142 research outputs found

    La esterilización de personas incapacitadas por enfermedad mental: una puerta a la desigualdad y la discriminación

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    Introducción El objetivo principal de la tesis es comprobar que se solicitan mayor número de esterilizaciones en personas con discapacidad mental del sexo femenino frente al masculino. Junto a este objetivo principal se plantearon otras tres preguntas de interés, éstas son: 1. ¿Es la esterilización de personas con discapacidad mental la mejor alternativa anticonceptiva?; 2. ¿Es necesario la elaboración de un reglamento que desarrolle la esterilización en personas con discapacidad mental, como ocurre con el trasplante de órganos y la cirugía transexual? y 3. ¿Qué beneficios revierte la esterilización en las personas con discapacidad mental sometidas a dicha intervención?. Para responder al objetivo principal y el resto de cuestiones planteadas, se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional y transversal, empleando como instrumentos la encuesta y la entrevista. El estudio se enfocó en una primera encuesta formada por 15 ítems destinada a la población general que cumpliese dos requisitos, ser mayor de edad y residir en España, obteniendo una muestra de 334 personas. Paralelamente se elaboró una segunda encuesta compuesta de 11 ítems, que se distribuyó al Cuerpo de especialistas Médicos Forenses y que se compuso de una muestra de 82 Médicos Forenses. Por último se realizaron 7 entrevistas a madres de personas con discapacidad mental que hubiesen iniciado el procedimiento de esterilización o tuvieran pensado hacerlo. Desarrollo Teórico La esterilización de personas incapacitadas por discapacidad mental está recogida en el artículo 156.2 del CP, y cuyo objetivo es el mayor beneficio para el incapaz. Más lejos de lo que se piensa se juega con una gran hipocresía a la hora de evaluar cual es el beneficio que el incapaz obtiene al ser esterilizado y más cuando dicha técnica quirúrgica irreversible, está protegida de forma penal. La tesis desarrolla la esterilización de la persona incapacitada por discapacidad mental desde cuatro ciencias, Derecho, Medicina, Ética y Psicología. En primer lugar desde el Derecho, conseguimos desmenuzar el párrafo segundo del artículo 156 del CP, haciendo un repaso por la jurisprudencia en materia de constitucionalidad y proporcionalidad de la medida, para finalizar haciendo una comparación con la regulación que otros países tienen sobre la medida de esterilización, destacando Francia y Australia. Abarcamos desde la óptica médica, las distintas medidas anticonceptivas alternativas a la esterilización, así como la técnica quirúrgica empleada y los riesgos que esta presenta, tanto para la mujer como para el varón. Posteriormente desde una ética principalmente personalista, se explica qué principios se ponen en riesgo (inviolabilidad de la persona y su integridad física, así como la unitotalidad del ser humano), y se realiza una comparativa con los dos modelos éticos en auge en nuestra sociedad, el modelo liberal-radical y el utilitarista. Finalmente se dedica un capítulo a la psicología del desarrollo y afectivo-sexual de las personas con discapacidad mental, evidenciando el escaso conocimiento que se tiene al respecto y la nula dedicación por parte de las instituciones públicas a la educación sexual de la persona con discapacidad mental, lo que repercute en la toma de decisiones por parte de la familia de forma precipitada. Conclusiones Analizados los resultados se llega a las siguientes conclusiones: 1. Se solicitan más esterilizaciones en personas con discapacidad mental del sexo femenino, lo que revierte en una desigualdad de sexo, 2. Existen múltiples alternativas médicas a la esterilización como medida anticonceptiva, que no afectan a la integridad corporal de la persona con discapacidad, 3. Es necesario un Reglamento que regule el procedimiento judicial empleado para autorizar la esterilización como ocurre con la Cirugía Transexual y el Transplante de órganos.DerechoTerapia y RehabilitaciónArte y Humanidade

    Patrón alimentario de estudiantes universitarios y su relación con la composición corporal: Revisión sistemática

