36 research outputs found

    Social Influences on Songbird Behavior: From Song Learning to Motion Coordination

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    Social animals learn during development how to integrate successfully into their group. How do social interactions combine to maintain group cohesion? We first review how social environments can influence the development of vocal learners, such as songbirds and humans (Chapter 1). To bypass the complexity of natural social interactions and gain experimental control, we developed Virtual Social Environments, surrounding the bird with videos of manipulated playbacks. This way we were able to design sensory and social scenarios and test how social zebra finches adjust their behavior (Chapters 2 & 3). A serious challenge is that the color output of a video monitor does not match the color vision of zebra finches. To minimize chromatic distortion, we eliminated all of the colors from the videos, except in the beak and cheeks where we superimposed colors that match the sensitivity of zebra finch photoreceptors (Chapter 2). Birds strongly preferred to watch these manipulated ‘bird appropriate’ videos. We also designed Virtual Social Environments for assessing how observing movement patterns might affect behavior in real-time (Chapter 3). We found that presenting birds with manipulated movement patterns of virtual males promptly affects the mobility of birds watching the videos: birds move more when virtual males increase their movements, and they decrease their movements and ‘cuddle’ next to virtual males that stop moving. These results suggest that individuals adjust their activity levels to the statistical patterns of observed conspecific movements, which can explain zebra finch group cohesion. Finally, we studied the song development process in the absence of social input to determine how intrinsic biases and external stimuli shape song from undifferentiated syllables into well-defined categorical signals of adult song (Chapter 4). Do juveniles learn the statistics of early sub-song to guide vocal development? We trained juvenile zebra finches with playbacks of their own, highly variable, developing song and showed that these self-tutored birds developed distinct syllable types (categories) as fast as birds that were trained with a categorical, adult song template. Therefore, the statistical structure of early input seems to have no bearing on the development of phonetic categories. Overall, our results uncover social forces that influence individual behaviors, from motion coordination to vocal development, which have implications for how group structures and vocal culture are maintained

    Morphosyntactic analysis of essays of students whose second language is Croatian

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    Ovaj se diplomski rad bavi analizom morfosintakse inojezičnih učenika hrvatskog jezika. Cilj je rada procjena morfosintakse hrvatskog jezika osnovnoškolskih učenika čiji je materinski jezik janjevački, a u školi uče hrvatski jezik te usporedba s morfosintaktičkim obilježjima učenika kojima je materinski jezik hrvatski. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 7 učenika janjevačkog podrijetla i 7 učenika kojima je materinski jezik hrvatski, a svi su za vrijeme provedbe istraživanja završavali 2. razred osnovne škole. Za potrebe istraživanja prikupljeni su učenički sastavci napisani na nastavi hrvatskoga jezika pomoću kojih je izvršena analiza morfosintakse pisanog jezika. Dobiveni rezultati analize tekstova pokazuju kako obje skupine čine pogreške u morfologiji hrvatskoga jezika, međutim, samo su inojezični učenici griješili u označavanju roda, broja, padeža i lica, što se može pripisati težnji govornika janjevačkog jezika da pojednostavljuju deklinaciju hrvatskog jezika. Uvidom u složenost sintakse, primijećen je dvostruko veći broj višestrukosloženih rečenica kod eksperimentalne skupine, što u ovom slučaju ne svjedoči boljoj usvojenosti sintaktičkog ustrojstva, već slabijoj vještini uspostavljanja veza i odnosa između dijelova rečenica. Uzevši u obzir dobivene rezultate, može se zaključiti da postoje određena područja hrvatske gramatike koja su problematična inojezičnim učenicima janjevačkog podrijetla i koja ih razlikuju od učenika kojima je materinski jezik hrvatski.This garduate thesis deals with an analysis of the morphosyntax of learners of Croatian as a second language. The aim of the paper is an estimation of the Croatian morphosyntax of primary school students with the Janjevo language as their first language who learn Croatian at school, as well as a comparison of their morphosyntax with the one of students with Croatian as their first language. 7 students of Janjevo origin and 7 students with Croatian as their first language, who were second grade students at the time, took part in the study. For the purpose of the study the students' short essays were collected which had been written during Croatian lessons at school. The essays were then analysed on the morphosyntax of the written language. The results of the text analysis show that both groups made mistakes in the area of Croatian morphology, however, only the Croatian as a second language group made mistakes in marking the gender, number, case and person, which can be ascribed to the tendencies of Janjevo language speakers to simplify the declination of the Croatian language. As for the complexity of the syntax of the studied texts, there were double as many complex sentences produced by the experimental group, which in this case is not a proof of a more successful acquisition of the syntactic structure by the experimental group, but of a weaker skill of establishing a relationship between sentence parts. Taken together, the results suggest that there are certain parts of the Croatian grammar which are problematic to students of Janjevo origin and by which they differ from students with Croatian as their first language

    Utjecaj dobi i spola na odabrane hematološke i biokemijske pokazatelje u janjadi pasmine dalmatinska pramenka

