74 research outputs found

    Wood mouse feeding effort and decision-making when encountering a restricted unknown food source

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Animals making foraging decisions must balance the energy gained, the time invested, and the influence of key environmental factors. In our work, we examined the effect of predation risk cues and experience on feeding efforts when a novel food resource was made available. To achieve this, we live-trapped wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus in Monte de Valdelatas (Madrid), where 80 Sherman traps were set in four plots. Traps were subjected to two food-access difficulties in treatments consisting of three consecutive nights: open plastic bottles (easy) and closed bottles (difficult), both using corn as bait. To simulate predation risk, we set fox faeces in half of the traps in each plot. We also considered moonlight (medium/low) as an indirect predation risk cue. We analysed whether bottles had been bitten by mice and the gnawed area of each bottle was measured. Our results indicated that food access difficulty, experience, and predation risk determined mice feeding decisions and efforts. The ability of mice to adapt feeding effort when a new food source is available was demonstrated because a higher proportion of closed bottles exhibited bite marks and the gnawed area was bigger. Moreover, mouse experience was determinant in the use of this new resource since recaptured mice gnawed broader orifices in the bottles and the gnawed area increased each time an individual was recaptured. Additionally, direct predation risk cues prompted mice to bite the bottles whereas the effect of different moon phases varied among the food access treatments. This study provides direct evidence of formidable efficacy of wild mice to exploit a new nutrient resource while considering crucial environmental factors that shape the decision-making procedur

    Surrounded by challenges: the simulated presence of competitors and predators modulates perianal secretion marking behaviour in the european mink (Mustela lutreola)

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    Animals face a variety of daily challenges to their reproduction and survival that can detect in time through to the environment cues. By using an individual focal sampling, we evaluated the variations in the time devoted to the perianal secretion marking behaviour (PSMB) of European mink when they were exposed to the simulated presence of conspecifics and two potential predators. Model results indicated that males and adult individuals dedicated more time to PSMB than females and subadults. The presence of conspecifics increased PSMB time only in adult and males, probably as an intrasexual territorial competence response. The heightened decrease in PSMB time in presence of a dog suggests an innate response due to the detection of volatile substances from faeces of carnivorous. In addition, simulated conspecific presence increased PSMB in absence of odours (control) and with owl faeces. However, when facing dog faeces, the simulated conspecific presence had no effects on PSMB. Thus, minks seem to prioritize the imminent risk of predation to avoid being detected. The stimulation of PSMB in captivity by simulated cues from conspecifics and potential predators could be useful to facilitate the reintroduction of individuals into nature, as well as their adaptation and surviva

    Non-invasive monitoring of adrenocortical activity in three sympatric desert gerbil species

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    The study of the endocrine status can be useful to understand wildlife responses to the changing environment. Here, we validated an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) to non-invasively monitor adrenocortical activity by measuring fecal corticosterone metabolites (FCM) in three sympatric gerbil species (Gerbillus andersoni, G. gerbillus and G. pyramidum) from the Northwestern Negev Desert’s sands (Israel). Animals included into treatment groups were injected with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) to stimulate adrenocortical activity, while control groups received a saline solution. Feces were collected at different intervals and FCM were quantified by an EIA. Basal FCM levels were similar in the three species. The ACTH effect was evidenced, but the time of FCM peak concentrations appearance differed between the species (6–24 h post-injection). Furthermore, FCM peak values were observed sooner in G. andersoni females than in males (6 h and 18 h post-injection, respectively). G. andersoni and G. gerbillus males in control groups also increased FCM levels (18 h and 48 h post-injection, respectively). Despite the small sample sizes, our results confirmed the EIA suitability for analyzing FCM in these species as a reliable indicator of the adrenocortical activity. This study also revealed that close species, and individuals within a species, can respond differently to the same stressor

    Onto the sense of smell in macaws, amazons and toucans: can they use volatile cues of fruits to make foraging decisions?

