19 research outputs found

    Social and environmental sustainability model on consumers’ altruism, green purchase intention, green brand loyalty, and evangelism

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    Across the globe, the awareness for environmental degradation and its harmful effects is rapidly growing. The whole world has come together to work in the direction to protect the environment. Consumers are increasingly becoming cautious towards the impact of their consumption pattern on environment and organisations can attain a competitive edge by leveraging this cautiousness by offering them green products/brands. However, it is importance for the marketers to understand that how increasing levels of sustainability awareness impacts other factors which explain pro-environmental behaviour of customers. To fill the existing gap in the current literature in this regard, the current study aims to build a structural model which includes social and environmental sustainability awareness in measuring customer altruism, buying intention, loyalty and customer evangelism. The theoretical model extends the existing framework of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and explores the decision-making framework regarding ethical behaviour. Through existing literature review and expert input, the indicators (variables) for each construct were recognised. After that, data was collected from 331 respondents through a structurally designed questionnaire; the hypothetical model was test using the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique. The findings of the study indicate that sustainability awareness positively influence the consumer altruism which in turn enhances the consumer purchase intention, green brand loyalty and green brand evangelism and altruism can and can bridge value-action gap for green brands. Current analysis supports the view that there are significant positive associations among the identified constructs.N/

    A new holistic conceptual framework for green supply chain management performance assessment based on circular economy

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    WOS: 000440390900110In circular economy, the Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) provides the resource optimization and it is seen as a solution to solve environmental problems and consumption patterns within the whole supply chain. The GSCM implementation and performance assessment is relatively important for survival in an ever-increasingly competitive environment. Within the circular economy context; companies that aim to improve GSCM must constantly monitor their performance. In order to integrate the circular economy concept into GSCM, it is required to achieve an optimal balance of environmental, economic, logistics, organizational, and marketing performance indicators. However, in the literature, these indicators were investigated separately in terms of GSCM performance assessment, therefore, to achieve this optimal balance, it is necessary to assess these different indicators. Within this context, the aim of this paper is to propose a new holistic conceptual GSCM performance assessment framework which integrates environmental, economic, logistics, operational, organizational and marketing performance. The framework has three-dimensional hierarchy which includes the main criteria, sub-criteria, and the measures for the GSCM performance assessment which have great significance to implement effective GSCM. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Fuzzy DEMATEL-based green supply chain management performance: Application in cement industry

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    WOS: 000426531500005Purpose Performance assessment of green supply chain management (GSCM) requires a systematic approach because of its interdisciplinary and multi-objective nature. The purpose of this paper is to propose a model to the performance assessment of GSCM. Design/methodology/approach A model is proposed, grounded on a literature review on GSCM performance, after which the causal relationships and prioritization of the sub-criteria are analyzed by fuzzy Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory technique in a company operating in the cement industry. Findings An integrated holistic performance assessment model incorporating specifically six criteria and 21 sub-criteria is applied, which represents causal relationships and prioritization of sub-criteria. Research limitations/implications The proposed model can be generalized, because an integrative framework can be used in future empirical studies to analyze performance of GSCM. However, the causal relationships and prioritization among sub-criteria are analyzed based on the needs and capabilities of the individual company; therefore, the causal relationships found are company specific. Practical implications The proposed model can be hired and implemented by companies striving for GSCM. This model allows companies to assess their current GSCM performance, analyze causal relationships, and prioritize sub-criteria. Originality/value Several studies have analyzed performance assessment in green supply chains; however, to the best of the authors' knowledge, no study has taken an approach to performance assessment in GSCM that combines environmental, economics/financial, logistics, operational, organizational and marketing in the same framework. In addition, the cause-effect relationships identified will be the base for performance improvement

    Understanding consumers' purchase intentions toward natural-claimed products: A qualitative research in personal care products

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    WOS: 000483696100021In recent years there is a trend of consuming natural products for a sustainable and healthier life. Therefore, firms began aligning their strategy with sustainability by communication strategies that they produce natural products, which are better for health as well as the environmental sustainability. However, sometimes these claims may be deceptive. The purpose of this paper is to understand the consumers' purchasing intentions toward products claiming naturalness in their advertising and packaging strategies. This research also examined greenwashing perceptions and their potential roles in purchasing intentions. In-depth face-to-face interviews carried out with 20 Turkish women regarding personal care products (local brand and international brand). The findings of the interviews revealed eight themes (perceived greenwashing, perceived green image, price perception, environmental concern, green trust, skepticism, perceived risk, and purchase intention). This study contributes to predict a framework from consumer viewpoint for identifying the themes related to greenwashing

    A conceptual framework for the mediating role of the flow experience between destination brand experience and destination loyalty

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    The global tourism economy has created a competitive industry, and the customer experience in destination branding has emerged as a competitive tool for practitioners. It has also been attracting attention in the tourism literature. Individuals who experience high degrees of flow tend to feel more engaged in activities during their travel experiences. However, the antecedents of the flow experience and its outcomes are still limited in the literature. Considering the gaps in the literature, this study is aimed at developing a conceptual model for the mediating effect of the flow experience on the relationship between destination brand experience and destination loyalty by reviewing the extant literature. Accordingly, it has been conceptualized that the relationship between destination brand experience and the outcomes, such as satisfaction and loyalty is mediated by the destination perceived flow