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    Un patrón alimentario saludable se basa en una alimentación balanceada que proporciona la energía y los nutrientes que el ser humano necesita en cada etapa de la vida en proporciones adecuadas, en el extremo opuesto están los malos hábitos alimentarios que son desencadenantes de diversas enfermedades prevalentes en la actualidad por su mala distribución de nutrientes. El estado nutricional es el resultado entre el balance de lo que se ingiere y la energía que se gasta diariamente en las actividades, por lo que varía dependiendo de la alimentación. Se ha evidenciado que la población universitaria es muy susceptible a tener variaciones negativas en su patrón alimentario por los diversos cambios que se atraviesan al ingresar a la etapa universitaria; es por eso que esta revisión se planteó como objetivo conocer el patrón alimentario de los estudiantes universitarios y relacionarlo con su composición corporal. Para esta revisión sistemática se usaron las bases de datos Scielo, Science direct y PubMed para buscar artículos usando las palabras clave ‘’hábitos alimentarios, estudiantes universitarios y nutrición’. Al analizar los estudios se evidencio que los estudiantes universitarios siguen una dieta alta en grasa y azúcares, así como en carnes rojas, embutidos, platos preparados, grasa animal y vegetal, azúcar, bebidas azucaradas, dulces y chocolates lo que corresponde a un patrón de alimentación inadecuado.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereira -- Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud -- Nutrición y DietéticaA healthy eating pattern is based on a sufficient and balanced diet that provides the energy and nutrients that the human being needs at each stage of life in adequate proportions, at the opposite extreme are the bad eating habits that are triggers of various prevalent diseases currently due to its poor nutrient distribution. The nutritional status is the result between the balance of what is ingested and the energy that is expended daily in the activities, so it varies depending on the diet. It has been shown that the university population is very susceptible to negative variations in its eating pattern due to the various changes that are experienced when entering the university stage; That is why this review aimed to know the eating pattern of university students and relate it to their body composition. For this systematic review, the Scielo, Science direct and PubMed databases were used to search for articles using the keywords '' eating habits, university students and nutrition ''. When analyzing the studies, it was evidenced that university students follow a diet high in fat and sugars, as well as in red meat, sausages, prepared dishes, animal and vegetable fat, sugar, sugary drinks, sweets and chocolates, which corresponds to an inappropriate eating pattern

    Aspectos radiográficos das glândulas salivares maiores na sialografia

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    Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os aspectos radiográficos das glândulas salivares maiores na sialografia e seu grau de inflamação com as características individuais dos pacientes. Métodos: Trinta imagens radiográficas de ambas as glândulas parótidas e submandibulares de 25 pacientes submetidos a exames de sialografia foram analisadas retrospectivamente. O teste qui-quadrado foi realizado para correlacionar o grau de inflamação de cada área das glândulas salivares com as variáveis categóricas: sexo, tipo e lado da glândula afetada. A correlação de Pearson foi realizada para correlacionar o grau de inflamação entre o ducto principal e o ducto intraglandular e o parênquima. Resultados: Não houve relação estatisticamente significante entre o grau de inflamação de nenhuma das partes das glândulas salivares e as variáveis categóricas no teste qui-quadrado (p>0,05). O grau de inflamação no ducto principal teve uma fraca correlação com o grau de inflamação no ducto intraglandular (p<0,05). Conclusões: As glândulas salivares afetadas por obstrução ou inflamação não estão significativamente relacionadas ao sexo dos pacientes e nem ao tipo ou lado da glândula afetada. O exame de sialografia demonstrou a delicada anatomia do sistema ductal e permitiu uma visualização precisa dos sialólitos e estenoses, que são duas das causas mais comuns de obstrução, mostrando seu importante papel na avaliação do estado das glândulas salivares.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiographic aspects of the major salivary glands in sialography and their grade of inflammation with patients’ individual characteristics. Methods: A total of 30 radiographic images of both parotid and submandibular glands from 25 patients, who underwent sialography examinations, were retrospectively analyzed. Chi-squared test was performed to correlate the grade of inflammation of each area of the salivary glands with the categorical variables: sex, type and side of the affected gland. Pearson correlation was performed to correlate the grade of inflammation between the main duct and the intraglandular duct and the parenchyma. Results: There was no statistically significant relationship between the grade of inflammation of any of the parts of the salivary glands and the categorical variables in the Chi-squared test (p>0.05). The grade of inflammation in the main duct had a weak correlation with the degree of inflammation in the intraglandular duct (p<0.05). Conclusions: Salivary glands affected by obstruction or inflammation are not significantly related to the sex of patients, not to the type or side of the affected gland. The , but sialography examination demonstrated the delicate anatomy of the ductal system and allowed an accurate visualization of sialoliths and strictures that are two of the most common causes of obstruction, showing its important role in the assessment of salivary gland status

