900 research outputs found

    Emergence of diverse epidermal patterns by integrating Turing pattern model and majority voting model

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    The Turing pattern model is one type of reaction-diffusion (RD) model. The first identification of pattern formation by the Turing pattern model in an actual animal was made in the 1990s with the observation of patterns in the sea anemone. But can we assume that all epidermal patterns in animals can be explained by the Turing pattern model? Even for fish, there are some fish that are clearly not Turing patterns, differing significantly from the patterns that can be generated by RD models. For example, the body pattern of the ornamental carp Nishiki goi produced in Japan varies randomly from individual to individual, and it is difficult to predict the pattern of the offspring from that of the parent fish. A model in which these fish patterns are formed randomly is the majority voting model. From this, it can be inferred that the epidermal pattern of fish can be explained by either the Turing pattern model or the majority voting model. But how do fish use these two different models? It is hard to imagine that completely different epidermal formation mechanisms are used among species of the same family. For this reason, there may be a more basic model that can produce patterns for either model. In this study, the Turing pattern model and the majority voting model were represented by cellular automata, and then a new model integrating these two models was proposed. By adjusting the parameters, this integrated model was able to create patterns that are equivalent to both the Turing pattern model and the majority voting model. By setting the intermediate parameters values of these two models, it was possible to create a variety of patterns that were more diverse than those created by each single model. Although this model is simpler than previously proposed models, it was able to confirm that it can create a variety of patterns

    Emergent simulation of cell-like shapes satisfying the conditions of life using lattice-type multiset chemical model

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    It is one of the great challenges of science to clarify when, where, why, and how the first life arose, and what the first life was. Here, assumed the conditions of life are 1) bounded, 2) replicating, 3) able to inherit information, and 4) metabolizing energy. The various hypotheses also provide little explanation of how the four conditions for life were established. It is not always clear how a chemical process that simultaneously satisfies all four conditions emerged after the materials for life were in place. This study considered a model (Multi-set chemical lattice model) that allows virtual molecules of multiple types to be placed in each cell on a two-dimensional space. Using only the processes of molecular diffusion, reaction, and polymerization, by modeling chemical reactions by 15 kinds of molecules and two kinds of polymerized molecules, and using the morphogenesis rule of the Turing model, it was able to model and show the process of the emergence of cell-like form having the four conditions of life. This model will allow us to revisit and refine each of the hypotheses of the birth of life in the future

    Emergence simulation of cell-like morphologies with evolutionary potential by virtual molecular interactions

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    This study explores the emergence of life through a simulation model approach. The model "Multi-set chemical lattice model" is a model that allows virtual molecules of multiple types to be placed in each lattice cell on a two-dimensional space. This model is capable of describing a wide variety of states and interactions in a limited number of lattice cell spaces, such as diffusion, chemical reaction, and polymerization of virtual molecules. This model is also capable of describing a wide variety of states and interactions even in the limited lattice cell space of 100 x 100 cells. Furthermore it was considered energy metabolism and energy resources environment. It was able to reproduce the "evolution" in which a certain cell-like shapes adapted to the environment survives under conditions of decreasing amounts of energy resources in the environment. This enabled the emergence of cell-like shapes with the four minimum cellular requirements: boundary, metabolism, replication, and evolution, based solely on the interaction of virtual molecules.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2204.0968

