50 research outputs found

    Use of Gold Nanoparticles To Enhance Capillary Electrophoresis

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    We describe here the use of gold nanoparticles to manipulate the selectivity between solutes in capillary electrophoresis. Two different gold-based nanoparticles were added to the run buffer. In one case, the nanoparticles were stabilized with citrate ions, but in another study, the gold nanoparticles were capped with mercaptopropionate ions (thiol-stablized). Citrate-stabilized gold nanoparticles were used in conjunction with capillaries treated with poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDADMAC). The positively charged PDADMAC layer on the capillary walls adsorbs the negatively charged gold nanoparticles. The model solutes that were used to study the effect of the presence of the citrate-stabilized gold nanoparticles are structural isomers of aromatic acids and bases. The presence of the PDADMAC layer and the PDADMAC plus the gold nanoparticles changes both the electroosmotic mobility and the observed mobility of the solutes. These changes in the mobilities influence the observed selectivities and the separations of the system. Thiol-stabilized gold nanoparticles were used without PDADMAC in the capillary. The model solutes studied in this part are various aromatic amines. In this case as well, the presence of the gold nanoparticles modifies the electroosmotic mobility and the observed mobility of the solutes. These changes in the mobilities are manifested in selectivity alterations. The largest change in the selectivities occurs at low concentrations of the gold nanoparticles in the run buffer. The presence of nanoparticles improves the precision of the analysis and increases the separation efficiency. Nanodispersions have attracted extensive attention in various fields of physics, biology, and chemistry. [1][2][3][4][5] Physicists and chemists are intrigued by the gradual transition of the nanomaterial properties from molecule-like to those of solid-state properties by a change of a single variable, the particle size. This property has practical and future applications for nonlinear optics and electronics. The large surface area of nanomaterials intrigues chemical engineers and catalysis scientists. Surprisingly, very little research has been devoted to the application of nanoparticles for chemical separation. In this work, we demonstrate the utility and versatility of organically modified gold nanoparticles in capillary electrophoresis (CE) separations. The nanoparticles serve as large surface area platforms for organofunctional groups that interact with the capillary surface, the analytes, or both. Thus, the apparent mobilities of target analytes, as well as the electroosmotic flow, can be altered leading to enhanced selectivities. Separation of various benzene derivatives demonstrates these capabilities. Metallic nanodispersions can be prepared in aqueous and organic solvents using diverse procedures. 1,2,6-9 Nanodispersions can be stabilized in organic solvents by the solvent itself, 10 by the addition of long chain surfactants, 11,12 or by specific ligands. 13 Stabilization of metal nanodispersions in aqueous solutions is somewhat more complicated. Several successful stabilization methods are available that are based on capping of the metal nanoparticles (e.g., citrate, 6 3-mercaptopropionate, 1

    Carrier-envelope-phase-stable, 1.2 mJ, 1.5 cycle laser pulses at 2.1 mu m

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    We produce 1.5 cycle (10.5 fs), 1.2 mJ, 3 kHz carrier-envelope-phase-stable pulses at 2.1 μm carrier wavelength, from a three-stage optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier system, pumped by an optically synchronized 1.6 ps Yb:YAG thin disk laser. A chirped periodically poled lithium niobate crystal is used to generate the ultrabroad spectrum needed for a 1.5 cycle pulse through difference frequency mixing of spectrally broadened pulse from a Ti:sapphire amplifier. It will be an ideal tool for producing isolated attosecond pulses with high photon energies