2,683 research outputs found

    Impact of genetically improved fish species and technology on selected hatchery and fish production in Bangladesh

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    The study was carried out in IAPP commanding areas from July to September 2015. A total of 8 hatchery and 240 farmers were selected for this study from Rangpur and Barisal region. About 153% Tilapia production increased which was from 34 to 86 lakh, which was 148% in Rangpur district. Thai koi production was increased about 320% in Rangpur and it was 152% in Barisal. It was observed that, per hatchery Tilapia profit was Tk. 17.35 lakh and Tk. 17.18 lakh in Rangpur and Barisal, respectively. While, total profit was 3.9 times more for Thai koi in Rangpur and it was about 1.7 times more in Barisal after IAPP-BFRI project implementation. Impact of improved germplasm on grow out system was estimated. Finding shows that before IAPP-BFRI project the average harvesting weight of tilapia fish was 122g but after using IAPP-BFRI germplasm, it increased to 194g in Rangpur district. In case of Thai Koi, the harvesting weight gain was 26% in Rangpur district and it was statistically significant at 1% level. Survey results also show that per acre profit was only Tk.86671 for Tilapia farming before IAPP whereas it was increased to Tk. 234853 after IAPP-BFRI intervention. At the same time, profit from Thai Koi was increased about 189% after IAPPBFRI activities. Similarly, profit was increased about 86% in case of Pangus farming and this positive impact was statistically significant at 1% level. Therefore, it may conclude that, farmers can significantly increase Tilapia, Thai Koi and Pangus production as well as can maximize profit using IAPP technology.Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 7 (1): 58-63, June, 201

    Higher Fertilizer Inputs Increase Fitness Traits of Brown Planthopper in Rice.

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    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the primary staple food source for more than half of the world's population. In many developing countries, increased use of fertilizers is a response to increase demand for rice. In this study, we investigated the effects of three principal fertilizer components (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) on the development of potted rice plants and their effects on fitness traits of the brown planthopper (BPH) [Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Homoptera: Delphacidae)], which is a major pest of rice in Bangladesh and elsewhere. Compared to low fertilizer inputs, high fertilizer treatments induced plant growth but also favored BPH development. The BPH had higher survival, developed faster, and the intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m ) was higher on well-fertilized than under-fertilized plants. Among the fertilizer inputs, nitrogen had the strongest effect on the fitness traits of BPH. Furthermore, both the "Plant vigor hypothesis" and the "Plant stress hypothesis" were supported by the results, the former hypothesis more so than the latter. These hypotheses suggest that the most suitable/attractive hosts for insect herbivores are the most vigorous plants. Our findings emphasized that an exclusive focus on yield increases through only enhanced crop fertilization may have unforeseen, indirect, effects on crop susceptibility to pests, such as BPH

    Performance and Economic Suitability of Three Fast Growing Broiler Strains Raised Under Farming Condition in Bangladesh

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    The performance and profitability of three commercial broiler strains reared under farming system were investigated in this study. Day-old broiler chicks (n=156) of three different commercial strains (Hubbard classic, Cobb-500 and MPK) were assigned to three treatment groups in a completely randomized block design, each treatment replicated four times, 13 birds per replicate. The birds were reared from d1 to 35 days of age with similar housing, feeding and environmental management condition. Regarding to all parameters collected, live weight and body weight gain were higher (P<0.001) in T2(Cobb-500) group, while the birds of T3 (MPK) group were the lowest. Birds of T1(Hubbard Classic) and T2 (Cobb-500) strain group consumed higher (P<0.001) feeds, while the birds of T3(MPK) had the lowest feed intake. Cobb-500 broiler strain achieved superior (P<0.001) FCR, while the birds of T1 (Hubbard classic) strain group had poorer FCR. Liveability of the broiler strains was unaffected by all the treatment groups. Higher net profit and lower production cost observed in T2(Cobb-500) group than those of other strains, although the difference between the treatment groups was similar. The highly significant measurements of live body weight, weight gain and better FCR values were recorded for Cobb-500 broiler strain, followed by Hubbard classic and MPK, respectively. In conclusion, Cobb-500 broiler strain is appeared to be the most economic to rear amongst the three broiler strains investigated here in response to their performance records. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v1i1-2.13931 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 1 (1&2): 37-43, December, 201

    Modular Medium-Voltage Grid-Connected Converter with Improved Switching Techniques for Solar Photovoltaic Systems

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    © 1982-2012 IEEE. The high-frequency common magnetic-link made of amorphous material, as a replacement for common dc-link, has been gaining considerable interest for the development of solar photovoltaic medium-voltage converters. Even though the common magnetic-link can almost maintain identical voltages at the secondary terminals, the power conversion system loses its modularity. Moreover, the development of high-capacity high-frequency inverter and power limit of the common magnetic-link due to leakage inductance are the main challenging issues. In this regard, a new concept of identical modular magnetic-links is proposed for high-power transmission and isolation between the low and the high voltage sides. Third harmonic injected sixty degree bus clamping pulse width modulation and third harmonic injected thirty degree bus clamping pulse width modulation techniques are proposed which show better frequency spectra as well as reduced switching loss. In this paper, precise loss estimation method is used to calculate switching and conduction losses of a modular multilevel cascaded converter. To ensure the feasibility of the new concepts, a reduced size of 5 kVA rating, three-phase, five-level, 1.2 kV converter is designed with two 2.5 kVA identical high-frequency magnetic-links using Metglas magnetic alloy-based cores