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    The objective of the present study was to determine the influence of age and sex on selected haematological and blood biochemical parameters in organically raised Dalmatian Pramenka lambs. Haematological and blood biochemical parameters were studied in 40 lambs with an equal representation of both sexes. The research lasted four months. Blood samples were collected once per month, from the beginning of the grazing season when lambs were at the average age of three months, and until the end of the production cycle for lamb meat. The distribution of the results according to age showed that the increase in the age of the lambs significantly reduced (P<0.05) the RBC, HGB, HCT and the concentration of GLU, BUN, BIT. The concentration of TP, ALB, GLO and the activity of enzyme AST significantly increased (P<0.05) with the increasing age of the lambs. The distribution of results by sex showed that female lambs had significantly higher WBC (P<0.05), RBC (P<0.01), and HGB (P<0.05) concentration, while male lambs had significantly higher values of MCV (P<0.01) and concentration of FFA (P<0.01). In conclusion, this research demonstrated that age and sex significantly influence most of the haematological and blood biochemical parameters of organically raised Dalmatian Pramenka lambs.Cilj rada bio je istražiti utjecaj dobi i spola na odabrane pokazatelje u krvi janjadi pasmine dalmatinska pramenka uzgajane u ekološkim uvjetima. Četrdeset janjadi u prosječnoj dobi od tri mjeseca, s ravnomjernom zastupljenošću oba spola, obuhvaćeno je istraživanjem koje je uspostavljeno s početkom sezone izlaska na pašu (ožujak), a trajalo je do kraja proizvodnog ciklusa uzgoja janjadi za klanje (lipanj), ukupno četiri mjeseca. Uzorci krvi za hematološku i biokemijsku pretragu uzimani su svakog mjeseca (u četiri navrata) u razmaku od 30 dana. Raspodjela rezultata hematoloških i biokemijskih pokazatelja u krvnom serumu prema dobi janjadi, pokazala je da je povećanje dobi janjadi pratilo statistički znakovito smanjenje (P<0,05) koncentracije RBC, HGB, HCT, GLU, BUN i BIT te povećanje (P<0,05) koncentracije TP, ALB, GLO i aktivnosti enzima AST. Raspodjela rezultata prema spolu janjadi, pokazala je da je ženska janjad imala statistički znakovito veći WBC (P<0,05), RBC (P<0,01), HGB (P<0,05) od muške janjadi, dok je muška janjad imala veći MCV (P<0,01) i koncentraciju FFA (P<0,01) u usporedbi s ženskom janjadi. Zaključeno je da dob i spol znakovito utječu na promjene vrijednosti većine hematoloških i biokemijskih pokazatelja u serumu janjadi dalmatinske pramenke iz ekološkog uzgoja

    Potencijalni rizici farmakološki izazvane hipoklorhidrije

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    Inhibitori protonske pumpe (IPP) trenutno su najdjelotvorniji lijekovi u regulaciji lučenja želučane kiseline. Postali su terapija izbora u liječenju gastroezofagealne refluksne bolesti, peptičkih ulkusa, Zollinger-Ellisonova sindroma (ZOS), funkcionalne dispepsije, lezija uzrokovanih nesteroidnim antireumaticima (NSAR), eradikacije Helicobacter pylori i ostalih hipersekretornih stanja. Na tržištu se nalazi pet lijekova iz ove skupine: omeprazol, esomeprazol, lansoprazol, te rabeprazol za oralnu i pantoprazol za oralnu i intravensku upotrebu. Glavni mehanizam njihova djelovanja je inhibicija protonske pumpe parijetalnih stanica želuca i smanjenje stvaranja želučane kiseline. Visoka učinkovitost, jednostavna primjena, prihvatljiva cijena i rijetke nuspojave dovele su do pretjeranog propisivanja IPP-a u bolničkih i ambulantnih bolesnika. Zbog toga dolazi do povećane izloženosti bolesnika potencijalnim rizicima. Dugotrajna terapija IPP-ima uzrokuje hipoklorhidriju, hipergastrinemiju i proliferaciju parijetalnih stanica. Potencijanlo nepovoljno djelovanje može se odraziti na metabolizam vitamina B12, željeza i magnezija, regulaciju kalcija i nastanak osteoporotičnih fraktura, pojavnost enteralnih infekcija, posebice Clostridium difficile kolitisa i izvanbolničke pneumonije, promjenu sluznice želuca stvaranjem benignih polipa ili malignih promjena, nastanak demencije i pogoršanje bolesti srca i bubrega. Racionalnom primjenom IPP-a, kontrolom i evaluacijom stanja bolesnika, te njihovom edukacijom, moguće je smanjiti pojavnost rizika i stanja do kojih dovodi neprimjereno liječenje

    Current state and trends in production of sheep meat in EU and Croatia

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    Sažetak Proizvodnja mesa kao grana ovčje proizvodnje intenzivnije se razvija početkom 19. stoljeća u zemljama zapadne Europe i na istoku SAD-a zbog porasta broja stanovništva i razvoja industrije. U ovčarstvu, više nego u drugim granama stočarstva, unutar Europske unije postoje znatne razlike u tehnologiji proizvodnje, što dovodi do lokalnih razlika u karakteristikama mesa. Sustav ovčarske proizvodnje se može podijeliti na ekstenzivni koji prevladava u zemljama Sredozemlja, u kojem se kolje sisajuća janjad male tjelesne težine i intenzivni u zemljama Sjeverne Europe u kojima je na cijeni janjad veće tjelesne težine. Posljednjih godina proizvodnja i potrošnja ovčjeg mesa je u padu, najvećim dijelom zbog pojave zarazne šepavosti ovaca, te zbog reforme ZPP-a (zajednička poljoprivredna politika) i velikog uvoza ovaca i ovčjeg mesa iz Novog Zelanda i Australije. Iz istih je razloga u padu proizvodnja i potrošnja ovčjeg mesa u Hrvatskoj, a dijelom i zbog Domovinskog rata u kojem je broj ovaca prepolovljen. Prema statističkim podacima iz 2009. godine još uvijek nije postignut broj ovaca iz 1991. godine. Kao i u ostalim sredozemnim zemljama, i u Hrvatskoj se kolje sisajuća janjad koja se konzumira u komadu ili rasječena u 2-4 komada. Dva najpoznatija tradicionalna suhomesnata proizvoda od ovčjeg mesa su kaštradina i stelja od kojih niti jedan nije zaštićen.Production of meat as a segment of sheep production developed at the beginning of the 19th century in intensive agriculture of western Europe and in the eastern part of the USA because of the increase in population and development of industry. In sheep breeding, more than in other branches of livestock-breeding, there are significant differences in production technology within the EU, which brings to local differences in meat characteristics. Production systems may be divided to extensive and intensive ones.Extensive prevails in Mediterranean countries, where small suckling lambs of small body weight are slaughtered. Intensive system is spread in northern European countries where lambs of larger body weight are appreciated. In recent years the production and consumption of sheep meat has been in decline, mostly because of foot root disease, and because of CAP (Common Agriculutral Policy) reform and large import of sheep and sheep meat from New Zealand and Australia. Production and consumption of sheep meat in Croatia have also been in decline mostly because of the Homeland war in which the number of sheep was cut by half. According to statistical data from 2009, the number of sheep from 1991 has still not been reached. As well as in other Mediterranean countries, in Croatia it is also popular to slaughter suckling lambs which are consumed in one peace or chopped in 2-4 pieces. Two best known traditional cured sheep meat are kastradina andstelja, none of which is protected