    Correlation between MCI/Sapori screening tools and DXA results and between MCI/Sapori and Frax tool for estimating fracture risk

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    Background: Peripheral Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) can be applied to identify low bone mineral density (BMD) patients, however, DXA is not sufficiently available in many countries. Thus, the use of simpler and cheaper screening tools than DXA to detect low BMD become indispensable. Objectives: The objective of this study was to correlate São Paulo osteoporosis risk index (Sapori) and mandibular cortical index (MCI) screening tools with the femur DXA results of patients in our sample of Brazilian women. A secondary objective was to assess which of these screening tools better correlates with the results of the Frax tool. Material and Methods: Exams of women who had undergone panoramic radiographic examination at the beginning of dental treatment and peripheral DXA for screening osteoporosis from 2010 to 2014 were included. The MCI was evaluated, and Sapori and Frax were calculated with their available online software tools. Spearman correlation was performed to analyse the level of correlation between femur T-scores (and MCI and Sapori values, as well to perform the level of correlation between Frax and MCI and Sapori values. Results: The spearman correlation comparing the numerical T-score values and the categorical values of MCI (rs=-0.274), and of Sapori (rs=-0.470), showed a statistically significant inverse correlation for both equations (p<0.01). The Spearman equation comparing the values obtained with Frax and MCI did not show a statistically signifcant correlation (p>0.01). But the equation comparing the values obtained with Frax and Sapori showed a positive, moderate and statistically significant correlation between them (rs=0.460). Conclusion: MCI is not a reliable screening tool to identify women with low BMD or Osteoporosis, whereas more optimistic results were observed for the Sapori.A Absorciometria bifotónica de raios X (Dexa) pode ser aplicada para identificar uma baixa densidade mineral óssea (DMO) em pacientes. No entanto, o exame de Dexa não está disponível em muitos países. Assim, o uso de ferramentas de triagem mais simples e mais baratas para detectar uma baixa DMO torna-se indispensável. Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo foi correlacionar o índice de triagem de osteoporose de São Paulo (Sapori) e o índice cortical mandibular (MCI) com os resultados obtidos pelo Dexa de fêmur de pacientes em uma amostra de mulheres brasileiras. Como objetivo secundário, avaliar qual dessas ferramentas de triagem se correlaciona melhor com os resultados obtidos pela ferramenta Frax. Material e Métodos: Foram incluídos exames de mulheres que foram submetidas a exames radiográficos do tipo panorâmico no início de seus tratamentos odontológicos, e a exames de Dexa periférica para rastreamento de osteoporose entre 2010 a 2014. O ICM foi avaliado e o Sapori e o Frax foram calculados através de suas ferramentas de software disponíveis. A Correlação de Spearman foi realizada para analisar o nível de correlação entre os valores de T-score obtidos do fêmur com os valores de ICM e Sapori, bem como para a correlação entre Frax e ICM e Sapori. Resultados: A Correlação de Spearman comparando os valores numéricos de T e os valores categóricos de ICM (rs=-0,274) e de Sapori (rs=-0,470) mostraram uma correlação inversa e estatisticamente significante para ambas as equações (p<0,01) e a equação de Spearman comparando os valores obtidos com Frax e ICM não apresentaram correlação estatisticamente significante (p>0,01), mas a equação comparando os valores obtidos com Frax e Sapori mostrou uma correlação positiva, moderada e estatisticamente significante (rs=0,460). Conclusão: O ICM não é uma ferramenta confiável para identificar mulheres com baixa DMO ou Osteoporose; resultados mais otimistas foram observados para a ferramenta Sapori

    Comparison of conventional imaging techniques and CBCT for periodontal evaluation : a systematic review

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    Purpose: This study aimed to carry out a systematic review of studies in the literature comparing conventional imaging techniques with cone-beam computed tomography in terms of the role of these techniques for assessing any of the following periodontal conditions and parameters: infrabony defects, furcation involvement, height of the alveolar bone crest, and the periodontal ligament space.Materials and methods: Interventional and observational studies comparing conventional imaging techniques with cone-beam computed tomography were considered eligible for inclusion. The MEDLINE and Embase databases were searched for articles published through 2017. The PRISMA statement was followed during data assessment and extraction.Results: The search strategy yielded 351 publications. An initial screening of the publications was performed using abstracts and key words, and after the application of exclusion criteria, 13 studies were finally identified as eligible for review.Conclusion: These studies revealed cone-beam computed tomography to be the best imaging technique to assess infrabony defects, furcation lesions, the height of the alveolar bone crest, and the periodontal ligament space.peer-reviewe

