871 research outputs found

    Inclusion at the high school level: a case study

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    This case study was conducted in order to assess the differences in occurrence of maladaptive behavior displayed by an 18 year old student with developmental disabilities placed in two different school settings. One setting, a special needs school, concentrated on vocational and daily living skills. The other setting, a public high school, provided her with four non-academic classes and the opportunity to socialize with her peers without disabilities. She was provided with a 1:1 teacher\u27s aide in both settings. Data sheets were completed in both settings for a three month period. These data sheets contained information on the frequency and intensity of the student\u27s defined maladaptive behaviors of tapping, grabbing, hitting, hissing/making a face and crying. The data was analyzed both descriptively (graphs) and statistically (chi-square) comparing frequency of behavioral occurrences between and across programs. The results indicated that there was a significant increase when moving between settings as well as between different times of day while at the high school. As analyzed clinically, inclusion for this individual child did not produce positive results


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    This is the published version. Copyright Central Ornithology Publication OfficeWe document the first records for Guyana of Roraiman Antbird (Percnostola [Schistocichla] “leucostigma” saturata), an endemic of the tepui highlands of southeastern Venezuela, northern Brazil and western Guyana. This form is well differentiated from nominate leucostigma (Spot-winged Antbird) of the Guianan lowlands in morphology, vocalizations, and genetics, and replaces it both altitudinally and ecologically. The two taxa are distributed parapatrically on the continuously forested northeastern slopes of the eastern tepuis, and they almost certainly come into contact, yet there is no evidence of intermediacy. We recommend that saturata be treated as a distinct species of Percnostola, and consider its' origin in the light of various models of speciation in the tepuis

    Atresia folicular en peces teleósteos: Una revisión

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    Many fish species with economic importance have been heavily exploited, causing the collapse of their fisheries. For this reason, there have been attempts to cultivate fish species for commercial purposes, resulting in varying success. It has been observed that when some species are kept in captivity or under intensive exploitation in its natural environment, they present reproductive dysfunctions that leads to the appearance of follicular atresia. This process is scarcely studied in fish and the characterization by several authors shows differences in nomenclature and criteria that make even more difficult its understanding. The objective of this work is to present a literature review of follicular atresia in fish that will contribute to its understanding and study. The follicular atresia is a degenerative process observed in some oocytes that can occur at any time of its development. The presence of follicular atresia has been associated with normal degenerative conditions due to seasonal changes in the gonadal activity, health disorders or inadequate management conditions in fish culture. It has been suggested that this process is a mechanism that allows the recycling of components and energy. However, in certain species such as puye (Galaxias maculatus) and cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki), among others, it has been noted the presence of follicular atresia with pathological characteristics, in which the yolk reabsorption does not occur causing the hardening of the more developed follicles that leads finally to the female death.Muchas especies de peces de importancia económica han sido intensamente explotadas, provocando el colapso de sus pesquerías. Por este motivo, en algunas de estas especies se han hecho intentos por lograr cultivar individuos con fines comerciales, obteniendo relativo éxito. Se ha observado que cuando algunas especies son mantenidas en cautiverio o bajo intensa presión de explotación en su medio natural presentan disfunciones reproductivas que conducen a la aparición de atresia folicular. Este es un proceso poco estudiado en peces y la caracterización realizada por varios autores, arroja diferencias de criterios y nomenclatura que dificultan aún más su comprensión. El objetivo de la presente investigación es realizar una revisión bibliográfica de la atresia folicular en peces y contribuir a su comprensión y estudio. La atresia folicular es un proceso degenerativo observado en algunos oocitos en cualquier momento de su desarrollo. La aparición de atresia folicular se ha relacionado con condiciones degenerativas normales debido a cambios estacionales en la actividad gonadal, afecciones sanitarias, o bien, a condiciones de manejo inadecuadas en peces mantenidos en cultivo. Este proceso se ha postulado como un mecanismo que permite reciclar componentes y energía. Sin embargo, en especies como el puye (Galaxias maculatus), la trucha garganta cortada (Salmo clarki), entre otras, se ha observado la presencia de una atresia folicular con características patológicas, en la cual la reabsorción del vitelo no ocurre, causando el endurecimiento de los folículos más desarrollados, lo que puede conducir finalmente a la muerte de la hembra

