80 research outputs found


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    The article reveals the main direction of vocational counseling of children from at-risk groups using effective pedagogical technologies. Vocational counseling is considered as an important condition of professional life self-determination, successful social adaptation and rehabilitation of children in societies.

    Methodology of Teaching the Russian Language as a Science

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    In this article, the main characteristic of the methodology of teaching the Russian language as a science is studied. The subject of the methodology of the Russian language is the process of mastering the language: that is, speech, writing, reading, grammar, spelling, phonetics, orthoepy, vocabulary, etc. in learning conditions. The methodology is interested in the content of education, the activities of the teacher and students. The methodology studies the patterns of formation of language concepts, skills and abilities in the field of language

    Preparing for The Final Interview in Russian in High School: Tips for Teachers, Students and Parents

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    This article says that students are often intimidated by the very form of the test - the interview. We talk about preparing for the final certification in the Russian language, and give clear recommendations to teachers, children and parents

    Syntax of Russian Proverbs

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    In this article, the main characteristic of the syntax of Russian proverbs is studied. The main definitions are given, the moment about the proverb as a genre is considered. The main features of the grammatical structure and the phonetic nature of Russian proverbs are indicated. In addition, the main features of Russian proverbs have been studied, which primarily include: brevity of presentation, clear expression of thought, fairly widespread use in everyday speech, the use of well-known clichés, the invariability of the composition and order of the constituent parts of the proverb, reproduction in colloquial speech, usually in ready-made .. Also, the work contains proverbs of various types, which are classified according to syntactic constructions. Proverbs with the presence of a simple sentence in them are considered; compound and compound with a subordinate place; non-union complex sentence; dash; colons. The proverbs presented in the classifications are analyzed according to their syntactic constructions. The article fully examines and studies the main aspects of the proverbs of the Russian language with their main features, important features of various kinds and classifications according to syntactic constructions

    Oliy o’quv yurtlarida sog’lom turmush tarzi haqida ta’lim berishning o’ziga xos xususiyatlari

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    Hozirgi globallashuv jarayonida oqilona tashkillashtirilgan kun tartibi inson salomatligini saqlash, sog’lom va barkamol zukko qobiliyatli avlodni yetishtirish sog’liqni saqlash masalasi eng dolzarb muammolardan biri bo’lganligi sababli, uni nafaqat tibbiy nuqtai nazardan o’rganish balki ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy jihatdan ham bu muammoga yondashish davr talabi bo’lib bormoqda

    Difficulties and perspectives of incorporating Russian economy into the European economy and centripetal tendencies in the EU

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    The article determines current realia and potential possibilities and perspectives of Russian economy’s incorporation into the European one in the contexts of centripetal tendencies in the EU. As a result of the research, the authors have come to the conclusion on the growth of centripetal processes in the EU and stabilization of integration processes against this background as of now. The authors have made substantiated conclusion on the possibility for active incorporation of Russian economy into the European in view of personalized trade cooperation with specific members of the EU, not with the association as a whole.peer-reviewe

    Marketing aspects of Russia-the European Union cooperation in the field of education

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    In the paper the authors identified the need and identified the benefits of the development of Russia-EU cooperation in the field of education in the context of globalization, marked barriers to the development of such cooperation conditions for its development. The authors also performed a comparative analysis of the state and the market model for cooperation between Russia and the European Union in the field of education in the context of globalization and the expediency of the transition to it. As perspective directions of cooperation between Russia and the European Union in the field of education in the context of globalization the authors developed and validated a complex marketing mix.peer-reviewe

    Scientific substantiation of approaches to physical rehabilitation of children with recurrent bronchial obstruction

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    Background. The main objectives of the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases in children are to control the disease, achieve a stable remission of the process, restore the function of external respiration, the nervous system, increase the body’s tolerance to the action of allergens. Kinesiotherapy is one of the most effective methods in non-drug rehabilitation. The purpose of our study was the pathogenetic justification of the use of kinesiohydrotherapy by the method of controlling the function of external respiration at the stage of rehabilitation of children with recurrent bronchial obstruction. Results. A comparative analysis of spirometric indicators in children with recurrent bronchial obstruction before and after kinesiohydrotherapy in the experimental and control groups showed the effectiveness of the method of comprehensive rehabilitation with the inclusion of kinesiohydrotherapy with special breathing exercises on land and in the pool. After a one-year rehabilitation period, violations of the ventilation capacity of the lungs by the obstructive type maintained in mild form. Сhildren with recurrent bronchial obstruction who did not effectively use physical rehabilitation with additional medical recommendations and physiotherapy as in experimental group, still had violations of the function of external respiration during the recovery period. Clinically, the children of control group continued to have frequent relapses of bronchial obstruction on the background of acute respiratory infections. Therefore, they belong to the group with a prolonged course of bronchial obstruction and the risk of transition to bronchial asthma. After the course of treatment, the cough became much less frequent, there were no night attacks, and the body temperature was steadily normal. Auscultation of wheezing was not heard, breathing had a harsh tinge. Conclusions. Thus, the use of therapeutic water procedures and respiratory physical exercises, i.e. kinesiohydrotherapy, is an effective method in the rehabilitation of children with recurrent bronchial obstruction

    Development of artemia resources in the western basin of the Aral sea

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    Researchers from the Republic of Karakalpakstan are conducting continuous monitoring on the Aral Sea, studying artemia from various perspectives, as it is an interesting object from both a biological and applied perspective. This work is also being carried out jointly with the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This paper presents the results of long-term comprehensive scientific research conducted on the Aral Sea. The main material for the study was our own collection of hydrobiological samples collected from the Western basin of the Aral Sea. As a result of the research, the dynamics of artemia resource development has been determined

    Variability of the pharmacological response in children with different ADRB2 gene polymorphisms in recurrent bronchial obstruction and bronchial asthma

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    To date, methods of studying the effects of drugs at the molecular-genetic level are widely used in pediatric practice. The aim of our work was to evaluate the effectiveness of the effect of β2-agonists on the clinical course of recurrent bronchial obstruction (RBO) in children, depending on the variants of polymorphism of the ADRB2 gene. The effectiveness of salbutamol in children with RBO and bronchial asthma(BA) was evaluated depending on the distribution of alleles and genotypes of the ADRB2 Argl6Gly and Gln27Glu genes according to the degree of reversibility of bronchial obstruction. In the group of children with RBO carriers of the heterozygous A/G genotype of the Arg16Gly locus and the Gln27Glu locus of the ADRB2 gene, high efficacy of salbutamol therapy as a bronchodilator was noted. At the same time, in children with RBO representatives of the G/G genotype, the effectiveness of using the drug is low. In children with BA, the change in functional activity is associated with the polymorphism of the Gln27Glu gene locus and is associated with a low therapeutic response to β2–agonists in children with the G\G mutational genotype and a good effect in carriers of the homozygous variant with the A/A genotype. Knowledge of the genotype of polymorphic variants of the ADRB2 gene will make it possible to evaluate one of the factors of predisposition and effectiveness of therapy in the recurrent course of bronchial obstruction syndrome and bronchial asthma
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