893 research outputs found

    Sangkuriang Character Of Sundanese Folktale Design Through 70’s Comic Illustration Technique

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    Many folktales are scattered throughout Indonesia, where each region has its own unique story and becomes one of the literary and cultural identities that need to be guarded. West Java is one area that has many stories, where sto- ries that circulate are not just ordinary stories but contain many good moral messages. The figure of the Sangkuriang will be made with a comic style approach in the 70s, where the old comics are now becoming increasingly popular with the people at this time. So that this study will use expressionist style in making figures of Sangkuriang story characters and for the research method used a qualitative descriptive approach, where the data collection technique is to do library research, observation, and documentation. The final results of the study will be (1) Character figures of Sangkuriang stories in the form of illustrations (2) Illustration styles that will be used is the 70s comic style illustration. Keywords: Folktale stories, characters, Sangkuriang Comi

    Strategi Automasi Manajemen Keuangan Publik di Indonesia

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    Kebanyakan negara berkembang mengadopsi COTS IFMIS (Commercial Off The Self - Integrated Financial Management Information System) dalam automasi manajemen keuangan publik. IFMIS dipandang sebagai pendukung reformasi keuangan di negara-negara berkembang. Paper ini menyajikan analisis automasi manajemen keuangan publik di Indonesia yang dinilai sukses. Analisis didasarkan pada proses Perubahan prosedur keuangan dan pertimbangan faktor risiko dalam mengadopsi sistem informasi: cakupan, skedul dan anggaran biaya. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh beberapa temuan terkait Teknologi Informasi (TI), desain prosedur keuangan dan biaya. Dalam aspek strategi TI, proyek automasi manajemen keuangan di Indonesia melalui SPAN (Sistem Perbendaharaan dan Anggaran Negara) mempunyai risiko tinggi. Namun, dari aspek strategi desain prosedur keuangan dengan berbagai program tata kelola Perubahan yang mempengaruhi proses bisnis, TI dan organisasi, automasi melalui SPAN mulai dari penganggaran sampai akuntansi dan pelaporan dapat dikelola dengan baik. Dari aspek biaya, untuk menjamin keberlangsungan reformasi sistem, ditempuh dengan memanfaatkan dukungan kerja sama, pinjaman dan hibah luar negeri. Selain itu, terdapat beberapa tantangan dan permasalahan yang muncul seiring ukuran, skala, dan kompleksitas proyek SPAN. Permasalahan tersebut berakibat pada penyesuaian skedul proyek yang notabene memiliki jangka waktu sangat panjang

    Akulturasi Budaya dalam Iklan Pertelevisian

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    Iklan televisi merupakan media komunikasi masa yang dapat menampilkan tata ruang (visual), tata rungu (audio), serta gerak (motion) secara bersamaan. Sehingga melalui iklan televisi, memungkinkan para pengiklan dapat menampilkan berbagai kreativitas dalam memperkenalkan suatu produk terhadap masyarakat. Pembahasan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai iklan minuman ringan Coca-cola (yang merupakan produk global), hadir dalam tayangan televisi di Indonesia dengan menampilkan muatan-muatan local (local content). Dalam iklan Coca-cola tersebut terdapat adanya bentuk akulturasi budaya, yang ditampilkan melalui penggunaan kostum, genre, dan bahasa. Mellui teknik pengambilan gambar yang diterapkan, dapat memaksimalkan fungsi endorser sebagai pembawa pesan dalam iklan televisi dan mendukung karakter lokalitas tokoh yang ditampilkan

    Strategi Bersaing pada Perusahaan Distribusi Consumer Goods dalam Mencapai Keunggulan Kompetitif

