576 research outputs found

    Control Of Flexible Structures-2 (COFS-2) flight control, structure and gimbal system interaction study

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    The second Control Of Flexible Structures Flight Experiment (COFS-2) includes a long mast as in the first flight experiment, but with the Langley 15-m hoop column antenna attached via a gimbal system to the top of the mast. The mast is to be mounted in the Space Shuttle cargo bay. The servo-driven gimbal system could be used to point the antenna relative to the mast. The dynamic interaction of the Shuttle Orbiter/COFS-2 system with the Orbiter on-orbit Flight Control System (FCS) and the gimbal pointing control system has been studied using analysis and simulation. The Orbiter pointing requirements have been assessed for their impact on allowable free drift time for COFS experiments. Three fixed antenna configurations were investigated. Also simulated was Orbiter attitude control behavior with active vernier jets during antenna slewing. The effect of experiment mast dampers was included. Control system stability and performance and loads on various portions of the COFS-2 structure were investigated. The study indicates possible undesirable interaction between the Orbiter FCS and the flexible, articulated COFS-2 mast/antenna system, even when restricted to vernier reaction jets

    Establishing Factors Influencing Building Maintenance Practices: Ghanaian Perspective

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    The study was to establish factors influencing the decision to carry out building maintenance practices. The paper reviews the existing literature on building maintenance, types of maintenance, causes of maintenance, stages of maintenance and specific factors influencing the decision to carry out maintenance. The study utilized a structured questionnaire, which was administered on the residents of the private house owners called Landlords and Landladies in the study area.  Data analysis indicated that, common factors and agent which are fundamental to deterioration of building components included ageing stock of building, obsolescence of building, environmental or climate issues, moisture, selection of materials, and design maintainability. Misuse of building after completion, faulty designs, and unavailability of skilled labour to undertake maintenance operations and poor financial support for maintenance work were also identified as the major factors inducing the decision to carry out maintenance work. Replacement and conditioned-based types of maintenance were also established as often undertaken. The paper  in  conclusion  makes recommendations  for  consideration of maintenance during the early phase of construction and must be  done with the highest quality in term of professionals and materials and components, hence, the need  for  engaging professionals from design to construction stage at least and create public  awareness  on  the  danger  of  lack  of maintenance and the advantages of good maintenance practices. Keywords: Maintenance Practices, Agent of Deterioration, Private, Landlords and Landladie

    Assessment of noise levels in heavy and light industries in Blantyre City, Malawi

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    This study was aimed at assessing noise levels in various companies in Blantyre City, Malawi in relation to their compliance with the National Standards and the Occupational Safety, Health and Welfare Act of Malawi (1997) on noise pollution control program. The noise levels, ambient temperature and humidity were measured in various sections of the different industries in the city. A questionnaire was used to check if the industries applied any control measures to prevent induced hearing loss. The results show that noise levels in most industries are above the recommended limit level of 85 dBA. The study has also shown that only 21 % of the industries complied with the national regulations. Lack of noise data, awareness, commitment, and enforcement by the regulatory authorities were observed to be contributing factors to the failure to implement induced noise hearing loss control programmes. The study recommends that in some sections of the industries where the noise levels are high, programs to reduce or prevent hearing loss should be implemented. In addition, there is a need for regular inspections of noise levels in industries out to ensure compliance of permissible noise levels.Keywords: Compliance, Decibels, Hearing loss, Industries, Noise level


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    The study examined the effect of event planning on tourists' revisit intention to Calabar Carnival. The study adopted a survey descriptive research design with the use of a questionnaire as the main instrument for primary data collection. The population of the study was very large and unknown. The sample size of 158was  determined using Cochran’s formula for sample size determination from an infinite population.  The questionnaire was administered to the tourists who attended the Calabar carnival. The questionnaire was validated through the face and, content validity. The internal consistency of the instrument was excellent (.812) using Chronbach Alpha. The statistical tool for data analyses was  Pearson  Correlation. Major findings showed that event planning had a positive and significant relationship with tourists’ revisit intentions towards Calabar Carnival. The study concluded that proper event planning is crucial in promoting tourists’ revisit intentions. It was therefore recommended that stakeholders should embrace tourism destination marketing planning techniques to enhance tourists' revisit intentions


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    este artigo trata da judicialização da saúde no contexto da pandemia de covid-19. Desse modo, pretende-se examinar se pode haver a supressão do mínimo existencial com argumento na reserva do possível em decorrência da covid-19. Sendo assim, refere-se a um contexto de colisão de princípios ao qual tem uma maior complexidade tendo em vista a pandemia. Portanto, é uma investigação que contribuirá no que tange ao esclarecimento e, ao final, será apresentada a conclusão. Por conseguinte, será utilizado o método qualitativo.Palavras-chave: judicialização da saúde, pandemia do covid-19, mínimo existencial, reservado possível

    Differences between murine arylamine N-acetyltransferase type 1 and human arylamine N-acetyltransferase type 2 defined by substrate specificity and inhibitor binding