    Diversità della microflora nella carne e nei prodotti a base di carne

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    Sažetak Pod mesom na tržištu ili u preradi podrazumijeva se mišićje (mišićno tkivo), s kožom ili bez nje, ovisno o vrsti stoke, peradi ili divljači, s pripadnim masnim i vezivnim tkivom, kostima i hrskavicama, krvnim i limfnim žilama, limfnim čvorovima i živcima u prirodnoj vezi. S obzirom na kemijski sastav meso je izrazito pogodan medij za rast i razmnožavanje različitih mikroorganizama. Glavni izvori primarne (početne) mikroflore mesa su same životinje, radnici koji manipuliraju mesom, te proizvodna okolina. U primarnoj mikroflori prevladavaju gram-negativne bakterije uključujući crijevne bakterije Escherichia coli i Salmonella spp., te Pseudomonas spp., a od gram-pozitivnih najčešće se nalaze laktobacili i enterokoki. Na svježem trupu se može očekivati i veliki broj plijesni od kojih prevladavaju predstavnici rodova Penicillium, Mucor i Cladosporium, a od kvasaca rodovi Candida i Rhodotorula. Preživljavanje primarne mikroflore mesa ovisi o stupnju kontaminiranosti (ukupnom broju mikroorganizama), vrsti mikroorganizama, kemijskom sastavu i pH mesa te temperaturi i prisutnosti kisika. Mikroorganizmi su s jedne strane uzročnici kvarenja mesa, ali istodobno svojim metabolizmom pridonose zrenju mesa, te konačnoj boji, okusu i mirisu mesa i mesnih prerađevina. Poznavanje optimalnih uvjeta rasta, razvoja i razmnožavanja pojedinih mikroorganizama omogućava upravljanje kvalitetom i održivošću mesa i mesnih proizvoda, te kreiranje tehnoloških postupaka prerade i metoda konzerviranja, a temelj su i za funkcionalno korištenje mikroorganizama u proizvodnji mesnih prerađevina.The term meat on the market or in processing implies muscles (muscle tissue) with skin or without it, depending on the kind of cattle, poultry or game, with belonging adipose or connective tissue, bones and cartilages, blood and lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes and nerves in a natural connection. Considering the chemical content, meat is a very favorable medium for growth and reproduction of different microbes. The main sources of primary (initial) microflora of meat are the animals themselves, workers who manipulate with meat, and production environment. Gram- negative bacteria, including intestinal bacteria Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp., and Pseudomonas spp., prevail in primary microflora, while out of gram– positive bacteria, lactobacilli and enterococci are most frequently found. On a fresh carcass there could be expected a high mold count, of which Penicillium, Mucor and Cladosporium prevail, and Candida and Rhodotorula genera of yeasts. The survival of primary microflora of meat depends on the degree of contamination (total microbial count), type of microorganisms, chemical content and pH value of meat, then temperature and the presence of oxygen. On the one hand microorganisms are the causative agents of meat decay, but on the other, they contribute to ripening of meat, as well as to the final color, taste and odor of meat and meat products. Being familiar with optimal conditions of growth, development and reproduction of individual microbes enables managing the quality and sustainability of meat and meat products, as well as creating technological procedures of processing and methods of preservation. It is also a basis for a functional use of microbes in the production of meat products.Zusammenfassung Unter dem Begriff Fleisch wird auf dem Markt und in der Verarbeitungsindustrie folgendes verstanden: Muskelgewebe, mit oder ohne Haut, abhängig von Viehsorte, Geflügel oder Wild, mit dazugehörigen Fett- und Bindegewebe, Knochen, Knorpel, Blut- und Lymphgefäßen, Lymphknoten und Nerven in natürlicher Verbindung. In Bezug auf die chemische Zusammensetzung ist Fleisch ein ausdrücklich günstiges Medium für Wachstum und Vermehrung verschiedener Mikroorganismen. Die Hauptquellen der primären (anfänglichen) Mikroflora in Fleisch sind die Tiere selbst, Arbeiter die mit Fleisch manipulieren, sowie die Umgebung, in der die Herstellung stattfindet. In der primären Mikroflora sind die gramnegative Bakterien vorwiegend, einschließlich Darmbakterien Escherichia coli und Salmonella spp, sowie Pseudomonas spp, und von den grampositiven sind Laktobazillen und Enterokokken vorwiegend. An dem frischen Kadaver ist eine große Zahl von Schimmelsubstanzen zu erwarten, vorwiegend aus der Gattung Penicillinum, Mucor und Cladosporium, von den Hefesubstanzen Candida und Rhodotorula. Das Überleben der primären Mikroflora in Fleisch hängt vom Kontaminierungsgrad ab (gesamte Zahl der Mikroorganismen), Art der Mikroorganismen, chemischer Fleischzusammensetzung und pH, sowie Temperatur und Anwesenheit des Sauerstoffes.Die Mikroorganismen sind einerseits die Erreger des Fleischverderbens, andererseits bringen sie mit ihrem Metabolismus dem Fleischreifen, der Finalfarbe, dem Geschmack und dem Geruch der Finalprodukte bei. Das Kennen der optimalen Wuchsbedingungen, der Entwicklung und der Vermehrung von einzelnen Mikroorganismen ermöglicht die Herrschaft über die Qualität und Erhaltbarkeit von Fleisch und Fleischerzeugnissen, sowie die Kreierung der technologischen Verarbeitungsverfahren und Konservierungsmethoden. Sie stellen die Grundlage für die funktionale Nutzung der Mikroorganismen in der Herstellung von Fleischerzeugnissen dar.Sommario Il termine ‘carne’ sul mercato sottintende il tessuto muscolare, con la pelle o senza (la cosa che dipende del tipo di bestiame, pollame o selvaggina) con l’appartenente tessuto grasso e connettivo, ossa e cartilagine, vasi sanguini e linfatici, nodi linfatici e nervi nella connessione naturale. Per quanto riguarda la sua composizione chimica, la carne è un medio straordinariamente addatto alla crescita e riproduzione di diversi microorganismi. Le fonti principali di microflora primaria (iniziale) della carne sono gli animali stessi, gli operai che manovrano la carne, e l’ambito produttivo. Nella microflora primaria prevalgono i batteri gram-negativi insieme con i batteri intestinali del genere Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. e Pseudomonas spp. Dei batteri gram-positivi i lattobacilli e gli enterococchi sono i più frequenti. Sulla carcassa fresca è da aspettare un numero grande di muffa, dove prevalgono i rappresentanti dei generi Penicillium, Mucor i Cladosporium, e dai lieviti i generi Candida i Rhodotorula. La sopravvivenza della microflora primaria della carne dipende dal grado di contaminazione (il numero totale di microorganismi), tipo di microorganismi, composizione chimica, pH della carne e la temperatura e presenza di ossigeno. I microorganismi sono da una parte quelli che causano la decomposizione della carne, e dall’altra contemporaneamente con il suo metabolismo aiutano la maturazione della carne, ed il colore, gusto e aroma di carne e di prodotti a base di carne. La conoscenza di condizioni ottimali per la crescita, sviluppo e riproduzione di certi microorganismi favoriscono la direzione qualità e sostenibilità della carne e di prodotti a base di carne, e la creazione di procedimenti tecnologici di produzione di alimenti e di metodi di conservazione, che sono fondamentali per l’uso di microorganismi nella produzione di prodotti a base di carne

