8 research outputs found

    Expression of the sigma35 and cry2AB genes involved in Bacillus thuringiensis virulence

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    Muitos genes estão envolvidos nos mecanismos de esporulação da bactéria Bacillus thuringiensis. A regulação e expressão desses genes resultam em uma produção massiva da proteína Cry, responsável pela morte das larvas de muitos insetos. Neste trabalho monitorou-se a expressão de genes de Bacillus thuringiensis, ao longo de três fases de seu desenvolvimento. Foram construídos macroarrays de DNA dos genes selecionados, cujas seqüências estão disponibilizadas no GenBank. Estes genes foram hibridizados com cDNAs obtidos de B. thuringiensis kurstaki HD-1. As sondas de cDNA foram sintetizadas a partir da transcrição reversa do RNA da bactéria, extraído durante as fases de crescimento logarítmico, estacionária e esporulativa, marcadas com 33PadCTP. A expressão diferencial encontrada foi significativa para dois genes de B.thuringiensis, um relacionado aos fatores sigma (sigma35) e outro ao gene cry (cry2Ab). Detectaram-se diferenças entre as médias de expressão do fator sigma e do gene cry2Ab. Os valores máximos de expressão diferencial foram obtidos para o gene codificador do fator sigma35 na fase log e na fase esporulativa. Na análise de médias observou-se expressão do gene cry2Ab apenas na fase log; no entanto, de forma bem mais baixa quando comparado com a expressão de sigma35, nas três fases.There are several genes involved in Bacillus thuringiensis sporulation. The regulation and expression of these genes results in an upregulation in Cry protein production, and this is responsible for the death of insect larvae infected by Bacillus thuringiensis. Gene expression was monitored in Bacillus thuringiensis during three developmental phases. DNA macroarrays were constructed for selected genes whose sequences are available in the GenBank database. These genes were hybridized to cDNA sequences from B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki HD-1. cDNA probes were synthesized by reverse transcription from B. thuringiensis RNA templates extracted during the exponential (log) growth, stationary and sporulation phases, and labeled with 33PadCTP. Two genes were differentially expressed levels during the different developmental phases. One of these genes is related to sigma factor (sigma35), and the other is a cry gene (cry2Ab). There were differences between the differential levels of expression of various genes and among the expression detected for different combinations of the sigma factor and cry2Ab genes. The maximum difference in expression was observed for the gene encoding sigma35 factor in the log phase, which was also expressed at a high level during the sporulation phase. The cry2Ab gene was only expressed at a high level in the log phase, but at very low levels in the other phases when compared to the sigma35

    Characterization and selection of Bacillus thuringiensis isolates effective against Sitophilus oryzae

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    A bactéria entomopatogênica Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) é um agente de controle com características tóxicas e ambientais que permitem o controle de insetos-praga de acordo com as premissas do Manejo integrado de pragas (MIP). Com o objetivo de buscar novas linhagens potencialmente tóxicas para Sitophilus oryzae L. 1763 (Coleoptera: Curculinidae), caracterizaram-se molecularmente 1,073 isolados de B. thuringiensis de regiões do Brasil. O material genético foi extraído através do kit InstaGene Matrix, utilizado para a amplificação das seqüências através da técnica de Polymerase chain reaction PCR, sendo os resultados visualizados em gel de agarose 1,5%. A classe do gene cry35Ba foi representada por 60 isolados (5,6%) de Bt, os quais foram submetidos a bioensaio com larvas de S. oryzae. Quatro causaram mortalidade acima de 50% nos testes de patogenicidade e os isolados 544 e 622 foram os mais virulentos, conforme determinado pela estimativa da CL50. Nos quatro isolados que demonstraram toxicidade, foram detectados cristais esféricos, bipiramidais e cubóides, além de proteínas com 44 kDa, referentes aos genes cry35Ba por Sodium dodecil sulphate - polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Estes dados demonstram o potencial de Bt no manejo de S. oryzae.The entomopathogenic bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis is a control agent with toxic and environmental characteristics that allows the control of pest insects according to the Integrate Pest Management (IPM) precepts. In order to find new strains, potentially toxic to Sitophilus oryzae L. 1763 (Coleoptera: Curculinidae), 1.073 strains of B. thuringiensis from parts of Brazil were used. Genetic material was extracted with InstaGene Matrix kit, used for the amplification of sequences in Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and viewed in 1.5% agarose gel. The gene cry35Ba class was represented by 60 B. thuringiensis isolates (5.6%), which were then subjected to bioassays with S. oryzae larvae. Among the isolates studied, four caused more than 50% mortality in pathogenicity tests, and the isolates 544 and 622 were the most virulent, as determined by CL50 estimates. The four toxic isolates had spherical, bi-pyramidal and cuboid crystals, and a 44-kDa protein was found in sodium dodecyl sulphate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), which coded for the product of cry35Ba genes. These data demonstrate the potential of B. thuringiensis for the management of S. oryzae larvae

    Identificação e caracterização de um gene cry recombinante de Bacillus thuringiensis var. londrina

