13 research outputs found

    Pengujian Karakteristik Perpindahan Panas Dan Faktor Gesekan Pada Penukar Kalor Pipa Konsentrik Dengan Sisipan Pita Terpilin Berlubang

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji karakteristik perpindahan panas dan faktor gesekan pada penukar kalor pipa konsentrik saluran annular dengan sisipan pita terpilin klasik dan sisipan pita terpilin berlubang. Seksi uji berupa penukar kalor pipa konsentrik satu laluan dengan pipa dalam dan pipa luar terbuat dari aluminium. Dimensi pipa luar; diameter luar 21,87 mm dan diameter dalam 20,67 mm, dan dimensi pipa dalam; diameter luar 15,84 mm dan diameter dalam 14,34 mm. Panjang penukar kalor 2.000 mm dan jarak pengukuran penurunan tekanan di pipa dalam 2.010 mm. Aliran di pipa dalam dan di annulus adalah berlawanan arah. Fluida kerja yang digunakan adalah air panas di pipa dalam dimana temperatur masukannya dipertahankan pada 60oC, dan air dingin di annulus dengan temperatur masukan pada ± 28oC. Sisipan pita terpilin klasik dan sisipan pita terpilin berlubang masing-masing dengan nilai rasio pilinan 4,0 terbuat dari bahan aluminium strip dengan tebal 0,76 mm, lebar 12,61 mm yang dipuntir membentuk pilinan dengan panjang pitch sebesar 50,35 mm. Sisipan pita terpilin berlubang divariasi dengan diameter lubang berturut-turut sebesar 4 mm dan 6,5 mm, dimana jarak antar pusat lubang sebesar 4 cm. Sisipan pita terpilin dipasang di pipa dalam dari penukar kalor pipa konsentrik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada bilangan Reynolds yang sama, penambahan sisipan pita terpilin klasik dan sisipan pita terpilin berlubang dengan diameter lubang 4 mm dan 6,5 mm di pipa dalam menaikkan bilangan Nusselt rata-rata berturut-turut sebesar 79,20%, 68,7% dan 57,8% dari pipa dalam tanpa sisipan pita terpilin (plain tube). Pada daya pemompaan yang sama, bilangan Nusselt rata-rata di pipa dalam dengan penambahan sisipan pita terpilin berlubang dengan diameter 6,5 mm menurun sebesar 1,62%, sedangkan penambahan sisipan pita terpilin berlubang diameter 4 mm dan sisipan pita terpilin klasik berturut-turut menaikkan bilangan Nusselt rata-rata sebesar 3,2% dan 5,84% dari plain tube. Pada bilangan Reynolds yang sama, nilai faktor gesekan rata-rata di pipa dalam dengan penambahan sisipan pita terpilin klasik dan sisipan pita terpilin berlubang dengan diameter lubang 4 mm dan 6,5 mm berturut-turut meningkat sebesar 339,25%, 298,49% dan 269,6% dari plain tube. Pada daya pemompaan yang sama, faktor gesekan rata-rata di pipa dalam dengan penambahan sisipan pita terpilin klasik dan sisipan pita terpilin berlubang dengan diameter lubang 4 mm dan 6,5 mm berturut-turut meningkat sebesar 485,39%, 416,48 % dan 362,72% dari faktor gesekan plain tube

    Religious Tolerance Through Stone Sculpture Production: The Case of Indonesian Sculptors

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the value of tolerance reflected in the stone-sculpture production in Muntilan. This study used a sociology research approach with an ethnographic research design. The data collection techniques were conducted through ethnographic observation and interviews as well as document data. The results showed that the stone craft production in Muntilan is local wisdom that reflects the value of tolerance. Most of the rock artisans are Moslems, but they continued stone sculpture production that is part of the Hindhu-Buddist tradition. The product is oriented towards consumer demand, which is a contrast to the beliefs of sculptors such as Buddha statues, Hindu deities, statues of Jesus, as well as statues of other religions. The sculptures separated themselves between work and religious issues. It illustrates an open attitude as well as tolerance in accepting and understanding differences. Such local wisdom with a long-standing tolerance value in the community is a potential for community development in realizing a harmonious and peaceful life


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    The use of information technology in government has been widely distributed to regions. Information technology applied in financial sector can improve public financial services in a better quality. It depends on human ability that are expected to quickly adapt the changes in information technology development. This dedication program is held in Gurinda Jaya Village. This is one of the villages located in Jagebob District of Merauke Regency. This program began with survey to find out the current situation of the village. And continued with training program and for two days. Then monitoring and evaluating on the following week. The result is 50% participants were able to use Microsoft excel to do some calculation. And 50% rest participants still need more training and guidanc

    Karakteristik Perpindahan Panas Dan Penurunan Tekanan Sirip-sirip Pin Silinder Tirus Susunan Segaris Dan Selang-seling Dalam Saluran Segi Empat