    The Mechanisms of Action of Phototherapy in the Treatment of the most Common Dermatoses

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    Phototherapy denotes the use of ultraviolet (UV) light in the management of several dermatoses. Most phototherapy regimens utilize ultraviolet radiation of different wavelenghts. Currently, irradiations with broadband UVB (290–320 nm), narrowband UVB (311–313 nm), 308 nm excimer laser, UVA 1 (340–400 nm), UVA with psoralen (PUVA), and extracorporeal photochemotherapy (photopheresis) are being used. The interplay of the various photobiologic pathways is far from being completely understood. Disordes that may benefit from such approach are numerous, with psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, cutaneous T-cell lymphomas, morphea, and vitiligo as main indications. The immunomodulatory effects of UVB radiation primarily affect the epidermis and superficial dermis, while UVA radiation affects mid and deep dermal components, especially blood vessels. UVB radiation is absorbed by endogenous chromophores, such as nuclear DNA, which initiates a cascade of events. Absorption of UV light by nucleotides causes the formation of DNA photoproducts and supresses DNA synthesis. In addition UV light stimulates synthesis of prostaglandins and cytokines that play important roles in immune suppression. It may reduce the number of Langerhans cells, cutaneous T lymphocytes and mast cells in the dermis. UV radiation can also affect extranuclear molecular targets located in the cytoplasm and cell membrane. Immune suppression, alteration in cytokine expression, and cell cycle arrest may all contribute to the suppression of disease activity. PUVA is a form of chemophototherapy which uses UVA light to activate chemicals known as psoralens, hence psoralen ultraviolet A. The conjunction of psoralens with epidermal DNA inhibits DNA replication and causes cell cycle arrest. Psoralen photosensitization also causes an alteration in the expression of cytokines and cytokine receptors. Psoralens interact with RNA, proteins and other cellular components and indirectly modify proteins and lipids via singlet oxygen-mediated reactions or by generating of free radicals. Infiltrating lymphocytes are strongly suppressed by PUVA, with variable effects on different T-cell subsets. Psoralens and UV radiation also stimulate melanogenesis. Extracorporeal photopheresis is technique used in treatment of erythrodermic cutaneous lymphomas. It is very potent in induction of lymphocyte apoptosis. Despite the introduction of numerous effective systemic medications and biologic agents in dermatology, phototherapy remains a reliable, and often preferred option for several dermatoses

    Impatto del peso della materia prima, del metodo di salatura e del tempo di stagionatura sulle proprietà fisico-chimiche della pancetta dalmata

