606 research outputs found

    The Relationship of Mother’s Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior Regarding Diarrhea with the Number of Diarrhea Toddlers Taken to The Health Facility

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    Introduction: Diarrhea is the second major cause of death in toddlers in developing countries, including Indonesia. The study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of mothers regarding prevention and treatment of diarrhea with the number of toddlers taken to the health facility. Methods: A cross-sectional study was involving 120 mothers who have a child with a history of diarrhea and were recruited using a simple random sampling method. Data were collected using demographic and diarrhea-related questionnaires. Fisher-Exact test was used to analyze data in univariate and bivariate with p-value ≤ 0,05 as the level of significance. Results: Most of the mother’s knowledge, attitudes, and behavior regarding diarrhea were considered fairly good, with the percentage reaching 70,8%; 66,7%; 70,8%, respectively. However, knowledge, attitude, and behavior regarding giving ORS were low. There was a significant relationship between the attitude and behavior of the respondents with the number of diarrhea toddlers taken to health facilities (p = 0,010; p = 0,000), but there was no significant relation with the respondents’ knowledge (p = 0,065). Conclusions: The attitude and behavior of mothers regarding diarrhea significantly affect the number of diarrhea toddlers taken to the health facility. Although the overall knowledge, attitude, and behavior of the mother were considered fairly good, but the knowledge, attitude, and behavior regarding giving ORS were low. Keywords: knowledge – attitudes – behavior - diarrhea – toddlers - health facilitie

    Assessing Community Leadership Collaboration in Bringing About Sanitation in Njinikom, Cameroon

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    The lack of access to improved toilet sanitation remains a major health and environmental hazard in developing nations in the world. Despite global leadership efforts at the level of the United Nations and nongovernmental organizations around the world, diarrhea-related diseases disproportionately affect children. Evidence from the literature suggests that competent and sustained leadership is central to resolving the problem. From a historical perspective, leadership advocacy and engagement prompted the sanitary revolution in the West in the 18th and 19th century that led to the eradication of preventable infectious diseases such as cholera. Integrated leadership that made use of sanitation and water institutions at the national, state, and local levels and structured, skilled, and financial capability helped create an enabling environment for better and sustainable hygiene sanitation in the West. A qualitative approach was used to explore the role of collaborative leadership in enhancing the demand for toilet hygiene in rural Njinikom and the community\u27s perception of the state of sanitation. One-on-one interviews were conducted with 25 adults aged 18 years and above with knowledge and exposure to poor toilet sanitation. Content analysis was used to develop themes and patterns from the data. The findings revealed barriers such as inefficient leadership and limited financial resources that impede adequate feces disposal and motivating factors for better sanitation. The results provided support for a partnership approach that is inclusive, relevant, useful, and sustainable. The implication of the study includes renewed interest in improving toilet sanitation and health and increase understanding of the importance of adequate feces disposal in preventing and eliminating associated fecal-oral diseases

    Analisis Makna Dan Maksud Pada Ungkapan Stiker Humor Bernilai Pendidikan

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    Penelitian ini memiliki 3 tujuan. (1) Untuk mendeskripsikan variasi makna yang terkandung dalam ungkapan stiker humor bernilai pendidikan. (2) Untuk mendeskripsikan maksud-maksud yang terkandung dalam ungkapan stiker humor bernilai pendidikan. (3) Untuk mendeskripsikan tanggapan pembaca terhadap ungkapan stiker humor bernilai pendidikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa ungkapan yang terdapat pada stiker humor yang bernilai pendidikan, sebanyak 15 data. teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode simak dengan teknik lanjutan yang berupa teknik catat. Untuk mengetahui variasi makna menggunakan metode agih dengan teknik dasar Bagi Unsur Langsung (BUL) dan teknik lanjutan yaitu dengan teknik lesap, perluas, ganti, parafrase. Untuk mngetahui maksud-maksud ungkapan menggunakan metode padan dengan teknik dasar yaitu teknik Pilah Unsur Penentu (PUP) dan teknik lanjutan referensial dan pragmatik. Menggunakan teknik wawancara untuk mengetahui tanggapan pembaca terhadap ungkapan stiker. Hasil penelitian ini ada 3. (1) Variasi makna pada ungkapan stiker humor bernilai pendidikan, yaitu berupa makna konotatif dan makna emotif. Makna konotatif yaitu makna yang mengacu pada hal-hal negatif sejumlah 8 stiker. Makna emotif yaitu makna yang mengacu pada hal-hal positif berjumlah 7 stiker. (2) Maksud-maksud ungkapan stiker humor yang bernilai pendidikan diketahui bahwa penutur melakukan tindak ilokusi yaitu, ilokusi asertif dan ilokusi direktif. Ilokusi asertif yang berupa maksud sindiran berjumlah 7 stiker, maksud menguatkan berjumlah 1 stiker, dan maksud pemberitahuan ada 2 stiker. Ilokusi derektif yang berupa nasihat terdapat 3 stiker dan dengan maksud mengajak terdapat 2 stiker. (3) Tanggapan pembaca terhadap stiker humor bernilai pendidikan terbagi menjadi 3 tanggapan. (1) Bagus dan bernilai positif berjumlah 3 tanggapan. (2) Bagus dan bermanfaat berjumlah 3 tanggapan. (3) Setuju stiker itu dikembangkan berjumlah 1 tanggapan

