16 research outputs found

    A study on the factors of organizational commitment that influence employee’s job stress / Sofiah Solehah Ismail

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    Nowadays, there are a more number of researches about factors of employee’s job stress had been found. The purpose of this study is to identify significant between Organizational Commitment and employee’s job stress among employees around Seremban area. It is hope that the result derived from this study would enable organization to determine factors that contribute to employee’s job stress and to prevent the problem from being worse and can affect the productivity of the employee’s itself. The data was obtained by using two methods which are primary data and secondary data. For primary data, respondents were asked to answers 70 sets of questionnaires to determine the Level of Entrepreneurial Behavior. The Data then analyzed using Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS) Program. The objective of this study is to determine the factors of the Organizational Commitment that influence Employee’s Job Stress. The result fro this study shows that the Normative Commitment have negative relationship towards the Employee’s Job stress, while the Affective Commitment and Continuance Commitment don’t show any relationship towards it. Through this study, it shows that Normative Commitment most influence employee’s job stress among workers in Seremban area

    The impact of organizational culture on job satisfaction in higher education institution

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    Job satisfaction is one of the important element in organization and it becomes crucial in order to enhance the organizational performance. Furthermore, job satisfaction helps to improve the service provided by the employees. Despite of this, organizational culture becomes as main agenda and have an effect on the level of satisfaction among the employees. Besides, the impact of organizational culture practices by organization is very important to emerge the level of satisfaction.In higher education institution context, the management focused on the best service delivery practices to the stakeholders like students and other parties. Hence, employees need to put a comprehensive effort to provide best services and it also can be done successfully through the practice of organization culture.Consequently, a positive organizational culture can bring a positive element among employees and organization needs to ensure that their employees are satisfied with their given job and the reward (or recognition)

    Framing a new movement for training program and work motivation in the public service context

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    Nowadays, every organization aims to achieve a better performance in term of their efficiency and effectiveness so that they able to survive in this challenging globalization era.The discussion of employees’ work motivation had non-stop developed variety views and orientations for many people since it is closely related to the performance and productivity of employees in an organization. Hence, every organization eagerly focuses on developing work motivation among their employees. Previous studies found that the work motivation is derived from a good training program that has been implemented in an organization.Since the public complaints increased among the public service servants recently, the public organizations totally need to put high priority to organize a good training program so that worker motivation able to build among their employees.Therefore, this study attempts to propose a study on the hypothesis development of Personnel Development Training Program upon work motivation amongst public service servants at the public service organization.The results of the study are expected to guide the top management of that public sector organization in order to provide more effective training program and better understanding on the concept of public service servant work motivation

    Establishing relationship between vitamins, total phenolic and total flavonoid content and antioxidant activities in various honey types

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    Honey is a well-known natural sweetener and is rich in natural antioxidants that prevent the occurrence of oxidative stress, which is responsible for many human diseases. Some of the biochemical compounds in honey that contribute to this property are vitamins and phenolic compounds such as phenolic acids and flavonoids. However, the extent to which these molecules contribute towards the antioxidant capacity in vitro is inconsistently reported, especially with the different analytical methods used, as well as other extrinsic factors that influence these molecules’ availability. Therefore, by reviewing recently published works correlating the vitamin, total phenolic, and flavonoid content in honey with its antioxidant activities in vitro, this paper will establish a relationship between these parameters. Based on the literature, vitamins do not contribute to honey’s antioxidant capacity; however, the content of phenolic acids and flavonoids has an impact on honey’s antioxidant activity