    Creating Modern Japan as a Cultural Unit

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    Cretaceous non-marine faunas in Central and Eastern Shikoku can be classified into the Masaki and Sakashu faunal groups on the basis of their taxonomic components and a new stratigraphy and tectonic subdivision of the Chichibu Superbelt. The non-marine bivalves from the Monobegawa Group in the Masaki Belt belong to the Masaki Faunal Group which are identified the Hauterivian Tatsukawa fauna, Late Barremian Yunoki fauna and Early Aptian Hibihara fauna. The non-marine bivalves from the Nankai and Takegatani groups of the Sakashu Belt belong to the Sakashu Faunal Group which are identified the Hauterivian Shobu fauna. The three faunas of the Masaki Faunal Group in Central and East Shikoku are found in stratigraphic order. The Masaki Faunal Group is characterized by the brackish- and freshwater mollusks. On the other hand, the Sakashu Faunal Group is characterized by the brackish-water mollusks. It suggests that salinity is the main differential factor between the Hauterivian faunas in the Masaki and Sakashu faunal groups. A Hauterivian mixed assemblage of the Tatsukawa and Shobu faunas was found in Central Shikoku. The finding suggests that the two faunas were formed in different salinity environment and adjoining areas.四国中・東部秩父累帯下部白亜系の非海生二枚貝類について種構成や群集の生息環境を考察し,再編された地帯区分との対応を検討した.これらの白亜紀非海生動物群は新たな秩父累帯の地帯区分及び種構成に墓づいて,互いに共通種を持たない正木動物群(Masaki Faunal Group)と坂州動物群(Sakashu Faunal Group)に区分される.正木帯に属する物部川層群の非海生二枚貝類は正木動物群に帰属し,立川フォーナ(Hauterivian),柚ノ木フォーナ(Late Barremian),日比原フォーナ(Early Aptian)で構成される.坂州帯に属する南海層群,竹ヶ谷層群の非海生二枚貝類は坂州動物群に帰属し,菖蒲フォーナ(Hauterivian)で特徴づけられる.四国中・東部における正木動物群は,汽水生一淡水生軟体動物で特徴づけられ,坂州動物群は汽水生軟体動物で特徴づけられる.このことは,坂州動物群は正木動物群より塩分濃度の高い環境で生息したことを示す.また,四国中央部では両動物群の混在が確認され,正木動物群と坂州動物群は,隣接して存在し,塩分濃度の異なる環境に生息したことが推測される

    Indirect Fist Percussion of the Liver Is a More Sensitive Technique for Detecting Hepatobiliary Infections than Murphy’s Sign

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    Background. Murphy’s sign and Charcot’s triad are established clinical findings of acute cholecystitis and cholangitis, respectively, but both show low sensitivity and limited clinical application. We evaluated if indirect fist percussion of the liver improves the efficiency of diagnosing cholecystitis and cholangitis when used as a diagnostic adjunct. Methods. The presence/absence of right upper quadrant (RUQ) tenderness, Murphy’s sign, and pain induced by indirect fist percussion of the liver was assessed, and the results were compared with the definite diagnosis based on ultrasound and additional examinations in patients aged over 18 who visited our outpatient clinic with suspected hepatobiliary diseases. Results. Four hundred and eight patients were investigated, and 40 had hepatobiliary infection (acute cholecystitis: 10, acute cholangitis: 28, liver abscess: 1, and hepatic cyst infection: 1). The sensitivity of indirect fist percussion of the liver for diagnosing hepatobiliary infection was 60%, being significantly higher than that of RUQ tenderness (33%) and Murphy’s sign (30%), and its specificity was 85%. There was no significant improvement in sensitivity or diagnostic accuracy when Murphy’s sign was combined with indirect fist percussion of the liver. Conclusion. Indirect fist percussion-induced liver pain is a useful clinical finding to diagnose hepatobiliary infection, with high-level sensitivity

    Nematic transition and highly two-dimensional superconductivity in BaTi2_2Bi2_2O revealed by 209^{209}Bi-nuclear magnetic resonance/nuclear quadrupole resonance measurements

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    In this Rapid Communication, a set of 209^{209}Bi-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)/nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) measurements has been performed to investigate the physical properties of superconducting (SC) BaTi2_2Bi2_2O from a microscopic point of view. The NMR and NQR spectra at 5~K can be reproduced with a non-zero in-plane anisotropic parameter η\eta, indicating the breaking of the in-plane four-fold symmetry at the Bi site without any magnetic order, i.e., `the electronic nematic state'. In the SC state, the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate divided by temperature, 1/T1T1/T_1T, does not change even below TcT_{\rm c}, while a clear SC transition was observed with a diamagnetic signal. This observation can be attributed to the strong two-dimensionality in BaTi2_2Bi2_2O. Comparing the NMR/NQR results among BaTi2_2PnPn2_2O (PnPn = As, Sb, and Bi), it was found that the normal and SC properties of BaTi2_2Bi2_2O were considerably different from those of BaTi2_2Sb2_2O and BaTi2_2As2_2O, which might explain the two-dome structure of TcT_{\rm c} in this system.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure