10 research outputs found

    Progetto e realizzazione di un traduttore per il linguaggio EDIF orientato a sistemi FPGA

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    Realizzazione di un tool che traduce il linguaggio EDIF, utilizzato per la descrizione di circuiti elettronici, in un linguaggio compatto e intuitivo. Sono stati utilizzati i tool Bison e Flex per l'implementazione dell'analisi sintattica del linguaggio. E' stato utilizzato il tool ISE di Xilix per generare le netlist e i file EDIF studiati. I metodi del traduttore sono stati realizzati in C

    Finalised dependability framework and evaluation results

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    The ambitious aim of CONNECT is to achieve universal interoperability between heterogeneous Networked Systems by means of on-the-fly synthesis of the CONNECTors through which they communicate. The goal of WP5 within CONNECT is to ensure that the non-functional properties required at each side of the connection going to be established are fulfilled, including dependability, performance, security and trust, or, in one overarching term, CONNECTability. To model such properties, we have introduced the CPMM meta-model which establishes the relevant concepts and their relations, and also includes a Complex Event language to express the behaviour associated with the specified properties. Along the four years of project duration, we have developed approaches for assuring CONNECTability both at synthesis time and at run-time. Within CONNECT architecture, these approaches are supported via the following enablers: the Dependability and Performance analysis Enabler, which is implemented in a modular architecture supporting stochastic verification and state-based analysis. Dependability and performance analysis also relies on approaches for incremental verification to adjust CONNECTor parameters at run-time; the Security Enabler, which implements a Security-by-Contract-with-Trust framework to guarantee the expected security policies and enforce them accordingly to the level of trust; the Trust Manager that implements a model-based approach to mediate between different trust models and ensure interoperable trust management. The enablers have been integrated within the CONNECT architecture, and in particular can interact with the CONNECT event-based monitoring enabler (GLIMPSE Enabler released within WP4) for run-time analysis and verification. To support a Model-driven approach in the interaction with the monitor, we have developed a CPMM editor and a translator from CPMM to the GLIMPSE native language (Drools). In this document that is the final deliverable from WP5 we first present the latest advances in the fourth year concerning CPMM, Dependability&Performance Analysis, Incremental Verification and Security. Then, we make an overall summary of main achievements for the whole project lifecycle. In appendix we also include some relevant articles specifically focussing on CONNECTability that have been prepared in the last period

    Final CONNECT Architecture

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    Interoperability remains a fundamental challenge when connecting heterogeneous systems which encounter and spontaneously communicate with one another in pervasive computing environments. This challenge is exasperated by the highly heterogeneous technologies employed by each of the interacting parties, i.e., in terms of hardware, operating system, middleware protocols, and application protocols. The key aim of the CONNECT project is to drop this heterogeneity barrier and achieve universal interoperability. Here we report on the revised CONNECT architecture, highlighting the integration of the work carried out to integrate the CONNECT enablers developed by the different partners; in particular, we present the progress of this work towards a finalised concrete architecture. In the third year this architecture has been enhanced to: i) produce concrete CONNECTors, ii) match networked systems based upon their goals and intent, and iii) use learning technologies to find the affordance of a system. We also report on the application of the CONNECT approach to streaming based systems, further considering exploitation of CONNECT in the mobile environment

    Consolidated dependability framework

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    The aim of CONNECT is to achieve universal interoperability between heterogeneous Networked Systems. For this, the non-functional properties required at each side of the connection going to be established, which we refer to by the one inclusive term "CONNECTability", must be fulfilled. In Deliverable D5.1 we conceived the conceptual models at the foundation of CONNECTability. In D5.2 we then presented a first version of the approaches and of their respective enablers that we developed for assuring CONNECTability both at synthesis time and at run-time. In this deliverables, we present the advancements and contributions achieved in the third year, which include: - a refinement of the CONNECT Property Meta-Model, with a preliminary implementation of a Model-to-Code translator; - an enhanced implementation of the Dependability&Performance analysis Enabler, supporting stochastic verification and state-based analysis, that is enriched with mechanisms for providing feedback to the Synthesis enabler based on monitor's run-time observations; - a fully running version of the Security Enabler, following the Security-by-Contract-with-Trust methodology, for the monitoring and enforcement of CONNECT related security policies; - a complete (XML) definition of the Trust Model Description Language, an editor and the corresponding implementation of supporting tools to be integrated into the Trust Management Enabler

    Media trustworthiness verification and event assessment through an integrated framework: a case-study

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    Nowadays, information is provided through diverse network channels and, above all, its diffusion occurs in an always faster and pervasive manner. Social Media (SM) plays a crucial role in distributing, in an uncontrolled way, news, opinions, media contents and so on, and can basically contribute to spread information that sometimes are untrue and misleading. An integrated assessment of the trustworthiness of the information that is delivered is claimed from different sides: the Secure! project strictly fits in such a context. The project has been studying and developing a service oriented infrastructure which, by resorting at diverse technological tools based on image forensics, source reputation analysis, Twitter message trend analysis, web source retrieval and crawling, and so on, provides an integrated event assessment especially regarding crisis management. The aim of this paper is to present an interesting case-study which demonstrates the potentiality of the developed system to achieve a new integrated knowledge. © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Tuning of the Amount of Se in Rice (Oryza sativa) Grain by Varying the Nature of the Irrigation Method: Development of an ICP-MS Analytical Protocol, Validation and Application to 26 Different Rice Genotypes

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    The amount of specific trace elements like selenium (Se) may be of health concern for humans if contained in too high (or low) quantities in staple foods like rice. Among the attempts aimed to optimize the Se concentration in rice, only few studies have been focused on the use of irrigation methods other than continuous flooding. Since intermittent irriguous methods, like sprinkler and saturation, have found to be effective in modifying the bioaccumulation of arsenic and cadmium in rice kernels, the main goal of this study is to measure the amount of the total Se contained in grains of 26 rice genotypes cultivated for two consecutive agrarian vintages in the same open field and with the same water, but differently irrigated with continuous flooding, sprinkler or saturation. To do this, an original and validated ICP-MS method has been developed. The validation parameters accounted for a high sensitivity and accuracy. Sprinkler irrigation is able to reduce in the average of 90% the amount of total Se in kernels in comparison to values measured in rice irrigated with continuous flooding. In conclusion, different irrigation techniques and rice genotypes seem to be valuable tools in order to allow in the future the customized modulation of the Se concentration in rice grain according to the needs of the various populations