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    Background: The mouse has three arylamine N-acetyltransferase genes, (MOUSE)Nat1, (MOUSE)Nat2 and (MOUSE)Nat3. These are believed to correspond to (HUMAN)NAT1, (HUMAN)NAT2 and NATP in humans. (MOUSE)Nat3 encodes an enzyme with poor activity and human NATP is a pseudogene. (MOUSE)Nat2 is orthologous to (HUMAN)NAT1 and their corresponding proteins are functionally similar, but the relationship between (MOUSE)Nat1 and (HUMAN)NAT2 is less clear-cut. Methods: To determine whether the (MOUSE)NAT1 and (HUMAN)NAT2 enzymes are functionally equivalent, we expressed and purified (MOUSE)NAT1*1 and analysed its substrate specificity using a panel of arylamines and hydrazines. To understand how specific residues contribute to substrate selectivity, three site-directed mutants of (MOUSE)NAT2*1 were prepared: these were (MOUSE)NAT2_F125S, (MOUSE)NAT2_R127G and (MOUSE)NAT2_R127L. All three exhibited diminished activity towards “(MOUSE)NAT2-specific” arylamines but were more active against hydrazines than (MOUSE)NAT1*1. The inhibitory and colorimetric properties of a selective naphthoquinone inhibitor of (HUMAN)NAT1 and (MOUSE)NAT2 were investigated. Results: Comparing (MOUSE)NAT1*1 with other mammalian NAT enzymes demonstrated that the substrate profiles of (MOUSE)NAT1 and (HUMAN)NAT2 are less similar than previously believed. Three key residues (F125, R127 and Y129) in (HUMAN)NAT1*4 and (MOUSE)NAT2*1 were required for enzyme inhibition and the associated colour change on naphthoquinone binding. In silico modelling of selective ligands into the appropriate NAT active sites further implicated these residues in substrate and inhibitor specificity in mouse and human NAT isoenzymes. Conclusions: Three non-catalytic residues within (HUMAN)NAT1*4 (F125, R127 and Y129) contribute both to substrate recognition and inhibitor binding by participating in distinctive intermolecular interactions and maintaining the steric conformation of the catalytic pocket. These active site residues contribute to the definition of substrate and inhibitor selectivity, an understanding of which is essential for facilitating the design of second generation (HUMAN)NAT1-selective inhibitors for diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic purposes. In particular, since the expression of (HUMAN)NAT1 is related to the development and progression of oestrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer, these structure-based tools will facilitate the ongoing design of candidate compounds for use in (HUMAN)NAT1-positive breast tumours. </p

    Responding to Cholera Outbreaks in Zimbabwe: Building Resilience over Time

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    Cholera is still a major cause of disease epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). During the period January 2017–March 2018, 15 countries in the WHO African Region (AFR) reported cholera outbreaks of varying magnitudes. Zimbabwe has experienced cholera outbreaks dating as far back as 1971 with an unprecedented outbreak occurring in 2008/2009 when 60 of the 62 districts in the country were affected. The outbreak was declared over in May 2009 and by then, 98,592 cases and 4288 deaths had been reported. In Zimbabwe, outbreaks have occurred against a backdrop of a struggling economy and a weak health system. The role of a resilient health system in emergencies response is accentuated premised on experiences from the Ebola outbreak that largely affected three countries in West Africa. Amidst economic and persistent system wide challenges faced by Zimbabwe, preparedness and response capacity has been built over the years. This is evidenced by the rapid response and containment of the recent cholera outbreak. Skilled and equipped rapid response teams, strengthened surveillance and maintaining high alert, effective multisectoral collaboration and high level political engagement are among the critical elements that have built resilience

    Quality Control Report of Drugs Analyzed in the Drug Analysis and Research Unit during the Period 2011-2015

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    During the period 2011-2015, the Drug Analysis and Research Unit (DARU) analyzed 1972 drug samples. The samples consisted of 21.5% locally manufactured and 78.2% imported products while the origin of 0.3% of products was indeterminate. Samples were subjected to compendial and/or in-house analytical specifications. The overall non-compliance rate was 4.5% comprising 2.5% local products and 2.0% imports. High failure rates were recorded for uterotonics (37.5%), hemostatics (33%), anthelmintics (17%) and anticancers (10.5%) while ophthalmic, immunomodulatory, musculoskeletal and endocrine drugs all complied with the quality acceptance criteria. Erectile dysfunction drugs, received by the laboratory for the first time, all complied with specifications. The results obtained demonstrate an improvement in the quality of samples submitted to DARU when compared to previous performance

    Increased neuroinflammatory and arachidonic acid cascade markers, and reduced synaptic proteins, in brain of HIV-1 transgenic rats

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    Correction to Rao J S, Kim H W, Kellom M, Greenstein D, Chen M, Kraft A D, Harry G J, Rapoport S I, Basselin M. Increased neuroinflammatory and arachidonic acid cascade markers, and reduced synaptic proteins, in brain of HIV-1 transgenic rats. Journal of Neuroinflammation 8:101