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi bersaing yang dapat diterapkan oleh Subjek penelitian dalam mencapai keunggulan kompetitif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari data primer yang menggunakan wawancara sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Wawancara yang digunakan adalah wawancara semi terstruktur. Teknik keabsahan data dilakukan dengan uji triangulasi sumber. Sementara itu, teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif.Beberapa kompetitor memiliki kelebihan yang tidak dimiliki oleh Subjek penelitian, sehingga dapat menjadi ancaman. Namun Subjek penelitian memiliki banyak pelanggan dengan loyalitas yang tinggi didukung dengan aktivitas distribusi melalui armada transportasi yang memadai. Akan tetapi cakupan pelanggan hanya di sekitar area Malang, sedangkan terdapat beberapa kompetitor yang mendistribusikan produk keluar kota. Oleh karena itu, strategi bersaing yang diperlukan oleh Subjek penelitian adalah Focus Cost Leadership

    Peranan Program Model Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (M-krpl) terhadap Peningkatan Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Kabupaten Siak

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    The Sustainable Food House Area Model Program is a government's program to fulfill the household nutrition and increase income by taking advantage from yard as farming area. This research aim to know the rate of increment household groups income before and after the program held, know the contribution M-KRPL program towards household groups income and know the problems that faced by farmer. Random sampling methode was the sampling technique that was used in this research which in accordance to the number of respondens were 42 samples in Siak Regency. Data were analyzed using farm income analysis, contribution analysis and t-test analysis. Based on the result, income before and after the program has been able to increase revenue and provide benefits to the group in Siak. The results of t-test showed that there was significance among groups activities to strive for M-KRPL program toward household income. Natural factors, techniques to overcome pests and disease, technology and capital were be problem that farmer faced

    Sebuah Analisa Kemampuan Siswa Tahun Kedua di Sman 1 Bantan Kabupaten Bengkalis dalam Menguasai Teks Report

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    This research was designed to describe the student's ability in comprehending report texts and aimed to find out the students ability in comprehending report texts for each component and the level of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy indicated in the ability. This research took place in SMAN 1 Bantan Kabupaten Bengkalis that collected from February to April 2017. The try out class was XI IPS 3 (26 students) and the sample was XI IPA 1 (29 students) chosen by cluster random sampling. The result showed that the ability of the second year students of SMAN 1 Bantan in comprehending report texts for each component is in good level which the mean score was 60.0, however, the students have not passed the minimum score of the school which is 76. For the level of remembering; finding factual information the mean score was 73.4, finding references was 42.5, finding meaning of difficult words was 42.2. The level of understanding (finding restatement) the mean score was 62.0, for the analyzing level (finding main idea) the mean score was 72.7. and the level of evaluating (finding social function) was 64.8. Therefore, this research suggested the English teachers to focus on the level and components that students still find difficulities and categorized them into poor level. Students should learn the components in report texts and other text types. Further researchers are expected to find the standard guidance of classification of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy indicated the components of reading comprehension

    Status Populasi Dan Kondisi Habitat Surili {Presbytis Comatd) Di Cagar Alam Situ Patengan, Jawa Barat*[the Population Status and Habitat Condition of Grizzled Leaf Monkey, Presbytis Comata in Situ Patengan Nature Reserve, West Java]

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    Population and habitat survey was conducted in June-July 2000, at Situ Patengan Nature reserve, which aimed to record the current population data and habitat conditions. We recorded seven groups of grizzled leaf monkey/surili occurred at nature reserve, with number of 3 individual were vary between 4-8 individual each group and population density of 17/km . Sex ratio of individuals were 1:1.86, with percentage of age structures consisted of 17.95% adult male, 33.33% adult female, 25.64% juvenile, 20.51% offspring and 2.56% infant. Vegetation analysis recorded 56 species of plants found in the reserve. Some of the species were dominance, i.e. pasang (Quercus sp.), kihiur {Castanopsis javanica) and puspa {Schima walichii). Since population survey were conducted by Ruhiyat (1983) with population 2 3 density of 35 individuals/km and Adriana (1995) with population density of 3.5 individuals/km , the population density of the monkeys shown trend of decreasing. The reserve, located adjacent with some plantation areas and production forest area of Perum Perhutani, isolated the forest. This condition predicted as a potential threat to the habitat and population of the monkeys. The monkey's population will be a doomed population in the future
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