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    Cilj ovog rada je bio istražiti utjecaj početne mase sirovine, načina soljenja (količina dodane soli i vrijeme trajanja faze soljenja) i duljine prerade na kalo prerade, salinitet, pH-vrijednost i aktivitet vode (aw) Dalmatinske pancete zaštićene oznakom zemljopisnog podrijetla (ZOZP). Istraživanje je provedeno na 80 uzoraka pancete trgovačke klase A (mase ≥4,5 kg) koji su podijeljeni u 4 jednake grupe (20 uzoraka po grupi) s obzirom na početnu masu (grupe A i B > 6 kg i grupe C i D ˂ 5 kg), količinu dodane soli (5 % i 7 %), trajanje faze soljenja (6 i 8 dana) te ukupno trajanje procesa prerade (67 i 90 dana). Sva panceta je podvrgnuta procesu prerade (soljenje, dimljenje, sušenje i zrenje) sukladno propisanoj specifikaciji Dalmatinske pancete. Kalo (%) pojedinih faza prerade (soljenja i sušenja-zrenja) i ukupni kalo prerade utvrđeni su na temelju razlika u masi svakog uzorka na početku i na kraju svake faze prerade. Na početku i na kraju svake preradbene faze izmjerena je pH vrijednost svakog uzorka, salinitet je izmjeren na kraju faze soljenja, a aktivitet vode (aw) na kraju postupka prerade. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je značajno manja (P≤0,05) početna masa sirovine (grupe C i D) utjecala značajno na povećanje ukupnog kala prerade (33,61 %; P≤0,05), što je posljedica ne samo manje početne mase, nego vjerojatno i drugih svojstava sirovine manje mase (manji udio masnog tkiva, manja debljina). Nadalje, nije utvrđen značajan utjecaj količine dodane soli na kalo soljenja i ukupni kalo, ali utjecaj produljenja faze soljenja sa 6 na 8 dana na kalo soljenja nije isključen, s obzirom da su kala soljenja bila značajno manja (P≤0,05) u grupama A (1,58 %) i B (2,00 %) u odnosu na grupe C (4,17 %) i D (6,55 %). Međutim, kako se navedene grupe ujedno razlikuju i po početnim masama, nije jasno koji je utjecaj bio presudan. Rezultati mjerenja aw su pokazali vrlo slične niske vrijednosti u svim istraživanim grupama (od 0,65 u grupama A i D do 0,69 u grupi B i 0,70 u grupi C), pri čemu nije utvrđen značajan utjecaj duljine prerade. Naime, očito je značajno manja početna masa grupa C i D imala veći utjecaj na aw nego duljina sušenja i zrenja. Nadalje, utvrđena je značajna razlika (P≤0,05) između početne pH vrijednosti teže (5,63 - A i 5,61 - B) i lakše (5,71 - C i 5,70 - D) sirove potrbušine. Također, rezultati ukazuju na pozitivan utjecaj (P≤0,05) produljenja faze soljenja na pH (6 dana: 5,70 – A i 5,66 – B; 8 dana: 5,84 – C i 5,83 – D), ali utjecaj povećanja količine dodane soli nije utvrđen. Međutim, pozitivne korelacije između saliniteta i pH uzoraka nakon faza soljenja (r=0,49) i zrenja (r=0,65), ukazuju na značajan utjecaj količine soli na pH-vrijednost. Vrijednosti pH u svim grupama su rasle tijekom procesa zrenja, pa su razlike između vrijednosti pH na početku i na kraju preradbenog postupka bile značajne (P≤0,05). Mjerenjem vrijednosti saliniteta u uzorcima nakon faze soljenja nije sa sigurnošću utvrđen pozitivan utjecaj dodatka veće količine soli i produljenja faze soljenja, s obzirom da je značajna razlika u salinitetu utvrđena samo između grupa A (5 % soli, 6 dana: 5,20 ‰) i B (7 % soli, 6 dana: 6,20 ‰), no ne i između grupa C (5 % soli, 8 dana: 5,40 ‰) i D (7 % soli, 8 dana: 5,40 ‰). Međutim, značajne korelacije (pozitivne i negativne) između saliniteta i drugih parametara (aw, kalo sušenja-zrenja, ukupni kalo, masa uzoraka nakon soljenja i zrenja, pH nakon soljenja i zrenja) ipak ukazuju da promjene količine soli u proizvodu značajno utječu na ispitivane parametre. Navedeni rezultati upućuju na mogućnost smanjenja količine dodane soli u fazi soljenja, bez značajnog negativnog utjecaja na ispitivane parametre kvalitete Dalmatinske pancete. Međutim, za preciznije zaključke je potrebno provesti dodatna istraživanja. Ipak, navedeno istraživanje još jednom potvrđuje važnost kvalitete sirovine koja uz primijenjenu tehnologiju ima presudan učinak na konačna svojstva zrele Dalmatinske pancete.The aim of the this study was to determine the effect of the initial weight of the raw material, the method of salting (salt consumption and the lenght of the salting phase) and the length of processing on the weight loss, salinity, pH-value and water activity (aw) of Dalmatianska panceta produced under the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). For this purpose, the samples of 80 panceta (meat pig class A, weight ≥4.5 kg) were distributed into 4 equal groups (20 samples per group) according to the initial weight (groups A and B > 6 kg and groups C and D ˂ 5 kg), the addition of salt (5% and 7%), the lenght of the salting phase (6 and 8 days) and the total lenght of the production process (67 and 90 days). All panceta samples were processed (salting, smoking, drying and ripening) according to the regulations of Dalmatian panceta specification. Weight loss (%) in particular pocessing stages (salting and drying-ripening) and total processing weight loss were determined by differences in the weight of each sample at the beginning and at the end of each processing stage. The pH value of each sample was measured at the begining and at the end of each processing phase. The salinity was measured at the end of the salting phase, and the water activity (aw) at the end of the processing procedure. The analysis of the results has shown the following: a lower (P≤0.05) initial weight of raw material (groups C and D) had a noticeable