2,271 research outputs found

    Lactancia materna y su relación con el crecimiento en menores de 6 meses atendidos en el centro de Salud Acarí, 2022

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo: determinar la relación que existe entre Lactancia Materna y su relación con el crecimiento en menores de 6 meses atendidos en el Centro de Salud Acari-2022. La metodología tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo básica, es de nivel correlacional de diseño no experimental. Los resultados se obtuvieron mediante la prueba de Rho de Sperman, que el valor de significancia bilateral (0.003) es < a 0.5, rechazando así la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alterna, es decir, existe una relación positiva entre la lactancia materna y el crecimiento en niños menores de seis meses atendidos en el Centro de Salud Acarí-2022, a un nivel de 95% de confiabilidad, Asimismo se obtuvo que del total de los niños evaluados (57), el 47.4%(27) presenta una lactancia adecuada dentro de los cuales el 100% (27) del total tiene crecimiento adecuado. Por otro lado, el 52.6%(30) del total, se encuentra con una lactancia inadecuada dentro de los cuales el 30%(9) presentan un crecimiento adecuado, por otra parte, el 70% (21) presentan un crecimiento inadecuado. Se concluye que existe una relación entre la lactancia materna y el crecimiento en menores de 6 meses en el centro de salud Acarí-202

    Bancos de leite e COVID-19: revisão de alcance sistemático

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    To conduct a review of the&nbsp;scope of published information on biosecurity in human milk banks during theCOVID-19 pandemic.Revisar la información publicada sobre el manejo de la bioseguridad&nbsp;en los bancos de leche humana, el procesamiento de muestras de leche humana y&nbsp;la selección de donantes durante la pandemia por COVID-19.Rever as informações publicadas sobre a gestão da biossegurança nos&nbsp;bancos de leite humano, o processamento&nbsp;de amostras de leite humano e a seleção&nbsp;de doadores durante a pandemia por&nbsp;COVID-19

    Education and Solidarity: A Path towards Educational Inclusion

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    Educational inclusion is a process that is immersed in the everyday life of Colombians and that demands of each citizen a significant contribution to make this possible; for this reason, this article aims to review the existing literature on education and solidarity, which are considered complementary concepts to achieve inclusion in the country's institutions. To carry out the review, the Scielo, Dialnety and Redalyc databases were consulted, from which articles covering a time period between 2008 and 2018 were chosen. The results and conclusions show that solidarity can be taught in the school context and it is in turn would allow the formation of a human being willing to dialogue, capable to build alliances and reach agreements that benefit and facilitate coexistence among all, which would strengthen the inclusion process not from the norm, but, from a natural human action

    Evaluación y medición de la carga física de trabajo y capacidad de respuesta del personal básico de salud del área de observación-urgencias en el Hospital Universitario San Jorge de Pereira, año 2007

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    El personal de Enfermería, cuyo escenario de trabajo es la institución hospitalaria debe realizar una serie de “tareas ó actividades” de cuidado a las personas que atiende día a día. Se pretende realizar una medición de la relación entre la carga física de trabajo y la capacidad de respuesta de este personal, para aportarle a la institución algunos elementos a considerar, que favorezcan las condiciones de salud de los trabajadores y permitan una mejor producción de servicios de buena calidad. En este sentido la carga de trabajo viene determinada por la interacción entre: 1. El nivel de exigencia de la tarea (esfuerzo requerido, ritmo, condiciones ambientales...). 2. El esfuerzo que debe realizar la persona para llevar a cabo la tarea. Determinado por las características individuales (edad, formación, experiencia, condiciones generales de salud, fatiga...) Si el primero sobrepasa la capacidad del segundo, aparece la fatiga. El método de estudio consiste en medir la frecuencia cardiaca y con base en esta determinar la carga física que genera el proceso de trabajo para, posteriormente, comparar las mediciones realizadas en el proceso de trabajo con las mediciones realizadas en el trabajador y poder así determinar el “grado de riesgo” al que está expuesto. Si de la evaluación realizada, se deduce que el riesgo es no tolerable en la realización de algunas actividades específicas, hay que controlar el riesgo. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior se plantea el siguiente problema: ¿Cual es la carga física y capacidad de respuesta del personal básico de salud del área de observación urgencias del Hospital Universitario San Jorge de Pereira en el año 2007?Nursing staff, whose work setting is the hospital institution must perform a series of "tasks or activities" to care for people who attends day by day. It is intended to make a measurement of the relationship between the load work physics and the response capacity of these personnel, to contribute to the institution some elements to consider, which favor the conditions of workers' health and allow better production of good quality services quality. In this sense, the workload is determined by the interaction between: 1. The level of demand of the task (effort required, pace, conditions environmental ...). 2. The effort that the person must make to carry out the task. Determined by individual characteristics (age, training, experience, general health conditions, fatigue ...) If the first exceeds the capacity of the second, fatigue appears. The study method consists of measuring the heart rate and based on this determine the physical load generated by the work process to later compare measurements made in the work process with measurements carried out on the worker and thus be able to determine the "degree of risk" at which exposed. If from the evaluation carried out, it is deduced that the risk is not tolerable in the performing some specific activities, you have to control the risk. Taking into account the above, the following problem arises: What is the physical load and response capacity of the basic health personnel of the emergency observation area of ​​the San Jorge de Pereira University Hospital in the year 2007

    Differences in Expression of IQSEC2 Transcript Isoforms in Male and Female Cases with Loss of Function Variants and Neurodevelopmental Disorder

