118 research outputs found

    Coaching culture model as a driver for a successful team management

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    Current fast-paced environment challenges companies to shift the focus of business away from control, power and micromanagement towards personal and professional progression by learning and upskilling practices, as well as nurturing leadership competencies, in order to stay competitive. Coaching has been considered a practice that enables businesses to facilitate growth, assist learning, thus getting to a safe environment pushing self-confidence, mutual support, creativity, multicultural communication. Yet, there is a lack of clarity on what coaching represents as a phenomenon, as well as how exactly companies can benefit from it and, if they can, which formats are the most efficient in which cases. Moreover, it is not enough to develop and implement a set of separate coaching practices - in order to see the qualitative outcomes, coaching culture model should be developed and applied. Therefore, this study takes a step forward in the understanding of coaching culture framework, develop a coaching culture model and see how it can be useful within the corporate environment. Theoretical base for this research consists of coaching theories by Whitmore, Bachkirova, Cox, Clutterbuck, Jakonen, Vesso, Alas as well as other authors, such as Wolf, Rosha, Lace etc. who studied factors impacting coaching process and its outcomes. Change management models by Lewin and others are used for coaching culture model implementation planning. The empirical analysis was made with qualitative research. The case company participating in the research went through the company-wide questionnaire, while a few team members completed the semi-structured interviews. The activities were made before and after the coaching culture model was implemented in the company. The conclusion of the study is that coaching culture model has a positive effect on the team management process. The final version of the model ensures that by addressing the following aspects: having structured processes towards agile and team metrics’ establishments (Objectives and Key Results, Key Performance Indicators etc.), waterfalling practices from the leadership team as the starting point and towards the rest of the teams, making sure applied practices are customized for each particular team to ensure its full efficiency, encouraging commitment and engagement, thus boosting employees’ potential. These results are discussed by formulating the theoretical and practical implications of the research, limitations and suggestions for further research on the topic

    The development of the portfolio management for the unit investment funds

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    The paper analyses common Russian practice of assessment of the effectiveness of the unit investment fund portfolio management based on the risk/return tradeoff. The paper identifies characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of various portfolio risk measures, and introduces the approach to risk assessment based on the analytical coefficient calculations.equity indices; efficient market hypothesis; portfolio risk measures; unit; investment funds; management company; analytical coefficients


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    Objective: Improvement of the efficiency of state-funded organizations in times of crisis and the need to reduce costs are popular topics widely discussed among researchers in the field of budgeting. The aim of the study was to improve the efficiency of managing the working time of specialists in procurement. Methods: During the course of the study, the Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) method was used to estimate the probabilistic nature of the length of work of contract department staff. Results: The paper reports the results of using criteria for rationing the working time of procurement specialists, which allow reducing the costs associated with the organization of procurement. Conclusion: Transitioning to an efficient procurement system focused on the minimization of labor costs requires the workers to comply with the respective appropriate regulations and labor intensity control

    Regulation of portfolio investment: risks for investors and opportunities to minimize them

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    Objective: The article discusses the risks of portfolio investment that arise during securities trading in Russia, and the possibilities for minimizing such risks for investors. The Russian securities market still experiences some risks that are not associated with average movements of prices. Method: The study aims at determining new organizational and legal mechanisms for protecting the interests of private portfolio investors and attracting new investments. Results: The authors of the article classify the risks for portfolio investments in Russia emerging in the process of securities trading with due regard to their changing values. They define mechanisms protecting stock market participants against risks (including compensatory). The authors also make assumptions about insurance services that might be in demand in the securities market. In addition, they consider the possibilities of using the world experience in insuring these risks in Russia considering national specifics. Conclusions: Authors highlighted the role of financial regulators and professional investors in improving the Russian investment climate

    The development of the portfolio management for the unit investment funds

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    The paper analyses common Russian practice of assessment of the effectiveness of the unit investment fund portfolio management based on the risk/return tradeoff. The paper identifies characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of various portfolio risk measures, and introduces the approach to risk assessment based on the analytical coefficient calculations

    Las complejidades de las medidas estadísticas de nuevos procesos sociales: un sistema de indicadores Downshifting