effect on the increase of total processing weight loss (33.61%; P≤0.05). However, the influence of the lighter raw material and its properties (smaller proportion of fat tissue, smaller thickness) should not be excluded either. The influence of the amount of added salt on salting weight loss and total weight loss has not been found to be significant. Although, the influence of extending the salting phase from 6 to 8 days on salting weight loss was not excluded, due to the significantly smaller salting weight loss (P≤0.05) in the groups A (1.58%) and B (2.00%) compared to groups C (4.17%) and D (6.55%). However, as the mentioned groups also differed in their initial weights, it is not clear which influence was decisive. The results of all investigated groups showed very similar low values of aw (from 0.65 in groups A and D to 0.69 in group B and 0.70 in group C), while the significant influence of the length of processing was not determined. Namely, it is obvious that the characteristics of the raw material, such as significantly lower initial weight (groups C and D), had a greater influence on aw than the length of drying and ripening. Furthermore, a significant difference (P≤0.05) was found between the initial pH values of heavier (5.63 - A and 5.61 - B) and lighter (5.71 - C and 5.70 - D) raw pork loin. Also, the results indicate a positive influence (P≤0.05) of prolonging the salting phase on pH (6 days: 5.70 – A and 5.66 – B; 8 days: 5.84 – C and 5.83 – D), but the impact of increasing the amount of added salt has not been determined. However, the positive correlation between saltynes and pH of the samples after the salting (r=0.49) and ripening (r=0.65) stages indicates a significant influence of salt quantity in the samples on their pH. The pH values in all groups increased during the ripening process, so the differences between the pH values at the beginning and at the end of the processing procedure were significant (P≤0.05). By measuring the salinity values in the samples after the salting phase, the positive influence of adding a larger amount of salt and prolonging the salting phase was not determined with certainty, considering that a significant difference was found only between groups A (5% salt, 6 days: 5.20 ‰) and B (7 % salt, 6 days: 6.20 ‰), but not between groups C (5% salt, 8 days: 5.40) and D (7% salt, 8 days: 5.40). However, significant correlations (positive and negative) between salinity and other parameters (aw, drying-ripening weight loss, total weight loss, weight of samples after salting and ripening, pH after salting and ripening), nevertheless indicate that changes in salt quantity in the product significantly affect the tested parameters. The above results point to the possibility of reducing the amount of added salt in the salting phase, without significant impact on the tested quality parameters of Dalmatian panceta. However, for more precise conclusions additional research is needed; especially the data of the amount of salt in the finished product, as well as other quality parameters of the finished product. Moreover, the aforementioned research once again confirms the importance of the quality of the raw pork loin, which, along with the applied technology, has a very important effect on the final properties of mature Dalmatian panceta.Ziel dieser Studie war es, den Einfluss des Ausgangsgewichts des Rohmaterials, der Art des Einsalzens (Salzverbrauch und Dauer der Einsalzphase) und der Dauer der Verarbeitung auf den Gewichtsverlust, den Salzgehalt, den pH-Wert und die Wasseraktivität (aw) der Dalmatinischen Panceta, die unter der geschützten geografischen Angabe (g.g.A.) hergestellt wurde, zu bestimmen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden die Proben von 80 Panceta (Fleischschweineklasse A, Gewicht ≥4,5 kg) in 4 gleiche Gruppen (20 Proben pro Gruppe) aufgeteilt, und zwar nach dem Ausgangsgewicht (Gruppen A und B > 6 kg und Gruppen C und D ˂ 5 kg), dem Salzzusatz (5 % und 7 %), der Dauer der Einsalzphase (6 und 8 Tage) und der Gesamtdauer des Produktionsprozesses (67 und 90 Tage). Alle Panceta-Proben wurden gemäß den Vorschriften der dalmatinischen Panceta-Spezifikation verarbeitet (Einsalzung, Räucherung, Trocknung und Reifung). Der Gewichtsverlust (%) in den einzelnen Verarbeitungsstufen (Salzen und Trocknen- Reifen) und der Gesamtverarbeitungsgewichtsverlust wurden anhand der Gewichtsunterschiede jeder Probe zu Beginn und am Ende jeder Verarbeitungsstufe ermittelt. Der pH-Wert jeder Probe wurde zu Beginn und am Ende der jeweiligen Verarbeitungsphase gemessen. Der Salzgehalt wurde am Ende der Salzungsphase und die Wasseraktivität (aw) am Ende des Verarbeitungsprozesses gemessen. Die Analyse der Ergebnisse ergab Folgendes: Ein geringeres (P≤0,05) Ausgangsgewicht des Rohmaterials (Gruppen C und D) wirkte sich spürbar auf den Anstieg des Gesamtverarbeitungsgewichtsverlustes aus (33,61 %; P≤0,05). Aber auch der Einfluss des leichteren Rohmaterials und seiner Eigenschaften (geringerer Anteil an Fettgewebe, geringere Dicke) sollte nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Der Einfluss der zugesetzten Salzmenge auf den Gewichtsverlust beim Salzen und den Gesamtgewichtsverlust wurde nicht als signifikant eingestuft. Allerdings konnte der Einfluss einer Verlängerung der Salzungsphase von 6 auf 8 Tage auf den Pökelgewichtsverlust nicht ausgeschlossen werden, da der Pökelgewichtsverlust in den Gruppen A (1,58 %) und B (2,00 %) im Vergleich