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    Pathogenic hemizygous or heterozygous mutations in the IQSEC2 gene cause X-linked intellectual developmental disorder-1 (XLID1), characterized by a variable phenotype including developmental delay, intellectual disability, epilepsy, hypotonia, autism, microcephaly and stereotypies. It affects both males and females typically through loss of function in males and haploinsufficiency in heterozygous females. Females are generally less affected than males. Two novel unrelated cases, one male and one female, with de novo IQSEC2 variants were detected by trio-based whole exome sequencing. The female case had a previously undescribed frameshift mutation (NM_001111125:c.3300dup; p.Met1101Tyrfs*5), and the male showed an intronic variant in intron 6, with a previously unknown effect (NM_001111125:c.2459+21C&gt;T). IQSEC2 gene expression study revealed that this intronic variant created an alternative donor splicing site and an aberrant product, with the inclusion of 19bp, confirming the pathogenic effect of the intron variant. Moreover, a strong reduction in the expression of the long, but also the short IQSEC2 isoforms, was detected in the male correlating with a more severe phenotype, while the female case showed no decreased expression of the short isoform, and milder effects of the disease. This suggests that the abnormal expression levels of the different IQSEC2 transcripts could be implicated in the severity of disease manifestations.This research was funded by INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III, institutional project Spain UDP and grant PT20CIII/00009.S


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    articulo cientificoEl objetivo del estudio fue evaluar si la producción orgánica de durazno contribuiría a mejorar los ingresos de los productores en el Estado de México. La viabilidad económica de convertir el sistema de producción convencional al sistema de producción orgánica se evaluó mediante la teoría de las opciones reales y a través del método de los árboles binomiales se valoró la opción de abandono

    Proyecto Qampack

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    El presente trabajo de investigación trata sobre el proyecto de “Qampack”, el cual es un aplicativo móvil que brinda diseños atractivos y personalizados de empaques a los emprendedores con poco tiempo en el mercado, para ello se emplea la inteligencia artificial que recopila información sobre diseños acorde al rubro del negocio y las tendencias actuales, creando así un diseño único para el cliente. Asimismo, ofrece el servicio de impresión y entrega en físico del packaging, trabajando de la mano con proveedores calificados y confiables para la elaboración de los empaques. En primer lugar, se realizó una investigación de tipo cualitativa, con el fin de validar los principales obstáculos a los que se enfrentan los emprendedores, a la hora de elegir el empaque de su producto. De esta manera, se determina que actualmente en la industria del diseño y elaboración de empaques no existe una aplicación que emplee la inteligencia artificial para el desarrollo de sus operaciones. En segundo lugar, se efectuaron diferentes experimentos, teniendo como objetivo la validación del modelo de negocio y el interés de compra de los emprendedores. En tercer lugar, se realizó el plan financiero, abarcando los siguientes puntos: Proyección de ventas, Egresos proyectados, Presupuestos, Inversión, Flujo de caja e Indicadores; además, se determinó la mejor alternativa de financiamiento para el presente proyecto. Por último, se concluye que resulta viable invertir en Qampack, debido a que se asegura la rentabilidad del modelo de negocio. This research work deals with the "Qampack" project, which is a mobile application that provides attractive and personalized packaging designs to entrepreneurs with little time in the market, using artificial intelligence that collects information on designs according to the business category and current trends, thus creating a unique design for the customer. It also offers the service of printing and physical delivery of packaging, working hand in hand with qualified and reliable suppliers for the development of packaging. First, a qualitative research was carried out in order to validate the main obstacles faced by entrepreneurs when choosing the packaging for their product. In this way, it was determined that currently in the packaging design and development industry there is no application that uses artificial intelligence for the development of its operations. Secondly, different experiments were carried out with the objective of validating the business model and the purchasing interest of the entrepreneurs. Thirdly, the financial plan was prepared, covering the following points: Sales Projection, Projected Expenses, Budgets, Investment, Cash Flow and Indicators; in addition, the best financing alternative for the present project was determined. Finally, it is concluded that it is viable to invest in Qampack, since the profitability of the business model is assured.Trabajo de investigació

    Trends in primary total hip arthroplasty in Spain from 2001 to 2008: Evaluating changes in demographics, comorbidity, incidence rates, length of stay, costs and mortality

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hip arthroplasties is one of the most frequent surgical procedures in Spain and are conducted mainly in elderly subjects. We aim to analyze changes in incidence, co-morbidity profile, length of hospital stay (LOHS), costs and in-hospital mortality (IHM) of patients undergoing primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) over an 8-year study period in Spain.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We selected all surgical admissions in individuals aged ≥40 years who had received a primary THA (ICD-9-CM procedure code 81.51) between 2001 and 2008 from the National Hospital Discharge Database. Age- and sex-specific incidence rates, LOHS, costs and IHM were estimated for each year. Co-morbidity was assessed using the Charlson comorbidity index.</p> <p>Multivariate analysis of time trends was conducted using Poisson regression. Logistic regression models were conducted to analyze IHM.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified a total of 161,791 discharges of patients having undergone THA from 2001 to 2008. Overall crude incidence had increased from 99 to 105 THA per 100.000 inhabitants from 2001 to 2008 (p < 0.001). In 2001, 81% of patients had a Charlson Index of 0, 18.4% of 1-2, and 0.6% > 2 and in 2008, the prevalence of 1-2 or >2 had increased to 20.4% and 1.1% respectively (p < 0.001). The mean LOHS was 13 days in 2001 and decreased to 10.45 days in 2008 (p < 0.001). During the period studied, the mean cost per patient increased from 6,634 to 9,474 Euros. Multivariate analysis shows that from 2001 to 2008 the incidence of THA hospitalizations has significantly increased for both sexes and only men showed a significant reduction in IHM after THA.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The current study provides clear and valid data indicating increased incidence of primary THA in Spain from 2001 to 2008 with concomitant reductions in LOHS, slight reduction IHM, but a significant increase in cost per patient. The health profile of the patient undergoing a THA seems to be worsening in Spain.</p