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    Os países industrializados apresentam uma forte tendência em buscarem, cada vez mais, sistemas de controle biológico eficiente e específicos sendo menos tóxicos para os humanos e o ecossistema em geral. Os bioinseticidas à base de microrganismos entomopatogênicos não encontram grandes restrições quanto a sua utilização. Dentre as bactérias que possuem atividade entomopatogênica, Bacillus thuringiensis é a que apresenta maior valor potencial no controle dos insetos-praga, por apresentar vários genes cry e possuir mecanismos de recombinação genética como: conjugação e transformação. O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar e caracterizar a linhagem B. thuringiensis var. londrina. A análise morfológica dos cristais indica uma nova proteína Cry. Para comparação foram utilizadas as linhagens de B. thuringiensis var. tenebrionis, var. tolworthi e var. kurstaki - HD1 que possuem os genes cry3Aa, cry3Ba e cry1Aa, respectivamente. Foi realizada a extração do DNA total das quatro linhagens, em seguida esse material foi submetido à reação de PCR com os oligonucleotideos iniciadores específicos dos genes acima citado. Para a confirmação dos resultados utilizou-se a técnica de hibridização por Southern blotting e seqüenciamento dos amplicon. O amplicom para o gene cry3 obtido pela linhagem padrão B. thuringiensis var. tenebrionis foi igual ao tamanho esperado, porém o obtido pela linhagem var. londrina foi maior em números de nucleotídeo que o esperado, indicando uma possível recombinação. A técnica de Southern blotting confirmou a recombinação do gene mostrando diferenças entre as bandas das linhagens padrão e da linhagem var. londrina, confirmando assim um novo gene cry3. Os bioensaios executados com esse novo gene não indicaram eficiência para alguns insetos-praga de lavoura da ordem Lepidoptera e foram eficientes...Industrialized countries show a strong tendency to look for efficient and specific biological control systems that are less toxic to humans and ecosystems. Bioinsecticides based on entomopathogenic microorganisms are well accepted by the public. Among those, bacteria that exhibit such entomopathogenic activities, Bacillus thuringiensis is the one with major potential over the pests, since it harbors several cry genes and holds genetic recombination mechanisms such as bacterial conjugation and transformation in order to accomplish these control procedures. The aim of this research was to identify and characterize the strain of B. thuringiensis var. londrina. As a comparison some other strains of B. thuringiensis such as B. thuringiensis var. tenebrionis, var. tolworthi and var. kurstaki - HD1 that holds the genes cry3Aa, cry3Ba and cry1Aa, were used respectively. Alkaline lysis procedure was used for the DNA extraction from the four bacterial strains followed by its use on PCR reactions using the specific primers for the genes. To confirm the results were utilized the techniques of Southern blotting hybridization and DNA sequencing. The obtained amplicons have shown a difference in size considering the pattern strains compared to the var. londrina. The genetic recombination that took place so as to generate the var. londrina cry gene was detected by Southern blotting analysis, the hybridization results confirm the genetic recombination showing the banding pattern differences that took place generating the new cry3 gene. The bioassays showed that the recombinant gene was efficient to control Sphenophorus levis (Coleopteran).Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Expression of the sigma35 and cry2AB genes involved in Bacillus thuringiensis virulence

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    Muitos genes estão envolvidos nos mecanismos de esporulação da bactéria Bacillus thuringiensis. A regulação e expressão desses genes resultam em uma produção massiva da proteína Cry, responsável pela morte das larvas de muitos insetos. Neste trabalho monitorou-se a expressão de genes de Bacillus thuringiensis, ao longo de três fases de seu desenvolvimento. Foram construídos macroarrays de DNA dos genes selecionados, cujas seqüências estão disponibilizadas no GenBank. Estes genes foram hibridizados com cDNAs obtidos de B. thuringiensis kurstaki HD-1. As sondas de cDNA foram sintetizadas a partir da transcrição reversa do RNA da bactéria, extraído durante as fases de crescimento logarítmico, estacionária e esporulativa, marcadas com 33PadCTP. A expressão diferencial encontrada foi significativa para dois genes de B.thuringiensis, um relacionado aos fatores sigma (sigma35) e outro ao gene cry (cry2Ab). Detectaram-se diferenças entre as médias de expressão do fator sigma e do gene cry2Ab. Os valores máximos de expressão diferencial foram obtidos para o gene codificador do fator sigma35 na fase log e na fase esporulativa. Na análise de médias observou-se expressão do gene cry2Ab apenas na fase log; no entanto, de forma bem mais baixa quando comparado com a expressão de sigma35, nas três fases.There are several genes involved in Bacillus thuringiensis sporulation. The regulation and expression of these genes results in an upregulation in Cry protein production, and this is responsible for the death of insect larvae infected by Bacillus thuringiensis. Gene expression was monitored in Bacillus thuringiensis during three developmental phases. DNA macroarrays were constructed for selected genes whose sequences are available in the GenBank database. These genes were hybridized to cDNA sequences from B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki HD-1. cDNA probes were synthesized by reverse transcription from B. thuringiensis RNA templates extracted during the exponential (log) growth, stationary and sporulation phases, and labeled with 33PadCTP. Two genes were differentially expressed levels during the different developmental phases. One of these genes is related to sigma factor (sigma35), and the other is a cry gene (cry2Ab). There were differences between the differential levels of expression of various genes and among the expression detected for different combinations of the sigma factor and cry2Ab genes. The maximum difference in expression was observed for the gene encoding sigma35 factor in the log phase, which was also expressed at a high level during the sporulation phase. The cry2Ab gene was only expressed at a high level in the log phase, but at very low levels in the other phases when compared to the sigma35