zu den Gruppen C (4,17 %) und D (6,55 %) signifikant geringer war (P≤0,05). Da sich die genannten Gruppen jedoch auch in ihren Ausgangsgewichten unterschieden, ist nicht klar, welcher Einfluss entscheidend war. Die Ergebnisse aller untersuchten Gruppen zeigten sehr ähnlich niedrige aw -Werte (von 0,65 in den Gruppen A und D bis 0,69 in der Gruppe B und 0,70 in der Gruppe C), während der signifikante Einfluss der Bearbeitungsdauer nicht festgestellt werden konnte. Es ist offensichtlich, dass die Eigenschaften des Rohmaterials, wie z. B. das deutlich niedrigere Ausgangsgewicht (Gruppen C und D), einen größeren Einfluss auf den aw-Wert hatten als die Dauer der Trocknung und Reifung. Außerdem wurde ein signifikanter Unterschied (P≤0,05) zwischen den anfänglichen pH-Werten von schwereren (5,63 - A und 5,61 - B) und leichteren (5,71 - C und 5,70 - D) rohen Schweinelenden festgestellt. Die Ergebnisse deuten auch auf einen positiven Einfluss (P≤0,05) der Verlängerung der Salzungsphase auf den pH-Wert hin (6 Tage: 5,70 - A und 5,66 - B; 8 Tage: 5,84 - C und 5,83 - D), aber die Auswirkungen einer Erhöhung der zugesetzten Salzmenge wurden nicht ermittelt. Die positive Korrelation zwischen den Salzen und dem pH-Wert der Proben nach dem Salzen (r=0,49) und der Reifung (r=0,65) deutet jedoch auf einen signifikanten Einfluss der Salzmenge in den Proben auf ihren pH-Wert hin. Die pH-Werte in allen Gruppen stiegen während des Reifungsprozesses an, so dass die Unterschiede zwischen den pH-Werten zu Beginn und am Ende des Verarbeitungsprozesses signifikant waren (P≤0,05). Durch die Messung der Salzgehaltswerte in den Proben nach der Salzungsphase konnte der positive Einfluss der Zugabe einer größeren Salzmenge und der Verlängerung der Salzungsphase nicht mit Sicherheit festgestellt werden, da ein signifikanter Unterschied nur zwischen den Gruppen A (5 % Salz, 6 Tage: 5,20 ‰) und B (7 % Salz, 6 Tage: 6,20 ‰), aber nicht zwischen den Gruppen C (5 % Salz, 8 Tage: 5,40) und D (7 % Salz, 8 Tage: 5,40) festgestellt wurde. Signifikante Korrelationen (positiv und negativ) zwischen dem Salzgehalt und anderen Parametern (aw, Gewichtsverlust bei der Trocknung und Reifung, Gesamtgewichtsverlust, Gewicht der Proben nach dem Salzen und der Reifung, pH-Wert nach dem Salzen und der Reifung) deuten jedoch darauf hin, dass Veränderungen der Salzmenge im Produkt die geprüften Parameter erheblich beeinflussen. Die obigen Ergebnisse deuten auf die Möglichkeit hin, die Menge des zugesetzten Salzes in der Salzungsphase zu reduzieren, ohne dass dies signifikante Auswirkungen auf die geprüften Qualitätsparameter der Dalmatinischen Panceta hat. Um genauere Schlussfolgerungen ziehen zu können, sind jedoch weitere Untersuchungen erforderlich; insbesondere die Daten zur Salzmenge im Endprodukt sowie zu anderen Qualitätsparametern des Endprodukts. Darüber hinaus bestätigen die oben genannten Untersuchungen einmal mehr die Bedeutung der Qualität des rohen Schweinefleischs, die zusammen mit der angewandten Technologie einen sehr wichtigen Einfluss auf die endgültigen Eigenschaften der reifen dalmatinischen Panceta hat.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto del peso inicial de la materia prima, el método de salazón (consumo de sal y duración de la fase de salazón) y la duración del procesamiento en la merma de peso, salinidad, valor de pH y actividad del agua (aw) de la panceta de Dalmacia producida bajo la Indicación Geográfica Protegida (IGP). Con este fin, las muestras de 80 pancetas (carne de cerdo clase A, peso ≥4.5 kg) se distribuyeron en 4 grupos iguales (20 muestras por grupo) según el peso inicial (grupos A y B > 6 kg y grupos C y D ˂ 5 kg), la adición de sal (5% y 7%), la duración de la fase de salazón (6 y 8 días) y la duración total del proceso de producción (67 y 90 días). Todas las muestras de panceta fueron procesadas (salazón, ahumado, secado y maduración) de acuerdo con las regulaciones de la especificación de la panceta de Dalmacia. La merma de peso (%) en etapas específicas del procesamiento (salazón y secado-maduración) y la merma de peso total durante el procesamiento se determinaron mediante las diferencias en el peso de cada muestra al comienzo y al final de cada etapa de procesamiento. El valor de pH de cada muestra se midió al inicio y al final de cada fase de procesamiento. La salinidad se midió al final de la fase de salazón y la actividad del agua (aw) al final del procedimiento de procesamiento. El análisis de los resultados ha mostrado lo siguiente: un peso inicial más bajo (P≤0.05) de la materia prima (grupos C y D) tuvo un efecto notable en el aumento de la merma de peso total durante el procesamiento (33.61%; P≤0.05). Sin embargo, tampoco se debe excluir la influencia de la materia prima más ligera y sus propiedades (menor proporción de tejido graso, menor grosor). No se encontró una influencia significativa de la cantidad de sal agregada en la merma de salazón y en la merma de peso total. Aunque, no se excluyó la influencia de la extensión de la fase de salazón de 6 a 8 días en la merma de peso por salazón, debido a la merma de salazón significativamente menor (P≤0.05) en los grupos A (1.58%) y B (2.00%) en comparación con los grupos C (4.17%) y D (6.55%). Sin embargo, dado que los grupos mencionados también difirieron en sus pesos iniciales, no está claro cuál fue la influencia decisiva. Los resultados de todos los grupos investigados mostraron valores muy similares y bajos de aw (desde 0.65 