    Analysing flow experience on repurchase intention in e-retailing during COVID-19

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    Purpose The aim of this paper is to analyse the effects of flow experience on repurchase intention. In this context, this paper examines the mediating role of e-customer satisfaction during COVID-19 pandemic. This study is based on flow theory using two consequent factors, which have not been investigated together previously. Design/methodology/approach A questionnaire consisted of flow experience dimensions and e-customer satisfaction, repurchase intention. An online survey was conducted with 478 consumers who experienced flow in online shopping. Exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modelling were used to test research hypotheses. The research study data were collected between 20 March and 31 May 2020, during the spread of COVID-19. Findings Telepresence, concentration and control dimensions of flow experience have a significant effect on e-customer satisfaction. In addition, it was determined that the change in repurchase intention was caused by concentration and telepresence dimensions of flow experience. Therefore, it was found that e-customer satisfaction has a significant effect on repurchase intention. As a result, it was determined that e-customer satisfaction has a partial mediating role in the effect of flow experience dimensions of telepresence, concentration and control, and a full mediating role in the effect of flow experience dimension of time distortion on repurchase intention. Research limitations/implications The limitations of the study are that research was conducted on only one retail company and a limited number of participants were reached. In addition, some flow experience dimensions were excluded in the study, constituting another limitation. Originality/value This paper contributes flow theory literature by modelling flow dimensions as an independent variable that affects e-customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. In addition, different dimensions of flow experience in online retailing have been discussed, and no study has been found that discusses flow experience dimensions (goal clarity, enjoyment, curiosity, control, telepresence, time distortion, concentration) together. This study conducted during COVID-19 pandemic would produce a different perspective on flow experience in e-retailin

    A conceptual framework for barriers of circular supply chains for sustainability in the textile industry

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    Yarimoglu, Emel/0000-0002-0484-5006; Kazancoglu, Ipek/0000-0001-8251-5451; Kazancoglu, Yigit/0000-0001-9199-671XWOS: 000551087300001Circular economy is a contemporary concept including usage of renewable materials and technologies. the transition to the circular economy creates value through closed-loop systems, reverse logistics, eco-design, product life cycle management, and clean production. the aim of the study was to propose a holistic conceptual framework for barriers of circular supply chain for sustainability in the textile industry. Within this aim, an in-depth literature review on barriers was conducted by covering all supply chain stages and circular initiatives in textile industry. Then, a focus group study was implemented. in the focus group study, barriers related to supply chains that prevent companies to implement the circular economy were discussed and validated. As a result, a total of 25 barriers were classified under nine main categories such as (a) management and decision-making, (b) labour, (c) design challenges, (d) materials, (e) rules and regulations, (f) lack of knowledge and awareness, (g) lack of integration and collaboration, (h) cost, and (i) technical infrastructure

    Circular economy and the policy: A framework for improving the corporate environmental management in supply chains

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    Sagnak, Muhittin/0000-0002-0799-0348; Kazancoglu, Yigit/0000-0001-9199-671X; KUMAR MANGLA, SACHIN/0000-0001-7166-5315; Kazancoglu, Ipek/0000-0001-8251-5451WOS: 000577676200001The transition to the circular economy (CE) creates value through the closed-loop systems, reverse logistics, product life cycle management, and clean production in terms of corporate environmental management. During this transition process, the organization faces many barriers such as financial, organizational, technology-based, social, policy-related, market-based, and logistics-based barriers. the objectives of this study are to propose a framework highlighting policy-related barriers for a supply chain in the transition to CE and finally discuss potential implications on enhancing corporate environmental performance of a business. Further, this study evaluates the causal relationships between the policy-related barriers using fuzzy Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method. the application was conducted in an apparel firm in Turkey. From findings, lack of legislation for efficient CE (C4), lack of mandatory requirements and responsibilities for manufacturers/suppliers for the CE (C17), and lack of government support for environmentally friendly policies (C2) are revealed as the most important barriers, respectively. It is found that lack of attitude and awareness about CE in government institutions (C19) is the most influencing factor, whereas lack of effective recycling policies to achieve quality in waste management (C8) is the most influenced factor. the recommendations were developed for enhancing the corporate environmental performance of businesses through incentives and unique rewards, improving communication among stakeholders, the government's perception of CE and current linear economy, cooperation with nongovernmental organization (NGOs) and civil actions, the vision of government towards circular principles, the circular public procurement, the local governments in circular policymaking, and awareness of bureaucracy and government officials

    Food waste management in the retail sector: challenges that hinder transition to circular economy

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    The retail sector is one of the growing sectors all over the world. As the sector grows, the amount of food waste generated increases, and waste management becomes more complicated day by day. The amount of waste produced, especially in the food retail sector, shows how much waste management policies should be planned. However, waste management policies cannot be carried out effectively in the food retail sector, especially in emerging economies. Since waste management is not well planned, it faces many difficulties in recycling activities. For this purpose, the study aims to investigate the challenges encountered in the inability to evaluate food wastes in the retail sector within the framework of circular economy to highlight retailer markets to have effective waste management policies. For this reason, 16 challenges of food waste management were listed, and the relations of these challenges with each other were analyzed with the fuzzy TISM method. As a result of the study, challenges are determined as the most crucial issues for food waste management in the retail sector. As managerial and policy implications, suggestions are made on the necessity of new policies, the usability of Industry 4.0 technologies for the problem, i.e. in the retail sector