet Daniel (Commentarii in Danielem, CPG 1873) by Hippolytus of Rome (c. 170–235), the earliest and most profound commentaries on this Old Testament book. They were written round 204 and their translation into Old Bulgarian can be counted among the earliest works of Bulgarian literature. The time of the Commentaries’ translation is under discussion, its dating ranging from the last decades of the ninth to the middle of the tenth century. Some linguistic facts of the Commentaries have sporadically been compared with the partial translation of the Book of the Prophet Daniel, included in the Prophetologion. Also, some comparisons have been made between the Slavonic translation of the Commentaries and the so-called Talkovni proroci – a translation of Old Testament books of prophets with commentaries. The analysis is based on a 1519 manuscript of the Commentaries (No. 486 from the Volokolamsk Collection, Russian State Library, Moscow), which follows the tradition of the earlier copies and most profoundly keeps the content of the Commentaries. In addition to morphological particularities, in the text there are many lexical idiosyncrasies, which can facilitate the dating and localization of the translation. Among these lexical markers can be singled out which show more interesting data. Many lexemes can be found which are particular to the early written codices and testify to the antiquity of the translation. For instance, some specific lexemes match with words, used in the Codex Suprasliensis and the First Miscellany of Tsar Simeon (Izbornik of 1073), which shows that the Commentaries are one of the earliest translated works of the Old Bulgarian literature.   Wybrane charakterystyczne leksemy w starobułgarskim przekładzie Komentarzy do Księgi Proroka Daniela Hipolita Rzymskiego Przedmiotem artykułu jest słowiańska wersja Komentarzy do Księgi Proroka Daniela (Commentarii in Danielem, CPG 1873) autorstwa Hipolita Rzymskiego (ok. 170–235), najwcześniejszych i najbardziej wnikliwych komentarzy do tej starotestamentowej księgi. Zostały one napisane około 204 roku, a ich przekład na język starobułgarski sytuuje się wśród najstarszych dzieł literatury bułgarskiej. Wciąż dyskutowany jest czas jego powstania: od ostatnich dekad wieku IX do połowy X. Niektóre fakty językowe związane z Komentarzami były sporadycznie porównywane z częściowym przekładem Księgi Proroka Daniela, zawartym w paremejniku. Porównywano także słowiański przekład Komentarzy z tak zwaną Księgą Proroków Starego Testamentu wraz z komentarzami. Artykuł koncentruje się na rękopisie z 1519 roku (Nr 486 w Zbiorze z Biblioteki Wołokołamska, Rosyjska Biblioteka Państwowa, Moskwa), który śledzi tradycję wcześniejszych kopii i najdokładniej zachowuje zawartość Komentarzy. Oprócz ich morfologicznej specyfiki w tekście znajduje się wiele cech leksykalnych, które pomagają określić datę i miejsce powstania przekładu. Wśród nich znajdują się markery leksykalne, które zasługują na uwagę, gdyż prowadzą do ciekawych odkryć. Wiele leksemów zawartych w tekście odnosi się do wczesnych kodeksów i świadczy o starożytności przekładu. Niektóre charakterystyczne leksemy łączą się ze słowami użytymi w Codex Suprasliensis i Pierwszym Zborniku Cara Symeona (Izbornik, 1073 rok), co dowodzi, że Komentarze są jedną z najwcześniejszych przetłumaczonych prac w obrębie literatury starobułgarskiej