    Effect of integrated approach of plant nutrients on yield and yield attributes of different crops in wheat-sesame-T. Aman cropping pattern

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    The experiment was carried out at FSRD site, Pushpopara, Pabna, during November, 2010 to December, 2011 to observe the comparative performance of integrated plant nutrients management (IPNS) system through the use of organic (cowdung, cowdung slurry) manure and inorganic fertilizer on wheat, sesame and T. Aman crops under wheat-sesame-T. Aman cropping pattern. The experiment was consisted with four treatments viz. T1: Soil test based inorganic fertilizer dose for high yield goal, T2: Cowdung @ 5 t ha-1 + IPNS basis inorganic fertilizer dose for high yield goal, T3: Cowdung slurry @ 5 t ha-1 + IPNS basis inorganic fertilizer dose for high yield goal and T4: Fertilizer dose usually practiced by the farmers. In case of wheat, the highest grain yield (3.80 t ha-1) was obtained from bio-slurry treated plot that means T3 treatment followed by T2 and the lowest (3.31 t ha-1) from T4. Higher seed yield (1.31 t ha-1) of sesame was obtained from T3 that was statistically identical to T2 and T1 and the lower (1.01 t ha-1) from T4. For T. Aman rice, the highest grain yield (4.89 t ha-1) was obtained from T3 which was statistically indistinguishable from T1 where as the lowest grain yield (4.1 t ha-1) was recorded from T4. Considering the whole pattern, it is observed that the highest gross return (271100 Tk ha-1) was obtained from T3 followed by T2 and the lowest (225650 Tk ha-1) from T1 treatment. Total variable cost was recorded as the highest (100368 Tk ha-1) in T2 followed by T3 and the lowest (86775 Tk ha-1) in T4 treatment. The highest marginal value of product (45450 Tk ha-1) was recorded in T3 followed by T2 where as the minimum (28710 Tk ha-1) was found in T1 over the T4 treatment. Marginal variable cost was observed as the highest (13593 Tk ha-1) in T2 treatment followed by T3 and the minimum (8899 Tk ha-1) was recorded in T1 treatment. The highest MBCR (4.15) was recorded from T3 followed by T2 and the minimum (2.31) from T2 treatment. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v3i2.17847 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 3 (2): 66-71, December, 201

    Out-of-pocket expenditure by Australian seniors with chronic disease: the effect of specific diseases and morbidity clusters

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    This is a freely-available open access publication. Please cite the published version which is available via the DOI link in this record.BACKGROUND: Out of pocket expenditure (OOPE) on healthcare is related to the burden of illness and the number of chronic conditions a patient experiences, but the relationship of these costs to particular conditions and groups of conditions is less studied. This study examines the effect on OOPE of various morbidity groupings, and explores the factors associated with a 'heavy financial burden of OOPE' defined by an expenditure of over 10% of equivalised household income on healthcare. METHODS: Data were collected from 4,574 senior Australians using a stratified sampling procedure by age, rurality and state of residence. Natural clusters of chronic conditions were identified using cluster analysis and clinically relevant clusters based on expert opinion. We undertook logistic regression to model the probability of incurring OOPE, and a heavy financial burden; linear regression to explore the significant factors of OOPE; and two-part models to estimate the marginal effect of factors on OOPE. RESULTS: The mean OOPE in the previous three months was AU$353; and 14% of respondents experienced a heavy financial burden. Medication and medical service expenses were the major costs. Those who experienced cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes or depression were likely to report higher OOPE. Patients with cancer or diabetes were more likely than others to face a heavy burden of OOPE relative to income. Total number of conditions and some specific conditions predict OOPE but neither the clusters nor pairs of conditions were good predictors of OOPE. CONCLUSIONS: Total number of conditions and some specific conditions predict both OOPE and heavy financial burden but particular comorbid groupings are not useful in predicting OOPE. Low-income patients pay a higher proportion of income than the well-off as OOPE for healthcare. Interventions targeting those who are likely to face severe financial burdens due to their health could address some of these differences.National Health and Medical Research Council, Australi

    Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by Dyera costulata cultivated in sewage sludge contaminated soil

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    High concentrations of heavy metals are harmful to plants, animals and humans and their potential accumulation in human tissues and bio-magnification through the food chain cause serious health hazards. An experiment was conducted in the glasshouse to evaluate the potential of Dyera costulata as a bioaccumulator to absorb heavy metals from sewage sludge contaminated soils. D. costulata seedlings were planted in the following growth media: T0 (control soil), T1 (100% sludge), T2 (80% sludge + 20% soil), T3 (60% sludge + 40% soil), T4 (40% sludge + 60% soil) and T5 (20% sludge + 80% soil). T4 showed the best growth performance in terms of height, basal diameter and number of leaves. The maximum reduction of Cd, Cr and Pb was found in the 100% sludge treatment. Zn, Cd, Ni and Cr were highly concentrated in the leaves, while Pb accumulated mainly in the stems. D. costulata showed high potential to retain high amounts of Zn, Ni and Cr in the leaves and Pb in the stems. The species had high translocation factor (TF) and low bioconcentration factor (BCF) values in the soil at higher metal concentrations as well as it was able to tolerate and accumulate high concentrations of Zn, Cd, Ni, Cr and Pb. It means that, this species is a good accumulator of heavy metals and can be considered as a potential bioaccumulator species.Key words: Phytoremediation, Dyera costulata, heavy metals, sewage sludge
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