91 research outputs found

    The mediating effect of job satisfaction on the link between leadership style and organizational commitment

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    The role of leaders in ensuring excellent organizational performance cannot be denied. It is important to ensure adequate motivation, suitable working environment, good compensation and efficient communication between employers and employees in order to promote excellent organization performance.Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the role of leadership styles play in public sector organization and how they influence employee commitment to the organization and how job satisfaction mediates this relationship. Previous studies proved that the effect of leadership style on organizational commitment was mediated by job satisfaction.This study will be done in Election Commission of Malaysia (ECM), therefore the data will be gathered through questionnaires distributed to civil servants who attached at ECM .The questionnaire aims to investigate the the leadership style practised by, the relationships between and the impact of the variables on each other.The scales used were the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) and the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ).The gathered data will be statistically analyzed with SEM-PLS. The leadership style known as transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire will be among the categories of leadership will be studied in order to determine which style is mostly being practiced by the civil servants.In related to that, this study intent to explore type of organizational commitment namely affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment showed by them and job satisfaction as the mediating variable in a single model proposed

    Assessment of uptake of readily available plant micronutrients from soils amended with coal fly ash

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    A greenhouse experiment was conducted on two soils of different texture, Tebuk sandy clay and sandy mine tailings. They were treated with different rates of coal fly ash (0, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 Mg ha-1) and the uptake of B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn by spinach grown in these soils were determined at six weeks growth The experimental set-up hosen for this study was a factorial 2 (different soil textures) X 6 (six rates of fly ash application) arranged in completely randomized design with 4 replications. Application of fly ash increased the pH and EC of the soils Tissue uptake of B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn and plant dry matter weight were influenced by fly ash application rates and soil texture type. Boron uptake increased while Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn uptake decreased with increases in addition of fly ash to the soils The highest spinach dry weight was obtained with the application of 20 Mg ha-1 for the Tebuk soil and 40 Mg ha-1 for the sandy mine tailings

    The Effect of Environmental Factors on the Thermal Comfort of Occupants in Building Interior

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    This study aims to analyse the effect of the thermal environment on the thermal comfort of the occupants in building interior. This study analysed the results of several questionaire surveys of thermal comfort perception and thermal environment measurements in building interior. The measurements and questionaire surveys were carried out in Laboratory of Building Science and Technology, located in Department of Architecture Building, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University at Gowa Campus. For a room with natural ventilation, four kinds of treatment of air velocity with the aid of a fan have been carried out. The four treatments of air velocity were: 1) without the aid of a fan, 2) a fan with the lowest speed, 3) a fan with medium speed, and 4) a fan with the highest velocity have been carried out. For a room with air conditioning, four treatments with different thermostat settings have been conducted. The four treatments of thermostat settings were: 1) 18oC, 2) 21oC, 3) 24oC, and 4) 27oC. A total of 150 sets of data, which involved 29 respondents, students of the Architectural Study Program have been gathered from the surveys. Before the survey was carried out, a brief explanation to the students has been conducted to ensure that the respondents understand the purpose of this study and also how to fill out the questionnaire correctly. The results showed that environmental factors, particularly the air flow speed in the room with natural ventilation have significant effect on the thermal comfort of respondents. Although the temperature reached 32oC, the existence of airflow, made 67% of respondent felt comfortable. For a room with air conditioning (AC), the study indicated a significant effect of air temperature on the thermal comfort of respondents. More than half (54%) of respondents felt cool (-2) and cold (-3) in the temperature ranges 25oC to 28oC

    Fertility and suitability of the Spodosols formed on sandy beach ridges interspersed with Swales in the Kelantan - Terengganu Plains of Malaysia for kenaf production.