    Four-millimeter implants supporting unsplinted metal-ceramic screw-retained crowns in poste-rior jaw areas : a retrospective case series

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    Little is known about the clinical performance of unsplinted crowns supported by 4-mm im-plants. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the clinical performance of extra-short implants supporting single restorations. A retrospective cross-sectional study design was used and included patients treated with 4-mm implants between 2014 and 2017. The influence of crown-to-implant ratio (CI ratio), age, sex, bleeding on probing, type of arch, implant diameter, occlusion antagonist and functional loading time on mesial and distal marginal bone loss around the implants were analyzed using univariate and multivariate linear regression models. A total of 27 cone morse dental implants with 4 mm in diameter was evaluated after a minimum post-loading time of 12 months. One implant was lost after loading, lead-ing to an implant survival percentage equal to 96,3%. No other failure conditions were observed. From the variables analyzed herein, only CI ratio, functional loading time and sex were significantly associated with marginal bone loss on the mesial site of implants; and only CI ratio, functional loading time and bleeding on probing were associated with marginal bone loss on the distal site of implants. The present results suggest that 4-mm implants placed in the posterior maxilla and mandible to support unsplinted metal-ceramic screw-retained crowns may be a very promising alternative in order to enable the rehabilitation of posterior edentulous patients, who are unable or unwilling to undergo bone grafting procedures with high morbidity. However, further prospective long-term studies should confirm if this is a viable treatment option.peer-reviewe

    Aspectos Quimicos na investigação de alguns tipos de florescências em bens culturais

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    A preservação do Patrimônio Cultural é de inegável importância para a sociedade, cabendo à Ciência da Conservação se dedicar às tentativas de minimizar os inerentes processos de degradação aos quais os bens materiais são susceptíveis. Nesse contexto, a avaliação dos aspectos químicos da composição das obras e sua relação com o ambiente em que se encontram são imprescindíveis para a compreensão dos sinais de decaimento observados, dando suporte para que efetivas estratégias de preservação sejam delineadas. Essas características são aqui demonstradas pelo estudo por espectroscopia vibracional, microscopia electrônica de varredura e análise microbiológica de eflorescências observadas em dois tipos de pinturas: uma pintura a têmpera em tela (“Barco com bandeirinhas e pássaros”, Alfredo Volpi, 1955) e uma pintura mural do teto da Sala do Trono do palácio Nacional de Mafra (séc. XVIII-XIX, Mafra, Portugal). Os desafios envolvidos na tentativa de compreender os processos de decaimento são demonstrados nos dois casos, sendo sugerida a ocorrência de processos de degradação de origens distintas: na pintura a têmpera de Alfredo Volpi, a migração para a superfície da tela de substâncias da camada de preparação e colonização microbiológica; e na pintura mural a migração de sais de cálcio dos materiais constituintes do reboco e de neoformação, além de colonização microbiológica associada

    Ressonância magnética para avaliação de tumores malignos da cavidade oral: uma revisão da literatura