    Identification of new isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis using rep-PCR products and delta-endotoxin electron microscopy

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    PCR has been used to analyze the distribution of REP (Repetitive Extragenic Palindromic) and ERIC (Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus) sequences (rep-PCR) found within the genome of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, with the purpose to analyze the genetic similarities among 56 subspecies samples and 95 field isolates. The PCR products were analyzed by EB-AGE (ethidium bromide-agarose electrophoresis) and then submitted to banding comparisons, based on the Phyllip software algorithm. When the banding similarities were considered for comparison purposes among all the strains, the phylogenic tree patterns varied according to the rep-PCR primers considered, but, from a broader point of view, the ERIC sequences produced better results, which, together with electron microscopy analysis of the released parasporal bodies and colony morphology characteristics, allowed to detect two possible new subspecies of B. thuringiensis.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Silva et al. Characterization and selection of Bacillus thuringiensis isolates effective against Sitophilus oryzae

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    ABSTRACT: The entomopathogenic bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis is a control agent with toxic and environmental characteristics that allows the control of pest insects according to the Integrate Pest Management (IPM) precepts. In order to find new strains, potentially toxic to Sitophilus oryzae L. 1763 (Coleoptera: Curculinidae), 1.073 strains of B. thuringiensis from parts of Brazil were used. Genetic material was extracted with InstaGene Matrix kit, used for the amplification of sequences in Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and viewed in 1.5% agarose gel. The gene cry35Ba class was represented by 60 B. thuringiensis isolates (5.6%), which were then subjected to bioassays with S. oryzae larvae. Among the isolates studied, four caused more than 50% mortality in pathogenicity tests, and the isolates 544 and 622 were the most virulent, as determined by CL 50 estimates. The four toxic isolates had spherical, bi-pyramidal and cuboid crystals, and a 44-kDa protein was found in sodium dodecyl sulphate -polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), which coded for the product of cry35Ba genes. These data demonstrate the potential of B. thuringiensis for the management of S. oryzae larvae

    Characterization and selection of Bacillus thuringiensis isolates effective against Sitophilus oryzae Caracterização e seleção de isolados de Bacillus thuringiensis efetivos contra Sitophilus oryzae

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    The entomopathogenic bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis is a control agent with toxic and environmental characteristics that allows the control of pest insects according to the Integrate Pest Management (IPM) precepts. In order to find new strains, potentially toxic to Sitophilus oryzae L. 1763 (Coleoptera: Curculinidae), 1.073 strains of B. thuringiensis from parts of Brazil were used. Genetic material was extracted with InstaGene Matrix kit, used for the amplification of sequences in Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and viewed in 1.5% agarose gel. The gene cry35Ba class was represented by 60 B. thuringiensis isolates (5.6%), which were then subjected to bioassays with S. oryzae larvae. Among the isolates studied, four caused more than 50% mortality in pathogenicity tests, and the isolates 544 and 622 were the most virulent, as determined by CL50 estimates. The four toxic isolates had spherical, bi-pyramidal and cuboid crystals, and a 44-kDa protein was found in sodium dodecyl sulphate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), which coded for the product of cry35Ba genes. These data demonstrate the potential of B. thuringiensis for the management of S. oryzae larvae.<br>A bactéria entomopatogênica Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) é um agente de controle com características tóxicas e ambientais que permitem o controle de insetos-praga de acordo com as premissas do Manejo integrado de pragas (MIP). Com o objetivo de buscar novas linhagens potencialmente tóxicas para Sitophilus oryzae L. 1763 (Coleoptera: Curculinidae), caracterizaram-se molecularmente 1,073 isolados de B. thuringiensis de regiões do Brasil. O material genético foi extraído através do kit InstaGene Matrix, utilizado para a amplificação das seqüências através da técnica de Polymerase chain reaction PCR, sendo os resultados visualizados em gel de agarose 1,5%. A classe do gene cry35Ba foi representada por 60 isolados (5,6%) de Bt, os quais foram submetidos a bioensaio com larvas de S. oryzae. Quatro causaram mortalidade acima de 50% nos testes de patogenicidade e os isolados 544 e 622 foram os mais virulentos, conforme determinado pela estimativa da CL50. Nos quatro isolados que demonstraram toxicidade, foram detectados cristais esféricos, bipiramidais e cubóides, além de proteínas com 44 kDa, referentes aos genes cry35Ba por Sodium dodecil sulphate - polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Estes dados demonstram o potencial de Bt no manejo de S. oryzae