en los grupos A y D hasta 0.69 en el grupo B y 0.70 en el grupo C), mientras que no se determinó una influencia significativa de la duración del procesamiento. Es evidente que las características de la materia prima, como un peso inicial significativamente menor (grupos C y D), tuvieron una mayor influencia en la aw que la duración del secado y la maduración. Además, se encontró una diferencia significativa (P≤0.05) entre los valores de pH iniciales de lomos de cerdo crudos más pesados (5.63 - A y 5.61 - B) y más ligeros (5.71 - C y 5.70 - D). Además, los resultados indican una influencia positiva (P≤0.05) de prolongar la fase de salazón en el pH (6 días: 5.70 - A y 5.66 - B; 8 días: 5.84 - C y 5.83 - D), pero no se determinó el impacto de aumentar la cantidad de sal agregada. Sin embargo, la correlación positiva entre la salinidad y el pH de las muestras después de las etapas de salazón (r=0.49) y maduración (r=0.65) indica una influencia significativa de la cantidad de sal en las muestras sobre su pH. Los valores de pH en todos los grupos aumentaron durante el proceso de maduración, por lo que las diferencias entre los valores de pH al inicio y al final del procedimiento de procesamiento fueron significativas (P≤0.05). Al medir los valores de salinidad en las muestras después de la fase de salazón, no se determinó con certeza la influencia positiva de agregar una mayor cantidad de sal y prolongar la fase de salazón, considerando que solo se encontró una diferencia significativa entre los grupos A (5% de sal, 6 días: 5.20 ‰) y B (7% de sal, 6 días: 6.20 ‰), pero no entre los grupos C (5% de sal, 8 días: 5.40) y D (7% de sal, 8 días: 5.40). Sin embargo, las correlaciones significativas (positivas y negativas) entre la salinidad y otros parámetros (aw , merma de peso por secado y maduración, merma de peso total, peso de las muestras después de la salazón y maduración, pH después de la salazón y maduración) indican que los cambios en la cantidad de sal en el producto afectan significativamente los parámetros analizados. Los resultados anteriores apuntan a la posibilidad de reducir la cantidad de sal agregada en la fase de salazón, sin un impacto significativo en los parámetros de calidad probados de la panceta de Dalmacia. Sin embargo, para obtener conclusiones más precisas una investigación adicional es necesaria, especialmente en cuanto a la cantidad de sal en el producto final, así como otros parámetros de calidad del producto terminado. Además, la investigación mencionada anteriormente confirma una vez más la importancia de la calidad del lomo de cerdo crudo, que, junto con la tecnología aplicada, tiene un efecto muy importante en las propiedades finales de la panceta de Dalmacia madurada.Lo scopo di questo lavoro consisteva nell’indagare l’impatto del peso iniziale della materia prima, del metodo di salatura (quantità di sale aggiunto e durata della fase di salatura) e della durata della lavorazione sul calo di lavorazione, sulla salinità, sul valore pH e sull\u27attività dell\u27acqua (aw) della pancetta dalmata a indicazione geografica protetta (IGP). La ricerca è stata condotta su 80 campioni di pancetta di classe commerciale A (peso ≥4,5 kg) che sono stati suddivisi in 4 identici gruppi (20 campioni per gruppo) rispetto al peso iniziale (gruppi A e B > 6 kg e gruppi C e D ˂ 5 kg), alla quantità di sale aggiunto (5% e 7%), alla durata della fase di salatura (6 e 8 giorni) e alla durata totale del processo di lavorazione (67 e 90 giorni). Tutta la pancetta campionata è stata sottoposta al processo di lavorazione (salatura, affumicatura, asciugatura e stagionatura) previsto dal disciplinare per la pancetta dalmata. Il calo (%) delle singole fasi di lavorazione (salatura e asciugatura-maturazione) e il calo totale della lavorazione sono stati determinati in base alle differenze di massa di ogni campione all\u27inizio e alla fine di ogni fase di lavorazione. All\u27inizio e alla fine di ogni fase di lavorazione è stato misurato il valore di pH di ciascun campione, la salinità al termine della fase di salatura e l\u27attività dell\u27acqua (aw) al termine del processo di lavorazione. I risultati della ricerca hanno mostrato che una massa iniziale significativamente inferiore (P≤0,05) di materie prime (gruppi C e D) ha avuto un effetto significativo sull\u27aumento del calo totale di lavorazione (33,61%; P≤0,05), come conseguenza non solo di una minore massa iniziale, ma probabilmente anche di altre proprietà della materia prima di minore massa (minore quantità di tessuto adiposo, minore spessore). Inoltre, non è stato accertato alcun impatto significativo della quantità di sale aggiunto sul calo di salatura e sul calo totale, ma non è stato escluso l’impatto del prolungamento della fase di salatura da 6 a 8 giorni sul calo di salatura, dato che il calo di salatura è risultato significativamente inferiore (P≤ 0,05) nei gruppi A (1,58%) e B (2,00%) rispetto ai gruppi C (4,17%) e D (6,55%). Tuttavia, poiché i gruppi menzionati differivano anche nelle loro masse iniziali, non è chiaro quale fattore abbia esercitato l’impatto decisivo. I risultati della misurazione di aw hanno mostrato valori bassi molto simili in tutti i gruppi indagati (da 0,65 nei gruppi A e D a 0,69 nel gruppo B e 0,70 nel gruppo C), mentre, per quanto riguarda il fattore “durata della lavorazione”, non è stato accertato alcun impatto significativo. La massa iniziale significativamente più piccola dei gruppi C e D, infatti, ha a