5 research outputs found

    The effect of 48 h fasting on the <i>Fto</i> intracellular localisation in CORTEX and HPC.

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    <p>Representative confocal images of sections from CORTEX and ARC of control (n = 3) and 48 h fasted (n = 3) rats. Sections were probed for <i>Fto</i> protein (green) and Neuronal Nuclear protein (NeuN, red). h fasted (n = 3) rats. Sections were probed for <i>Fto</i> protein (green) and Neuronal Nuclear protein (NeuN, red). Cytoplasmic Fto-immunoreactivity was not observed in CORTEX and HPC neurons of either fasted or control rats. (HPC; hippocampus).</p

    Hypothalamic <i>Fto</i> mRNA and protein levels were elevated after 48 hours of fasting.

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    <p>(A) RT-qPCR quantification of <i>Fto</i> transcript levels in the hypothalamus from control (n = 6) and fasted (n = 6) rats. <i>Fto</i> mRNA expression was significantly upregulated in the hypothalamus after 48 hours of fasting: ***p<0.001. Data represent means ± SEM. (B) Relative levels of <i>Fto</i> protein, normalised to β-actin, in the hypothalamus from control (n = 6) and fasted (n = 6) rats. <i>Fto</i> protein level was significantly increased in fasted rats in comparison to the controls: ***p<0.001. Data represents means ± SEM. (C) Representative Western blot of total proteins from control and fasted rat hypothalami probed for <i>Fto</i> (β-actin, loading control).</p

    The effect of 48 h fasting on the <i>Fto</i> intracellular localisation in LHA, PVN, MVN and ARC neurons.

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    <p>Representative confocal images of sections from LHA, PVN, MVN and ARC of control (n = 3) and 48 h fasted (n = 3) rats. Sections were probed for <i>Fto</i> protein (green) and Neuronal Nuclear protein (NeuN, red). Cytoplasmic <i>Fto</i> localization was observed in some LHA, PVN and MVN neurons (marked whith white arrows), but not in ARC neurons of fasted rats. Cytoplasmic <i>Fto</i>-immunoreactivity was not observed in any of the examined hypothalamic regions in control rats.(LHA; lateral hypothalamic area, PVN; paraventricular nucleus, MVN; medioventral nucleus, ARC; arcuate nucleus).</p

    The effect of various fasting periods on relative expression of <i>Comt</i> mRNA, <i>Fto</i> mRNA and <i>Mao</i>-<i>A</i> mRNA in the hypothalamus.

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    <p>Gray areas indicate dark periods and white areas indicate light periods. Data shown are means ± S.E.M. Unlike <i>Mao-A</i> whose relative expression was downregulated by fasting throughout the examined period (6 h to 48 h)(<sup>++</sup>p<0.001), both <i>Fto</i> mRNA and <i>Comt</i> mRNA were upregulated in the identical time-dependent manner (<sup>+</sup>p<0.001, <sup>+++</sup>p<0.001). (COMT; Catechol-O-methyltransferase, MAO-A; monoamine oxidse A).</p