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    This research was conducted to investigate the characteristics of heat transfer and pressure drop of tapered cylindrical pin fins array in the rectangular channel. The pin fins were arranged either inline or staggered. The average temperature of base plate surface was kept constant at 60oC. Pin fins were made of duralumin having the dimension of 75 mm of height, base and tip diameter 12.7 and 7 mm respectively, and the distance inter-fin pitch in the spanwise direction, Sx/D, was kept constant at 2.95. The parameters of this research were Reynolds number 3,100 – 39,200 for the inline array and 3,095 – 37,741 for the staggered array based on averaged inlet air velocity and hydraulic diameter, and the distance between the inter-fin pitch in the streamwise direction, Sy/D, was varied at 1.97, 2.36, 2.95, and 3.94. The research result shows that for both fin arrangements increasing Reynolds number and decreasing the distance Sy/D increases Nusselt number, that means increases heat transfer rate where it reaches maximum at Sy/D = 2.36. The values of pressure drop (P) and friction factor (f) decreases with increasing Sy/D

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Tekanan Pada Ikan Mujair (Oreochromis Mosambicus) Presto Dengan Alat ”Ttsr” ( Tekanan Tinggi Suhu Rendah )

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    Ikan mujair merupakan jenis ikan konsumsi air tawar. Presto ikan adalah bentuk pengolahan dengan garam dan bumbu serta melalui proses pemanasan dan tekanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan tekanan pada waktu pemasakan menggunakan alat ”TTSR”,dan mengetahui kualitas ikan mujair dengan adanya variasi tekanan dalam proses pemasakan ikan mujair presto tersebut melalui uji kekerasan dan uji proximat terhadap daging ikan mujair yang melalui pemasakan. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah perbedaan tekanan pemasakan yaitu 1 atm, 2 atm, dan 3 atm dengan waktu pemasakan yang sama yaitu 30 menit. sedangkan parameter yang diamati adalah organoleptik, kekerasan tulang, kadar protein, lemak, dan air. Catatan Perubahan suhu, waktu, dan tekanan pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dengan “TTSR” tekanan yang digunakan bisa lebih tinggi dari autoclave yaitu mencapai 3 atm, namun dengan suhu yang lebih rendah dari pemasakan dengan alat autoclave yaitu 95°C. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tekanan saat pemasakan menggunakan alat “TTSR” memberikan perbedaan nyata (P≤0,05) terhadap parameter mutu yang diamati. uji kekerasan tulang mujair presto dengan proses pemasakan menggunakan tekanan 2 atm selama 30 menit dengan suhu (90 oC) menghasilkan tulang yang lunak 7.86 gf dan kandungan proximat yang lebih baik dari pemasakan menggunakan tekanan lain. Tekanan pemasakan terbaik yang digunakan untuk memasak ikan mujair presto menggunakan alat “TTSR” adalah 2 atm. Tilapia fish is a freshwater fish commercial. Presto is a form of processing fish with salt and spices through a process of heating and pressure. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pressure difference during cooking using the tool "TTSR", and knowing the quality of tilapia fish with the variation of pressure in the process of cooking tilapia fish presto through hardness test and test proximat the tilapia fish meat through cooking. Treatment applied is the difference in pressure cooking time is 1 atm, 2 atm, 3 atm and the same time is 30 minutes, while the parameters measured were sensory, hedonic and violence, levels of protein, fat, and water. Note change of temperature, time, and pressure on these studies show that the "TTSR" used pressure can be higher than 3 atm autoclave is reached, however, with lower temperatures than cooking by means of an autoclave is 95 ° C. The results showed that records changes in temperature, time, and pressure on these studies show that the "TTSR" used pressure can be higher than the autoclave is up to 3 atm, but with a lower temperature of cooking by means of an autoclave is 95 ° C. The results showed that pressure cooking time using the tool "TTSR" gave significant differences (P <0.05) on the bone tenderness with tilapia presto cooking process using 2 atm pressure for 30 minutes with the temperature (90 ° C) resulted in soft bone 7.86 kgf and content proximat better than other presure cooking. Pressure cooking best used for cooking tilapia fish presto using the tool "TTSR" is 2 atm

    Perubahan Parameter Parameter Marshal Akibat Perbedaan Jumlah Tumbukan Pada Aspal Concrete – Wearing Course (ACWC) Gradasi Halus