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    A study was conducted to evaluate the suitability of sandy soils in the Kelantan - Terengganu Plains (Peninsular Malaysia) and suggest measures to improve their fertility for kenaf production. The coastal landscape is scarcely utilized for crop production due to the inherently low soil fertility, nutrient imbalance and water deficit which can seriously inhibit crop growth. Three sandy Spodosols with humus - rich spodic horizon were found, locally named as Rhu Tapai, Rudua and Jambu Series with sandy matrix (>95% sand), low CEC (0.16-4.52 cmolc kg-1) and high acidity (pH 4-5). The mineralogy data showed quartz (dominant), with gibbsite, hematite and feldspars in trace amounts that result from high degree of weathering. The Corg of Bs and Bhs horizon was about 2%, with C/N ratio of 14 to 25, respectively; this can be exploited for kenaf production. Hence, we evaluated these sandy Spodosols for kenaf production using Wong (2009) Crop-Suitability Classification and found the soil to be marginally suitable under Class 4 described as 4Dnt where D stand for drainage, n for nutrient and t for texture. The major limitations were found to be excessive drainage, nutrient imbalance and sandy texture. Therefore, management practices recommended to improve the soils are (1) mulching the soils with different types of organic materials to retain water and plant nutrients; and (2) irrigating the soils during the dry period. If these agronomic practices are carried out, these soils could be productively used for growing kenaf

    Effect of maleated compatibiliser (PBS-g-MA) addition on the flexural properties and water absorption of poly(butylene succinate)/kenaf bast fibre composites

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    Poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) composites with 30 wt.% loading of kenaf bast fibre (KBF) were compatibilised with 5 wt.% maleated PBS (PBS-g-MA). The maleic anhydride (MA) concentration in the compatibiliser was either 3, 5, 7 or 10 phr. In general, the compatibilised composites showed better flexural properties than the un-compatibilised composite. The highest increment in the flexural strength and modulus of 12.7 and 8.9%, respectively, were obtained with the addition of PBS-g-MA with MA concentration of 5 phr. Compatibilised and un-compatibilised PBS/KBF composites were immersed in distilled water for 90 days. The absorption of water by all the composites was observed to follow Fick’s law. The equilibrium moisture content, Mm, of the composites with PBS-g-MA at 3, 5 and 7 phr of MA concentrations was lower than that of the un-compatibilised composite due to improved fiber-matrix interfacial adhesion and reduction of voids content. Both un-compatibilised and compatibilised composites showed dimensional instability after the water absorption. This was probably due to the degradation of the fibre-matrix interfacial adhesion and fibre integrity. The flexural properties of these composites decreased after the water absorption. After re-drying only some of the flexural properties were recovered from plasticizing effect of water

    The Human Soul as a Symbolic Message in Contemporary Arts in Malaysia: A Study of Daud Rahim’s Works

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    The objectives of this study are to describe the structure of the message and to interpret the meaning of the use of symbols which are the core of a message in the context of the soul through Daud Rahim’s series of paintings entitled “Jiwa” (2013). This study was carried out to approach, understand, and at the same time explain the human soul as a symbolic message in contemporary art in Malaysia concerning aspects of the structure, content, and function of messages from a number of works produced by Daud Rahim. An art study methodology that focuses on an in-depth and comprehensive explanatory system has been used based on an analysis model that has been developed from a relevant conceptual framework which is Human Spirit as a Symbolic Message in Fine Art. The results of the analysis show that the signs and symbols of Daud Rahim’s works want to express the symbolic message of a human phenomenon involving modern humans who are unable to control their passions, so they become egocentric figures who are obsessed and greedy with the material world so that it is difficult to activate feelings of love and affection. affection and slowly erodes the social relations around him. In conclusion, visual artwork is a nonverbal communication tool or media created by artists to convey messages to others regarding issues or problems of humanity, society, and culture, which are repackaged through the use of certain signs and symbols. Jiwa Manusia sebagai Pesan Simbolik dalam Seni Rupa Kontemporer di Malaysia: Kajian terhadap Karya-karya Daud Rahim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan struktur pesan dan memaknai penggunaan simbol-simbol yang menjadi inti pesan dalam konteks jiwa melalui lukisan seri Daud Rahim berjudul “Jiwa” (2013). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mendekati, memahami, dan sekaligus menjelaskan jiwa manusia sebagai pesan simbolik dalam seni rupa kontemporer di Malaysia menyangkut aspek-aspek struktur, isi, dan fungsi pesan dari sejumlah karya yang dihasilkan oleh Daud Rahim. Metodologi kajian seni memfokuskan pada sistem penjelasan yang bersifat mendalam dan menyeluruh telah digunakan berdasarkan pada model analisis yang telah dibangun dari konsep-konsep yang relevan yaitu kerangka konseptual spiritual manusia sebagai pesan simbolik dalam seni rupa. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tanda dan simbol dari karya-karya Daud Rahim mengungkapkan pesan simbolik dari sebuah fenomena kemanusiaan yang melibatkan manusia modern yang tidak mampu mengawal hawa nafsu sehingga menjadi sosok-sosok egosentris yang obsesif dan rakus dengan dunia material sehingga sulit mengaktifkan perasaan kasih dan sayang sehingga secara perlahan-lahan mengikis hubungan sosial di sekelilingnya. Kesimpulannya, karya seni visual ialah alat atau media komunikasi non-lisan yang diciptakan oleh seniman untuk menyampaikan pesan kepada orang lain mengenai isu atau masalah kemanusiaan, masyarakat, dan budaya yang dibentuk semula melalui penggunaan tanda dan simbol tertentu. 