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    Over the past decades, empirical evidence has been accumulated indicating that olfactory information plays a fundamental role in bird life history. Nonetheless, many aspects of avian olfaction remain poorly understood. Our purpose was to broaden the knowledge about the importance of the sense of smell in some neglected bird groups: psittaciformes and ramphastids, and to compare how the response varied between the species. Because of the lack of information about the use of chemical cues for locating food in fruit-eating species, we also aimed to delve into this question. We conducted a 3-choice (water/vinegar/papaya and banana juice) scent test in 5 Costa Rican native species: scarlet macaw (Ara macao), red-lored amazon (Amazona autumnalis), yellow-naped amazon (Amazona auropalliata), keel-billed toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus), and yellow-throated toucan (Ramphastos ambiguus). Results revealed that macaws and toucans allocated significantly more time to interacting with the fruit scent container, indicating that these species can perceive the volatile chemicals emitted by ripe fruits and that they can use this information to make foraging decisions. However, amazons did not dedicate more time to interact with the fruit treatment. Our research provides the first evidence of the ability to exploit chemical volatile cues in macaws and toucans.The experiments were performed in accordance with the ethical standards of each institution at which the studies were conducted, with Costa Rica animal welfare law n°7451/1994 and with the Spanish Government RD 53/201

    Long-tailed pygmy rice rats modify their behavioural response and faecal corticosterone metabolites in response to culpeo fox but not to lesser grison

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    Even though behavioural and physiological reactions to predation risk exhibited by prey species have received considerable attention in scientific journals, there are still many questions still unsolved. Our aim was to broaden the knowledge on one specific question: do long-tailed pygmy rice rats adapt their behavioural and physiological antipredator strategies depending on the predator species? For this question, we live-trapped in a temperate forest in Southern Chile long-tailed pygmy rice rats (Oligoryzomys longicaudatus), which were exposed to three predator odour phases (Phase 0: preliminary, no predator cues; Phase 1: one plot with culpeo fox faeces (Lycalopex culpaeus), one plot with lesser grison (Galictis cuja) faeces and one plot acting as a control with no odour; Phase 2: post treatment, no predator cues). We measured the behavioural response by the capture ratio. To assess the physiological stress response, we collected fresh faecal samples to quantify faecal corticosterone metabolites (FCM). Our results showed that O. longicaudatus increased both the capture ratio and FCM levels in the presence of culpeo cues. Culpeo foxes have higher densities in the study area than G. cuja and exhibit a higher activity pattern overlap with O. longicaudatus. Moreover, it has been also been reported in other regions that L. culpaeus consumption of O. longicaudatus is more frequent compared to G. cuja diet. The increase in capturability could be because traps can be regarded as a shelter in high-risk settings, but it can also be explained by the predator inspection behaviour. The increase in FCM concentrations during culpeo treatment can be linked to the adaptive mobilisation of energy to execute antipredator responses to increase survival chance

    Ratón de campo – Apodemus sylvaticus (Linnaeus, 1758)

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    Mamíferos - Orden Rodentia - Familia Muridae en la Enciclopedia Virtual de Vertebrados Españoles, http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/.A comprehensive review of the natural history of the Wood Mouse Apodemus sylvaticus in Spain.Peer reviewe

    Topillo campesino – Microtus arvalis (Pallas, 1779)

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    Mamíferos - Orden Rodentia - Familia Arvicolidae en la Enciclopedia Virtual de Vertebrados Españoles, http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/.A comprehensive review of the natural history of the Common Vole Microtus arvalis in Spain.Peer reviewe

    Effect of intensity and duration of anthropic noises on European mink locomotor activity and fecal cortisol metabolite levels

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    Human activities involving noise emission can affect wild animals. European mink was exposed to road noise and human voice playbacks to analyze how sound intensity level and duration of both noises altered the time that individuals were active and if their fecal cortisol metabolite (FCM) levels varied. A Hierarchical Analysis Cluster was performed to establish 2 mink groups with respect to both noise source type: short duration/low intensity (SL) and long duration/high intensity (LH). We performed general linear mixed models to evaluate the variation in locomotor activity duration (s) and FCM (nanogram per gram) levels, respectively. The results showed both road noise and human voices decreased locomotor activity duration in SL more sharply compared with LH, and human voices were the triggers that induced the most pronounced response to both exposure conditions. FCM (ng/g) levels increased in SL compared with LH during road noise while the opposite happened during human voices. Differences based on sex and age of individuals were observed. In conclusion, noise characteristics given by the sound type determined the variations in locomotor activity duration while noise exposure level determined the variations in FCM (ng/g) levels. Attention should be paid to noisy activities (e.g., recreational activities for visitors in protected natural areas) and loud groups of people to conserve wildlife, especially noise sensitive specie

    Are motorways potential stressors of roadside wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) populations?

