165 research outputs found

    First Italian outbreak of VIM-producing Serratia marcescens in an adult polyvalent intensive care unit, August-October 2018: A case report and literature review

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    Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae has become a significant public health concern as hospital outbreaks are now being frequently reported and these organisms are becoming difficult to treat with the available antibiotics

    Commissioning and Field Tests of a Van-Mounted System for the Detection of Radioactive Sources and Special Nuclear Material

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    MODES-SNM project aimed at developing a mobile/portable modular detection system for radioactive sources and Special Nuclear Material (SNM). Its main goal was to deliver a tested prototype capable of passively detecting weak or shielded radioactive sources with accuracy higher than that of currently available systems. By the end of the project all the objectives have been successfully achieved. Results from the laboratory commissioning and the field tests are presented in this publication

    A hybrid BAC physical map of potato: a framework for sequencing a heterozygous genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Potato is the world's third most important food crop, yet cultivar improvement and genomic research in general remain difficult because of the heterozygous and tetraploid nature of its genome. The development of physical map resources that can facilitate genomic analyses in potato has so far been very limited. Here we present the methods of construction and the general statistics of the first two genome-wide BAC physical maps of potato, which were made from the heterozygous diploid clone RH89-039-16 (RH).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>First, a gel electrophoresis-based physical map was made by AFLP fingerprinting of 64478 BAC clones, which were aligned into 4150 contigs with an estimated total length of 1361 Mb. Screening of BAC pools, followed by the KeyMaps <it>in silico </it>anchoring procedure, identified 1725 AFLP markers in the physical map, and 1252 BAC contigs were anchored the ultradense potato genetic map. A second, sequence-tag-based physical map was constructed from 65919 whole genome profiling (WGP) BAC fingerprints and these were aligned into 3601 BAC contigs spanning 1396 Mb. The 39733 BAC clones that overlap between both physical maps provided anchors to 1127 contigs in the WGP physical map, and reduced the number of contigs to around 2800 in each map separately. Both physical maps were 1.64 times longer than the 850 Mb potato genome. Genome heterozygosity and incomplete merging of BAC contigs are two factors that can explain this map inflation. The contig information of both physical maps was united in a single table that describes hybrid potato physical map.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The AFLP physical map has already been used by the Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium for sequencing 10% of the heterozygous genome of clone RH on a BAC-by-BAC basis. By layering a new WGP physical map on top of the AFLP physical map, a genetically anchored genome-wide framework of 322434 sequence tags has been created. This reference framework can be used for anchoring and ordering of genomic sequences of clone RH (and other potato genotypes), and opens the possibility to finish sequencing of the RH genome in a more efficient way via high throughput next generation approaches.</p

    Microsatellite isolation and marker development in carrot - genomic distribution, linkage mapping, genetic diversity analysis and marker transferability across Apiaceae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Apiaceae family includes several vegetable and spice crop species among which carrot is the most economically important member, with ~21 million tons produced yearly worldwide. Despite its importance, molecular resources in this species are relatively underdeveloped. The availability of informative, polymorphic, and robust PCR-based markers, such as microsatellites (or SSRs), will facilitate genetics and breeding of carrot and other Apiaceae, including integration of linkage maps, tagging of phenotypic traits and assisting positional gene cloning. Thus, with the purpose of isolating carrot microsatellites, two different strategies were used; a hybridization-based library enrichment for SSRs, and bioinformatic mining of SSRs in BAC-end sequence and EST sequence databases. This work reports on the development of 300 carrot SSR markers and their characterization at various levels.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Evaluation of microsatellites isolated from both DNA sources in subsets of 7 carrot F<sub>2 </sub>mapping populations revealed that SSRs from the hybridization-based method were longer, had more repeat units and were more polymorphic than SSRs isolated by sequence search. Overall, 196 SSRs (65.1%) were polymorphic in at least one mapping population, and the percentage of polymophic SSRs across F<sub>2 </sub>populations ranged from 17.8 to 24.7. Polymorphic markers in one family were evaluated in the entire F<sub>2</sub>, allowing the genetic mapping of 55 SSRs (38 codominant) onto the carrot reference map. The SSR loci were distributed throughout all 9 carrot linkage groups (LGs), with 2 to 9 SSRs/LG. In addition, SSR evaluations in carrot-related taxa indicated that a significant fraction of the carrot SSRs transfer successfully across Apiaceae, with heterologous amplification success rate decreasing with the target-species evolutionary distance from carrot. SSR diversity evaluated in a collection of 65 <it>D. carota </it>accessions revealed a high level of polymorphism for these selected loci, with an average of 19 alleles/locus and 0.84 expected heterozygosity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The addition of 55 SSRs to the carrot map, together with marker characterizations in six other mapping populations, will facilitate future comparative mapping studies and integration of carrot maps. The markers developed herein will be a valuable resource for assisting breeding, genetic, diversity, and genomic studies of carrot and other Apiaceae.</p

    Assignment of genetic linkage maps to diploid Solanum tuberosum pachytene chromosomes by BAC-FISH technology

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    A cytogenetic map has been developed for diploid potato (Solanum tuberosum), in which the arms of the 12 potato bivalents can be identified in pachytene complements using multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with a set of 60 genetically anchored bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones from the RHPOTKEY BAC library. This diagnostic set of selected BACs (five per chromosome) hybridizes to euchromatic regions and corresponds to well-defined loci in the ultradense genetic map, and with these probes a new detailed and reliable pachytene karyotype could be established. Chromosome size has been estimated both from microscopic length measurements and from 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole fluorescence-based DNA content measurements. In both approaches, chromosome 1 is the largest (100–115 Mb) and chromosome 11 the smallest (49–53 Mb). Detailed measurements of mega-base-pair to micrometer ratios have been obtained for chromosome 5, with average values of 1.07 Mb/μm for euchromatin and 3.67 Mb/μm for heterochromatin. In addition, our FISH results helped to solve two discrepancies in the potato genetic map related to chromosomes 8 and 12. Finally, we discuss the significance of the potato cytogenetic map for extended FISH studies in potato and related Solanaceae, which will be especially beneficial for the potato genome-sequencing project