    Influence of Paylater and Flashsale on Impulse Buying Behavior among Adult Women in Semarang City

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    The development of digital technology has introduced Paylater as a payment system that allows purchases to be made in period of payment. Flash sale is a marketing strategy where products or services are offered at a highly discounted price for a limited time. Paylater services and discount offers in Flashsale sales can encourage consumer behavior by providing flexible payment options and getting low prices. This research uses Multiple Linear Regression method by distributing questionnaires to a sample of 30 adult women aged 19-44 years in Semarang City. The results of this study indicate that Paylater and Flashsale, individually, have a positive and significant influence of 52.5% and 43% respectively on Impulse Buying behavior. Additionally, they have a simultaneous influence of 26.3% on Impulse Buying behavior. This means that payment through Paylater and flash sale moments trigger consumers to engage in Impulse Buying

    Demand for Sanitation and Hygiene in Rural Households in Cameroon: Case ofNjinikom Village

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    Inadequate sanitation and hygiene remain a major health concern in the world today with ill effects that are particularly debilitating in developing nations. Preventable diseases related to poor sanitation (inadequate human waste disposal) and lack of hygiene are estimated to kill some 3900 children daily and are the leading causes of increasing morbidity and mo1iality among the poor in the world. The issue of inadequate sanitation and hygiene has been construed as a problem of the poor. ln the impoverished village of Njinikom in Cameroon, the lack of access to basic sanitation and hygiene is apparent in the practice of open defecation. This situation is made worse as most of the residents rely on running streams and spring water for cooking, laundry, bathing and other domestic chores. Because poor sanitation and hygiene is regarded as a major risk factor in the spread of infectious diseases transmitted through fecal-oral contact, improving access to basic sanitation and hygiene will go a long way to reduce the spread of diseases and the prevalence of morbidity and mortality associated with such diseases. There is a dearth of information related to sanitation and hygiene practices, and an absence of demographical data related to birth rate, morbidity, mortality, child welfare, infant and maternal mortality in Njinikom, reflecting a national trend in Cameroon


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    The growth of pay later services is expanding with many financial and fintech companies offering them. E-commerce platforms, retail stores, and payment service providers have also started providing pay later options to their customers. Pay later services play an important role in the industrial era 4.0 by providing flexibility and ease of payment integrated with developments in digital technology. Pay later is increasingly connected to popular apps and platforms, including digital wallets, e-commerce apps, and online payment platforms. This makes it easier for consumers to use pay later services when shopping or making transactions. The advantages and conveniences offered by pay later are very attractive. Impulse buying which refers to buying goods or services that are made suddenly, spontaneously, and without careful planning, often occurs because of an emotional impulse, sudden desire, or stimulation from external factors such as promotions or discount offers. In this case, to what extent is the pay later's influence on buying behavior

    Protective coatings on medical implants by reactive diffusion

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    Wear resistant and corrosion resistant surfaces are important for medical implants. Wear resistance is especially important for articulating surfaces in load bearing applications such as total hip and total knee replacements. Metal-on- polyethylene bearings result in relative large volumetric wear, ceramics such as alumina have an excellent wear resistance but are brittle, metal-on-metal bearings have good wear resistance, but release nanometric debris and ions that may cause allergy or have toxic effects. Hard ceramic coatings on metal substrates may be a good solution: low wear and low ion release and ductile metal alloy interior—no danger of brittle fracture and easy shaping. Ti alloys such as for example Ti–6Al–4 have the best combination of mechanical properties and biocompatibility, but have very poor wear resistance, Co–Cr–Mo have good wear resistance, but may cause allergy. TiN hard coatings deposited on Ti alloys by PVD have relatively poor adhesion to the substrate as a result limited durability