    Epinecrophylla, a new genus of antwrens (Aves: Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae)

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    We offer a new generic name for the stipple-throated assemblage of antwrens (Thamnophilidae) currently placed in the genus Myrmotherula. Molecular studies demonstrated that Myrmotherula is polyphyletic, with the stippled-throated group forming a clade that is not sister to any other currently recognized Myrmotherula species. The stipple-throated assemblage is distinguished morphologically by at least one sex having a black throat stippled white or buffy white combined with a comparatively long, unmarked tail, although three populations considered subspecies have lost one of these characters. The distinct evolution of this assemblage is supported by diagnostic behavioral characters derived from foraging behaviors, vocal repertoires, and nest architecture

    Systematics of the obligate ant-following clade of antbirds (Aves: Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae)

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    © 2014 by the Wilson Ornithological Society. Results of a comprehensive molecular phylogeny of the family Thamnophilidae were consistent with earlier findings that almost all obligate army-ant-followers of the family form a monophyletic group that contains five well-supported clades and encompasses six currently recognized genera: Phaenostictus, Pithys, Willisornis, Gymnopithys, Rhegmatorhina, and Phlegopsis. A comparative analysis of seven suites of morphological, behavioral, and ecological traits within the context of the phylogeny reinforced the validity of five of these genera, but results for the sixth, Gymnopithys, were internally inconsistent and required the description of a new genus, Oneillornis

    Charge Exchange Processes between Excited Helium and Fully Stripped Ions

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    We made a classical trajectory Monte Carlo (CTMC) calculation of state selective cross sections for processes between some light ions and excited helium. The results, useful for analysis of spectroscopic data of fusion devices, are in good agreement with theoretical predictions of scaling laws.Comment: LaTex, 8 pages, 4 figures (available on request to the authors), DFPD/94/TH/57, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Personal and environmental factors associated with active commuting to school in Switzerland

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    Objective. To assess whether prevalence of active commuting and regular car trips to school varies across communities and language regions in Switzerland and to determine personal and environmental correlates. Methods. During the school year 2004/2005, 1345 parental questionnaires (response rate 65%) of children attending 1st, 4th and 8th grades were completed, 1031 could be linked to a GIS environmental database. A German-speaking, a French-speaking and a bilingual study area were included. Usual mode of transportation and frequency of regular car trips to school were assessed. Associations with personal and environmental factors were evaluated with multivariate regression models. Results. Seventy-eight percent of the children actively traveled to school. Twelve percent were regularly driven at least once a week by car. Major road crossings and distance were significantly related to usual mode of transportation, but not to regular car trips. Age, daycare attendance, parental safety concerns, number of cars in the household and belonging to French-speaking population were significantly associated with increased regular car trips. Conclusion. Objective predictors are main deciding factors for active commuting to school as main mode of transport whereas personal and lifestyle factors are important factors associated with frequency of car use. Not only objective but also differing cultural attitudes should be considered when promoting non-motorized travel

    Correlated variability in the blazar 3C 454.3

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    The blazar 3C 454.3 was revealed by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope to be in an exceptionally high flux state in July 2008. Accordingly, we performed a multi-wavelength monitoring campaign on this blazar using IR and optical observations from the SMARTS telescopes, optical, UV and X-ray data from the Swift satellite, and public-release gamma-ray data from Fermi. We find an excellent correlation between the IR, optical, UV and gamma-ray light curves, with a time lag of less than one day. The amplitude of the infrared variability is comparable to that in gamma-rays, and larger than at optical or UV wavelengths. The X-ray flux is not strongly correlated with either the gamma-rays or longer wavelength data. These variability characteristics find a natural explanation in the external Compton model, in which electrons with Lorentz factor gamma~10^(3-4) radiate synchrotron emission in the infrared-optical and also scatter accretion disk or emission line photons to gamma-ray energies, while much cooler electrons (gamma~10^(1-2)) produce X-rays by scattering synchrotron or other ambient photons.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ Letter