    Thermal Performance of Naturally Ventilated Classroom in the Faculty of Engineering Hasanuddin University, Gowa Campus

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    This study aims to identify the thermal performance of naturally ventilated classrooms of the new campus of Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University in Gowa. The natural ventilation system has three main functions that are to provide healthy air for occupants, to provide thermal comfort to the occupants, and to cool the fabrics in the building interior. Thermal comfort perceived by the user is determined by many factors, including physical, psychological, etc. This research was conducted by using the experimental method with research analysis using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation method. The input parameters in the simulation were obtained through field measurement in the form of room dimension, ventilation open area, and microclimate parameter. The simulation is carried out at maximum open conditions in existing ventilation system with open and closed class door treatment. The simulation treatment of airflow input speeds were 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 m/s. The results showed that the existing ventilation system of Classroom at Faculty of Engineering (FoE) Hasanuddin University (Unhas) with an opening ratio of 16.59 to 22.76% of the floor area is good enough to flow and distribute comfortable air movement inside the classroom, especially at airflow speeds above 0.5 m/s

    Analysis of worker performances using statistical process control in fish paste otak-otak food industries

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    This research focuses on the improvement of Small and Medium Enterprises through the used of Process Statistical Control (SPC). An industry that focuses on the fish paste (known as “otak-otak”) production was taken as the case study in this research and the problems analysed are based on the real industrial experiences. The data collection for control charts were recorded for two weeks consisting of working time for each operator. The data were collected in subgroup of 16 with sample size of 5. The collection of data for weight of product was recorded randomly for the whole production line, while data collection of working time of operation was taken randomly from each operator every 30 minutes of the working hour. From this study, there are several problems had been detected in the process that been categories in six element that is people, method, measurement, machine, environment and materials. There were lack of motivation, lack of skill, lack of supervision, manual operation, lack of standard of procedure, waiting time in process, weight-based operator, lack of quality check, not using weight scale, conveyer that sometimes got stuck, spoon for tools, no automation, poor layout arrangement, talking while working, small working space, lack of hygiene, waiting time for material and easily spoiled. The findings can be used as the guideline to the industries for future production improvement. The industries would focus on elimination or reduction of the problems through their innovative solution


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    Junior High school Muhammadiyah of Makassar is an educational institution under the Muhammadiyah Primary and Secondary Education Council which always tries to motivate students to learn. Teachers in Junior High school Muhammadiyah of Makassarhave a duty and role to be able to improve student learning motivation. Teachers are required to have and master techniques and strategies that can stimulate students in learning, especially Arabic subjects. Therefore, this study tries to explore the effect of teacher teaching methods on the learning achievement of Arabic students atJunior High school Muhammadiyah of Makassar. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research by observation, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires as data collection techniques, data analysis techniques use a simple percentage formula. The student population is 76 people with a total sample of 35% of the total population of 35 students. The results of this study indicate the effect of teacher teaching methods on learning achievement of Arabic students atJunior High school Muhammadiyah of Makassar has been effective, this can be seen from the results of questionnaire calculations that students who feel very happy there are 9 students or 25.71%, who love 24 students or 68, 57%, less happy 2 students or 5.71% and not happy as much as 0%.Keywords: Influence, method, learning achievemen