43 research outputs found

    Data on dopant characteristics and band alignment of CdTe cells with and without a ZnO highly-resistive-transparent buffer layer

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    Photovoltaic enhancement of cadmium telluride (CdTe) thin film solar cells using a 50 nm thick, atomic-layer-deposited zinc oxide (ZnO) buffer film was reported in “Enhancement of the photocurrent and efficiency of CdTe solar cells suppressing the front contact reflection using a highly-resistive ZnO buffer layer” (Kartopu et al., 2019) [1].Data presented here are the dopant profiles of two solar cells prepared side-by-side, one with and one without the ZnO highly resistive transparent (HRT) buffer, which displayed an open-circuit potential (Voc) difference of 25 mV (in favor of the no-buffer device), as well as their simulated device data. The concentration of absorber dopant atoms (arsenic) was measured using the secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) method, while the density of active dopants was calculated from the capacitance-voltage (CV) measurements. The solar cell simulation data was obtained using the SCAPS software, a one-dimensional solar cell simulation programme. The presented data indicates a small loss (around 20 mV) of Voc for the HRT buffered cells

    Enhancement of the photocurrent and efficiency of CdTe solar cells suppressing the front contact reflection using a highly-resistive ZnO buffer layer

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    We report on the effects of using an atomic layer deposited ZnO transparent buffer layer with > 106 Ω cm resistivity on the performance of CdZnS/CdTe solar cells grown by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD). The buffer film thickness is adjusted by optical modelling to suppress the reflection losses at the front contact. A clear improvement, up to 1.8% in conversion efficiency, was obtained in comparison to reference devices without the ZnO buffer layer, thanks to the enhancement of the current density (Jsc) and fill factor (FF). Device spectral response showed improved collection for most of the visible region. Reflectance measurements confirmed that the ZnO film reduced the optical reflectance around the transparent front contact. This effect permitted light management through the front contact leading to an improvement of the Jsc and hence the photovoltaic conversion efficiency. These results are intriguing since the literature on CdTe solar cells did not previously report improvement to the photocurrent and device response through controlling the highly-resistive transparent buffer layer

    Effect of bending test on the performance of CdTe solar cells on flexible ultra-thin glass produced by MOCVD

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    The development of lightweight and flexible solar modules is highly desirable for high specific power applications, building integrated photovoltaics, unmanned aerial vehicles and space. Flexible metallic and polyimide foils are frequently used, but in this work an alternative substrate with attractive properties, ultra-thin glass (UTG) has been employed. CdTe solar cells with average efficiency reaching 14.7% AM1.5G efficiency have been produced on UTG of 100 μm thickness. Little has been reported on the effects on PV performance when flexed, so we investigated the effects on J-V parameters when the measurements were performed in 40 mm and 32 mm bend radius, and in a planar state before and after the bend curvature was applied. The flat J-V measurements after 32 mm bending test showed some improvement in efficiency, Voc and FF, with values higher than the first measurement in a planar state. In addition, two CdTe solar cells with identical initial performance were subjected to 32 mm static bending test for 168 hours, the results showed excellent uniformity and stability and no significant variation on J-V parameters was observed. External quantum efficiency and capacitance voltage measurements were performed and showed no significant change in spectral response or carrier concentration. Residual stress analysis showed that no additional strain was induced within the film after the bending test and that the overall strain was low. This has demonstrated the feasibility of using CdTe solar cells on UTG in new applications, when a curved module is required without compromising performance

    Effects of Cd1-xZnxS alloy composition and post-deposition air anneal on ultra-thin CdTe solar cells produced by MOCVD

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    Ultra-thin CdTe:As/Cd1-xZnxS photovoltaic solar cells with an absorber thickness of 0.5 μm were deposited by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition on indium tin oxide coated boro-aluminosilicate substrates. The Zn precursor concentration was varied to compensate for Zn leaching effects after CdCl2 activation treatment. Analysis of the solar cell composition and structure by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy depth profiling and X-ray diffraction showed that higher concentrations of Zn in the Cd1-xZnxS window layer resulted in suppression of S diffusion across the CdTe/Cd1-xZnxS interface after CdCl2 activation treatment. Excessive Zn content in the Cd1-xZnxS alloy preserved the spectral response in the blue region of the solar spectrum, but increased series resistance for the solar cells. A modest increase in the Zn content of the Cd1-xZnxS alloy together with a post-deposition air anneal resulted in an improved blue response and an enhanced open circuit voltage and fill factor. This device yielded a mean efficiency of 8.3% over 8 cells (0.25 cm2 cell area) and best cell efficiency of 8.8%

    The influence of CdTe growth ambient on MOCVD grown CdS/CdTe photovoltaic cells.

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    CdS/CdTe photovoltaic cells have been grown by MOCVD (metal–organic chemical vapour deposition) with a range of VI/II ratios in the CdTe reactant mixture. All CdTe layers were highly doped with As (approx. 2×1018 atoms/cm3) to ensure p-type conductivity. Cell characteristics were measured in the as-grown state, without ex-situ CdCl2 or annealing treatments. The VI/II ratio, determined by the ratio of the organometallic concentrations, strongly affects cell performance, with a peak in photocurrent occurring at Te/Cd at approximately 0.6. An increase in growth temperature from 320 to 350°C more than doubles the efficiency at this VI/II ratio. An exponential-type relationship between the photocurrent and series resistance is apparent at each growth temperature