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    In the 21st century, new social processes that used to be considered illogical, unusual, and even impossible in the recent past are becoming increasingly widespread. Downshifting implying deliberate rejection of the benefits of modern civilization should undoubtedly be viewed as one of such processes. In various countries and corners of the planet, the scale of the development of downshifting has now acquired such a great magnitude that acting like nothing is happening would be both impossible and wrong. Meanwhile, an unequivocal perception of downshifting as an exclusively favorable or unfavorable process has not yet formed in society. In this context, attempts at measuring and statistically evaluating the various parameters of downshifting draw great interest from the point of science and practice. However, it has to be admitted that statistical science somewhat lags behind the present demands and needs of society since the system of downshifting indicators providing its comprehensive characteristic and allowing for a relatively clear answer to the question of the actual role of such an unusual social process has not yet been developed. In this context, the present article examines the specific characteristics of the quantitative analysis of downshifting, analyses various approaches to creating a downshifting statistics indicator system, and presents the authors’ propositions considering the structure and components of the system of downshifting indicators allowing not only comprehensively demonstrating the scale, structure, distribution, and intensity of this process, but also addressing its socio-economic results and consequences.En el siglo XXI, se están generalizando cada vez más los nuevos procesos sociales que solían considerarse ilógicos, inusuales e incluso imposibles en el pasado reciente. Indudablemente, el cambio descendente que implica el rechazo deliberado de los beneficios de la civilización moderna debe considerarse como uno de esos procesos. En varios países y rincones del planeta, la escala del desarrollo del cambio descendente ha adquirido ahora una magnitud tan grande que actuar como si nada estuviera sucediendo sería imposible e incorrecto. Mientras tanto, todavía no se ha formado en la sociedad una percepción inequívoca de la reducción de marcha como un proceso exclusivamente favorable o desfavorable. En este contexto, los intentos de medir y evaluar estadísticamente los diversos parámetros del cambio descendente despiertan un gran interés desde el punto de vista científico y práctico. Sin embargo, hay que admitir que la ciencia estadística va un poco por detrás de las demandas y necesidades actuales de la sociedad, ya que el sistema de indicadores descendentes proporciona su característica integral y permite una respuesta relativamente clara a la pregunta sobre el papel real de un proceso social tan inusual. aún no se ha desarrollado. En este contexto, el presente artículo examina las características específicas del análisis cuantitativo del downshifting, analiza varios enfoques para la creación de un sistema de indicadores estadísticos de downshifting, y presenta las propuestas de los autores considerando la estructura y componentes del sistema de indicadores de downshifting que permiten no solo de manera integral demostrando la escala, estructura, distribución e intensidad de este proceso, pero también abordando sus resultados y consecuencias socioeconómicas

    Las complejidades de las medidas estadísticas de nuevos procesos sociales: un sistema de indicadores Downshifting

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    En el siglo XXI, se están generalizando cada vez más los nuevos procesos sociales que solían considerarse ilógicos, inusuales e incluso imposibles en el pasado reciente. Indudablemente, el cambio descendente que implica el rechazo deliberado de los beneficios de la civilización moderna debe considerarse como uno de esos procesos. En varios países y rincones del planeta, la escala del desarrollo del cambio descendente ha adquirido ahora una magnitud tan grande que actuar como si nada estuviera sucediendo sería imposible e incorrecto. Mientras tanto, todavía no se ha formado en la sociedad una percepción inequívoca de la reducción de marcha como un proceso exclusivamente favorable o desfavorable. En este contexto, los intentos de medir y evaluar estadísticamente los diversos parámetros del cambio descendente despiertan un gran interés desde el punto de vista científico y práctico. Sin embargo, hay que admitir que la ciencia estadística va un poco por detrás de las demandas y necesidades actuales de la sociedad,ya que el sistema de indicadores descendentes proporciona su característica integral y permite una respuesta relativamente clara a la pregunta sobre el papel real de un proceso social tan inusual. aún no se ha desarrollado. En este contexto, el presente artículo examina las características específicas del análisis cuantitativo del downshifting, analiza varios enfoques para la creación de un sistema de indicadores estadísticos de downshifting, y presenta las propuestas de los autores considerando la estructura y componentes del sistema de indicadores de downshifting que permiten no solo de manera integral demostrando la escala, estructura, distribución e intensidad de este proceso, pero también abordando sus resultados y consecuencias socioeconómica

    Professionally-Oriented Foreign Language Teaching of Master’s Degree Students

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    The issue of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching is relevant for foreign language teachers and for future professionals whose work lies in the field of intercultural communication. Foreign language skills become one of the essential requirements for technical professionals. One can determine the efficiency of the educational process by the educational tools and materials. An urgent task is to develop the standards for foreign language teaching of master’s degree students of engineering specialties. There are typical situations that arise in professional communication in the process of creating a teaching program. Professionals’ requirements regarding speech are taken into account. The method of projects in teaching allows master’s degree students to show independence in planning, organizing, controlling their activities, studying practical problems of modern age by means of a foreign language in the real information space. Designing the teaching program based on new educational standards imposes new requirements on assessing relevant competencies in master’s degree students. Individual work as an integral element of the educational process contributes to the improvement of professional qualifications