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    This study was conducted to see the changes in the value of the parameter values marshall afterthe number of collisions in the standards vary the amount of the collision then analyzed thenumber of collision and then analyzed the number of collisions are most effective assessed on thevalue of the characteristic marshall. In the Marshall planning standard for the number ofcollisions of heavy traffic conditions compaction test specimen as 2x75 collision with a mixturecavity boundary between 3.5-5%.This study uses gradation Asphalt Concrete - Wearing Course (AC-WC) smooth gradations formiddle and upper limits. From the data obtained aggregate gradation and asphalt aggregatedemand needs are used to find the optimum bitumen content that is used in the manufacture of testspecimens for variations in the number of collisions is 2x55, 2x65, 2x75, 2x85, and 2x95. Marshallthen test to see the number of collisions are most effective against the characteristics of asphaltmixture.Based on the analysis of the data processing is obtained that the value content of asphalt is used tolimit the middle that is 5.7% and the upper limit of 6.5%. Total Collision 2x75 and 2x85 that meetsall the parameters marshall. For the number of collisions 2x55 and 2x65 obtained small stability,voids In The Mix (VIM) is great and does not make the specification, to the number of collisions2x95, obtained great stability and voids In The Mix (VIM) is small and does not get in thespecification

    Design considerations for workflow management systems use in production genomics research and the clinic

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    Abstract The changing landscape of genomics research and clinical practice has created a need for computational pipelines capable of efficiently orchestrating complex analysis stages while handling large volumes of data across heterogeneous computational environments. Workflow Management Systems (WfMSs) are the software components employed to fill this gap. This work provides an approach and systematic evaluation of key features of popular bioinformatics WfMSs in use today: Nextflow, CWL, and WDL and some of their executors, along with Swift/T, a workflow manager commonly used in high-scale physics applications. We employed two use cases: a variant-calling genomic pipeline and a scalability-testing framework, where both were run locally, on an HPC cluster, and in the cloud. This allowed for evaluation of those four WfMSs in terms of language expressiveness, modularity, scalability, robustness, reproducibility, interoperability, ease of development, along with adoption and usage in research labs and healthcare settings. This article is trying to answer, which WfMS should be chosen for a given bioinformatics application regardless of analysis type?. The choice of a given WfMS is a function of both its intrinsic language and engine features. Within bioinformatics, where analysts are a mix of dry and wet lab scientists, the choice is also governed by collaborations and adoption within large consortia and technical support provided by the WfMS team/community. As the community and its needs continue to evolve along with computational infrastructure, WfMSs will also evolve, especially those with permissive licenses that allow commercial use. In much the same way as the dataflow paradigm and containerization are now well understood to be very useful in bioinformatics applications, we will continue to see innovations of tools and utilities for other purposes, like big data technologies, interoperability, and provenance

    Hubungan antara Dukungan Sosial dan Homesickness pada Mahasiswa Rantau yang Berasal dari Luar Pulau Jawa di Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Kampus Pakuwon City

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    Homesickness is a distress caused by separation from home to the new environment. Homesickness often occurs to overseas students in the first year of college and if it occurs for too long, it will cause negative impact, therefore social support is needed. Social support refers to comfort feeling that occurs through social process that can make a person reduce the negative impact caused by negative stress. This study aims to find out about relationship between social support and homesickness in first year students that came from outside Java Island at Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya Pakuwon City Campus. Participant in this research (N=149) is the first year students that came from outside Java Island at Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya Pakuwon City Campus. Sampling technique that used in this study was disproportionate stratified random sampling. This study was analyzed using non parametric correlated method Kendall's Tau-b. Result of this study shows correlation coefficient (r) = -0,381 dan p = 0,000 (p < 0,05), it means there is significant negative correlations between social support and homesickness in first year students that came from outside Java Island at Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya Pakuwon City Campu

    Effect of cantala fiber as textile reinforcement on the flexural behaviour of polymer modified mortar

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    Cantala (Agave cantala), plant of the family Asparagaceae and its fibers, belongs to the leaf fibers group. These fibers are made into coarse twines at about 1.2 mm in diameter. The yarns of the cantala fiber are then interwoven to create textile reinforcements at two meshing size i.e. 5 x 20 mm and 10x20 mm. The textiles are used to reinforce polymer modified mortars to improve flexural properties of the mortars. This research aims to investigate the effect of textile reinforcement made from cantala fiber on the flexural behaviour of polymer modified mortar especially its strain hardening response. The parameters to be observed include strength, stiffness, thoughness, ductility and residual strength. The effect of the meshing size of the textile reinforcement on those properties are assesed. In addition, the efficacy of the cantala fiber textile reinforcement to improve the flexural properties of polymer modified mortar is compared with textile reinforcement made from wire mesh. The results indicate that an inclusion of short fibers could alter the post-peak behaviour of the mortar from brittle to ductile failure with softening response. Futher reinforcement of this mortar with cantala fiber textile would turn the softening response to a strain hardening response. The presence of cantala fiber textile reinforcement has minor effect on the flexural strength and stiffness. However, it significantly improve the thoughness, ductility and residual strength of the mortar. Cantala fiber textile reinforcement with a meshing size of 5x20 mm gives a greater increase on those post-peak properties compared to the the one with a meshing size of 10x20 mm. When comparison is made to the wire mesh, both cantala fiber textile reinforcements show a better properties