    Masalah Pergaulan Bebas dalam Kalangan Remaja Sekolah

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    Pergaulan bebas merupakan salah satu penyakit yang melanda umat pada masa kini. Pada zaman pasca modenisasi ini, pergaulan bebas tidak lagi menjadi kudis kepada pandangan masyarakat. Selain itu, masalah pergaulan bebas ini sering menular kerana kurangnya didikan agama. Remaja bergaul bebas tanpa mengira jantina menyebabkan generasi muda yang melihatnya terpengaruh serta memberi impak negative. Oleh kerana itu, perlu dilakukan kajian mengenai masalah pergaulan bebas dalam kalangan remaja sekolah. Metodologi kajian meliputi cara, kaedah dan pendekatan yang digunakan untuk mencapai objektif dan matlamat kajian. Kesimpulan kajian ini iaitu golongan dikenali sebagai remaja ini merupakan seseorang yang berada dalam lingkungan umur 12 hingga 21 tahun yang sedang berada di dalam fasa peralihan dimana berlakunya perubahan menuju kematangan. Masalah pergaulan bebas boleh dibendung jika semua pihak termasuk agensi kerajaan atau bukan kerajaan bersama-sama berganding bahu membanteras masalah ini. Pihak utama yang perlu mengesan perkara ini ialah ibu bapa, sekolah, dan lingkungan masyarakat.   Problems of Promiscuity in School Adolescents Abstract: Promiscuity is one of the most prevalent diseases in the world today. In this post-modernization era, free socializing is no longer a staple in society's views. In addition, this problem of free socializing is often contagious due to the lack of religious education. Adolescents get along regardless of gender, and the young people who see them are influenced and negatively impacted. Therefore, there is a need to study the problem of free socializing among school-aged adolescents. The study methodology covers the methods, methods and approaches used to achieve the objectives and objectives of the study. The conclusion of this study is that people known as adolescents are between the ages of 12 and 21 who are in the transition phase of the transition to adulthood. The problem of free socializing can be avoided if all parties including government or non-government agencies work together to combat this problem. The key stakeholders in this area are parents, schools, and the community. Keyword: Student, Promiscuity, School Adolescents

    The contradictory views on Ancient literary works as a foundation of world historical development

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    Contradictory views on ancient literary works provide a panorama of historical development. However, the validity of the texts was considered as issue of prime importance. The critics on its literary authenticity would reveal whether it was real or just a fabrication. The Epic Gilgamesh was ascertained by Said Ghanimi to be unauthentic. The contentions by S. N. Kramer and Taha Baqir were with regard to the differences of language usage in the Epic Gilgamesh either Sumerian or Akkadian as well. The acknowledgement of the West on Iliad and Odyssey by Homer as the first document written in world history was unfounded although this was highlighted by B. Lansberger in 7th conference in Paris on 1958. The Code Hamurabbi is a well preserved Babylonian Code of laws, unfortunately, it was considered as a fabrication of Old Testament which came 800 years later, especially on the narration of Big Flood Story as mentioned in the Book of Genesis. It is regrettable that the paucity of materials on the ancient history of the ancient people available from the Muslim sources poses as a constraint on this study. The research is compelled to refer almost entirely to Western and Jews sources. Thus, the approach used in this study is based primarily on historical and linguistic analysis of ancient literary works

    Journal home page To Cite This Article: Solehah Ismail, Abd. Rahim Romle, PhD, Noor Aznida Azmar, The Impact of Organizational Culture on Job Satisfaction in Higher Education Institution

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    Job satisfaction is one of the important element in organization and it becomes crucial in order to enhance the organizational performance. Furthermore, job satisfaction helps to improve the service provided by the employees. Despite of this, organizational culture becomes as main agenda and have an effect on the level of satisfaction among the employees. Besides, the impact of organizational culture practices by organization is very important to emerge the level of satisfaction. In higher education institution context, the management focused on the best service delivery practices to the stakeholders like students and other parties. Hence, employees need to put a comprehensive effort to provide best services and it also can be done successfully through the practice of organization culture. Consequently, a positive organizational culture can bring a positive element among employees and organization needs to ensure that their employees are satisfied with their given job and the reward (or recognition)