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    Linear infrastructures represent one of the most important human impacts on natural habitats and exert several effects on mammal populations. Motorways are recognized as a major cause of habitat fragmentation and degradation and of biodiversity loss. However, it is unknown whether motorways lead to increased physiological stress reactions in wild animal populations. We analysed faecal corticosterone metabolites (FCM) in wild populations of wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) living in a well-preserved Mediterranean agro-pastoral woodland at different distances (verge, 500 m and 1000 m) from the AP-51 motorway in Spain. Wood mice were captured with Sherman live traps, and fresh faecal samples from 424 individuals were collected and analyzed in the laboratory. The quantification of FCM was performed by a 5a-pregnane-3b,11b, 21-triol-20-one enzyme immunoassay. Results showed that females had higher FCM levels than males, and these levels were higher in breeding females. In addition, FCM levels were positively correlated with body weight of individuals. Wood mice captured where cattle were present showed higher FCM levels than individuals living where cattle were not detected. FCM levels were higher in non-breeding individuals living close to the motorway compared with FCM levels in those individuals captured further from the motorway. This is the first study showing evidence of the motorways' impact on physiological stress reactions in wild wood mice populations. Understanding how free-living animals are influenced by human interventions could help to understand other subtle changes observed in wild animal populations. Since mice are used world-wide as research models these results could open new perspectives testing human influence on the natural environment and trade-offs of species in degraded ecosystemsThis research has been funded by the projects: CENIT-OASIS supported by CDTI of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, REMEDINAL-2 S-2009/AMB/1783 and CCG10-UAM/AMB-5325 (Comunidad de Madrid together with the European Social Fund and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). A. Navarro-Castilla was supported by a FPU grant from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia of Spai

    Ungulate presence and predation risks reduce acorn predation by mice in dehesas

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    Foraging decisions by rodents are key for the long-term maintenance of oak populations in which avian seed dispersers are absent or inefficient. Decisions are determined by the environmental setting in which acorn-rodent encounters occur. In particular, seed value, competition and predation risks have been found to modify rodent foraging decisions in forest and human-modified habitats. Nonetheless, there is little information about their joint effects on rodent behavior, and hence, local acorn dispersal (or predation). In this work, we manipulate and model the mouse-oak interaction in a Spanish dehesa, an anthropogenic savanna system in which nearby areas can show contrasting levels of ungulate densities and antipredatory cover. First, we conducted a large-scale cafeteria field experiment, where we modified ungulate presence and predation risk, and followed mouse foraging decisions under contrasting levels of moonlight and acorn availability. Then, we estimated the net effects of competition and risk by means of a transition probability model that simulated mouse foraging decisions. Our results show that mice are able to adapt their foraging decisions to the environmental context, affecting initial fates of handled acorns. Under high predation risks mice foraged opportunistically carrying away large and small seeds, whereas under safe conditions large acorns tended to be predated in situ. In addition, in the presence of ungulates lack of antipredatory cover around trees reduced mice activity outside tree canopies, and hence, large acorns had a higher probability of survival. Overall, our results point out that inter-specific interactions preventing efficient foraging by scatter-hoarders can reduce acorn predation. This suggests that the maintenance of the full set of seed consumers as well as top predators in dehesas may be key for promoting local dispersal.Fil: Morán López, Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez Dávila, Jesús. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales; EspañaFil: Torre, Ignasi. Museu de Ciències Naturals de Granollers; EspañaFil: Navarro Castilla, Alvaro. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; EspañaFil: Barja, Isabel. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; EspañaFil: Diaz, Mario. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales; Españ