42 research outputs found

    Strained Silicon on Silicon by Wafer Bonding and Layer Transfer from Relaxed SiGe Buffer

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    We report the creation of strained silicon on silicon (SSOS) substrate technology. The method uses a relaxed SiGe buffer as a template for inducing tensile strain in a Si layer, which is then bonded to another Si handle wafer. The original Si wafer and the relaxed SiGe buffer are subsequently removed, thereby transferring a strained-Si layer directly to Si substrate without intermediate SiGe or oxide layers. Complete removal of Ge from the structure was confirmed by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy as well as secondary ion mass spectrometry. A plan-view transmission electron microscopy study of the strained-Si/Si interface reveals that the lattice-mismatch between the layers is accommodated by an orthogonal array of edge dislocations. This misfit dislocation array, which forms upon bonding, is geometrically necessary and has an average spacing of approximately 40nm, in excellent agreement with established dislocation theory. To our knowledge, this is the first study of a chemically homogeneous, yet lattice-mismatched, interface.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Multiple Folding Pathways of the SH3 domain

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    Experimental observations suggest that proteins follow different pathways under different environmental conditions. We perform molecular dynamics simulations of a model of the SH3 domain over a broad range of temperatures, and identify distinct pathways in the folding transition. We determine the kinetic partition temperature --the temperature for which the SH3 domain undergoes a rapid folding transition with minimal kinetic barriers-- and observe that below this temperature the model protein may undergo a folding transition via multiple folding pathways. The folding kinetics is characterized by slow and fast pathways and the presence of only one or two intermediates. Our findings suggest the hypothesis that the SH3 domain, a protein for which only two-state folding kinetics was observed in previous experiments, may exhibit intermediates states under extreme experimental conditions, such as very low temperatures. A very recent report (Viguera et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 100:5730--5735, 2003) of an intermediate in the folding transition of the Bergerac mutant of the alpha-spectrin SH3 domain protein supports this hypothesis.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures To be published in the "Journal of Molecular Biology

    Two transiting low density sub-Saturns from K2

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    We report the discovery and confirmation of K2-24 b and c, two sub-Saturn planets orbiting a bright (V = 11.3), metal-rich ([Fe/H] = 0.42 ± 0.04 dex) G3 dwarf in the K2 Campaign 2 field. The planets are 5.68 ± 0.56 R⊕ and 7.82 ± 0.72 R⊕ and have orbital periods of 20.8851 ± 0.0003 days and 42.3633 ± 0.0006 days, near the 2:1 mean-motion resonance. We obtained 32 radial velocities with Keck/HIRES and detected the reflex motion due to K2-24 b and c. These planets have masses of 21.0 ± 5.4 M⊕ and 27.0 ± 6.9 M⊕, respectively. With low densities of 0.63 ± 0.25 g cm-3 and 0.31 ± 0.12 g cm-3, respectively, the planets require thick envelopes of H/He to explain their large sizes and low masses. Interior structure models predict that the planets have fairly massive cores of 17.6 ± 4.3 M⊕ and 16.1, ± 4.2 M⊕, respectively. They may have formed exterior to their present locations, accreted their H/He envelopes at large orbital distances, and migrated in as a resonant pair. The proximity to resonance, large transit depths, and host star brightness offers rich opportunities for TTV follow-up. Finally, the low surface gravities of the K2-24 planets make them favorable targets for transmission spectroscopy by Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer, and James Webb Space Telescope

    Deep Exploration of ϵ Eridani with Keck Ms-band Vortex Coronagraphy and Radial Velocities: Mass and Orbital Parameters of the Giant Exoplanet

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    We present the most sensitive direct imaging and radial velocity (RV) exploration of epsilon Eridani to date. epsilon Eridani is an adolescent planetary system, reminiscent of the early solar system. It is surrounded by a prominent and complex debris disk that is likely stirred by one or several gas giant exoplanets. The discovery of the RV signature of a giant exoplanet was announced 15 yr ago, but has met with scrutiny due to possible confusion with stellar noise. We confirm the planet with a new compilation and analysis of precise RV data spanning 30 yr, and combine it with upper limits from our direct imaging search, the most sensitive ever performed. The deep images were taken in the Ms band (4.7 μm) with the vortex coronagraph recently installed in W.M. Keck Observatory's infrared camera NIRC2, which opens a sensitive window for planet searches around nearby adolescent systems. The RV data and direct imaging upper limit maps were combined in an innovative joint Bayesian analysis, providing new constraints on the mass and orbital parameters of the elusive planet. epsilon Eridani b has a mass of 0.78_(-0.12)^(+0.38} M_(Jup) and is orbiting epsilon Eridani at about 3.48 ± 0.02 au with a period of 7.37 ± 0.07 yr. The eccentricity of epsilon Eridani b's orbit is 0.07_(-0.05)^(+0.06), an order of magnitude smaller than early estimates and consistent with a circular orbit. We discuss our findings from the standpoint of planet–disk interactions and prospects for future detection and characterization with the James Webb Space Telescope

    The motion of a cold front

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