    Intention to use smart apps for visiting museum among youth in Malaysia

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    This research investigates the intention to use Smart Apps for visiting museum among youth in Malaysia. Due to the rapidly growing and advanced tourism industry, there are various advanced technologies created to meet the needs and demands of the tourism industry. Among them are smart application technology (Smart Apps), which include Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). This Smart Apps was created to make it easier for users or tourists to travel locally or abroad. By using this Smart Apps, users can interact or obtain information and data in the form of a 3D world. This research examines factors such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition in order to gain data, seeking and determine either the variables collected could be linked between intentions to use Smart Apps among youth in Malaysia. To reach the analysis, a quantitative research was carried out. The respondent of this study was conducted with 200 respondents who are youth in Malaysia. For the analysis of data, reliability test and Pearson correlation would be used. As a result, researcher analysis shows moderate positive correlation between variable factors and intention to use Smart Apps among youth. Through the knowledge of this research, it might be useful for the tourism industry especially museum in increasing and upgrade the quality of the museum systems in Malaysia

    Penerimaan dan penolakan masyarakat bukan Islam di Malaysia terhadap hukum jenayah Islam : perbincangan dari sudut budaya Malaysia

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    Undang-Undang Islam sebenarnya sudah lama berakar umbi di Malaysia sejak kedatangan Islam di kepulauan Melayu. Hal ini boleh dilihat dengan kodifikasi perundangan di Kerajaan Kesultanan Melaka yang menggubal Hukum Kanun Melaka dan Undang-Undang Laut Melaka yang berteraskan syariah dan adat. Perkara ini juga diikuti oleh kerajaan kesultanan yang lain seperti Pahang, Johor dan Terengganu. Malah, semasa kedatangan penjajah British, undang-undang Islam diiktiraf sebagai undang-undang di tanah ini. Namun, setelah sekian lama penjajahan oleh dunia Barat, perundangan di negara kita sudah berubah. Malah, selepas kemerdekaan negara kita, perundangan Islam tidak dapat dilaksanakan secara menyeluruh. Terdapat beberapa pihak yang tidak bersetuju dengan pelaksanaan perundangan Islam, terutamanya hukum jenayah Islam di Malaysia kerana sebab-sebab yang tertentu. Artikel ini membincangkan hukum jenayah Islam dari sudut budaya Malaysia. Selain itu, artikel ini juga akan menganalisis penerimaan dan penolakan masyarakat bukan Muslim di Malaysia terhadap hukum jenayah Islam serta menghuraikan cadangan penambahbaikan terhadap hukum jenayah Islam di Malaysia. Pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif digunakan bagi melaksanakan kajian ini seperti kajian kepustakaan dan soal selidik kepada responden-responden. Dapatan daripada soal selidik yang dilakukan menampakkan keputusan yang pelbagai, ada yang bersetuju dan ada yang tidak bersetuju. Secara umumnya, penulis berpendapat bahawa memberi penerangan yang lebih menyeluruh dan tidak apologetik akan dapat membantu pemahaman mereka berkenaan dengan hukum jenayah Islam, serta dilakukan dengan berhikmah dan berhemah

    Evaluating the effectiveness of wildlife educational program on knowledge, attitude and awareness among three selected secondary schools students in Perak, Malaysia

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    Habitat loss and wildlife encroachments have been the major factors diminishing the wildlife populations globally. Wildlife conservationists around the world are working hard to sustain wildlife populations through various possible ways, and one of them is through cultivating the awareness among young generation especially school children. In this study, we analysed the level of knowledge, awareness and attitude about wildlife among three selected secondary school students in Perak, Malaysia through a self-administered survey. The analysis was separated into two parts; pretest and post-test, which was before and after mini education program called 'Care for Wild Animal' was conducted. Results from this study showed lower secondary school students (aged 13 years old) have lower level of knowledge and awareness on wildlife compared to upper secondary students (aged 16 years old). Male students had more knowledge and awareness towards wildlife and the conservations compared to female student who were culturally limited to external exposure. We believe that limited details of wildlife education in school syllabus could be the reason for the difference. Therefore, incorporating more information or a specific chapter on wildlife education and conservation starts from elementary school level will benefit the environment and the future of wildlife in our Malayan ecosystem and to produce nature loving generations