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    Objectives: To perform a literature review to assess MRI performance as a diagnostic auxiliary imaging technique for evaluation of malignant tumors in the oral cavity. Methods: The MEDLINE (through PubMed) and EMBASE databases were searched for articles published up to 2017, restricted to English and Portuguese publications. Reference lists of any potential articles and the OpenGrey database were also evaluated to find potential unpublished studies or papers that were not identified by electronic search. The inclusion criteria encompassed original ar­ticles, systematic reviews, and case reports for the analysis of MRI images in the evaluation of oral cavity malignant tumors. The litera­ture review was performed according to the PRISMA guidelines. Results: A total of 25 studies were considered eligible for inclusion in this literature review and assembled for discussion. The malignant tumors approached in these studies were: Squamous cell carcinoma, salivary gland tumors, oral and maxillofacial sarcomas, and melanomas. Conclusion: The MRI has shown itself to be a very precise pre-operatory technique for assessing malignant tumors in the oral cavity.Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre o desempenho das imagens de ressonância magnética (RM) para avaliação de tumores malignos da cavidade bucal. Métodos: Os bancos de dados MEDLINE (via PubMed) e EMBASE foram utilizados para pesquisar artigos publicados até 2017, restritos a publicações em inglês e em português. As listas de referências de quaisquer artigos em potencial e o banco de dados OpenGrey também foram avaliados para encontrar estudos ou documentos não publicados ou que não foram identificados pela pesquisa eletrônica. O critério de inclusão foi: as pesquisas serem artigos originais, revisões sistemáticas e/ou relatos de casos que discutissem sobre o uso de imagens de RM na avaliação de tumores malignos da cavidade oral. A revisão da literatura foi realizada de acordo com as diretrizes do PRISMA. Resultados: Um total de 25 estudos foram identificados como elegíveis para inclusão nesta revisão e agrupados para discussão. Os tumores malignos abordados nestes estudos foram: carcinoma de células es­camosas, tumores das glândulas salivares, sarcomas orais e maxilofaciais, e melanomas. Conclusão: A RM mostrou-se uma técnica pré-operatória muito precisa para a avaliação de tumores malignos da cavidade bucal

    Association Between Socioeconomic Factors and the Choice of Dentifrice and Fluoride Intake by Children

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    It is questionable whether socioeconomic factors influence the choice of marketed children’s dentifrices and whether these products are associated with greater fluoride (F) intake in children. The present cross-sectional study involving 197 children (mean age: 40.98 ± 6.62 months) was carried out in Montes Claros, Brazil. Parents completed a questionnaire on socioeconomic status and the tooth brushing habits of their children. The children brushed their teeth and saliva residues were collected for F analysis. F intake from dentifrice was determined with an ion-specific electrode. Univariate analysis and logistic regression were used to test whether the type of dentifrice (children’s or family) and F dose (<0.05 and ≥0.05 mg F/Kg of body weight/day) were associated with the independent variables (p < 0.05). No differences were found between children’s and family dentifrices regarding daily F intake (0.046 and 0.040 mg F/Kg/day, respectively; p = 0.513). The following were strong predictors for the use of a children’s dentifrice: studying at a private kindergarten (OR: 6.89; p < 0.001); age that the child begun to tooth brush <2 years (OR: 2.93; p = 0.041), and the interaction between the variables “use of the same dentifrice as parents” and “type of tooth brush used” (OR: 27.20; p < 0.001). “The amount of dentifrice used” and “frequency of tooth brushing” (p ≤ 0.004) had a statistically and synergistic effect over the daily F dose. The present study found a social influence over the choice of dentifrice: children with a high socioeconomic status tend to use a children’s dentifrice. The amount of dentifrice used can strongly increase the risk of exposure to higher doses of F, regardless of the type of dentifrice

    Correlation among alveolar bone assessments provided by CBCT, micro-CT, and 14 T MRI

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate bone mineral adipose tissue (BMAT) volume in 21 alveolar bone specimens, as determined by 14 T MRI, and correlate them to the radiodensity values obtained pre-operatively of regions of interest (ROIs) by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), and to the bone-volume-to-tissue-volume ratio values obtained by micro-CT, the gold-standard for morphometric data collection. Methods: Partially edentulous patients were submitted to a CBCT scan, and the radiographic bone densities in each ROI were automatically calculated using coDiagnostiX software. Based on the CBCT surgical planning, a CAD/CAM stereolithographic surgical guide was fabricated to retrieve a bone biopsy from the same ROIs scanned preoperatively, and then to orientate the subsequent implant placement. The alveolar bone biopsies were then collected and scanned using the micro-CT and 14 T MRI techniques. Pearson’s correlation test was performed to correlate the results obtained using the three different techniques. Results: In the 21 eligible bone specimens (6 females, 15 males), age (mean age 52.9 years), micro-CT, and 14 T MRI variables were found to be normally distributed (p > 0.05). The strongest—and only statistically significant (p < 0.05)—correlation was found between micro-CT and 14 T MRI values (r = 0.943), and the weakest, between 14 T MRI and CBCT values (r =–0.068). Conclusions: The findings suggest that 14 T MRI can be used to evaluate BMAT as an indirect marker for bone volume, and that CBCT is not a reliable technique to provide accurate bone density values.peer-reviewe